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"How Do I Pronounce Hard Bible Names and Words?"
Did you ever ask "how do you pronounce..." concerning a bible name? You can perfect your Bible words pronunciation and know how to say most of them correctly. You are encouraged to turn on your audio, then read on and discover how you can help yourself pronounce many bible words. Hope you enjoy pronouncing the words yourself reading the grey hyperlinks. Sometimes you might ask, "How do you pronounce ...?" or "How do I pronounce?" or "What's the pronunciation of ..." So, if you would like to hear audio of the biblical words pronounced, and you have know how to pronounce them, just click the links. Bible words can be extremely difficult to pronounce, so it helps us to hear them spoken correctly by audio. When you are in a group of people, you could be the only person who knows exactly the way the Biblical words should be pronounced!
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Aaron EHR-uhn, Abana AB-uh-nuh, Abba AB-uh, Abednego uh-BEHD-nee-go, Abel-Keramin AY-b'l-KEHR-uh-mihn, Abel-Meholah AY-b'l-mee-HO-lah, Abiathar uh-BAI-uh-ther, Abiel AY-bee-ehl, Abiezrite ay-bai-EHZ-rait, Abijah ab-uh-LEE-neh, Abilene uh-BAI-dzhuh, Abimelech uh-BIHM-uh-lehk, Abinadab uh-BIHN-uh-dab, Abishai uh-BIH SH-ay-ai, Abiud uh-BAI-uhd, Abraham AY-bruh-ham, Abram AY-bruh-ham, Absalom AB-suh-luhm, Abyss uh-BIHS, Acacia uh-KAY-shuh, Achaia uh-KAY-yuh, Achbor AK-bawr, Achim AY-kihm, Aeneas uh-NEE-uhs, Agabus AG-uh-buhs, Agag AY-gag, Agrippa uh-GRIH-puh, Ahab AY-hab, Ahasuerus ay-HAS-eeoo-EHR-uhs, Ahaz AY-haz, Ahaziah ay-haz-AI-uh, Ahijah Ahiah uh-HAI-dzhuh, Ahikam uh-HAI-kam, Ahiqar Ahikar uh-hee-KAR, Ai AY-ee, Alexandria al-ehg-ZAN-dree-uh, Alleluia ah-lay-LOO-yuh, Aloes AL-oz, Alpha AHL-fuh, Alphaeus AL-fee-uhs, Amalek AM-uh-lehk, Amalekites AM-uh-luh-kaits, Amaziah am-uh-ZAI-uh, Amen ah-MEHN, Amittai uh-MIH-tai, Amminadab ah-MIHN-uh-dab, Ammonite AM-uh-nait, Amorite AM-uh-rait, Amos AY-muhs, Amoz AY-muhz, Ampliatus am-plee-AY-tuhs, Anakim , Ananias an-uh-NAI-uhs, Anathoth AN-uh-thahth, Andronicus an-draw-NAI-kuhs, Angela Merici AN-dzheh-luh_meh-REE-tshee, Annas AN-uhs, Anselm AN-sehlm, Ansgar ANS-gahr, Antichrist AN-tih-kraist, Antioch AN-tih-ahk, Antiochus an-TAI-uh-kuhs, Aphek AY-phek, Aphiah uh-FAI-uh, Apocrypha uh-PAH-krih-fuh, Apollos uh-PAH-luhs, Apostasy uh-PAHS-tuh-see, Apphia AF-ee-uh, Appius AP-ee-uhs, Aquila uh-KWIHL-uh, Aquinas uh-KWAI-nuhs, Arab EHR-uhb
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Shanghai-based artist Yu Jiade's interpretation of Jesus as The Good Shepherd |
Arabah EHR-uh-buh, Aram AY-ram, Aramean ehr-uh-MEE-uhn, Araunah uh-RAW-nuh, Archelaus ahr-kee-LAY-uhs, Archippus ahr-KIHP-uhs, Areopagus ehr-ee-AH-puh-guhs, Arimathea ehr-uh-muh-THEE-uh, Aristarchus ehr-ihs-TAHR-kuhs, Aroer uh-RO-er, Artaxerxes agr-tak-SERK-seez, Asa AY-suh, Asahel A-suh-hehl, Asaph AY-saf, Asher ASH-er, Ashpenaz ASH-pee-naz, Ashtaroth ASH-tahr-awth, Asmodeus az-mo-DEE-uhs, Aspens AS-pehnz, Asser AS-er, Assisi uh-SEE-zee, Assyria a-SIHR-ee-uh, Astarte as-TAHR-tee, Athalia ath-uh-LAI-uh, Athanasius ath-uh-NAY-shuhs, Attalia at-TAH-lee-uh, Augustine uh-GUHS-tihn, Aven AY-vn, Avila AH-vih-luh, Azariah az-uh-RAI-uh, Azor AY-sawr, Azotus uh-ZO-tus, AzzurAZ-er
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Bible Pronunciation:
This site is to assist in knowing how to pronounce difficult terms from Bible times. If you like it, please tell your friends about it. How about linking to it? There are links on this page to put it in your favorites, so that the next time you say, "How to pronounce...?" it will be right there in your favorites!!! I used to feel awkward reading these names, not knowing the right pronunciation of each word. Now I don't worry about how to say it, or how to pronounce it. It gives me a great sense of responsibility, knowing that I am treating the Word of God responsibly. |
How to say "B" Bible words:

Baal BAY-uhl, Baal-Shalishah BAY-uhl-shuh-LAI-shuh, Baal-Zephon BAY-uhl-ZEE-fuhn, Baasha BAY-uh-shuh, Babel BAY-bl, Babylon BAB-ih-luhn, Babylonian bab-ih-LO-nih-uhn, Bahurim bah-HOOR-ihm, Balaam BAY-lm, Balak BAY-lak, Balamon BAL-uh-muhn, Baptize bap-TAIZ, Barabbas , Barak BEHR-ak, Barnabas BAHR-nuh-buhs, Barsabbas BAHR-suh-buhs, Bartholomew bar-THAHL-uh-myoo, Bartimaeus bar-tih-MEE-uhs, Baruch BEHR-ook, Bashan BAY-shan, Bathsheba bath-SHEE-buh, Bdellium DEHL-yoom, Becket BEHK-eht, Becorath bee-KO-rath, Bede beed, Beelzebul bee-EHL-zee-buhl, Beer-Lahairoi BEE-er-luh-HAI-roi, Beer-Sheba BEE-er-SHEE-buh, Bellarmine BEHL-er-mihn, Belshazzar behl-SHAZ-er, Benedict BEHN-eh-dihkt, Benjaminite BEHN-dzhuh-mihn-ait, Beor BEE-awr, Berechiah behr-ehk-AI-uh, Bethany BEHTH-uh-nee, Bethel BETH-el, Bethesda beh-THEHZ-duh, Bethlehem BEHTH-leh-hehm, Beth-Millo BEHTH-mihl-o, Beth-Peor behth-PEE-awr, Bethphage BEHTH-fuh-dzhee, Bethsaida behth-SAY-ih-duh, Bethulia bee-THOO-lee-uh, Beth-Zur behth-ZER, Bethrothed bee-trothd, Bildad BIHL-dad, Bithynia BIHL-dad, Bitumen bih-TYOO-mn, Blase blayz, Boanerges bo-uh-NER-dzheez, Boaz BO-az, Bonaventure bah-nuh-VEHN-tsher, Booths bouths, Borromeo baw-ro-MAY-o, Bosco BAHS-ko, Brazier BRAY-zher, Bridget BRIH-dzhet, Brigand BRIH-gnd, Brindisi brihn-DEE-zee, Bullock BUL-uhk
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Bible Pronunciation: When wanting to know how to say words, you can read it, click to listen, and then say it correctly. Here's the solution to "How to say ...?" Do this as many times as you feel necessary. You will probably be the only person in the room who knows how to say it right! |
Remember to turn the computer audio switch on, so that you can hear the correct pronunciations. How to pronounce them will then become easy!
How to Pronounce "C" Bible names:

Caesar Augustus SEE-zer-uh-GUHS-tuhs, Caesarea Philippi zeh-suh-REE-uh-fil-LIH-pai, Caiaphas KAY-uh-fuhs, Cain kayn, Cajetan KADZH-uh-tuhn, Calasanz KAL-uh-sahnz, Caleb KAY-lehb, Callistus cuh-LIHS-tuhs, Calneh KAHL-nuh, Camillus de Lellis cuh-MIHL-uhs-deh-LEHL-ihs, Cana KAY-nuh, Canaan KAY-nuhn, Canaanites KAY-nuh-naits, Candace kan-DAY-see, Canisius kuh-NEE-shuhs, Capernaum kuh-PERR-nay-uhm, Capistrano kah-pih-STRAHNO, Cappadocia kap-ih-DO-shee-uh, Carians KAY-rih-uhnz, Carmel kahr-NEEL-yuhn, Carnelian kahr-NEEL-yuhn, Carpus KAHR-puhs, Casimir KAZ-ih-mer, Cecilia suh-SEEL-yuh, Cenacle SEHN-uh-kl, Cenchreae SEHN-kree-ay, Census SEHN-suhs, Centurion sehn-TSHOOR-ee-uhn, Cephas SEE-fuhs, Chaldeans kal-DEE-uhnz, Chebar KEE-bahr, Chemosh KEE-mahsh, Cherubim TSHEHR-oo-bihm, Chilion KIHL-ee-ahn, Chislev KIHS-lehv, Chloe KLO-ee, Chorazin kor-AY-sihn, Chrism KRIH-sm, Chronicles KRAH-nih-kulz, Chrysologus kirh-SAHL-uh-guhs, Chrysostom KRIHS-uhs-tuhm, Chuza KOO-zuh, Cilicia sih-LIHSH-ee-uh, Claret KLEHR-eht, Claudius KLAW-dee-oos, Cleopas KLEE-o-pas, Clopas KLO-pas, Colossae ko-LAH-see+or+koh-LOSS-ee, Colossians kuh-LAH-shihnz, Columban kuh-LUHM-bun, Coriander kawr-ee-AN-der, Corinth KAWR-ihnth, Corinthian kawr-IHN-thee-uhn, Cornelius kawr-NEE-lee-uhs, Cosmas KAHZ-muhs, Counselor KAUN-seh-ler, Covenant KUH-vah-nunt, Crescens KREH-sihns, Cretans KREE-tihnz, Crete kreet, Crispus KRIHS-puhs, Cushite CUHSH-ait, Cyprian SIH-pree-un, Cyprus SAI-pruhs, Cyrene sai-REE-neh, Cyrenean sai-REE-nih-uhn, Cyrenian sai-REE-nih-uhn, Cyrus SAI-ruhs
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So, how to pronounce Bible words clearly and confidently? There are basically three ways: practice, practice and practice! Practice speaking each word clearly with correct pronunciation, )and of course audio).
There is much more to the pronunciation of a biblical term than its individual sounds. How the audio sounds are organized plays a greater role in communication than the sounds themselves. Two major organizing structures are rhythm and intonation.
"My sheep know my voice," the Lord said. Have you ever observed that it is not as much WHAT you say, as HOW you say it? That's one way I think this audio Bible pronunciation site can be good for you. How to pronounce biblical words is an important topic.
In Bible Pronunciation, when you use correct tone and know how to pronounce, it tells your listeners that they can trust you for accuracy and truth. In fact, studies show that over 90% of our communication happens apart from our words!
Today, listen to the way highly successful people talk. Do you hear the way they pronounce their words correctly? Bible pronunciation should be correct!
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Dalmatia dal-MAY-shih-uh, Damaris DAM-uh-rihs, Damascene DAM-uh-seen, Damascus duh-MAS-kuhs, Danites DAN-aits, Darius duh-RAI-uhs, de-Chantal deh-shahn-TAHL, Demas DEE-mas, Derbe DER-bee, Deuteronomy dou-ter-ON-uh-mee, Diadem DAI-uh-dehm, Dionysius dai-o-NIHSH-ih-uhs, Diotrephes dee-AHT-rehf-ehz, Disciples dih-SAI-pulz, Dorcas DAWR-kuhs, Dothan DO-thuhn, Dromedary DRAH-muh-dher-ee
How to Say Words in the Bible
Bible pronunciation is an integral part of Bible Reading. The abandonment of bible pronunciation attention has been based on the mistaken belief that bible pronunciation means only sounds. As I have tried to show here, the scope of bible pronunciation is much broader than an inventory and description of sounds. It embraces the elements of God's way of doing things, and they function in the communication process. Thus, any speaker with a goal of learning how to pronounce Biblical words for communicative purposes needs to learn the rhythm and intonation of speaking the words. I hope this page helps provide the solution to "How do I pronounce it? "
How Do You Pronounce "E" Bible words?
Ebed-Melech EE-behd-MEE-lehk , Ebenezer eh-behn-EE-zer, Ecbatana ehk-BAT-uh-nuh, Ecclesiastes eh-klee-sih-AS-teez, Eden EE-dn, Edom EE-duhm, Elamite EE-luh-mait, Eldad EHL-dad, Eleazar ehl-ee-AY-zer, Electrum ee-LEHK-truhm, Eli EE-lai, Eli Lema Sabachthani AY-lee_luh-MAH_sah-BAHK-tah-nee, Eliab ee-LAI-ab, Eliakim ee-LAI-uh-kihm, Eliezer ehl-ih-EE-zer, Elihu ee-LAI-hyoo, Elijah ee-LAI-dzhuh, Elim EE-lihm, Elimelech ee-LIHM-eh-lehk, Eliphaz EHL-ee-fahz, Elisha ee-LAI-shuh, Eliud ee-LAI-uhd, Elizabeth ee-LIHZ-uh-bth, Elkanah el-KAY-nuh, Elnathan el-NAY-thn, Eloi Lama Sabechthani AY-lo-ee_LAH-mah_sah-BAHK-tah-nee, Elymais ehl-ih-MAY-ihs, Emiliani eh-MIL-ee-an, Emmanuel eh-MAN-yoo-ehl, Emmaus eh-MAY-uhs, Enoch EE-nawk, Epaenetus ee-PEE-nee-tuhs, Epah EE-puh, Epaphras EH-puh-fras, Epaphroditus ee-paf-ro-DAI-tuhs, Ephah EE-fuh, Ephesians eh-FEE-zhuhnz, Ephesus EH-fuh-suhs, Ephphatha EHF-uh-thuh, Ephphathy EHF-uh-thee, Ephraim EE-fray-ihm, Ephraimite EE-fray-ihm-ait, Ephratha EHF-ruh-thuh, Ephrathah EHF-ruh-thuh, Ephrem EHF-rehm, Ephron EE-frawn, Epiphanes eh-PIHF-uh-neez, Erastus ee-RAS-tuhs, Esau EE-saw, Esther EHS-ter, Ethanim EHTH-uh-nihm, Ethiopia ee-thee-O-pee-uh, Ethiopian ee-thee-O-pee-uhn, Eunuch YOO-nuhk, Euodia yoo-O-dee-uh, Euphrates yoo-FRAY-teez, Eusebius yoo-SEE-bee-uhs, Evangelist eeVAN-dzhuh-lihst, Exodus EHK-so-duhs, Exorcised EHK-sawr-saizd, Expiate EHKS-pee-ayt, Ezechiel eh-ZEE-kee-uhl, Ezra EHZ-ruh
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Remember how God used Esther? She used her words correctly before the King. |
Some words on this page commonly aren't spelled right: bible beble, bibul, bybul, babul, bebul, bable, babel, bebel, bibre, bybre, bibel, bybel, biber, byber, bible, byble, b1b1e, b1ble, bilbe, bbile, ibble bible pronunciation,bible pronunciation, pernunciatiom, how to pronounce pronuniation, prnunciashun, prouncaishun, prunciashon, pernuncaitiom, how to say bible pronuncation, prnuncaishun, prounciashon, pruncaishon, pornunciatiom, pronuncition, prnunciashon, prouncaishon, prunciasion, pornuncaitiom, pronunciaion, prnuncaishon, prounciasion, pruncaision, prunciation, prunciatiom, pronunciatin, prnunciasion, prouncaision, prounciation, pruncaition, pruncaitiom, pronunciatiom, prnuncaision, prnunciation, prouncaition, prunciaton, prounciatiom, pronuncaitiom, ponunciation, prnuncaition, how to say bible prounciaton, pruncaiton, prouncaitiom, plonunciatiom, pronnciation, how to pronounce prnunciaton, prouncaiton, prunciashun, prnunciatiom, plonuncaitiom, pronuciation, prnuncaiton, prounciashun, pruncaishun, prnuncaitiom, pernunciaton, plonuncaition, pernuncaision, pornunciashun, pernuncaiton, plonunciaton, pronuncaition, pornunciasion, pornuncaishun, pernunciashun, plonuncaiton, pronunciaton, pornuncaision, pornunciashon, pernuncaishun, how to pronounce plonunciashun, pronuncaiton, pornuncaishon, pernunciashon, plonuncaishun, how to say bible pronunciashun, pronunciasion, pernuncaishon, plonunciashon, pronuncaishun, pronuncaision, pornunciation, plonuncaishon, pronunciashon, plonunciasion, pornuncaition, pernunciation, pronuncaishon, plonuncaision, pornunciaton, pernuncaition, plonunciation, pernunciasion, pornuncaiton, pronunc1at1on, promunciation, pronunciatino, pronunciatoin, pronunciaiton, pronuncitaion, pronunication, pronucniation seaking, speaing, speaking, speakng, how to say bible speakig, spiqueing, spiqueint, spakeignt, speekeynt, spiakint, spiqueiegng, spekeignt, spiakeynt, speakeyng, speakiegnt, speekeignt, speakeigng, spakeyng, spakiegnt, spiakeignt, spakeigng, spekeyng, how to pronounce spekiegnt, spiqueeignt, spekeigng, speekeyng, speekiegnt, speakiegng, speekeigng, spiakeyng, spiakiegnt, spakiegng, spiakeigng, speakeynt, spiqueiegnt, spekiegng, spiqueeigng, spakeynt, speekiegng, speakeignt, spekeynt, spiaking, spiakiegng, spekint, speekint, spaking, speking, speeking, speakint, spakint, peakng, peaking, peakig, peaing, peekeigng, pekeynt, piakiegnt, pakiegng, piakeigng, peekeynt, piqueiegnt, pekiegng, piqueeigng, piqueing, piakeynt, peakeyng, |
It is important that Bible readers begin to develop their bible pronunciation of names right from the beginning stages. Here I have included phonetic spellings, as well. Bad bible pronunciation habits become hard to change and without comprehensible bible pronunciation, good grammar and sophisticated vocabulary mean little. Without comprehensible bible pronunciation, readers will struggle to communicate successfully. "How do I pronounce Gilgal?" doesn't need to be a problem! Comprehensible bible pronunciation does not mean how to pronounce perfect bible pronunciation. Only a very small portion of Bible readers can develop native-like bible pronunciation, but they can develop comprehensible bible pronunciation. |
- The most important aspects of bible pronunciation of biblical words to focus on are:
Stress and intonation (suprasegmentals)
Sounds of individual vowels, consonants, digraphs, dipthongs and blends
o Vowels are the letter a, e, I, o, u and sometimes y
o Consonants are all the other letters
o Digraphs are two or more letters which blend to make one sound,
such as th, sh, ch, wh, ea in bread.
o Diphthongs are vowel sounds which glide from one sound to
another, such as the sound of oy in boy, ee in tree, ou in shout.
o Blends are two or more letters that are combined but still keep their
individual characteristics, such as bl in blend, sch in school.
Words are made up of sections called syllables. Some words have only one syllable; most words have more. Examples: dog (1 syllable) mo ney (2 syllable) a part ment (3 syllables) In words with more than one syllable, one of those syllables will be said louder and longer than the others.
Examples: MO-ney a-PART-ment
Even one syllable words like “dog” have sliding stress on the syllable.
Example: “Dog“ sounds a little like DAW- uhg
How do you pronounce "G" Bible terms?
Gabbatha GAB-uh-thuh, Gabriel GAY-bree-ul, Gadarene GAD-uh-reen, Gaius GAY-yuhs, Galatan GAL-uh-tuhn, Galatia guh-LAY-shih-uh, Galileans gal-ih-LEE-uhnz, Galilee GAL-ih-lee, Gallio GAL-ih-o, Gamaliel guh-MAY-lih-ehl, Gath GATH, Gaza GAH-zuh, Gehazi gee-HAY-zai, Gehenna geh-HEHN-uh, Genesis gehn-NEHS-uh-reht, Gennesaret gehn-NEHS-uh-reht, Gentiles DZHEHN-tailz, Gera DZHEE-ruh, Gerasenes DZHEHR-uh-seenz, Gerizim dzheh-RAI-sihm, Gethesemani gehth-SEHM-uh-nee, Gibeon GIHB-ee-uhn, Gideon GIHD-ee-uhn, Gilead GIHL-ee-uhd, Gilgal GIHL-gal, Girgashites GER-guh-shaits, God gahd, Golgotha GAHL-guh-thuh, Goliath go-LAI-uhth, Gomorrah guh-MAWR-uh, Gonzaga guhn-ZAH-guh, Goshen GO-shuhn, Gozan GO-zan
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If you have your Bible available, I would ask you to open it to the passage (Mark 5:1-20) which tells us of the marvelous healing of the Gadarene--see/hear the bible pronunciation above--demoniac - when Jesus cast a thousand demons out of one man. It is a very beautiful picture, first of all, of the powerful and sovereign love of God both to find and then to deliver its object. |
Bad Biblical pronunciation of words may confuse people even if you have advanced Bible understanding. We can use simple words that make people understand us but we cannot use "simple bible pronunciation." On the other hand, good Biblical pronunciation will make people understand you easily and be willing to listen to you. And they won't have to ask "How do I pronounce..." any more!!!
How to Say the Bible Pronunciation of "H" Bible names:
Habakkuk huh-BAK-uhk, Habor HAY-bawr, Hadadrimmon hay-dad-RIHM-uhn, Hades HAY-deez, Haggai HAG-ay-ai, Hagur HAH-goor, Halah HAY-luh, Haman HAY-muhn, Hamath HAY-mehth, Hananiah han-uh-NAI-uh, Hannah HAN-uh, Haran HAY-ruhn, Hazael HAZ-ay-ehl, Hebrews HEE-brooz, Hebron HEE-bruhn, Heifer HEH-fer, Hermes HER-meez, Herod HEHR-uhd, Herodian hehr-O-dee-uhn, Herodias hehr-O-dee-uhs, Hezekiah heh-zeh-KAI-uh, Hezikiah heh-zih-KAI-uh, Hezron HEHZ-ruhn, Hilary HIHL-uh-ree, Hilkiah hihl-KAI-uh, Hippolytus hih-PAHL-ih-tus, Hireling HAI-er-lihng, Hittite HIH-tait, Hivite HAI-vait, Hoglah KHAHG-lah, Holocaust HAHL-o-kawst, Homage HAH-mudzh, Hophni HAHF-nai, Horeb HAWR-ehb, Hosannah ho-ZAH-nuh, Hosea ho-ZEE-uh, Hoshea ho-SHEE-uh, Hyssop HIH-suhp
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See If You Know How to Pronounce These "I" Bible Names:
Iconium ai-KO-nih-uhm, Iddo IHD-o, Idumea id-dzhoo-MEE-uh, Ignatius ihg-NAY-shuhs, Irenaeus ai-rehn-EE-uhs, Isaac AI-zuhk, Isaiah ai-ZAY-uh, Ishbosheth ish-BAWSH-ehth, Ishmael ISH-may-ehl, Ishmaelites ISH-mayehl-aits, Isles ailz, Israel IHZ-ray-ehl, Israelite HZ-ray-ehl-ait, Italica ih-TAL-ih-kuh, Ituraea ih-TSHOOR-ree-uh
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Learning about how to pronouncealso helps learners with the spelling system of the Bible. Novice Bible readers expect to find a one-to-one correspondence between a sound and its spelling. However, the letter a, for example, can be pronounced five different ways, as these words demonstrate: same, sat, father, call, and about. |
Pronounce the "J" words from Biblical times as follows:
Jaar DZHAY-ahr, Jabbok DZHAB-uhk, Jacob DZHAY-kuhb, Januarius dzhan-yoo-EHR-ee-uhs, Japheth DZHAY-fuhth, Javan DZHAY-van, Jebusites DZHEHB-oo-zaits, Jechoniah dzhehk-o-NAI-uh, Jeconiah dzhehk-o-NAI-uh, Jehoash dzhee-HO-ash, Jehoiachin dzhee-HOI-uh-kihn, Jehoiachim dzhee-HOI-uh-kihm, Jehoiada dzhee-HOI-uh-duh, Jehoram dzhee-HOR-am, Jehoshaphat dzhee-HAHSH-uh-fat, Jehosheba dzhee-HAHSH-ee-bah, Jehozadak dzhee-HOZ-uh-dak, Jehu DZHEE-hyoo, Jemimah dzhee-MAI-muh, Jephthah DZHEHF-thuh, Jeremiah dzhehr-eh-MAI-uh, Jericho DZHEHR-ih-ko, Jeroboam dzhehr-o-BO-uhm, Jeroham dzhehr-RO-ham, Jerusalem dzheh-ROU-suh-lehm, Jeshurun dzhe-SHOO-ruhn, Jesreel DZHEHZ-reel, Jesse DZHEH-see, Jesus DZHEE-suhs, Jethro DZHEHTH-ro, Jezreelite DZHEHZ-ree-ehl-zit, Joab DZHO-ab, Joachim DZHO-uh-kihm, Joanna dzho-AN-uh, Joash DZHO-ash, Job dzhob, Joel DZHO-ehl, Jogues dzhogz, John dzhahn, John-Eudes dzhahn_YOU-dehz, Jonah DZHO-nuh, Jonathan DZHAHN-uh-thn, Joppa DZHAH-puh, Joram DZHO-ram, Jordan DZHAWR-dn, Josaphat DZHAH-suh-fat, Joseph DZHO-zf, Joses DZHO-seez, Joshua DZHAH-shou-ah, Josiah dzho-SAI-uh, Jotham DZHO-thuhm, Judah DZHOU-duh, Judas Iscariot DZHOU-duhs_ihs-KEHR-ee-uht, Judea dzhou-DEE-uh, Junias dzhou-nih-uhs, Justin DZHUHS-tihn, Justus DZHUHS-tuhs
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"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
Speakers need to develop a concern for Bible pronunciation of biblical words. They must recognize that poor, unintelligible speech will make their attempts at reading the Bible frustrating and unpleasant both for themselves and for their listeners.
Laban LAY-b'n, Lairs lehrz, Lamentations lam-ehn-TAY-shuhnz, Laodicea lay-o-dih-SEE-uh+or+lay-oh-DISS-ee-uh, Laodiceans ay-o-dih-SEE-uhnz, Lateran LAT-er-uhn, Laud lawd, Lazarus LAZ-er-uhs, Leah LEE-uh, Lebanon LEH-buh-nuhn, Leonardi lee-aw-NAR-dee, Levi LEE-vai, Levites LEE-vaits, Leviticus leh-VIH-tih-kous, Libya LIH-bih-uh, Liguori lih-GOU-ree, Lima, Rose of LEE-muh_roz-uhv, Lineage LIHN-ee-ihdzh, Lintel LIHN-tuhl, Lourdes lourd, Lucius LOO-shih-uhs, Lud luhd, Luke look, Luz luhz, Lwanga lluh-WAHNG-guh, Lycaonian lihk-ay-O-nih-uhn, Lydda LIH-duh, Lydia LIH-dih-uh, Lysanias lai-SAY-nih-uhs, Lysias LIH-sih-uhs, Lystra LIHS-truh
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"Inappropriate intonation pattern can lead to misunderstanding just as a mispronounced sound can."
From the book "Teaching English Pronunciation"
by Joanne Kenworthy, (Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers), Longman Publishing, 1987
Some words commonly aren't spelled right: peekiegng, peakeignt, piqueint, pakeyng, piakiegng, pakeignt, piaking, pekeyng, piqueiegng, pekeignt, piakint, peekeyng, how to pronounce peakiegnt, peekeignt, peakeigng, piakeyng, pakiegnt, piakeignt, pakeigng, peakeynt, pekiegnt, piqueeignt, pekeigng, pakeynt, peekiegnt, peakiegng, paking, peking, peeking, peakint, pakint, pekint, peekint, how to say bible speak1ng, tramslationtrans1at1om, translat1om, translatiom, tramslatiom, tramslatino, tramslatoin, tramslaiton, tramsltaion, tramsaltion, tramlsation, trasmlation, trmaslation, tarmslation, rtamslation, how to pronounce tramslatio, tramslatin, tramslaton, tramslaion, tramsltion, tramsation, tramlation, traslation, trmslation, tamslation, ramslation, tramslation,saying, seighing, seighint, sayint, say1ng, sayimg, sayign, saynig, how to say bible saiyng, syaing, asying, sayin, sayig, sayng, saing, sying, aying, understanding, understandig, unerstanding, undrstandint, undrstanding, how to pronounce undrstandyng, undestanding, undrstandynt, undertanding, undersanding, understnding, understading, understaning, understandng, uderstanding, understandint, understandyng, understandynt, undelstanding, undelstandint, undelstandyng, undelstandynt, understand1ng, umderstanding, understandign, understandnig, understanidng, understadning, understnading, undersatnding, undertsanding, undesrtanding, undrestanding, unedrstanding, udnerstanding, how to say bible nuderstanding, understandin, nderstanding, phonetics, phonetic, fonetics, how to pronounce fonitics, phonedics, ponetics, fonedics, phnetics, phoetics, phontics, phoneics, phonetcs, phonetis, phonitics, fonetik, phonitic, fonitic, ponetic, phonitik, phnetic, fonitik, phoetic, phonedic, phontic, phonedik, phoneic, fonedic, phonetc, fonedik, phonetik, fonetic, fonet1cs, phonet1cs, phometics, phonetisc, phonetcis, phoneitcs, phonteics, how to say bible phoentics, phnoetics, pohnetics, hponetics, honetics, n1spromouc1ng, nispromoucing, mispromoucing, mispronoucign, mispronoucnig, mispronouicng, mispronocuing, mispronuocing, misproonucing, misprnooucing, mispornoucing, misrponoucing, mipsronoucing, msipronoucing, imspronoucing, mispronoucin, mispronoucig, mispronoucng, mispronouing, mispronocing, mispronucing, misprooucing, misprnoucing, misponoucing, misronoucing, mipronoucing, mspronoucing, ispronoucing, mispronoucing, n1spromouce, nispromouce, mispromouce, mispronouec, mispronocue, mispronuoce, how to say bible misproonuce, misprnoouce, mispornouce, misrponouce, mipsronouce, msipronouce, imspronouce, mispronouc, mispronoue, mispronoce, bible mispronuce, misproouce, misprnouce, misponouce, misronouce, mipronouce, mspronouce, ispronouce, mispronouce, bibical, bilical, bblical, biblcal, biblicl, biblical, biblial, bibrical, bybrical, biblicar, byblicar, bibricar, bybricar, byblical, b1b11ca1, b1bl1cal, biblicla, bibliacl, biblcial, bibilcal, bilbical, bbilical, ibblical, biblica, iblical, koran, korin, how to pronounce kolin, koren, kolen, kolan, koram, korna, koarn, kroan, how to say bible okran, "jewish, jew1sh, jewihs, jewsih, jeiwsh, jweish, ejwish, jewis, jewih, jewsh, jeish, jwish, ewish, 1a1yreader, lalyreader, lalyreadre, lalyreaedr, lalyredaer, lalyraeder, lalyerader, lalryeader, laylreader, llayreader, allyreader, lalyreade, lalyreadr, lalyreaer, lalyreder, how to pronounce lalyrader, lalyeader, lalreader, layreader, llyreader, how to say bible alyreader, pastor, paster, pastur, pastol, astor, astur, aster, astol, pasto, pastro, pasotr, patsor, psator, apstor, pastr, pasor, pator, pstor, priust, pliust, prest, plest, pleis, prius, plius, preis, plies, pries, prize, preist, priest, pleist, pliest, how to pronounce pr1est, priets, priset, pirest, rpiest, priet, prist, piest, bible riest, rabbi, how to say bible rabi, rabby, raby, labbi, labi, labby, laby, rab1, rabib, rbabi, arbbi, written, wrtten, writtn, writeign, writtin, wlitteign, writtan, wliteign, writin, writtiegn, writan, writiegn, wlittin, wlittiegn, wlittan, wlitiegn, wlitin, wlitan, writteign, writen, wlitten, wliten, witten, wittan, witin, witan, witteign, witeign, wittiegn, witiegn, wittin, witen, wr1t3n, wr1t3m, wr1ten, writtne |
Maccabees MAK-uh-beez, Macedon MAS-uh-duhn, Macedonia mas-eh-DO-nih-uh, Machir MAY-kihr, Machpelah mak-PEE-luh, Magdala MAG-duh-luh, Magdalene MAmah-hah-NAH-eemG-duh-lehn, Magi MAY-dzhai", Mahanaim mah-hah-NAH-eem, Mahlah MAH-lah, Mahlon MAH-luhn, Malachi MAL-uh-kai, Malchiah mal-KAI-uh, Mamre MAM-ree", Manaen MAN-uh-ehn, Manasseh man-AS-eh, Mankind man-KAIND, Manoah muh-NO-uh", Marcellinus mahr-suh-LAI-nuhs, Mark mahrk, Martin de Porres MAHR-tihn_deh_PAWR-ehz", Mary MEHR-ee, Mary Magdalene - de Pazzi MEHR-ee+MAG-duh-lehn+deh_PAHT-see, Massah MAH-suh, Mattan MAT-uhn, Mattaniah mat-uh-NAI-uh, Mattathias mat-uh-THAI-uhs, Matthan MAT-than, Matthew MATH-yoo, Matthias muh-THAI-uhs, Medad MEE-dad, Mede meed, Media MEE-dih-uh, Megiddo mee-GIH-do, Meholah mee-HO-luh, Melchizedek mehl-KIHZ-eh-dehk, Mene MEE-nee, Meribah MEHR-ih-bah, Meshach MEE-shak, Mesopotamia mehs-o-po-TAY-mih-uh, Messiah MEH-SAI-uh, Methodius meh-THO-dee-us, Micah MAI-kuh, Micaiah mai-KAY-yuh, Midian MIH-dih-uhn, Midianite MIH-dih-uhn-ait, Miki MEE-kee, Milcah MIHL-kah, Milcom MIHL-kahm, Miletus mai-LEE-tuhs, Minions MIHN-yuhnz, Minnith MIHN-ihth, Miriam MIHR-ih-uhm, Mishale MIHSH-ay-ehl, Mitre MAI-ter, Mizpah MIHZ-puh, Moab MO-ab, Moabite MO-ab-ait, Moabitess MO-uh-bai-tihs, Modein MO-deen, Molech MO-lehk, Mordecai MAWR-deh-kai, Moreh MO-reh, Moriah maw-RAI-uh, Mosaic mo-ZAY-ihk, Mosoch MAH-sahk, Myriad MIHR-ih-uhd, Myrrh mer, Mysia MIH-shih-uh
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"Ordinary people who know nothing of phonetics or elocution have difficulties in understanding slow speech composed of perfect sounds, while they have no difficulty in comprehending an imperfect gabble if only the accent and rhythm are natural." From the book "The Mechanisms of Speech" by Alexander Graham Bell, 1916 p. 15.
How To Say "N" Bible Names:
Naaman NAY-uh-muhn , Naboth NAY-buhth , Nahor NAY-kawr , Nahshon NAY-shuhn , Nahum NAY-huhm , Naim NAY-ihm , Naomi NAY-o-mai , Naphtali NAF-tuh-lai , Nathan NAY-thuhn , Nathanael nuh-THAN-ay-ehl , Nazareth NAZ-uh-rehth , Nazorean naz-aw-REE-uhn , Neapolis nee-AP-o-lihs , Nebat NEE-bat , Nebo NEE-bo , Nebuchadnezzar neh-byoo-kuhd-NEHZ-er , Nebuzaradan neh-byoo-zahr-AY-dan , Negeb NEH-gehb , Nehemiah nee-hee-MAI-uh , Nehushta nee-HUHSH-tuh , Ner ner , Nereus NEE-roos , Neri NEE-rai , Nether NETH-er , Nicanor nai-KAY-nawr , Nicodemus nih-ko-DEE-muhs , Nicolaus nih-ko-LAY-us , Niger NAI-dzher , Nimshi NIHM-shai , Nineveh NIHN-eh-veh , Ninevites NIHN-eh-vaits , Nisan NAI-san , Noah NO-uh , Nun NAI-san
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Do you mispronounce Bible names and words often because you just can't remember the correct Bible pronunciation?
This audio site uses recordings to help you recall the correct Bible pronunciation of Bible words.
- Always use a natural stress and intonation pattern when speaking to other
- Always repeat Bible pronunciation of new words and phrases 4 or 5 times. Say the
word several times and have other readers just listen. Then, say the word and have them repeat it several times. Then say the word in a phrase or sentence depending on their level and have them repeat it using the correct stress and intonation.
For longer words or phrases, try backward build-up. Break the word or phrase into smaller chunks and have the other readers repeat the last piece first after your model. Then add the next to last piece and have the other readers repeat this new unit several times.
- Keeping adding a piece until you are saying the whole word or phrase.
For apartment have other readers repeat:
ment, ment, ment.
Then have then repeat
PARTment, PARTment, PARTment.
Then have readers say
aPARTment; aPARTment, aPARTment
For I’d like an appointment with Dr. Brown have readers repeat:
with Dr. Brown, with Dr. Brown, with Dr. Brown
Then have them repeat:
an appointment with Dr. Brown, an appointment with Dr. Brown, an
appointment with Dr. Brown
Finally have them repeat the whole sentence several times:
I’d like an appointment with Dr. Brown. I’d like an appointment with Dr.
Brown. I’d like an appointment with Dr. Brown.
Obed-Edom O-behd-EE-duhm , Og ahg , Olivet AH-lih-veht , Omega o-MEE-guh , Omri AHM-ree , Onesimus o-NEH-sih-muhs+or+own-ESS-ee-mus , Ophir O-fer, Ophrah OF-ruh , Orion aw-RAI-uhn , Orpah AWR-puh
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Once you build mouth muscularity and feel comfortable in saying these sounds, you will not fall back to your previous Bible pronunciation unconsciously.
Intonation is like the music of the language. It is how the voice rises and falls through a phrase or sentence. A lot of meaning is carried by intonation. You can say words in different ways and change the meaning entirely. Examples: Say the following sentence so it is a statement that is just giving information.
You want me to close the window
Now say the same sentence as if you are asking a question. Now say it as if you
are angry.
You probably noticed that sometimes your voice went up at the end and
sometimes it dropped. Sometimes the stress was in one part of the sentence
and sometimes, it was in another. Bible readers must learn to recognize the
intonation of a word and what it means. Readers must also learn to use the
correct intonation to communicate their intended meaning.
Individual Sounds of Letters and Digraphs
Some segmentals are very difficult for Bible readers from certain language backgrounds to say, especially if the sound does not exist in their language. Probably the most difficult digraph is th. Very few readers are able to acquire that sound and often substitute d. Usually, this substitution does not matter. Even if it mispronounced, we can usually understand what de book is. Sometimes the placement of a sound makes it difficult for a reader to say the sound. Many readers have difficulty with consonant sounds at the ends of words and often drop them off. For example, the word eight may sound like ay. This makes it REALLY difficult for listeners.
PaduaPAD-dzhou-uh , Pamphylia pam-FIHL-ih-uh , Pancras PAN-kras , Paola pah-O-luh , Paphos PAY-fuhs , Papyrus puh-PAI-ruhs , Paraclete PEHR-uh-kleet , Paran PAY-ran , Parath PAH-rath , Parmenas PAHR-mee-nas , Parthians PAHR-thee-uhnz , Pasch pask , Paschal PAS-k'l , Passover PAS-o-ver , Patmos PAT-mos, Patriarch PAY-trih-ahrk , Paucinus paw-SAI-nuhs , Pekah PEE-kah , Peniel PEHN-ih-ehl , Penninah pee-NIHN-uh , Pentecost PEHN-tee-kawst , Penuel pee-NYOO-ehl , Perazim PER-uh-zihm , Peres PEE-rehs , Perez PEE-rehz , Perga PER-guh , Perizzites PEHR-ih-zaits , Perpetua per-PEH-tshoo-uh , Persia PER-zhuh , Peter Chanel PEE-ter+shuh-NEHL , Phanuel FAN-yoo-ehl , Pharan FAHR-ahn , Pharaoh FEHR-o , Pharisees FEHR-ih-seez , Pharpar FAHR-pahr , Philemon fih-LEE-muhn+or+FILL-uh-muhn , Philippi fih-LIHP-ai , Philippians fih-LIHP-ih-uhnz , Philistia fih-LIHS-tih-uh , Philistines fih-LIHS-tihnz , Phinehas FEHN-ee-uhs , Phoenicia fee-NIHSH-ih-uh , Phogor FO-gawr , Phrygia FRIH-dzhih-uh , Phylacteries fih-LAK-ter-eez , Pi-Hahiroth pai-huh-HAI-rahth , Pisgah PIHZ-guh , Pisidia pih-SIH-dih-uh , Pithom PAI-thahm , Pleiades PLEE-uh-deez , Polycarp PAH-lee-kahrp , Pomegranates PAHM-gran-ihts , Pontian PAHN-shuhn , Pontius Pilate PAHN-shus+PAI-luht , Pontus PAHN-tus , Portico PAWR-tih-ko , Portugal PAWR-tshuh-guhl , Praetorium pray-TAWR-ih-uhm , Presbyter PREHZ-bih-ter , Prisca PRIHS-kuh , Prochorus PRAH-kaw-ruhs , Procurator PRAH-kyour-ay-ter , Prophesy verb PRAH-feh-sai , Prophetess PRAH-feh-tehs , Psalm sahm , Publius PUHB-lih-uhs , Put puht , Puteoli pyoo-TEE-o-lai
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Help other readers develop natural sounding intonation by addressing reductions, which are created when people eliminate certain sounds or syllables in words when they speak naturally. When we speak naturally, we slide from the end of one in word into some others. Some readers think they need to say each word separately, but they are wrong. For example, when one word ends with a consonant sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we usually link the final consonant sound to the front of the next word. We don’t say get off, we say ge –toff. We don’t say want to. We say wanna.
The primary purpose of a language is to communicate. As communication occurs more frequently in speech than in writing, our objective should be to make sure that we are always understood when we speak. Getting the audio Bible pronunciation really can help.
Raamses ray-AM-seez , Rabbah RAB-uh , Rabbi RAB-ai , Rabboni ra-BO-nai , Raguel rah-GYOO-ehl , Rahab RAY-hab , Ram ram , Ramah RAY-muh , Ramathaim ray-muh-THAY-ihm , Rapael RAY-pay-ehl , Raphael RAY-fay-ehl , Rebekah ree-BEHK-uh , Rehoboam ree-ho-BO-am , Remaliah rehm-uh-LAI-uh , Rephidim REHF-ih-dihm , Responsorial ree-spahn-SAWR-eee-uhl , Reuben ROO-b'n , Revelation reh-veh-LAY-shuhn , Rezin REE-zihn , Rhegium REE-dzhee-uhm , Riblah RIHB-luh , Ritual RIH-tshou-oul , Romauld RO-moo-ahld , Rue ROO , Rufus ROO-fuhs
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To pronounce one syllable words correctly, readers must stretch out the vowel sound. We don’t say dog; we say DAW ug (but there is not break in the vowel sound.) To help them learn how to say and to draw out the vowel sound, many teachers have readers hold a heavy rubber band and stretch the band open as they say the word.
- To say last consonant sounds on words, it sometimes helps to add a syllable uh. If a reader always says CA instead of CAT, have them try to say CATuh. Then, little by little have them make the uh quieter and quieter until it is gone.
- Some readers like to add an extra syllable that isn’t there after digraphs, such
as ch, sh, th. To help these readers, have them try to draw out the digraph
sound until they run out of air.
Example of pronunciation: fish sounds like fi shhhhhhhhh
Do that many times and then begin to shorten the digraph until it is being held for an almost normal length of time.
There are many useful pronunciation resources.
Many, many useful pronunciation web sites are easy to find on the Internet with a search engine, such as Google.
Sabbath SAB-uhth , Sabeans suh-BEE-uhnz , Sadducees SAD-dzhoo-seez , Salamis SAL-uh-mihs , Salem SAY-lehm , Salishah suh-LEE-shuh , Salmon SAL-muhn , Salome suh-LO-mee , Salu SAYL-yoo , Samaria suh-MEHR-ih-uh , Samaritan suh-MEHR-ih-tuhn , Samothrace SAM-o-thrays , Samson SAM-s'n , Samuel SAM-yoo-uhl , Sanctuary SANG-tshoo-ehr-ee , Sanhedrin san-HEE-drihn , Sarah SEHR-uh , Sarai SAY-rai , Saraph SAY-raf , Sardis SAHR-dihs , Saul sawl , Savior SAYV-yer , Scepter SEHP-ter , Scholastica skuh-LAS-tih-kuh , Scimitar SIHM-ih-ter , Scythian SIH-thee-uihn , Seah SEE-uh , Seba SEE-buh , Seir SEE-er , Seleucia seh-LOO-shih-uh , Sennacherib seh-NAK-er-ihb , Seraphim SEHR-uh-fihm , Seth sehth , Shaalim SHAY-uh-lihm , Shadrach SHAY-drak , Shalmaneser shal-muh-NEE-zer , Shalom shuh-LOM , Shammah SHAM-uh , Shaphan SHAY-fuhn , Shaphat SHAY-fat , Sharon SHEHR-uhn , Shealtiel shee-AL-tih-ehl , Shear-Jashub SHEE-ahr+DSHAH-shuhb , Sheba SHEE-buh , Shechem SHEE-kehm , Shekel SHEHK-uhl , Sheol SHEE-ol , Shiloh SHAI-lo , Shilonite SHAI-lo-nait , Shimei SHIHM-ee-ai , Shinar SHAI-nahr , Shittim sheh-TEEM , Shunammite SHOO-nam-ait , Shunem SHOO-nehm , Shur shoor , Sidon SAI-duhn , Sidonians sai-DO-nee-uhnz , Siena see-EHN-uh , Siesta see-EHS-tuh , Sihon SAI-hon , Silas SAI-luhs , Siloam sih-LO-uhm , Silvanus sihl-VAY-nuhs , Simon of Cyrene SAI-muhn+uhv+sai-REE-nee , Sin desert sihn , Sinai SAI-nai , Sirach SAI-rak , Sistrum SIHS-truhm , Sixtus SIKS-tuhs , Smyrna SMER-nuh , Sodom SAH-duhm , Solomon SAH-lo-muhn , Sosthenes SAHS-thee-neez , Stachys STAY-kihs , Stanislaus STAN-ihs-laws , Stephen STEE-v'n , Succoth SUHK-ahth , Syene sai-EE-nee , Symeon SIHM-ee-uhn , Synagogues SIHN-uh-gahgz , Syntyche SIHN-tih-tshee , Syria SIHR-ih-uh , Syro-Phoenician SIHR-o+fee-NIHSH-ih-uhn
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Blends-- Two or more letters that are combined but still keep their individual characteristics, such as bl in blend, sch in school
Consonant --All the letter of the alphabet, except a, e, I, o, u. We make the sound of consonants by using our lips or tongues to stop
or partially stop the air coming from our mouths.
Digraph --Two or more letters that blend to make one sound, such as th, sh, ch or the ea in bread
Diphthong --A vowel sound that glides from one sound to another, such
as the sound oy in boy, ee in tree, ou in shout.
Intonation --The rise and fall or music of the voice when we speak
Reduction --Occurs when people eliminate certain sounds or syllables in
words when they speak naturally, such as wanna for want to,
gonna for going to
Segmental --Sound of individual vowels, consonants, digraphs,
diphthongs and blends
Stress-- Prominence given to a syllable of a word or sentence by
making it louder and longer
Suprasegmental --Sound that impacts units of language, such as stress,
Vowel --The letters a, e, I, o, u, and sometimes y and w. We make
the sounds of these letters with an open or partially open
First of all, what is bible pronunciation? Most people would say it's a part of 'accent,' and that intonation would be the other part of accent.
I think may focus on vocabulary and grammar rather than on pronunciation because they think that of these three, the latter is the least important part of improved communication skills. In many ways, they may be right about that.
Tabeel TAY-bee-ehl , Tabitha TAB-ih-thuh , Talitha Koum TAL-ih-thuh-KOOM , Tamar TAY-mer , Tarshish TAHR-shihsh , Tarsus TAHR-suhs , Tekel TEH-keel , Terah TEE-ruh , Terebinth TEHR-ee-bihnth , Tertius TER-shih-uhs , Tethered TEHTH-erd , Tetrarch TEHT-rahrk , Thaddaeus THAD-dee-uhs , Theophilus thee-AH-fih-luhs , Theresa ter-EE-suh , Thessalonians theh-suh-LO-nih-uhnz , Thessalonica theh-suh-lo-NAI-kuh , Thisbe THIHZ-bee , Thyatira thai-uh-TAI-ruh , Tiberias tai-BIHR-ih-uhs , Timaeus tai-MEE-uhs , Timbrel TIHM-br'l , Timon TAI-muhn , Timothy TIH-muh-thee , Tishbe TIHSH-bee , Tishbite TIHSH-bait , Tithe taith , Titus TAI-tuhs , Titus Justus TAI-tuhs+DZHUHS-tuhs , Tobiah to-BAI-uh , Tobit TO-biht , Tohu TO-hyoo , Tours tour , Trachonitus trak-o-NAI-tihs , Tribunal trai-BYOO-nuhl , Troas TRO-ahs , Tubal TYOO-b'l , Turibius de Mongrovejo tuh-RIHB-ee-uhs+day+mahn-gro-VAY-ho , Tychicus TIH-kih-kuhs , Tyre TAI-er , Tyrian
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Some words aren't commonly spelled right: writetn, wrtiten, wirtten, rwitten, correction, colectiom, correcchon, crrection, colrecchon, corrction, how to pronounce corecchon, corretion, correcchun, correcion, colrecchun, correctin, corecchun, correctiom, corectiom, colrectiom, colrecsion, colection, colecsion, colrecton, corection, colecton, correcton, colrecshun, corecton, colecshun, correcshun, colrecshon, corecshun, colecshon, correcshon, correcsion, corecshon, corecsion, colrection, colectons, correctons, colrecshuns, corectons, colecshuns, correcshuns, colrecshons, corecshuns, colecshons, correcshons, correcsions, corecshons, corecsions, colrections, how to pronounce colrecsions, colections, colecsions, colrectons, corections, corrections, colectioms, crrections, correcchons, corrctions, colrecchons, corretions, how to say bible corecchons, correcions, correcchuns, correctins, colrecchuns, correctios, corecchuns, correctioms, corectioms, colrectioms, cor3ct1ons, cor3ct1oms, corect1ons, correctiosn, correctinos, correctoins, correcitons, corretcions, how to pronounce corrcetions, corerctions, crorections, ocrrections, correction, colectiom, correcchon, crrection, colrecchon, corrction, corecchon, corretion, correcchun, correcion, colrecchun, correctin, corecchun, how to say bible correctiom, corectiom, colrectiom, colrecsion, colection, colecsion, how to pronounce colrecton, corection, colecton, correcton, colrecshun, corecton, colecshun, correcshun, colrecshon, corecshun, colecshon, correcshon, correcsion, corecshon, corecsion, colrection, colectons, correctons, colrecshuns, corectons, colecshuns, correcshuns, colrecshons, corecshuns, colecshons, correcshons, correcsions, corecshons, corecsions, colrections, colrecsions, colections, colecsions, colrectons, corections, corrections, how to pronounce colectioms, crrections, correcchons, corrctions, colrecchons, corretions, corecchons, correcions, correcchuns, correctins, colrecchuns, correctios, corecchuns, correctioms, corectioms, colrectioms, cor3ct1ons, cor3ct1oms, corect1ons, correctiosn, correctinos, correctoins, correcitons, corretcions, corrcetions, corerctions, crorections, ocrrections, words, wolds, worreds, worsd, wodrs, wrods, owrds. names, mames, namse, naems, nmaes, anmes, terminoogy, terminology, termiegnologie, termiegnorogy, termeignologie, termeignorogy, torminologi, terminolgy, telmiegnologie, telmiegnorogy, telmeignologie, telmeignorogy, torminorogy, terminoloy, termiegnorogie, termiegnorogi, termeignorogie, termeignorogi, torminorogi, terminologie, trminology, tormiegnologie, tormiegnology, tormeignologie, tormeignology, torminologie, turminologie, teminology, turmiegnologie, tormiegnologi, turmeignologie, tormeignologi, torminorogie, telminologie, how to say bible terinology, tormiegnorogy, termiegnology, tormeignorogy, termeignology, terminorogie, termnology, turmiegnology, telmiegnology, turmeignology, telmeignology, turminorogie, termiology, turmiegnologi, termiegnologi, turmeignologi, termeignologi, telminorogie, terminlogy, turmiegnorogy, telmiegnologi, turmeignorogy, telmeignologi, torminology, turminorogi, how to say bible telminorogy, terminologi, telminorogi, turminology, turminologi, telminology, telminologi, terminorogy, terminorogi, turminorogy, tern1mo1ogy, tern1mology, ternimology, termimology, terminoloyg, how to pronounce terminolgoy, terminoolgy, terminloogy, termionlogy, termniology, terimnology, temrinology, treminology, etrminology, terminolog, erminology, old, oaled, ord, o1d, odl, lod, new, pneu, gnu, nu, knew, mew, nwe, enw, testament, tstament, tetament, tesament, testment, testaent, testamnt, testamet, testamant, testanemt, testamemt, testametn, testamnet, testaemnt, testmaent, tesatment, tetsament, tsetament, etstament, testamen, estament |
But good Bible pronunciation skill is also important in how to say things, for the following reasons:
1) improved Bible pronunciation shows that have become more skilled in their categorical perception of sounds. This means that they are more likely not only to sound like natives when they speak, but also to understand which sounds are in words that natives to them (i.e., improved listening comprehension). In addition, they are more likely to have improved phonetic spelling skills, and improved abilities how to pronounce and correctly sound out new words they read. Thus, more skilled speech sounds can lead to better listening skills, reading skills, and spelling skills. That's one reason audio can help.
2) Bible pronunciation is generally much easier to learn at an early age. The longer a ignores the subject, the less his/her bible readers will ever be able to learn about it. Thus, ignoring Bible pronunciation skills until grammar and vocabulary have improved will often mean ignoring Bible pronunciation altogether.
3) ignoring Bible pronunciation or words means that for the most part, bible readers will always have a foreign sounding accent. Granted, understanding what bible readers mean to communicate is much more important than the accent they use when communicating. However, the unfortunate fact is that when laypeople (non-language educators) listen to someone with a foreign accent speak, they tend to focus on HOW the message is expressed and how to pronounce as much or even more than on WHAT is expressed. Communication suffers, because of the accent and the listeners' perceptions/prejudices about it. Studies have shown that, especially in the U.S. business world, professionals tend to judge unknown speakers with foreign accents to be less intelligent (!) than unknown speakers with local accents. Is this an insane situation? Yes. Is it a reality some bible readers will face? Sadly, yes.
My own policy is to include about 20 minutes of Bible pronunciation practice in every hour-long bible reading session, and then refer back to the sounds we studied whenever they come up in new words, etc. That way we learn how to pronounce things the correct way.
You decide which sounds to work on first when working on how to say things. When you ask, "How do I pronounce...", remember, the 'short' vowel sounds (short because that's what we call them, not because they necessarily have to be said quickly) are often the most useful sounds to work on for reading and spelling improvement. Short vowels are the vowel sounds in these words: bat, bet, bit, bought, butt. However, they're also some of the most difficult to teach, because the tongue just hangs in the middle of the oral cavity without any easy reference points to touch. Sometimes front consonant sounds ( like /f, v, th, b, p, m/ or even /s, t, l, n, z, d/ are better to start with, so bible readers can see what your tongue is doing.
Pronunciation work is especially important if bible readers' native language is particularly dissimilar to English. For example, in Japanese there are only 5vowel sounds. In English, we have 5 long vowels, 5 short vowels, and a number of blended sounds. If a Japanese student has no pronunciation training, they might pronounce words totally wrong or sometimes just incomprehensibly. (Bus, bass, and bath are all pronounced as the same word by Japanese speakers of English if they are using their own language to make sense of English.) For languages that are closer to English such as French, German, Italian, and Spanish, I suppose that pronunciation instruction is not as critical, but it is still very helpfull.
Zaccaria zak-uh-RAI-uh , Zaccaeus zak-KEE-uhs , Zadok ZAY-dahk , Zarephath ZEHR-ee-fath , Zarethan ZEHR-ee-than , Zealot ZEE-laht , Zebedee ZEH-beh-dee , Zebulun ZEH-byoo-luhn , Zechariah zeh-kuh-RAI-uh , Zecharias zeh-kuh-RAI-uhs , Zedekiah zeh-duh-KAI-uh , Zelophehad zehl-AHF-eh-hehd , Zephaniah zeh-fuh-NAI-uh , Zerah ZEE-ruh , Zeror ZEE-rawr , Zerubbabel zeh-RUH-buh-behl , Zeruiah zeh-rou-AI-uh , Zeus zyoos , Ziklag ZIHK-lag , Zimri ZIHM-rai , Zin zihn , Zion ZAI-uhn , Ziph zihf , Zippor ZIH-pawr , Zoar ZO-er , Zophar ZO-fahr , Zorah ZAWR-uh , Zuhf zuhf , Zuphite ZUHF-ait
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Biblical Names In Order of Frequency Highest To Lowest
Zechariah, Shemaiah, Azariah, Meshullam, Shimei, Maaseiah, Hananiah, Joel, Jonathan, Joseph, Shallum, Malchiah, Obadiah, Benaiah, Hashabiah, Johanan, Eliezer, Zichri, Jehiel, Jeiel, Jeshua, Jozabad, Mattaniah, Michael, Nethanel, Seraiah, Shephatiah, Zadok, Amariah, Elam, Eliel, Maachah, Shecaniah, Simon, Zebadiah, Abijah, Adaiah, Bani, Elkanah, Hilkiah, Pharaoh, Shelemiah, Zaccur, Ahijah, Eleazar, Eliashib, Hanan, Jeremiah, Jerimoth, Jeroham, Joash, Micah, Pedaiah, Sheba, Uzzi, Zabad, Zerah, Elah, Eliab, Elioenai, Eliphelet, Elishama, Ezer, Hanani, Harim, Hur, Iddo, Ishmael, Jehohanan, Jeshaiah, Judah, Judas, Malluch, Mary, Nathan, Zedekiah, Abihail, Abimelech, Ammihud, Asaiah, Asaph, Azarel, Berechiah, Delaiah, Eliakim, Elihu, Elnathan, Gedaliah, Gera, Hattush, Heber, Immer, Isaiah, Jahath, Jahaziel, Jedaiah, Jehoiada, Jehu, Jeremoth, Jether, Jeush, Jobab, John, Kish, Manasseh, Mattithiah, Micaiah, Obed, Rehum, Saul, Shaphat, Shebaniah, Uriah, Uzziah, Uzziel, Zimri, Abdon, Akkub, Alexander, Amasai, Amaziah, Ammiel, Amminadab, Amon, Asahel, Azmaveth, Azrikam, Baanah, Benjamin, Beriah, Binnui, Eber, Eden, Elasah, Elijah, Enoch, Ethan, Gaius, Hadad, Hasshub, Herod, Hezekiah, Hodaviah, Hoshea, Ishi, Isshiah, Jaazaniah, Jair, James, Jediael, Jehoshaphat, Joah, Joiarib, Joshua, Kenaz, Korah, Levi, Meremoth, Mijamin, Naaman, Nadab, Nethaniah, Omri, Pelatiah, Pethahiah, Rephaiah, Reuel, Shammah, Shammua, Shaphan, Shelomith, Shelomoth, Shema, Shemariah, Sherebiah, Shimri, Simeon, Timna, Uzza, Zabdi, Zephaniah, Abdi, Abinadab, Adiel, Adin, Adonijah, Ahimelech, Ahio, Ahitub, Alemeth, Anah, Ananias, Arah, Aram, Assir, Ater, Athaliah, Attai, Azaziah, Azgad, Azriel, Azzur, Baal, Barzillai, Bebai, Bela, Benhadad, Bethel, Bunni, Caleb, Carmi, Daniel, Darius, Eliada, Elon, Ephah, Epher, Er, Ezra, Gershom, Gilead, Hadoram, Hanun, Haran, Hepher, Hodiah, Igal, Ira, Jachin, Jamin, Jarib, Jehoahaz, Jehozabad, Jerahmeel, Jeuel, Joab, Joram, Jotham, Justus, Kemuel, Mattenai, Meraioth, Mesha, Meshezabel, Miniamin, Mishael, Nahash, Nahath, Nehemiah, Obededom, Paseah, Pashhur, Philip, Phinehas, Ram, Reaiah, Rechab, Shechem, Shelah, Shimea, Shobal, Shubael, Tahath, Tamar, Tarshish, Uri, Uriel, Uz, Zimmah, Ziza, Abda, Abiel, Abiezer, Abigail, Abiram, Abishua, Absalom, Achbor, Achish, Adah, Adna, Adnah, Adrammelech, Agag, Ahab, Ahasuerus, Ahaz, Ahaziah, Ahi, Ahiah, Ahiezer, Ahimaaz, Ahiman, Ahinoam, Ahlai, Aiah, Alphaeus, Amasa, Amnon, Amram, Amzi, Anaiah, Anathoth, Ard, Ariel, Arioch, Asa, Azubah, Baalhanan, Baana, Barsabas, Baruch, Becher, Bedan, Beeri, Beor, Bethany, Bethlehem, Bethsaida, Bezai, Bezalel, Bigvai, Bilgah, Bilhan, Bukki, Buz, Caesar, Calcol, Carmel, Claudius, Conaniah, Cush, Cushi, Deborah, Dedan, Demetrius, Dishon, Dodo, Ebed, Eder, Ehud, Elhanan, Eliam, Eliasaph, Eliehoenai, Eliphaz, Elizaphan, Elzabad, Ephraim, Erastus, Eshcol, Ezbon, Gad, Galal, Gamaliel, Gemariah, Giddel, Gog, Gomer, Guni, Hakkoz, Hanniel, Hariph, Hashabniah, Hashum, Havilah, Hebron, Heldai, Helez, Heman, Hephzibah, Hermes, Hezir, Hezron, Hiram, Hori, Hoshaiah, Hotham, Imnah, Imri, Ishbosheth, Ishmaiah, Ishvi, Ithiel, Ithran, Ittai, Jabin, Jaddua, Jakim, Japhia, Jashobeam, Jashub, Jehallelel, Jehdeiah, Jehoiarib, Jehonathan, Jehoram, Jekamiah, Jephunneh, Jeroboam, Jesus, Jezrahiah, Joha, Joiada, Jonadab, Joshaphat, Josiah, Kadmiel, Kelub, Kenaanah, Kenaniah, Kolaiah, Kore, Laadan, Lamech, Lazarus, Libni, Lucius, Maaziah, Machir, Mahalalel, Mahalath, Mahath, Mahlah, Mahli, Mattan, Mattathias, Matthat, Mehetabel, Melchi, Mephibosheth, Meshillemoth, Mibsam, Mikloth, Milcah, Miriam, Mishma, Mithredath, Moza, Naamah, Nahor, Nahum, Neariah, Nebo, Nemuel, Nepheg, Ner, Nergalsarezer, Noadiah, Noah, Oded, Oholibamah, Ozem, Palti, Pelaiah, Pelet, Peleth, Penuel, Puah, Rahab, Rehob, Rekem, Rezin, Rimmon, Rufus, Sacar, Sallu, Salome, Samuel, Segub, Shaaph, Sharezer, Shebna, Shemer, Shemiramoth, Sheva, Shobab, Shomer, Shua, Shuah, Shuthelah, Sisera, Tabeel, Tahan, Talmai, Teman, Tikvah, Tobiah, Tobijah, Tola, Ulam, Unni, Uthai, Zabbai, Zabdiel, Zerahiah, Zibeon, Ziha, Zillethai, Ziph, Zohar, Zur, Aaron, Abaddon, Abagtha, Abdeel, Abdiel, Abednego, Abel, Abialbon, Abiasaph, Abiathar, Abida, Abidan, Abihu, Abihud, Abimael, Abinoam, Abishag, Abishai, Abishur, Abital, Abitub, Abiud, Abner, Abraham, Achaicus, Achan, Achim, Achsah, Adalia, Adam, Adbeel, Addar, Addi, Adina, Adino, Adlai, Admatha, Adonibezek, Adonikam, Adoniram, Adonizedek, Adriel, Aeneas, Agabus, Agee, Agrippa, Agur, Aharhel, Ahasbai, Ahban, Aher, Ahiam, Ahian, Ahihud, Ahikam, Ahilud, Ahimoth, Ahinadab, Ahira, Ahisamach, Ahishahar, Ahishar, Ahithophel, Aholiab, Ahumai, Ahuzzam, Ahuzzath, Ahzai, Akan, Alexandria, Allon, Almodad, Alvah, Alvan, Amal, Amalek, Amashai, Amasiah, Amittai, Amminadib, Ammishaddai, Ammizabad, Amok, Amos, Amoz, Ampliatus, Amraphel, Anak, Anammelech, Anan, Anani, Ananiah, Anath, Andrew, Andronicus, Aner, Aniam, Anna, Annas, Antipas, Antothiah, Anub, Apelles, Aphiah, Aphses, Apollos, Apollyon, Apphia, Aquila, Arad, Aran, Araunah, Arba, Archelaus, Archippus, Arcturus, Ardon, Areli, Aretas, Argob, Aridai, Aridatha, Arieh, Arisai, Aristarchus, Aristobulus, Armoni, Arnan, Arodi, Arphaxad, Artaxerxes, Artemas, Artemis, Arza, Asarel, Asarelah, Asenath, Ashbel, Asher, Ashhur, Ashima, Ashkenaz, Ashpenaz, Ashtoreth, Ashvath, Asiel, Asnah, Asnapper, Aspatha, Asriel, Asshur, Asyncritus, Atarah, Athaiah, Athlai, Augustus, Azaliah, Azaniah, Azaz, Azazel, Azbuk, Azel, Aziel, Aziza, Azor, Azzan, Baalberith, Baali, Baalis, Baalpeor, Baalzebub, Baara, Baaseiah, Baasha, Bakbakkar, Bakbuk, Bakbukiah, Balaam, Baladan, Balak, Barabbas, Barak, Barakel, Bariah, Barjesus, Barjona, Barkos, Barnabas, Bartholomew, Bartimaeus, Basemath, Basmath, Bathsheba, Bathshua, Bazluth, Bealiah, Bechorath, Bedad, Bedeiah, Beeliada, Beelzebub, Beera, Beerah, Belial, Belshazzar, Belteshazzar, Benabinadab, Benammi, Bendekar, Bengeber, Benhanan, Benhayil, Benhesed, Benhur, Beninu, Beno, Benob, Benoni, Benzoheth, Bera, Beraiah, Berakah, Bered, Beri, Bernice, Besai, Besodeiah, Beth, Bethuel, Beulah, Bezer, Bichri, Bidkar, Bigtha, Bigthan, Bildad, Bilgai, Bilhah, Bilshan, Bimhal, Binea, Birsha, Birzaith, Bishlam, Bithiah, Biztha, Blastus, Boanerges, Boaz, Bocheru, Bukkiah, Bunah, Buzi, Caiaphas, Cain, Cainan, Canaan, Candace, Carcas, Carpus, Carshena, Castor, Cephas, Cheran, Chilion, Chloe, Christ, Chuza, Cileab, Claudia, Clement, Cleopas, Clopas, Colhozeh, Coniah, Cornelius, Cosam, Coz, Cozbi, Crescens, Crispus, Cushanrishathaim, Cyrus, Dagon, Dalphon, Damaris, Dan, Darda, Darkon, Dathan, David, Debir, Delilah, Demas, Devil, Diana, Diblaim, Dibri, Didymus, Diklah, Dinah, Dionysius, Diotrephes, Dishan, Dodai, Dodavahu, Doeg, Dorcas, Drusilla, Dumah, Ebal, Ebedmelech, Ebenezer, Ebiasaph, Edom, Eglah, Eglon, Ehi, Eker, El, Eladah, Eldaah, Eldad, Elead, Eli, Eliahba, Eliathah, Elidad, Elienai, Elihoreph, Elika, Elimelech, Eliphelehu, Elisha, Elishah, Elishaphat, Elisheba, Elishua, Eliud, Elizabeth, Elizur, Elmadam, Elnaam, Elpaal, Eluzai, Elymas, Enan, Enosh, Epaenetus, Epaphras, Epaphroditus, Ephai, Ephlal, Ephod, Ephrath, Ephron, Eran, Eri, Esarhaddon, Esau, Eshbaal, Eshban, Eshek, Eshtemoa, Eshton, Esli, Esther, Etam, Ethbaal, Ethnan, Ethni, Eubulus, Eunice, Euodia, Eutychus, Eve, Evi, Evilmerodach, Ezbai, Ezekiel, Ezri, Felix, Festus, Fortunatus, Gaal, Gabbai, Gabriel, Gaddi, Gaddiel, Gadi, Gaham, Gahar, Gallio, Gamul, Gareb, Gatam, Gazez, Gazzam, Geber, Gedor, Gehazi, Gemalli, Genubath, Gershon, Geshan, Geshem, Gether, Gethsemane, Geuel, Gibbar, Gibea, Giddalti, Gideon, Gideoni, Gilalai, Ginath, Ginnethon, Gishpa, Goliath, Haahashtari, Habakkuk, Habazziniah, Hacaliah, Hadadezer, Hadassah, Hades, Hadlai, Hagab, Hagabah, Hagar, Haggai, Haggedolim, Haggi, Haggiah, Haggith, Hagri, Hakkatan, Hakupha, Hallohesh, Ham, Haman, Hammedatha, Hammelech, Hammoleketh, Hammuel, Hamor, Hamul, Hamutal, Hanamel, Hannah, Happizzez, Harbona, Hareph, Harhaiah, Harhas, Harhur, Harnepher, Haroeh, Harsha, Harum, Harumaph, Haruz, Hasadiah, Hashabnah, Hashbaddanah, Hashem, Hashenaah, Hashmonah, Hashubah, Hasrah, Hassenuah, Hassophereth, Hasupha, Hathach, Hathath, Hatipha, Hatita, Hattil, Hazael, Hazaiah, Hazarmoth, Hazelelponi, Haziel, Hazo, Hegai, Helah, Heled, Helek, Helem, Heli, Helkai, Helon, Hemam, Hemath, Hemdan, Hen, Henadad, Heresh, Hermas, Hermogenes, Herodias, Herodion, Heth, Hezion, Hezro, Hiddai, Hiel, Hillel, Hirah, Hizki, Hobab, Hobaiah, Hod, Hodesh, Hoglah, Hoham, Hophni, Hophra, Horam, Hosah, Hosea, Hoshama, Hothir, Hubbah, Hul, Huldah, Hupham, Huppah, Huppim, Hurai, Huram, Huri, Hushah, Hushai, Husham, Hushim, Hymenaeus, Ibhar, Ibneiah, Ibri, Ibsam, Ibzan, Ichabod, Idbash, Igdaliah, Ikkesh, Ilai, Imla, Immanuel, Imna, Imrah, Iphedeiah, Ir, Irad, Iram, Iri, Irijah, Irnahash, Iru, Isaac, Iscah, Iscariot, Ishbah, Ishbak, Ishhod, Ishijah, Ishma, Ishmerai, Ishpah, Ishpan, Ishvah, Ismachiah, Israel, Issachar, Ithamar, Ithmah, Ithream, Izhar, Izrahiah, Izri, Izziah, Jaakan, Jaakobah, Jaala, Jaalam, Jaanai, Jaareshiah, Jaasau, Jaasiel, Jaaziah, Jaaziel, Jabal, Jabesh, Jabez, Jachan, Jacob, Jada, Jaddai, Jadon, Jael, Jahdai, Jahdiel, Jahdo, Jahleel, Jahmai, Jahzeel, Jahzeiah, Jahzerah, Jairus, Jakeh, Jalon, Jambres, Jamlech, Jannai, Jannes, Japheth, Jarah, Jareb, Jared, Jarha, Jaroah, Jashar, Jashen, Jashubilehem, Jason, Jathniel, Javan, Jaziz, Jeaterai, Jeberechiah, Jecoliah, Jedidah, Jedidiah, Jeduthun, Jeezer, Jehath, Jehezkel, Jehiah, Jehieli, Jehizkiah, Jehoaddah, Jehoaddin, Jehoash, Jehoiachin, Jehoiakim, Jehosheba, Jehozadak, Jehubbah, Jehucal, Jehudi, Jehudijah, Jekameam, Jekuthiel, Jemimah, Jemuel, Jephthah, Jerah, Jered, Jeremai, Jeriah, Jeribai, Jericho, Jeriel, Jerioth, Jerubbaal, Jerubbesheth, Jerusalem, Jerusha, Jeshebeab, Jesher, Jeshishai, Jeshohaiah, Jesimel, Jesse, Jetheth, Jethro, Jetur, Jeuz, Jezaniah, Jezebel, Jezer, Jeziel, Jezliah, Jezoar, Jezreel, Jibsam, Jidlaph, Joahaz, Joanna, Job, Jochebed, Joda, Joed, Joelah, Joezer, Jogli, Joiakim, Jokim, Jokshan, Joktan, Jonah, Jonam, Jorah, Jorai, Jordan, Jorim, Jorkoam, Josech, Joshah, Joshaviah, Joshbekashah, Joshibiah, Josiphiah, Jozachar, Jubal, Jude, Judith, Julia, Julius, Junia, Jushabhesed, Kallai, Kareah, Kedar, Kedemah, Kedorlaomer, Keilah, Kelaiah, Kelal, Keluhi, Kemosh, Kenan, Kenani, Kerenhappuch, Keros, Kerub, Kesed, Keturah, Keziah, Kimham, Kishi, Kislon, Kohath, Laadah, Laban, Lael, Lahad, Lahmi, Laish, Lappidoth, Leah, Lebanah, Lebbaeus, Lehi, Lemuel, Likhi, Linus, Loammi, Lois, Loruhamah, Lot, Lotan, Lucifer, Lud, Luke, Lydia, Lysanias, Lysias, Maadai, Maadiah, Maai, Maasai, Maath, Maaz, Machbanai, Machbenah, Machi, Madai, Madmannah, Magbish, Magdala, Magdalene, Magdiel, Magog, Magormissabib, Magpiash, Maharai, Mahasham, Mahazioth, Mahershalalhashbaz, Mahlon, Mahol, Maknadebai, Malachi, Malcham, Malchiel, Malchiram, Malchishua, Malchus, Mallothi, Mamre, Manaen, Manahath, Manoah, Maoch, Maon, Mara, Marduk, Mareshah, Mark, Marsena, Martha, Mash, Massa, Matred, Matri, Mattatha, Mattattah, Matthan, Matthew, Matthias, Mebunnai, Medad, Medan, Mehida, Mehir, Mehujael, Mehuman, Melatiah, Melchizedek, Melea, Melech, Memucan, Menahem, Meni, Menna, Meonenim, Meonothai, Merab, Meraiah, Merari, Mered, Meres, Meribbaal, Merodachbaladan, Meshach, Meshech, Meshelemiah, Meshillemith, Meshobab, Meshullemeth, Messiah, Methuselah, Methushael, Mezahab, Mibhar, Mibzar, Mica, Michal, Micri, Midian, Mikneiah, Milalai, Milcom, Mirmah, Misham, Mishmannah, Mispar, Mizraim, Mizzah, Mnason, Moab, Molech, Molid, Mordecai, Moriah, Moses, Muppim, Mushi, Myra, Naam, Naarah, Naarai, Nabal, Naboth, Nachon, Naggai, Naham, Nahamani, Naharai, Nahbi, Nahshon, Naomi, Naphish, Naphtali, Narcissus, Nathanael, Nathanmelech, Nazarene, Nazareth, Nebai, Nebaioth, Nebat, Nebuchadnezzar, Nebusarsekim, Nebushazban, Nebuzaradan, Necho, Nedabiah, Nehushta, Nekoda, Nereus, Nergal, Neri, Neriah, Neziah, Nezib, Nibhaz, Nicanor, Nicodemus, Nicolas, Niger, Nimrod, Nimshi, Nisroch, Nobah, Nod, Nogah, Nohah, Nun, Nympha, Obal, Obil, Ochran, Og, Ohad, Ohel, Oholah, Oholibah, Olympas, Omar, On, Onam, Onan, Onesimus, Onesiphorus, Ophir, Ophrah, Oreb, Oren, Orion, Orpah, Othni, Othniel, Ozni, Paarai, Padon, Pagiel, Pahathmoab, Palel, Pallu, Paltiel, Parmashta, Parmenas, Parnach, Parosh, Parshandatha, Paruah, Pasach, Patrobas, Paul, Paulus, Pedahel, Pedahzur, Pekah, Pekahiah, Pelaliah, Peleg, Peninnah, Peresh, Perez, Persis, Peruda, Peter, Pethuel, Peulthai, Phanuel, Phicol, Philemon, Philetus, Philologus, Phlegon, Phoebe, Phygelus, Pilate, Pildash, Pilha, Piltai, Pinon, Piram, Pispah, Pithon, Pocherethhazzebaim, Pollux, Pontius, Poratha, Porcius, Potiphar, Potiphera, Priscilla, Prochorus, Pua, Publius, Pudens, Pul, Purah, Put, Putiel, Pyrrhus, Quartus, Quirinus, Raamah, Raamiah, Rabmag, Rabsaris, Rabshakeh, Rachel, Raddai, Raham, Rakem, Ramiah, Rapha, Raphah, Raphu, Reba, Rebecca, Reelaiah, Regem, Regemmelech, Rehabiah, Rehoboam, Rei, Remaliah, Rephael, Rephah, Rephan, Resheph, Reu, Reuben, Reumah, Rezia, Rezon, Rhesa, Rhoda, Ribai, Rinnah, Riphath, Rizpah, Rodanim, Rohgah, Romamtiezer, Rosh, Ruhamah, Ruth, Sabtah, Sabtecha, Sachiah, Sallai, Salmon, Salu, Samgarnebo, Samlah, Samson, Sanballat, Saph, Sapphira, Sarah, Saraph, Sargon, Satan, Sceva, Seba, Secundus, Seir, Seled, Semachiah, Semein, Senaah, Sennacherib, Seorim, Serah, Sered, Sergius, Serug, Seth, Sethur, Shaashgaz, Shabbethai, Shaddai, Shadrach, Shage, Shaharaim, Shallun, Shalmai, Shalman, Shalmaneser, Shama, Shamed, Shamgar, Shamir, Shamma, Shamsherai, Shapham, Sharai, Sharar, Sharon, Shashai, Shashak, Shavsha, Sheal, Shealtiel, Sheariah, Shearjashub, Sheber, Shedeur, Shehariah, Sheleph, Shelesh, Shelomi, Shelumiel, Shem, Shemaah, Shemeber, Shemida, Shemuel, Shenazzar, Shepho, Shephuphan, Sherah, Sheresh, Sheshai, Sheshan, Sheshbazzar, Sheth, Shethar, Shetharbozenai, Shilhi, Shillem, Shiloh, Shilshah, Shimeah, Shimeath, Shimeon, Shimon, Shimrath, Shimrith, Shimron, Shimshai, Shinab, Shiphi, Shiphrah, Shiphtan, Shisha, Shishak, Shitrai, Shiza, Shobach, Shobai, Shobek, Shobi, Shoham, Shophach, Shual, Shuham, Shuni, Shupham, Shuppim, Sia, Sibbechai, Sidon, Sihon, Silas, Sisamai, Sithri, So, Soco, Sodi, Solomon, Sopater, Sophereth, Sosthenes, Sotai, Stachys, Stephanas, Stephen, Suah, Succothbenoth, Susanna, Susi, Syntyche, Tabbaoth, Tabitha, Tabrimon, Tahash, Tahpenes, Talitha, Talmon, Tammuz, Tanhumeth, Taphath, Tappuah, Tarea, Tartak, Tattenai, Tebah, Tebaliah, Tehinnah, Tekoa, Telah, Telem, Tema, Temah, Temeni, Terah, Teresh, Tertius, Tertullus, Thaddaeus, Theophilus, Theudas, Thomas, Tiberius, Tibni, Tidal, Tiglathpileser, Tilon, Timaeus, Timon, Timothy, Tiras, Tirhakah, Tirhanah, Tiria, Tirzah, Titius, Titus, Toah, Tobadonijah, Togarmah, Tohu, Toi, Trophimus, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Tubal, Tubalcain, Tychicus, Tyrannus, Ucal, Uel, Ulla, Ur, Urban, Uzai, Uzal, Uzzah, Vaizatha, Vaniah, Vashni, Vashti, Vophsi, Yahweh, Zaavan, Zabbud, Zabud, Zaccai, Zacchaeus, Zaham, Zalaph, Zalmon, Zalmunna, Zanoah, Zaphenathpaneah, Zattu, Zaza, Zebah, Zebedee, Zebidah, Zebina, Zebul, Zebulun, Zeeb, Zelek, Zelophehad, Zemira, Zenas, Zepho, Zeresh, Zereth, Zeri, Zeror, Zeruah, Zerubbabel, Zeruiah, Zetham, Zethan, Zethar, Zeus, Zia, Ziba, Zibia, Zibiah, Zillah, Zilpah, Zimran, Zion, Ziphah, Ziphion, Zippor, Zipporah, Zobebah, Zoheth, Zophah, Zophai, Zophar, Zuar, Zuph, Zuriel, Zurishaddai
VISUAL How To Pronounce
The following shows: [the Name-> the Translation-> the Place in the Bible -> the Bible Pronunciation
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce A words in the Bible:
[ Aaron - Aaron, it Aar'on - Exodus 4:14 (h175) - AIR-uhn, ER-uhn, AY-ron] * [ abacus* - — - g01 8/22 13 - AB-uh-kuhs, uh-BAK-uhs] * [ Abaddon - A•bad'don - Revelation 9:11 (g3) - uh-BAD-uhn] * [ Abanah] * [ (also Abana) - A•ba'nah - 2 Kings 5:12 (h71) - uh-BAY-nuh] * [ Abba - Abba, it Ab'ba - Mark 14:36 (g5) - AB-uh, AH-buh (listen)] * [ Abdias - ("Obadiah" in NW) - Obadiah 1:1 DRB (h5662) - ab-DI -uhs] * [ Abednego] * [ (Abed-nego in some Bibles) - A•bed'ne•go - Daniel 1:7 (h5664) - uh-BED-nih-goh, not uh-BEN-dih-goh] * [ Abel - Abel, it A'bel - Genesis 4:2 (h1893) - AY-buhl, AY-behl] * [ Abel-mizraim - A'bel-miz'ra•im - Genesis 50:11 (h67) - AY-buhl-MIZ-ray-im, AY-behl-MIZ-ray-im] * [ Abi - A'bi - 2 Kings 18:2 (h21) - AY-bi] * [ Abiathar - A•bi'a•thar - 1 Samuel 22:20 (h54) - uh-BI -uh-thahr, not uh-BEE-] * [ Abib - A'bib - Exodus 13:4 (h24) - AY-bib (also ah-VEEV)] * [ Abi-ezrite] * [ (Abiezer clan, Abi[-]ezrites, Abiezer's family, Ezrites, family of Ezri in some Bibles) - Abi-ez'rite - Judges 6:24 (h33) - ab'ee-EHZ-rit, ay'bi-EZ-rit] * [ Abigail - Ab'i•gail - 1 Samuel 25:3 (h26) - AB-ih-gayl', -uh-] * [ Abihail - Ab'i•ha•il - Esther 2:15 (h32) - AB-uh-hayl] * [ Abihu - A•bi'hu - Exodus 6:23 (h30) - uh-BI -hoo (also -hyoo)] * [ Abihud] * [ (Abiud in Christian Greek Scriptures) - A•bi'hud - 1 Chronicles 8:3 (h31) - uh-BI -huhd] * [ Abilene - Ab•i•le'ne - Luke 3:1 (g9) - ab'uh-LEE-nee, not AB-uh-leen] * [ Abimael - A•bim'a•el - 1 Chronicles 1:22 (h39) - uh-BIM-ay-uhl, uh-BIM-uh-el] * [ Abimelech - A•bim'e•lech - Genesis 20:2 (h40) - uh-BIM-uh-lek] * [ Abinadab - A•bin'a•dab - 1 Samuel 16:8 (h41) - uh-BIN-uh-dab] * [ Abinoam - A•bin'o•am - Judges 4:6 (h42) - uh-BIN-oh-uhm, uh-BIN-oh-am] * [ Abiram - A•bi'ram - Numbers 16:1 (h48) - uh-BI -ruhm] * [ Abishag - Ab'i•shag - 1 Kings 1:3 (h49) - AB-uh-shag] * [ Abishai - A•bish'ai - 2 Samuel 2:18 (h52) - uh-BISH-i, uh-BI -shi] * [ Abishalom - A•bish'a•lom - 1 Kings 15:2 (h53) - uh-BISH-ah-lahm, uh-BISH-uh-luhm] * [ Abishua - Ab•i•shu'a - 1 Chronicles 6:4 (h50) - ab-ih-SHOO-uh, uh-BISH-oo-uh] * [ Abiud] * [ (Abihud in Hebrew Scriptures) - A•bi'ud - Matthew 1:13 (g10) - uh-BI -uhd] * [ Abraham - Abraham, it A'bra•ham - Genesis 17:5 (h85) - AY-bruh-ham] * [ Abram - A'bram - Genesis 11:26 (h87) - AY-bruhm, AY-bram'] * [ abrogate* - — - w95 3/15 27 - AB-ruh-gayt] * [ Absalom - Ab'sa•lom - 2 Samuel 3:3 (h53) - AB-suh-luhm] * [ acacia] * [ (shittim in some Bibles) - acacia - Exodus 25:10 (h7848) - uh-KAY-shuh] * [ Accad] * [ (also Akkad) - Ac'cad - Genesis 10:10 (h390) - AK-ad, AK-kad] * [ Acco] * [ (aka Accho, Acre, Ptolemais) - Ac'co - Judges 1:31 (h5910) - AK-oh] * [ Achaean*] * [ (also Achaian) - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - uh-KEE-uhn] * [ Achaemenes* - — - it "Cyrus" - uh-KEE-muh-neez', uh-KEM-uh-neez'] * [ Achaemenian* - — - it "Cyrus" - ak'uh-MEE-nee-uhn] * [ Achaemenid*] * [ (pl. Achaemenids) - — - it "Darius" - uh-KEE-muh-nid, uh-KEM-uh-nid; pl. ak'uh-MEN-idz] * [ Achaia] * [ (also Achaea) - A•cha'ia - Acts 19:21 (g882) - uh-KAY-uh, uh-KAY-yuh (also uh-KEE-uh)] * [ Achaian*] * [ (also Achaean) - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - uh-KAY-uhn] * [ Achaicus - A•cha'i•cus - 1 Corinthians 16:17 (g883) - uh-KAY-uh-kuhs] * [ Achan - A'chan - Joshua 7:20 (h5912) - AY-kan] * [ Achilles* - — - dp 154; w99 4/15 18 - uh-KIL-eez, not AK-uhl-eez] * [ Achish - A'chish - 1 Samuel 21:10 (h397) - AY-kish] * [ Achor - A'chor - Joshua 7:24 (h5911) - AY-kohr] * [ Achsah - Ach'sah - Joshua 15:16 (h5915) - AK-suh, AK-sah] * [ Achzib - Ach'zib - Micah 1:14 (h392) - AK-zib] * [ Acre*] * [ (aka Acco) - — - it "Acco" - AH-kruh (listen), AH-kuhr] * [ Acrocorinthus* - — - it "Corinth" - ak'roh-kuh-RIN-thuhs] * [ acropolis* - — - it "Areopagus" - uh-KROP-uh-lis] * [ acrostic* - — - Lamentations 1:1 ftn. - uh-KROS-tik] * [ Actium* - — - dp 231; it "Egypt, Egyptian" - AK-shee-uhm, -tee-] * [ Acts] * [ (Bible book) - Acts - Acts of Apostles - AKTS] * [ Adaminekeb - Ad'a•mi-ne'keb - Joshua 19:33 (h129 + h5346) - ad'uh-mi -NEE-keb] * [ Adar - A'dar - Ezra 6:15 (h144) - AY-dahr (also ah-DAHR, AH-dahr)] * [ Adhonai'* or Adonai or Adonay* - Adho•nai'; A•do•nay' - "Adonai" in Exodus 6:3 DRB and 1 Kings 2:26 Da (h113); - ad'oh-NI, ahd'- (listen), sometimes ad'uh-NOI, a-DOH-ni] * [ Adonijah - Ad•o•ni'jah - 1 Kings 1:5 (h138) - ad'uh-NI -juh, ad'oh-NI -juh] * [ Adonis - ("Tammuz" in NW) - Ezekiel 8:14 DRB (h8542) - uh-DON-is, -DOH-nis] * [ Adoptianism*] * [ or Adoptionism* - — - — - uh-DAHP-shuh-nih'zuhm] * [ Adrammelech - A•dram'me•lech - 2 Kings 19:37 (h152) - uh-DRAM-uh-lek] * [ Adramyttium - Ad•ra•myt'ti•um - Acts 27:2 (g98) - ad'ruh-MIT-ee-uhm] * [ Adriatic* - — - Acts 27:27 ftn. - ay'dree-AT-ik, ad'ree-AT-ik] * [ Adullam - A•dul'lam - 1 Samuel 22:1 (h5725) - uh-DUHL-uhm] * [ adultery - adultery - Exodus 20:14 (h5003) - uh-DUHL-tuh-ree, -DUHL-tree] * [ aedile* - — - it "Erastus" - EE-duhl, EE-di l'] * [ Aegean* - — - dp 149; it "Greece, Greeks" - ih-JEE-uhn, ee-, not ay'JEE-uhn] * [ Aeneas] * [ (spelled Eneas in some Bibles) - Ae•ne'as - Acts 9:33 (g132) - uh-NEE-uhs, ih-] * [ Aenon - Ae'non - John 3:23 (g137) - EE-nuhn, EE-non] * [ aeon*] * [ (also eon) - — - g77 11/22 27 - EE-uhn, EE-ahn'] * [ Aesculapius*] * [ (also Asclepius) - — - it "Diseases and Treatment" - es'kyuh-LAY-pee-uhs (listen), Brit. ee'skuh-] * [ Aesop* - — - w00 2/1 6 - EE-sahp', EE-suhp] * [ Agabus - Ag'a•bus - Acts 11:28 (g13) - AG-uh-buhs] * [ Agag - A'gag - 1 Samuel 15:8 (h90) - AY-gag] * [ Agagite - Ag'ag•ite - Esther 3:1 (h91) - AG-uh-gi t] * [ agape* - a•ga'pe - 1 Corinthians 13:4, 13 ftn. (g26) - ah-GAH-pay (listen)] * [ Agathocles* - — - dp 223 - uh-GATH-uh-kleez'] * [ aggadah*] * [ (pl. aggadot) - — - w99 3/15 27 - uh-GAH-duh, Seph. Heb. ah-gah-DAH, Ashk. Heb. uh-GAH-duh] * [ aggadic* - — - w99 3/15 27 - uh-GAH-dik] * [ Aggeus - ("Haggai" in NW) - Haggai 1:1 DRB (h2292) - AG-ee-uhs] * [ Agnostic* - — - w89 2/15 4 - ag-NAHS-tik, uhg-] * [ Agnosticism* - — - g84 3/8 8 - ag-NOS-tuh-siz-uhm] * [ agora* - — - it "Athens" - AG-uh-ruh, AG-uhr-uh, also ah'guh-RAH (listen), not uh-GOR-uh] * [ Agrippa - A•grip'pa - Acts 25:13 (g67) - uh-GRIP-uh] * [ Agur - A'gur - Proverbs 30:1 (h94) - AY-guhr] * [ Ahasuerus] * [ (Xerxes in some Bibles) - A•has•u•e'rus - Ezra 4:6 (h325) - uh-haz'yoo-EE-ruhs, ah-haz'uh-EE-ruhs, not uh-HAZ-yoo-ruhs] * [ Ahava - A•ha'va - Ezra 8:15 (h163) - uh-HAY-vuh] * [ Ahaziah - A•ha•zi'ah - 1 Kings 22:51 (h274) - ay'huh-ZI -uh] * [ Ahiah - ("Ahijah" in NW) - 1 Samuel 14:18 KJ, Yg (h281) - uh-HI -uh] * [ Ahijah - A•hi'jah - 1 Samuel 14:18 (h281) - ah-HI -juh, uh-] * [ Ahimaaz - A•him'a•az - 1 Samuel 14:50 (h290) - uh-HIM-ay-az, uh-HIM-uh-az] * [ Ahimelech - A•him'e•lech - 1 Samuel 21:1 (h288) - uh-HIM-uh-lek] * [ Ahinoam - A•hin'o•am - 1 Samuel 14:50 (h293) - uh-HIN-oh-uhm, uh-HIN-ah-am'] * [ Ahithophel - A•hith'o•phel - 2 Samuel 15:12 (h302) - uh-HITH-uh-fel] * [ Aholah - ("Oholah" in NW) - Ezekiel 23:4 KJ, Yg (h170) - uh-HOL-luh] * [ Aholibah - ("Oholibah" in NW) - Ezekiel 23:4 KJ, Yg (h172) - uh-HOH-lih-buh] * [ Ahriman* - — - g84 6/8 6 - AHR-ih-muhn, -mahn'] * [ Ahura Mazda* - — - dp 151 - ah-hoor'uh MAZ-duh (listen), not MAHZ-] * [ Ai] * [ (Hai in KJ, Douay) - A'i - Genesis 12:8 (h5857) - AY-i] * [ Aijalon] * [ (Ajalon in some Bibles) - Ai'ja•lon - Joshua 10:12 (h357) - I -juh-lon (also A-juh-lon, AY-)] * [ Akeldama] * [ (Aceldama in some Bibles) - A•kel'da•ma - Acts 1:19 (g184) - uh-KEL-duh-muh, not ak'uhl-DAH-muh] * [ Akhenaton* (also Ikhnaton) - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - ahk'NAH-tuhn, ah'kuh-] * [ Akhisar*] * [ (ancient Thyatira) - — - w03 5/15 15 - ahk'hih-SAHR] * [ Akkad*] * [ (also Accad) - — - it "Accad" - AK-ad] * [ Akkadian* - — - dp 34 - uh-KAY-dee-uhn] * [ Alamoth - Al'a•moth - 1 Chronicles 15:20 (h5961) - AL-uh-mohth, AL-uh-moth] * [ Alasehir*] * [ (ancient Philadelphia) - — - it "Philadelphia" - a'luh-shuh-HIHR, aw'luh-, ah-LAH-sheh-heer'] * [ albeit - ("besides" in NW) - Ezekiel 13:7 KJ; Philemon 19 (g2443) - awl-BEE-uht, al-] * [ Albigenses*] * [ (aka Cathari) - — - w95 9/1 28 - al'bih-JEN-seez, not AL-buh-jen'sez] * [ aleph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - ‘A'leph - Psalm 119:1 (verse heading) - AH-lef, -luhf] * [ Aleppo*] * [ (ancient Beroea or Berea, Syria) - — - w00 2/15 29 - uh-LEP-oh(')] * [ Alexander - Alexander; it Al•ex•an'der - Acts 19:33 (g223) - al'ig-ZAN-duhr, -ZAHN-] * [ Alexandria - Alexandria; it Al•ex•an'dria - Acts 18:24 (g221) - al'ig-ZAN-dree-uh, -ZAHN-] * [ Alexandrinus (Codex)* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Alexandrine Manuscript)" - al'ig-zan-DRI nuhs] * [ algum] * [ (almug, sandlewood in some Bibles) - algum - 1 Kings 10:11 (h484) - AL-guhm] * [ Allah* - — - w93 11/1 4 - AH-luh, A-luh, AH-lah', ah-LAH] * [ allegory - ("symbolic drama" in NW) - Galatians 4:24 AS, DRB, KJ (g238) - AL-uh-gohr'ee, -gawr'-] * [ Alleluia] * [ (Hallelujah, Praise God!, Praise the Lord in some Bibles) - ("Praise Jah, YOU people!" in NW) - Revelation 19:1 DRB, KJ, Yg (g239) - al'uh-LOO-yuh] * [ almond - almond - Ecclesiastes 12:5 (h8247) - AH-muhnd, AM-uhnd, AL-muhnd, AHL-, AWL-] * [ almug] * [ (juniper wood, sandlewood, thyine in some Bibles) - ("algum" in NW) - 1 Kings 10:11 KJ (h484) - AL-muhg] * [ aloes (aloeswood) - aloes - Song of Solomon 4:14 (h174) - AL-ohz] * [ Alpha - Al'pha - Revelation 1:8 (g1) - AL-fuh] * [ Alphaeus - Al•phae'us - Acts 1:13 (g256) - al-FEE-uhs] * [ Al-taschith] * [ (Altaschith. al tashcheth, Al-tashheth, Destroy not, Do Not / Don't Destroy in some Bibles) - ("Do not bring to ruin" in NW) - Psalm 75 superscription BE, KJ (h516) - al-TAS-kith] * [ Amalek; Amalekite - Am'a•lek; A•mal'ek•ite - Genesis 36:12 (h6002); 2 Samuel 1:8 (h6003) - AM-uh-lek; uh-MAL-uh-ki t] * [ amanuensis* - — - w67 4/15 230 - uh'man-yuh-WEN(T)-suhs, uh-man'yoo-EN-sis] * [ Amariah - Am•a•ri'ah - Zephaniah 1:1 (h568) - am'uh-RI -uh] * [ Amarna, Tell el-*] * [ (also Tel) - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - tel(') el uh-MAHR-nuh] * [ Amasa - A•ma'sa - 2 Samuel 17:25 (h6021) - ah-MAY-suh, uh-, not uh-MAS-uh] * [ Amaziah - Am•a•zi'ah - 2 Kings 14:1 (h558) - am'uh-ZI -uh] * [ ambidextrous] * [ ("left-handed" in most Bibles) - ("left-handed" in NW) - Judges 3:15 ftn. NW; Judges 20:16 MSG (h334 + h3027 + h3225) - am'bih-DEK-struhs] * [ ambiguous - ambiguous - Daniel 8:23 (h2420) - am-BIG-yoo-uhs, am-BIH-gyuh-wuhs] * [ Amen - Amen - Psalm 41:13 (h543); Revelation 3:14 (g281) - AY-men', ah-MEN] * [ amerce] * [ (condemn, fine in some Bibles) - ("fine" in NW) - Deuteronomy 22:19 KJ (h6848) - uh-MUHRS] * [ amethyst - amethyst - Revelation 21:20 (g271) - AM-uh-thist('), -thuhst] * [ Am Haarets*] * [ ‘am ha•’aretz ("people of the land") - (‘am ha•’a‘rets) - Jeremiah 1:18 ftn. (h5971, h776) - ahm' hah-AHR-ets (usu. derogatory)] * [ Amharic* - — - it "Ethiopia" - am-HAR-ik, am-HAH-rik] * [ amicus curiae* - — - g85 9/8 13 - uh-MEE-kuhs, -MI -, KYUR-ee-i ', KUR-, -ih-ee'] * [ Amittai - A•mit'tai - Jonah 1:1 (h573) - uh-MIT-i] * [ Ammiel - Am'mi•el - 2 Samuel 9:4 (h5988) - AM-ee-uhl] * [ Ammon] * [ (compare Amon) - Am'mon - Genesis 19:38 (h5983) - AM-uhn, AM-ahn' not AY-muhn] * [ Amnon - Am'non - 2 Samuel 13:1 (h550) - AM-non, AM-nuhn] * [ Amon] * [ (compare Ammon) - A'mon - 2 Kings 21:19 (h526) - AY-mon, AY-mahn' not AM-uhn] * [ Amos - A'mos (Bible book) - Amos 1:1 (h5986) - AY-muhs] * [ Amoz - A'moz - Isaiah 1:1 (h531) - AY-moz] * [ Amphipolis - Am•phip'o•lis - Acts 17:1 (g295) - am-FIP-uh-lis, am-FIP-uh-luhs] * [ Amram - Am'ram - Exodus 6:20 (h6019) - AM-ram] * [ Amraphel - Am'ra•phel - Genesis 14:1 (h569) - AM-ruh-fel] * [ Amurru* - — - it "Amorite (The 'Amurru')" - uh-MOO-roo] * [ anachronism* - — - w60 6/1 349 - uh-NAK-ruh-niz'uhm] * [ anagoge* or anagogy* - — - — - AN-uh-goh'jee] * [ Anak; Anakim - A'nak; An'a•kim - Deuteronomy 9:2 (h6062, h6061) - AY-nak; AN-uh-kim] * [ Anammelech - A•nam'me•lech - 2 Kings 17:31 (h6048) - uh-NAM-uh-lek] * [ Ananias - An•a•ni'as - Acts 5:1 (g367) - an'uh-NI -uhs] * [ anaphora* - — - religious definition - uh-NAF-uh-ruh, uh-NA-f(uh-)ruh] * [ Anat* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - AH-naht] * [ Anathema Maranatha - ("accursed" + "O our Lord come!" in NW) - 1 Corinthians 16:22 KJ (g331 + g3134) - uh-NATH-uh-muh mar'uh-NATH-uh] * [ Anathoth - An'a•thoth - Jeremiah 1:1 (h6068) - AN-uh-thoth] * [ Anatolia* - — - g92 1/8 7 - a'nuh-TOH-lee-uh, -TOHL-yuh] * [ Andronicus - An•dron'i•cus - Romans 16:7 (g408) - an-DRON-uh-kuhs] * [ angel - angel - Genesis 22:11 (h4397); Matthew 1:20 (g32) - AYN-juhl] * [ animism* - — - sh 23 - AN-uh-miz'uhm] * [ ankh*] * [ (aka crux ansata) - — - w68 2/1 95 - ANGK, AHNGK] * [ Annas - An'nas - Luke 3:2 (g452) - AN-uhs, not AY-nuhs] * [ Anshan* - — - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - ahn-shahn] * [ antagonist - antagonist - Isaiah 50:8 (h1167) - an-TAG-uh-nist] * [ antediluvian*] * [ (compare postdiluvian) - — - w95 3/15 20 - an'tih-duh-LOO-vee-uhn, an'tee-dih-, -di (')-] * [ anthropomorphic* - — - g81 4/22 16 - at(t)'thruh-puh-MOR-fik] * [ Antigonus, Gonatas* - — - dp 215 - an-TIG-uh-nuhs, goh-NAY-tuhs] * [ Anti-Lebanon - Anti-Leb'a•non - Song of Solomon 4:8 (h549) - an'tee-LEB-uh-nuhn] * [ antilegomena*] * [ (opposed to homologoumena) - — - — - AN-tih-lee-gom'ee-na, an'tih-lee-GOM-eh-nah, an'tih-luh-GOM-uh-nuh] * [ Antioch - Antioch, it An'ti•och - Acts 11:26 (g490) - AN-tee-ok] * [ Antiochus Epiphanes* - — - dp 13; 1 Maccabees 1:10 - an-TI -uh-kuhs, ayn-, ee-PIF-uh-neez] * [ Antipas - An'ti•pas - Revelation 2:13 (g493) - AN-tee-puhs, AN-tih-puhs, AN-tih-pas' (listen)] * [ Antipater* - — - it "Antipas" - an-TIP-uh-tuhr, not an'tuh-PAY-tuhr] * [ Antipatris - An•tip'a•tris - Acts 23:31 (g494) - an-TIP-uh-tris] * [ antithesis*] * [ (pl. anthitheses) - — - it "Evil" - an-TIH-thuh-suhs (plural an-TIH-thuh-seez')] * [ Antonia* - — - it "Antonia, Tower of" - an-TOH-nee-uh, -TON-yuh] * [ Anu* - — - Isaiah 35:4 (h4116); dp 71; it "Gods and Goddesses" - AY-noo, ah-NOO, UH-NOO] * [ Anubis* - — - sh 50 (illustration), 53 - uh-NOO-buhs, -NYOO-] * [ anxious - anxious - Matthew 6:25 (g3308) - ANG(K)-shuhs] * [ aorist* - — - it "Greek" - AY-uh-ruhst, EH-uh-] * [ aoristic* - — - w57 2/15 127 - ay'uh-RIS-tik, eh'uh-] * [ Aphrah] * [ (Beth-le-aphrah, Beth Leaphrah, house of Dust in some Bibles) - Aph'rah - Micah 1:10 (h1036) - AF-ruh, AF-rah] * [ Aphrodite* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - af'ruh-DI -tee] * [ Apis* - — - it "Bull"; dp 158 - AY-pis] * [ Apocalypse* - — - it "Revelation to John" - uh-POK-uh-lips'] * [ Apocrypha* - — - it "Apocrypha" - uh-POK-ruh-fuh] * [ apocryphal* - — - dp 24 - uh-POK-ruh-fuhl] * [ Apollo - ("Apollos" in NW) - Acts 18:24 DRB (h8625) - uh-POL-oh, -PAH-loh(')] * [ Apollos - A•pol'los - Acts 18:24 (g625) - uh-POL-uhs] * [ Apollonia - Ap•ol•lo'ni•a - Acts 17:1 (g624) - ap'uh-LOH-nee-uh] * [ Apollyon - A•pol'lyon - Revelation 9:11 (g623) - uh-POL-yuhn, uh-POL-ee-uhn] * [ apologetics* - — - g82 7/8 22 - uh-pah'luh-JEH-tiks, uh-pol'uh-JET-iks] * [ apologia* - — - — - ap'uh-LOH-j(ee-)uh] * [ aposiopesis* - — - 2 Samuel 23:17 ftn. - ap'uh-si 'uh-PEE-suhs] * [ apostatize* - — - it "Apostasy" - uh-PAHS-tuh-ti z', not -si z] * [ apostle - apostle - 1 Corinthians 9:1 (g652) - uh-PAH-suhl (silent "t")] * [ apostolic* - — - it "Apostle" - ap'uh-STAH-lik] * [ apothecary] * [ (compounder, perfume-maker, perfumer in some Bibles) - ("ointment maker" in NW) - Exodus 30:35 KJ (h7543) - uh-PAH-thuh-ker'ee] * [ apotheosis* - — - w60 8/1 476 - uh-pah'thee-OH-suhs, a'puh-THEE-uh-suhs] * [ apparition - apparition - Matthew 14:26 (g5326) - ap'uh-RISH-uhn] * [ Apphia - Ap'phi•a - Philemon 2 (g682) - AP-fee-uh, AF-ee-uh] * [ Appian* (Way) - — - it "Highway, Road" - AP-ee-uhn] * [ Appii] * [ (forum or market; Appius in some Bibles) - ("Marketplace of Ap'pi•us" in NW) - Acts 28:15 KJ (g675) - AP-ee-i] * [ Appius - Ap'pi•us - Acts 28:15 (g675) - AP-ee-uhs] * [ Apries*] * [ (aka Hophra) - — - it "Hophra" - AY-pree-eez] * [ Aqaba*, Aqabah* - — - Deuteronomy 1:1 ftn., w76 6/15 381 - AK-uh-buh, AHK-] * [ aqueduct - ("conduit" in NW) - Isaiah 36:2 Da, HNV (h8585) - AK-wih-dukt('), -wuh-duhkt', not AHK-] * [ Aquila - Aq'ui•la - Acts 18:2 (g207) - AK-wih-luh, not uh-KWIH-luh, not AH-kwih-luh] * [ Arab (people) - Arab - Isaiah 13:20 (h6163) - AIR-uhb, dial. AY-rab'] * [ Arab (town) - Arab, it A'rab - Joshua 15:52 (h693) - AY-rab] * [ Arabah - Ar'a•bah - Joshua 18:18 (h6160) - AIR-uh-bah, AIR-uh-buh] * [ Arabia - Arabia - Galatians 1:17 (g688) - uh-RAY-bee-uh] * [ Arabic* (language) and arabic* (gum) - — - it "Arabia" - AIR-uh-bik, not uh-RAY-bik] * [ Aram - A'ram - Genesis 10:22 (h758)) - AY-ruhm, AY-ram (some sources AIR-uhm)] * [ Aramaic - Ar•a•ma'ic - Ezra 4:7 (h762) - air'uh-MAY-ic] * [ Aramean] * [ (Aramaic, language of the Aramites, Syrian language / tongue in some Bibles) - ("Aramaic" in NW) - Ezra 4:7 BE, Yg (h762) - ar'uh-MEE-uhn] * [ Aram-naharaim - A'ram-na•ha•ra'im - Psalm 60 superscription (h763) - AY-ram-nah-hah-RAY-ihm, air'uhm-nay-huh-RAY-im] * [ Aram-Zobah - A'ram-Zo'bah - Psalm 60 superscription (h760) - AY-ram-ZOH-bah, air'uhm-ZOH-buh] * [ Ararat - — - Genesis 8:4 (h780) - AIR-uh-rat' AR- (listen)] * [ Araunah] * [ (aka Ornan) - A•rau'nah - 2 Samuel 24:16 (h728) - uh-RAW-nuh, ay-RAW-nuh, uh-RAH-nuh] * [ Arcadius* - — - dp 243 - ahr-KAY-dee-uhs] * [ archangel - archangel - Jude 9 (g743) - AHRK-ayn(')-juhl, -jel, not AHRCH-] * [ archaeology* or archeology* - — - it "Archaeology" - ahr'kee-AH-luh-jee, -OL-uh-] * [ Archelaus - Ar•che•la'us - Matthew 2:22 (g745) - ahr'kuh-LAY-uhs] * [ Archippus - Ar•chip'pus - Philemon 2 (g751) - ahr-KIP-puhs] * [ Areopagus - Ar•e•op'a•gus - Acts 17:19 (g697) - air'ee-OP-uh-guhs] * [ Ares* - — - Acts 17:19 ftn. for "Areopagus" - AR-eez('), AIR-eez, ER-eez(')] * [ Aretas - A•re'tas - 2 Corinthians 11:32 - uh-REE-tuhs, -tas] * [ Arian*; Arianism* - — - w98 3/15 27, 28 - AR-ee-uhn, ER-; AR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm, ER-] * [ Ariel - Ar'i•el - Isaiah 29:1 (h740) - AIR-ee-uhl, AHR-ee-el] * [ Arimathea] * [ (Arimathaea in some Bibles) - Ar•i•ma•the'a - Matthew 27:57 (g707) - air'uh-muh-THEE-uh] * [ Arioch - Ar'i•och - Daniel 2:14 (h746) - AIR-ee-ok] * [ Aristarchus - Ar•is•tar'chus - Acts 20:4 (g708) - air'is-TAHR-kuhs] * [ Aristobulus - A•ris•tob'u•lus - Romans 16:10 (g711) - air'is-TOB-yuh-luhs] * [ Aristotelian* - — - dp 155 - air'uh-stuh-TEEL-yuhn, -TEE-lee-uhn] * [ Aristotle* - — - dp 155 - air'uh-STAH-tuhl, ar'ih-STOT-uhl] * [ Arius* - — - w98 3/15 28 - AR-ee-uhs, ER-] * [ Armada* (Spanish) - — - w88 5/15 24; dp 138 - ahr-MAH-duh, -MAY-] * [ Armageddon] * [ (aka Har-Magedon) - (Armageddon in KJ, DRB, and others) - Revelation 16:16 ftn.; Revelation 16:16 KJ (g717) - ahr'muh-GED-uhn (listen)] * [ Arminius* - — - dp 236 - ahr-MIN-ee-uhs] * [ Arnon - Ar'non - Numbers 22:36 (h769) - AHR-nuhn, -non] * [ Arpachshad] * [ (Arphaxad in some Bibles) - Ar•pach'shad - Genesis 10:22 (h775) - ahr-PAK-shad] * [ Artaxerxes - Ar•ta•xerx'es - Ezra 4:7 (h783) - ahr'tuh-ZUHRK-seez, ahr'tuhg-ZUHRK-seez('), ahr'tak-SUHRK-seez] * [ Artemas - Ar'te•mas - Titus 3:12 (g734) - AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Artemis] * [ (Diana in some Bibles) - Ar'te•mis - Acts 19:24 (g735) - AHR-tuh-mihs, AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Aryan* - — - ip-2 115 - AR-ee-uhn, AHR-, ER-] * [ Asaph - A'saph - Psalm 50 (superscription) (h623) - AY-saf] * [ Asclepius*] * [ (also Aesculapius) - — - it "Diseases and Treatment" - uh-SKLEE-pee-uhs (listen)] * [ Asenappar] * [ (Asenaphar, Ashurbanipal, Asnappar, Osnappar in some Bibles) - As'e•nap•par - Ezra 4:10 (h620) - AS-uh-nap'uhr] * [ Asenath - As'e•nath - Genesis 41:45 (h621) - AS-uh-nath(')] * [ Asgard* - — - g00 12/8 27 - AS-gahrd, AZ-gahrd] * [ Asher - Ash'er - Genesis 30:13 (h836) - ASH-uhr] * [ Asherah] * [ (grove, holy tree, pillars in some Bibles) - ("sacred pole" in NW) - Deuteronomy 16:21 DRB (h842) - ASH-uh-ruh, uh-SHIHR-uh, uh-SHEER-uh] * [ Ashkelon - Ash'ke•lon - Judges 14:19 (h831) - ASH-kuh-lon] * [ Ashkenaz - Ash'ke•naz - Genesis 10:3 (h813) - ASH-kuh-naz, ASH-keh-naz, not -nahz] * [ Ashkenazi* - — - sh 216 - ahsh'kuh-NAH-zee, ash'kuh-NAZ-ee] * [ Ashpenaz - Ash'pe•naz - Daniel 1:3 (h828) - ASH-puh-naz, ASH-peh-naz] * [ Ashtoreth - Ash'to•reth - Judges 2:13 (h6252) - ASH-tuh-reth, -reth'] * [ Ashurbanipal] * [ (aka Asenappar) - ("Asenappar" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 (10) CEV - ash'uhr-BAN-uh-puhl, ah'suhr-BAH-nuh-pahl', ah'shuhr-] * [ Ashurnasirpal* - — - w88 2/15 25 - ash'uhr-NAS-uhr-puhl] * [ Asia - Asia - 1 Peter 1:1 (g773) - AY-zhuh] * [ Asshur - As'shur - Genesis 10:22 (h804) - ASH-uhr, AS-shur'] * [ Assos (modern Behramköy) - As'sos - Acts 20:13 (g789) - AS-ohs] * [ assuage] * [ (asswage, ease, relieve, spare, sparing in some Bibles) - ("hold back" in NW) - Job 16:5 KJ (h2820) - uh-SWAYJ, also uh-SWAYZH or uh-SWAHZH] * [ Assyria; Assyrian - As•syr'i•a; As•syr'i•an - Genesis 2:14 (h804); Isaiah 10:5 (h804) - uh-SIHR-ee-uh, -SEER-; uh-SIHR-ee-uhn, -SEER-] * [ Astyages* - — - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - as-TI -uh-jeez] * [ asunder - asunder - Hebrews 11:37 (g599) - uh-SUHN-duhr] * [ atheist*; atheism* - — - w94 12/1 6 - AY-thee-ist; AY-thee-ih'zuhm] * [ Athena* - — - ip-2 52 - uh-THEE-nuh] * [ Athaliah - Ath•a•li'ah - 2 Kings 8:26 (h6271) - ath'uh-LI -uh] * [ Athanasian* - — - g94 9/8 11 - ath'uh-NAY-zhuhn, -shuhn] * [ Athanasius* - — - w01 4/15 19 - ath'uh-NAY-zh(ee-)uhs, -sh(ee-)uhs] * [ Atlas*] * [ (Mountains; Greek Titan) - — - — - AT-luhs] * [ atone; atonement] * [ (expiation, forgive, [be] merciful, pardoned, peace in some Bibles) - ("make atonement" in NW); atonement - Numbers 8:12 LITV, Yg (h3722); Deuteronomy 32:43 (h3722) - uh-TOHN; uh-TOHN-muhnt] * [ Attalia] * [ (modern Antalya) - At•ta•li'a - Acts 14:25 (g825) - at'uh-LI -uh, at'tuh-LI -uh] * [ audacious - audacious - Job 41:10 (h393) - aw-DAY-shuhs] * [ Augustine* - — - Exodus 20:17 ftn.; it "Apocrypha" - AW-guh-steen, aw-GUHS-tin] * [ Augustus - Au•gus'tus - Luke 2:1 (g828) - aw-GUHS-tuhs, uh-GUHS-tuhs] * [ Aurelian* - — - dp 240 - aw-REE-lee-uhn, -REEL-yuhn] * [ aurochs*] * [ (buffalo, ox, Reem, unicorn, wild-ox in some Bibles) - ("wild bull" in NW) - (h7214); w92 6/1 31 - OUR-ahks, AWR-] * [ authentic* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - aw-THEN-tik, uh-, not -THEN-ik] * [ Autolycus* - — - w96 3/15 28 - aw-TOL-ih-kuhs] * [ avatar* - — - sh 103 - AV-uh-tahr', av'uh-TAHR] * [ Avesta* - — - sh 36 - uh-VES-tuh] * [ Avrekh - A•vrékh - Genesis 41:43 (h86) - ah-VREKH (VR pronounced soft)] * [ ayatollah* - — - g87 6/22 14 - ah'yuh-TOH-luh, i'uh-TOH-luh, -TAHL-, I-uh-toh'luh, -tahl'-] * [ ayin] * [ (Hebrew letter) - ‘A'yin - Psalm 119:121 (verse heading) - I -yin, -in (listen), -uhn] * [ Azariah - Az•a•ri'ah - Daniel 1:6 (h5838) - az'uh-RI -uh] * [ Azazel] * [ (scapegoat in some Bibles) - A•za'zel - Leviticus 16:8 (h5799) - uh-ZAY-zuhl] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce B words in the Bible:
[ Baal - Ba'al - Judges 2:13 (h1168); Romans 11:4 (g896) - BAY-uhl] * [ Baalath-beer - Ba'al•ath-be'er - Joshua 19:8 (h1192) - bay'uh-lath-BEE-uhr] * [ Baalbek* - — - it "Phoenicia" - BAY-uhl-bek', BAHL-bek'] * [ Baale-judah] * [ (Baale of Judah in some Bibles) - Ba'al•e-ju'dah - 2 Samuel 6:2 (h1184 + h3064) - bay'uh-lee-JOO-duh] * [ Baal-hamon - Ba'al-ha'mon - Song of Solomon 8:11 (h1174) - bay'uhl-HAY-muhn] * [ Baal-Perazim] * [ (aka Perazim) - Ba'al-pe•ra'zim - 2 Samuel 5:20 (h1188) - bay'uhl-pih-RAY-zim, bay'uhl-puh-RAY-zim] * [ Ba'al Shem Tov* - — - sh 226 - BAY(-UH)L SHEM TAWV, BAHL SHEM TOHV (listen)] * [ Baal-zebub] * [ (compare Beelzebub) - Ba'al-ze'bub - 2 Kings 1:2 (h1176) - BAY-uhl-ZEE-buhb, bay'uhl-ZEE-buhb, not bay-EL-zee-buhb'] * [ Baasha - Ba'a•sha - 1 Kings 15:16 (h1201) - BAY-uh-shuh] * [ Babel - Ba'bel - Genesis 10:10 (h894) - BAY-buhl, BAY-behl] * [ Babylon - Babylon, it Bab'y•lon - Daniel 1:1 (h894); Revelation 14:8 (g897) - BAB-uh-luhn, -lon'] * [ Babylonian - Babylonians - Ezra 4:9 (h896); dp 7 - bab'uh-LOH-nee-uhn, -LOHN-yuhn] * [ baca] * [ (balsam trees, mulberry trees, pear trees, spice-trees, weeping trees in some Bibles) - ba'ca - 2 Samuel 5:23 (h1057) - BAY-kuh] * [ Bacchus* (also Dionysus) - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - BAK-uhs, BAH-kuhs] * [ Bactrian* - — - it "Alexander" - BAK-tree-uhn] * [ Bahai*] * [ (also Baha'i) - — - w96 9/15 3 - bah-HAH-ee', -HI -] * [ Balaam - Ba'laam - Numbers 22:5 (h1109) - BAY-luhm] * [ Balder* - — - w52 12/15 741 - BAWL-duhr] * [ Balak - Ba'lak - Numbers 22:2 (h1111) - BAY-lak] * [ Balthasar* or Balthazar* - — - w88 12/15 28 - bal-THAY-zuhr (listen), -THAZ-uhr, BAHL-thuh-zahr'] * [ Baluchistan* - — - w77 11/1 654 - bah-LOO-chih-stan', buh-loo'chuh-STAN, -STAHN] * [ balustrade] * [ (pillars, railings, supports in some Bibles) - ("supports" in NW) - 1 Kings 10:12 Da (h4552) - BAL-uh-strayd', bal'-uh-STRAYD] * [ baptism - baptism - Matthew 3:7 (g908) - BAP-tiz'uhm, not BAB-] * [ Baptist] * [ (Baptizer in some Bibles) - Baptist - Matthew 3:1 (g910) - BAP-tist, not BAB-] * [ baptizer - baptizer - Mark 1:4 (g907) - BAP-ti -zuhr, not BAB-] * [ Barabbas - Bar•ab'bas - Matthew 27:16 (g912) - buh-RAB-uhs] * [ Barachiah] * [ (Barachias in some Bibles) - Bar•a•chi'ah - Matthew 23:35 (g914) - bair'uh-KI -uh] * [ Barak - Ba'rak - Judges 4:6 (h1301) - BAY-rak, not BAIR-rak'] * [ Barbarian] * [ (foreigners in some Bibles) - Barbarians, it Bar•bar'ian - Romans 1:14 (g915) - bahr-BER-ee-uhn, -BAIR-, -BAR-] * [ Baris* - — - it "Antonia, Tower of" - BAIR-is] * [ Bar Kochba*] * [ (also Bar Cochbah) - — - it "Hebrew II" - bahr KAWKH-bah, -vah, KOHK-buh] * [ Bar-Jesus - Bar-Je'sus - Acts 13:6 (g919) - bahr JEE-zuhs] * [ Barnabas - Bar'na•bas - Acts 9:27 (g921) - BAHR-nuh-buhs] * [ Barsabbas] * [ (Barsabas in some Bibles) - Bar'sab•bas - Acts 1:23 (g923) - BAHR-suh-buhs, not bahr-SAB-buhs] * [ Bartholomew - Bar•thol'o•mew - Matthew 10:3 (g918) - bahr-THOL-uh-myoo] * [ Bartimaeus - Bar•ti•mae'us - Mark 10:46 (g924) - bahr-tuh-MEE-uhs, bahr-tih-MEE-uhs] * [ Baruch - Bar'uch - Jeremiah 36:4 (h1263) - BAIR-uhk (listen), BAY-ruhk, buh-ROOK, BAHR-ook', not buh-ROOK in NW] * [ Basemath] * [ (Bashemath in some Bibles) - Bas'e•math - Genesis 26:34 (h1315) - BAS-uh-math] * [ Bashan - Ba'shan - Numbers 21:33 (h1316) - BAY-shuhn] * [ Basil* [the Great] - — - w01 4/15 19 - BAY-zuhl, BAZ-uhl, BAS-uhl] * [ basilisk] * [ (adder, cockatrice, viper in some Bibles) - ("viper" in NW) - Proverbs 23:32 DRB, Yg (h6848) - BAS-uh-lisk', BAZ-uh-lisk'] * [ bas-relief* - — - dp 151 - bah'rih-LEEF (listen), BAH-rih-leef'] * [ Bath-sheba - Bath-she'ba - 2 Samuel 11:3 (h1339) - bath-SHEE-buh] * [ bdellium - bdellium - Genesis 2:12 (h916) - DEL-yum, DEL-ee-uhm (listen)] * [ beatify* - — - g91 6/8 28 - bee-AT-uh-fi] * [ beatitude* - — - w57 10/15 636 - bee-AT-ih-tood', -tyood'] * [ Beatty (Sir Alfred Chester)* - — - g72 6/22 6 - BEE-tee] * [ Bedouin* - — - it "Nebaioth" - BED-oo-in, BED-win, BEH-duh-wuhn] * [ Beelzebub] * [ (compare Baal-zebub) - Be•el'ze•bub - Matthew 10:25 (g954) - bee-EL-zih-buhb, -zuh-bub', also BEEL-zuh-bub'] * [ Beeroth Benejaakan - Be•er'oth Ben'e•ja'a•kan - Deuteronomy 10:6 (h885) - buh-EE-roth ben'ih-JAY-uh-kuhn, bee-EE-roth ben'ee-JAY-uh-kan, buh-ER-oth ben'uh-JAY-uh-kan] * [ Beerothite - Be•er'oth•ite - 2 Samuel 4:2 (h886) - bee'uh-ruh-thi t, bay-ER-uh-thi t] * [ Beer-sheba - Be'er-she'ba - Amos 8:14 (h884) - bee'uhr-SHEE-buh] * [ Behemoth - Be•he'moth - Job 40:15 (h930) - beh-HEE-moth, bih-HEE-muhth, BEE-uh-muhth] * [ Behistun* - — - it "Darius" - bay-his-TOON, buh-] * [ Behth, also beth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Behth - Psalm 119:9 (verse heading) - BETH, BET (listen)] * [ Bel] * [ (also Enlil, Marduk) - Bel - Isaiah 46:1 (h1078) - BAYL, BEL] * [ Belial - Be'li•al - 2 Corinthians 6:15 (g955) - BEE-lee-uhl (listen), also BEEL-yuhl, not buh-LI -uhl] * [ Belshazzar - Bel•shaz'zar - Daniel 5:1 (h1113) - bel-SHAZ-uhr] * [ Belteshazzar] * [ (compare Belshazzar) - Bel•te•shaz'zar - Daniel 1:7 (h1095) - bel'tih-SHAZ-uhr, bel'tih-SHAZ-ahr] * [ bema* - — - it "Judgment Seat" - BEE-muh] * [ Benaiah - Be•nai'ah - 1 Kings 2:25 (h1141) - bih-NI -uh, buh-NI -uh] * [ Ben-ammi - Ben-am'mi - Genesis 19:38 (h1151) - ben-AM-i, ben-AM-ee] * [ Benedictus* - — - w99 4/15 24 - ben'uh-DIK-tus] * [ Ben-hadad - Ben-ha'dad - 1 Kings 20:1 (h1130) - ben-HAY-dad] * [ Ben-oni - Ben-o'ni - Genesis 35:18 (h1126) - ben-OH-ni] * [ Beor - Be'or - Numbers 22:5 (h1187) - BEE-or] * [ Berechiah - Ber•e•chi'ah - Zechariah 1:1 (h1296) - ber'uh-KI -uh] * [ Berenice* - — - dp 219-20, 231 - ber'uh-NI -see] * [ bereshith'* - (Heb. Bere`shith') - Genesis 1:1 ftn. (h7225) - ber-uh-SHITH, BER-uh-shith] * [ Bernice - Ber•ni'ce - Acts 25:13 (g959) - ber-NI -see, ber-NEES] * [ Beroea] * [ (Berea in some Bibles, modern Véroia or Veria, Macedonia) - Be•roe'a - Acts 17:10 (g960) - bih-REE-uh] * [ Berossus* - — - dp 17 - buh-ROS-suhs] * [ beryl - beryl - Revelation 21:20 (g969) - BEHR-uhl] * [ besom ("broom") - ("broom" in NW) - Isaiah 14:23 AS, Douay (h4292) - BEE-zuhm] * [ bestiality* - — - it "Bestiality" - bes'chee-AL-ih-tee, bees'-] * [ Bethany - Beth'a•ny - Matthew 26:6 (g963) - BETH-uh-nee] * [ Beth-eden - Beth-e'den - Amos 1:5 (h1040) - beth-EE-duhn] * [ Bethel] * [ (aka Luz) - Beth'el - Genesis 28:19 (h1008) - BETH-uhl, BETH-el] * [ Beth-ezel - Beth-e'zel - Micah 1:11 (h1018) - beth-EE-zuhl, beth-EE-zehl] * [ Bethlehem - Beth'le•hem - Genesis 35:19 (h1035) - BETH-lih-hem(') (listen), also BETH-lee-uhm] * [ Bethlehem Ephrathah - Beth'le•hem Eph'ra•thah - Micah 5:2 (h1035, h672) - beth'lih-hem EF-ruh-thuh] * [ Beth-pelet] * [ (Bethphaleth, Beth-phelet in some Bibles) - Beth-pel'et - Nehemiah 11:26 (h1046) - beth-PEE-lit, beth-PEL-it] * [ Bethphage - Beth'pha•ge - Matthew 21:1 (g967) - BETH-fuh-jee] * [ Bethsaida - Beth•sa'i•da - Matthew 11:21 (g966) - beth-SAY-uh-duh] * [ Bethuel - Be•thu'el - Genesis 22:23 (h1328) - bih-THYOO-uhl, buh-THOO-uhl] * [ Bethzatha] * [ (Bethesda, Bethsaida in some Bibles) - Beth•za'tha - John 5:2 (g964) - beth-ZAY-thuh] * [ Beulah - ("Owned as a Wife" in NW; it Beu'lah) - Isaiah 62:4 AS, HNV, KJ, WEB (h1166) - BYOO-luh, BYOO-lah] * [ Bezae* - — - w90 2/15 24 - BEE-zee] * [ Bezae Cantabrigiensis* - — - si 314 - BEE-zee-kan'tuh-brij-ee-EN-sis] * [ Bezalel - Bez'al•el - Exodus 31:2 (h1212) - BEZ-uhl-el] * [ Bhagavad Gita* - — - sh 103 - bah'guh-vahd' GEE-tuh, BUG-uh-vuhd GEE-tuh] * [ Biblicist* - — - w01 5/1 30 - BIB-luh-sist] * [ Bichri - Bich'ri - 2 Samuel 20:2 (h1075) - BIK-ri] * [ Bikath-aven] * [ (Aven Valley, plain of Aven in some Bibles) - Bik'ath-a'ven - Amos 1:5 (h1237 + h206) - bik'ath-AY-ven] * [ Bildad - Bil'dad - Job 2:11 (h1085) - BIL-dad] * [ Bilhah - Bil'hah - Genesis 29:29 (h1090) - BIL-huh, BIL-hah] * [ bishopric - ("office of oversight" in NW) - Acts 1:20 DRB, KJ (g1984) - BIH-shuh-prik('), BISH-uhp-rik] * [ Bithiah - Bi•thi'ah - 1 Chronicles 4:18 (h1332) - bih-THI -uh] * [ Bithynia - Bi•thyn'i•a - Acts 16:7 (g978) - bih-THIN-ee-uh] * [ bitumen - bitumen, it bi•tu'men - Genesis 11:3 (h2564) - bi -TOO-muhn, -TYOO-, bih-, BICH-ih-muhn, esp. Brit. BICH-oo-muhn, BIT-yuh-] * [ blaspheme - blaspheme - John 10:36 (g987) - blas-FEEM, BLAS-feem] * [ blasphemous - blasphemous - Revelation 13:1 (g988) - BLAS-fuh-muhs, not blas-FEE-m(ee-)uhs] * [ blasphemy - blasphemy - Matthew 12:31 (g988) - BLAS-fuh-mee (listen), not blas'FEE-mee] * [ Blastus - Blas'tus - Acts 12:20 (g986) - BLAS-tuhs] * [ Boanerges - Bo•a•ner'ges - Mark 3:17 (g993) - boh'uh-NUHR-jeez] * [ Boaz - Bo'az - Ruth 2:1 (h1162) - BOH-az] * [ Bodmer, Papyrus* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Papyrus manuscripts)" - BOD-muhr, puh-PI -ruhs] * [ Bogomil*] * [ (also Bogomile) - — - w58 7/1 393 - buh'guh-ME(UH)L] * [ boisterous - boisterous - Proverbs 9:13 (h1993) - BOI-stuhr-uhs, -struhs] * [ Boniface* - — - g01 10/8 8 - BAH-nuh-fuhs, BAH-nuh-fays'] * [ Boreas* - — - g93 9/22 24 - BOHR-ee-uhs] * [ Borsippa* - — - dp 100 - bohr-SIP-uh] * [ bough - bough - Malachi 4:1 (h6057) - BOU, rhymes with "how," "now," "cow"] * [ Bozrah - Boz'rah - Isaiah 34:6 (h1224) - BOZ-ruh, BAWZ-rah] * [ Brahma* - — - sh 115 - BRAH-muh] * [ Brahman*] * [ (also Brahmin) - — - w99 4/1 9; g83 3/8 25 - BRAH-muhn, BRAHKH-muhn] * [ brazier - brazier - Jeremiah 36:22 (h254) - BRAY-zhuhr] * [ breeches] * [ underclothes, undergarments, trousers in some Bibles - ("garments" in NW) - Ezekiel 44:18 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (h4370) - BRIH-chuhz, also BREE-] * [ brigandine] * [ (armor, coat of mail in some Bibles) - ("coat of mail" in NW) - Jeremiah 51:3 KJ (h5630) - BRIG-uhn-deen'] * [ brimstone - ("sulphur" in NW) - Genesis 19:24 KJ (h1614); Revelation 21:8 (g2303) - BRIM-stohn'] * [ bristle - bristle - Job 4:15 (h5568) - BRIS-uhl] * [ Britannia* - — - dp 57 - brih-TAN-ee-uh, -TAN-yuh] * [ bruit] * [ (news, report in some Bibles) - ("report" in NW) - Jeremiah 10:22 KJ (h8052); Nahum 3:19 KJ (h8088) - BROOT] * [ buckler] * [ (armor, arms in some Bibles) - buckler - Psalm 35:2 (h6793) - BUH-kluhr, BUK-luhr] * [ Buddha*; Buddhist*; Buddhism* - — - sh chapter 6 - BOO-duh, BU-; BOO-dist, BU-; BOO-dih'zuhm, BU-] * [ Bul] * [ (aka Heshvan, Marheshvan) - Bul - 1 Kings 6:38 (h945) - BUL, BOOL] * [ bulwark - bulwark - Habakkuk 2:1 (h4692) - BUL-wuhrk('), -wawrk, BUHL-] * [ bustard - ("vulture" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:17 JPS (h7360) - BUHS-tuhrd] * [ Byblos] * [ (aka Gebal) - ("Gebal" in NW) - Joshua 13:5 ftn., Ezekiel 27:9 CEV, MSG, TEV (h1380) - BIB-luhs, -los] * [ Byzantine* - — - g89 8/8 23 - BIZ-uhn-teen, BI -, -ti n; buh-ZAN-teen, -ti n, bi -ZAN-] * [ Byzantium* - — - w02 2/15 8-12; dp 167 - bih-ZAN-sh(ee-)uhm, bih-ZAN-tee-uhm] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce C words in the Bible:
[ cab] * [ (cabe, kab in some Bibles) - cab - 2 Kings 6:25 (h6894) - KAB] * [ Cabala*; Cabalistic* - — - w00 4/1 29 - kuh-BAW-luh, KAB-uh-luh; kah'buh-LIS-tik, kab'uh-] * [ caduceus* - — - it "Diseases and Treatment" - kuh-DOO-see-uhs, -syoos, -shuhs, -DYOO-, (listen)] * [ Caesar - Caesar, it Cae'sar - Matthew 22:17 (g2541) - SEE-zuhr] * [ Caesarea - Caes•a•re'a - Acts 8:40 (g2542) - ses'uh-REE-uh] * [ Caesarean* - — - it "Caesar" - sih-ZAR-ee-uhn, -ZER-] * [ Caesarea Philippi - Caes•a•re'a Phi•lip'pi - Mark 8:27 (g2542, g5376) - ses'uh-ree'uh fih-LIP-i, ses'uh-REE-uh fuh-LIP-i] * [ Caesaropapism* - — - g01 10/8 15 - see'zuh-roh-PAY-piz-uhm] * [ Caiaphas - Ca'ia•phas - Matthew 26:3 (g2533) - KAY-uh-fuhs] * [ Cainan] * [ (aka Kenan) - Ca•i'nan - Genesis 5:9 KJ (h7018); Luke 3:37 (g2536) - KAY-nuhn, kay-I -nuhn] * [ Caius] * [ (Gaius in most Bibles) - ("Gaius" in NW) - Romans 16:23 DRB (g1053) - KAY-uhs] * [ Calah - Ca'lah - Genesis 10:11 (h3625) - KAY-luh, KAY-lah] * [ calamus - calamus - Exodus 30:23 (h7070) - KAL-uh-muhs] * [ caldron] * [ (also cauldron) - caldron - 1 Samuel 2:14 (h7037) - KAWL-druhn] * [ Caligula* - — - it "Caesar" - kuh-LIG-yuh-luh] * [ caliph* - — - w92 10/1 5 - KAY-luhf, KA-luhf] * [ Calneh - Cal'neh - Genesis 10:10 (h3641) - KAL-neh, -nee, KAL-nuh] * [ calumny (bad report, cursed, evil report, ill repute, insulted, oppression, slandered in some Bibles) - ("oppression" and "bad report"in NW) - Isaiah 59:13 DRB (h6233); 2 Corinthians 6:8 We (g1426) - KAL-uhm-nee, also KAL-yuhm-nee] * [ Calvary] * [ (Golgotha, [The] Skull in some Bibles) - ("Skull" in NW) - Luke 23:33 KJ (g2898) - KAL-v(uh-)ree] * [ Calvinism* - — - sh 321 - KAL-vuh-nih'zuhm] * [ Cambyses* - — - dp 52 - kam-BI -seez] * [ camelopardalus] * [ (chamois, moufflon, mountain sheep, wild sheep in some Bibles) - ("chamois" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:5 DRB (h2169) - kuh-mel'uh-PAHR-duh-luhs] * [ Cana - Ca'na - John 2:1 (g2580) - KAY-nuh] * [ Canaan - Ca'naan - Genesis 11:31 (h3667) - KAY-nuhn] * [ Canaanite - Ca'naan•ite - Genesis 10:19 (h3669) - KAY-nuh-ni t] * [ Cananaean - Ca•na•nae'an - Matthew 10:4 (g2581) - kay-nuh-NEE-uhn] * [ Candace - Can•da'ce - Acts 8:27 (g2582) - kan-DAY-see] * [ canonicity* - — - it "Canon" - ka'nuh-NIH-suh-tee] * [ Canticles] * [ (aka The Song of Solomon) - (Bible book) - Song of Solomon 1:1 ftn. - KAN-tih-kuhlz] * [ Capernaum - Ca•per'na•um - Matthew 4:13 (g2584) - kuh-PUHR-nay-uhm, kuh-PUHR-nih-uhm] * [ Caphira - ("Chephirah" in NW) - Joshua 9:17 DRB (h3716) - kih-FI -ruh] * [ Caphtor; Caphtorim - Caph'tor; Caph'to•rim - Deuteronomy 2:23 (h3631; h3732) - KAF-tor; KAF-tuh-rim] * [ Capitoline* - — - g97 11/8 27 - KA-puh-tuhl-i n'] * [ Cappadocia - Cap•pa•do'ci•a - Acts 2:9 (g2587) - kap'uh-DOH-shee-uh] * [ caravan - caravan - Genesis 37:25 (h736) - KAR-uh-van'] * [ caravansary* - — - it "Hospitality (Inns and Lodging Places)" - kar'uh-VAN(T)-suh-ree] * [ carbuncle - ("emerald" in NW) - Exodus 39:10 AS, KJ, Yg (h1304) - KAHR-bung-kuhl] * [ Carchemish - Car'che•mish - 2 Chronicles 35:20 (h3751) - KAHR-kuh-mish] * [ Carian - Ca'ri•an - 2 Kings 11:4 (h3746) - KAY-ree-uhn] * [ Carmel - Car'mel - 1 Kings 18:19 (h3760) - KAHR-muhl, KAHR-mel] * [ carnelian] * [ (onyx in most Bibles, shoham in some Bibles) - (onyx in NW, ftn., carnelian) - Exodus 28:9 TEV - ] * [ Carpus - Carpus - 2 Timothy 4:13 (g2591) - KAHR-puhs] * [ Carthage* - — - w90 12/1 6 - KAHR-thij] * [ Carthaginian* - — - w97 7/15 14 - kahr'thuh-JIH-nyuhn, -nee-uhn] * [ cartouche*] * [ (also cartouch) - — - g71 11/22 25 - kahr-TOOSH] * [ Caspian* (Sea) - — - g80 6/8 29 - KAS-pee-uhn] * [ Cassander* - — - it "Alexander" - kuh-SAN-duhr] * [ cassia - cassia - Exodus 30:24 (h6916) - KASH-uh, KAS-ee-uh] * [ Cassius* - — - it "Herod" - KA-sh(ee-)uhs] * [ casuistry* - — - w01 12/15 18 - KAS-yoo-is-tree, KAZH-wuh-stree, KA-zhuh-stree, KAZH-oo-ih-stree (Listen)] * [ catachresis* - — - g82 8/22 27 - kat'uh-KREE-suhs] * [ cataclysm* - — - 2 Peter 2:5 ftn. - KAT-uh-klih'zuhm] * [ catechism* - — - g93 9/8 8 - KAT-uh-kiz'uhm] * [ Cathari*] * [ (aka Albigenses) - — - w95 9/1 28 - KATH-uh-ri, -ree] * [ Cedron - ("Kidron" in NW) - John 18:1 Da, DRB, KJ (g2748) - SEE-druhn] * [ Cenchreae] * [ (Cenchera, Cenchrae, Cenchrea in some Bibles) - Cen'chre•ae - Acts 18:18 (g2747) - SEN-kruh-ee, SEN-kree-uh, sen-KREE-uh] * [ cenotaph* - — - w94 6/15 32 - SEN-uh-taf', -tahf'] * [ censer - censer - 2 Chronicles 26:19 (h4730); Hebrews 9:4 (g2369) - SEN(T)-suhr] * [ centurion] * [ (captain, Roman army officer in some Bibles) - ("army officer" in NW) - Acts 10:1 DRB, KJ (and others) (g1543) - sen-T(Y)OOR-ee-uhn] * [ Cephas - Ce'phas - 1 Corinthians 3:22 (g2786) - SEE-phus] * [ certiorari* - — - g03 1/8 4 - suhr'sh(ee-)uh-RAR-ee, -RAHR-EE] * [ cessation - cessation - Isaiah 38:11 (h2309) - seh-SAY-shuhn] * [ chalcedony - chal•ced'o•ny - Revelation 21:19 (g5472) - kal-SED-uh-nee, kal-SEH-duh-nee, kal-SEHD-uhn-ee, chal-; KAL-suh-doh'nee, chal-, -dah'-] * [ Chalcis*] * [ (also Khalkís) - — - it "Herod" - KAL-suhs, KAL-kuhs] * [ Chaldea - Chal•de'a - Jeremiah 50:10 (h3778) - kal-DEE-uh] * [ Chaldean - Chal•de'an - Ezra 5:12 (h3679) - kal-DEE-uhn] * [ Chaldee* - — - w99 2/1 31 - KAL-dee', KOL-, KAHL-] * [ chamberlain] * [ (over the bedchambers, over the bedroom, personal aide in some Bibles) - ([the one] "in charge of the bedchamber" in NW) - Acts 12:20 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (g1909 + g2846) - CHAYM-buhr-luhn] * [ chamois - chamois - Deuteronomy 14:5 (h2169) - SHAM-ee (listen), also sha-MWAH] * [ Chandogya* - — - g75 11/8 8 - chahn-DAH-gya] * [ chancellor - ("chief government official" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 AS, KJ (h1169) - CHAN(T)-s(uh-)luhr] * [ chapiter - ("capital" in NW) - 2 Chronicles 3:15 KJ (h6858) - CHA-puh-tuhr] * [ charism* - — - w80 8/1 23 - KAR-ih'zuhm, KAIR-iz'uhm] * [ charisma*; pl. charismata* - — - w98 2/15 23; g82 2/8 3 - kuh-RIZ-muh; kuh-RIZ-muh-tuh, kar'iz-MAH-tuh, kuh-RIZ-muh-tah] * [ charismatic* - — - ip-2 164 - kar'uhz-MAT-ik, kair'riz-MAT-ik] * [ Charlemagne* - — - dp 243 - SHAHR-luh-mayn'] * [ chasm - chasm - Luke 16:26 (g5490) - KAZ-uhm] * [ chaste - chaste - James 3:17 (g53) - CHAYST] * [ chasten - — - Proverbs 18:17 KJ (h3256) - CHAY-suhn] * [ chastise - chastise - Proverbs 18:17 (h3256); Luke 23:16 (g3811) - chas(')-TI Z, CHAS-ti z'] * [ chastisement - chastisement - Isaiah 53:5 (h4148) - chas(')-TI Z-muhnt] * [ chastity - chastity - 2 Corinthians 11:3 - CHAS-tuh-tee] * [ Chebar - Che'bar - Ezra 1:1 (h3529) - KEE-bahr] * [ Chedorlaomer - Ched•or•la•o'mer - Genesis 14:1 (h3540) - ked'uhr-lay-OH-muhr, ked'or-lah-OH-mer] * [ chehth, also cheth, heth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Chehth - Psalm 119:57 (verse heading) - KETH, KHET (listen), KHETH, KHAYT, KHAYTH] * [ Chemosh - Che'mosh - Judges 11:24 (h3645) - KEE-mosh] * [ Cheng* - — - g86 5/22 25 - JUHNG] * [ Chephirah; also Caphira - Che•phi'rah - Joshus 9:17 (h3716) - kuh-FI -ruh, kih-] * [ cherub] * [ (angelic creature) - cherub, it cher'ub - Exodus 25:19 (h3742) - CHER-uhb] * [ Cherub] * [ (city) - Che'rub - Ezra 2:59 (h3743) - KEE-ruhb] * [ cherubim - ("glorius cherubs" in NW) - Hebrews 9:5 KJ (g5502) - CHER-uh-bim', also CHER-yuh-bim'] * [ Chesed - Che'sed - Genesis 22:22 (h3777) - KHEE-sed] * [ chesedh*] * [ ("loving-kindness; loyal love") - Heb. che'sedh - Micah 6:8 ftn. (h2617) - KHEH-sed (listen)] * [ Chileab - Chil'e•ab - 2 Samuel 3:3 (h3609) - KIL-ee-ab, KIL-ee-ahb] * [ chiliarch - ("military commander" in NW) - John 18:12 Da (g5506) - KIL-ee-ahrk'] * [ chiliastic* - — - w99 12/1 6 - kil'ee-AS-tik] * [ chiliasts* - — - Revelation 20:4 ftn. (g5507, g2094) - KIH-lee-asts', -uhsts] * [ Chilion - Chil'i•on - Ruth 1:2 (h3630) - KIL-ee-uhn] * [ Ching* - — - g87 0/22 23 - JING, CHING] * [ Chinnereth - Chin'ne•reth - Numbers 34:11 (h3672) - KIN-uh-reth(')] * [ Chios - Chi'os - Acts 20:15 (g5508) - KI -os, KEE-os] * [ Chi-Rho* - — - sh 273 - KI -ROH, KEE-ROH] * [ Chislev] * [ (Casleu, Chaseleu, Chisleu, Kislev in some Bibles) - Chis'lev - Nehemiah 1:1 (h3691) - KIZ-lev] * [ Chittim - ("Kittim" in NW) - Daniel 11:30 Da, KJ, Yg (h3794) - KIT-im] * [ Chloe - Chlo'e - 1 Corinthians 1:11 (g5514) - KLOH-ee] * [ Chorazin - Cho•ra'zin - Matthew 11:21 (g5523) - koh-RAY-zin, kuh-RAY-zin] * [ Chou* - — - sh 161 - JOH] * [ Christ - Christ - Matthew 1:1 (g5547) - KRI ST] * [ Christendom* - — - w88 4/1 24 - KRIS-uhn-duhm (listen)] * [ Christian - Christian - Acts 26:28 (g5546) - KRIS-chuhn (listen)] * [ Christological* - — - w78 5/1 12 - krist'uh-LOJ-ih-kuhl] * [ Christology* - — - w92 4/1 25 - kris-TOL-uh-jee] * [ Chronicles - Chronicles (Bible books) - 1 Chronicles 1:1 - KRON-ih-kuhlz] * [ chrysolite] * [ ( beryl in some Bibles) - chrys'o•lite - Ezekiel 1:16 (h8658) - KRIH-suh-li t', KRIS-uh-li t] * [ chrysoprase - chrys'o•prase - Revelation 21:20 (g5556) - KRIS-uh-prayz] * [ Chrysostom* - — - w01 4/15 19 - KRIS-uhs-tuhm, kri-SOS-tuhm] * [ chugh (Hebrew word) - — - ip-1 412; Isaiah 40:22 "circle" (h2329) - KHOOG (listen), not CHUHG] * [ churl - ("unprincipled man" in NW) - Isaiah 32:7 AS, KJ (h3596) - CHUHR(-uh)L] * [ Chuza - Chu'za - Luke 8:3 (g5529) - KYOO-zuh, KOO-zuh] * [ Cicero* - — - g01 7/8 14 - SIS-uh-roh] * [ Cilicia - Ci•li'cia - Acts 6:9 (g2791) - suh-LI -shee-uh in NW (most sources suh-LISH-(ee-)uh)] * [ Claromontanus* - — - si 314 - klair'uh-mon-TAN-uhs] * [ Claudia - Clau'di•a - 2 Timothy 4:21 (g2903) - KLAW-dee-uh] * [ Claudius - Claudius, it Clau'di•us - Acts 11:28 (g2804) - KLAW-dee-uhs] * [ Clement - Clement - Philippians 4:3 (g2815) - KLEM-uhnt] * [ Cleopatra* - — - dp 232 - klee'uh-PAT-ruh] * [ Cleopas - Cle'o•pas - Luke 24:18 (g2810) - KLEE-oh-puhs, KLEE-ah-puhs] * [ Clopas] * [ (Cleopas, Cleophas in some Bibles) - Clo'pas - John 19:25 (g2832) - KLOH-puhs] * [ Cnidus - Cni'dus - Acts 27:7 (g2834) - NI -duhs, kuh-NI -duhs] * [ Cnossos* (see Knossos) - — - — - —] * [ coccus (coccus scarlet) - coccus - Exodus 26:1 (h8144) - KAH-kuhs] * [ cockatrice] * [ (adder, basilisk, poison-snake, serpent, viper in some Bibles) - ("poisonous snake" in NW) - Isaiah 11:8 KJ, Yg (h6848) - KAH-kuh-truhs, -tri s'] * [ codex*] * [ (pl. codices) - — - it "Book" - KOH-deks; pl. KOH-duh-seez, KAH-] * [ Codommanus* - — - dp 169 - koh-duh-MAN-uhs, kod-uh-] * [ Coele-Syria*; Coelesyria* - — - it "Lebanon"; dp 221 - see'lee-SIHR-ee-uh] * [ coeval* - - w66 12/1 724 - koh-EE-vuhl] * [ colophon* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - KOL-uh-fon] * [ Colossae - Co•los'sae - Colossians 1:2 (g2857) - kuh-LOS-ee, kah-LOS-see] * [ Colossians - Colossians (Bible book) - Colossians (book title) - kuh-LOSH-uhnz, -LAH-shuhnz, also -shee-uhnz, -see-] * [ colporteur* - — - g01 12/8 24 - KAHL-pohr'tuhr, -por'-, kahl'pohr-TUHR, -por-] * [ Colosseum* - — - it "Rome" - kah'luh-SEE-uhm] * [ colter or coulter - ("mattock" in NW) - 1 Samuel 13:20 AS, KJ, Yg (h855) - KOHL-tuhr] * [ comely - comely - Song of Solomon 1:5 (h5000) - KUM-lee, KUHM-, also KOHM- or KAHM-] * [ comfortable - ("comforting" in NW) - Zechariah 1:13 (h5150) - KUHM-fuhr-tuh-buhl (listen), (by metathesis KUMF-tuhr-buhl)] * [ Complutensian Polyglot* - — - w92 6/15 9 - kom-ploo-ten'see-uhn POL-ee-glot] * [ concision - ("those who mutilate the flesh" in NW) - Philippians 3:2 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g2699) - kuhn-SIH-zhuhn] * [ concubinage* - — - w02 8/1 30 - kahn-KYOO-buh-nij (listen), kuhn-] * [ concubine - concubine - 2 Samuel 3:7 (h6370) - KON(G)-kyuh-bi n, KAHN-] * [ concupiscence - ("sexual appetite" in NW) - 1 Thessalonians 4:5 KJ - kahn-KYUH-puh-suhn(t)s, kuhn-, kon-KYOO-pih-suhns, kong-] * [ coney] *
Bible Pronunciation--How To Pronounce C Words In the Bible
[ (daman, hyrax, rock badger in some Bibles) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 AS, KJ (h8227) - KOH-nee, also KUH-nee] * [ conscience] * [ (compare conscious) - conscience - Romans 2:15 (g4893) - KAHN(T)-shuhn(t)s] * [ conscious] * [ (compare conscience) - conscious - Ecclesiastes 9:5 (h3045) - KAHN(T)-shuhs] * [ consecrate] * [ (consecrated the hand, fill the hands, make holy, ordain in some Bibles) - ("fill the hand ... with power" in NW) - Exodus 29:9 (h4390 + h3027) - KAHN(T)-suh-krayt] * [ conspicuous - conspicuous - Daniel 8:5 (h2380) - kuhn-SPIK-yoo-uhs] * [ Constantine* - — - it "Rome" - KAHN(T)-stuhn-teen', -ti n'] * [ Constantinople* - — - it "Rome" - kahn'stan'tuh-NOH-puhl] * [ contemn - ("disrespected" in NW; "rejected" in NW) - Psalm 10:13 KJ (h5006); Ezekiel 21:3 KJ (h3988) - kuhn-TEM] * [ convocation - ("convention" in NW) - Exodus 12:16 AS. Da, KJ, Yg (h4744) - kahn'vuh-KAY-shuhn] * [ Copt* - — - g94 11/22 24 - KOPT] * [ Coptic* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - KOP-tik] * [ corban - corban, it cor'ban - Mark 7:11 (g2878) - KOR-ban('), KOR-buhn] * [ Core] * [ (Korah in most Bibles) - ("Ko'rah" in NW) - Numbers 16:16 DRB (h7141) - KOH-ree] * [ coriander - coriander - Exodus 16:31 (1407) - KAWR-ee-an'duhr, KOHR-,] * [ Corinth - Corinth, it Cor'inth - 1 Corinthians 1:2 (g2882) - KOR-inth, -uh(t)th, KAWR-, kawr'ee-AN-duhr, kohr'-] * [ Corinthians - Corinthians (Bible books) - 2 Corinthians 6:11 (g2881) - kuh-RIN(T)-thee-uhnz] * [ cormorant - cormorant - Deuteronomy 14:17 (h7994) - KAWRM-ruhnt, KAWR-muh-ruhnt, -rant', KAW-muhr-uhnt] * [ Cornelius - Cornelius - Acts 10:1 (h7994) - kor-NEEL-yuhs, kor-NEE-lee-uhs] * [ cosmos* - (Gr. ko'smos) - w94 2/1 3 - KOZ-muhs, -mos', -mohs(')] * [ countervail - — - Esther 7:4 KJ (h7737) - kaun'tuhr-VAY(UH)L] * [ coup d'etat* - - w02 1/1 15 - koo' day'TAH, KOO day'tah', duh-tah'] * [ coup de grace* - — - it "Leg" - koo' duh GRAHS] * [ covenant - covenant - Genesis 6:18 (h1285) - KUHV-nahnt, KUH-vuh-nahnt, KUHV-uh-nuhnt] * [ covetous - covetous - 1 Thessalonians 4:5 (g1939) - KUH-vuh-tuhs, -vih-, not -chus] * [ Cozbi - Coz'bi - Numbers 25:15 (h3579) - KOZ-bi, not -bee] * [ cracknel ] * [ (cakes, dry cakes in some Bibles) - ("sprinkled cakes" in NW) - 1 Kings 14:3 DRB, KJ (h5350) - KRAK-nuhl] * [ creationism* - — - w86 9/1 30 - kree-AY-shuh-nih'zuhm] * [ Creator - Creator - Isaiah 40:28 (h1254); 1 Peter 4:19 (g2939) - kree-AY-tuhr] * [ Crescens - Cres'cens - 2 Timothy 4:10 (g2913) - KRES-uhnz] * [ Cretan* - — - Titus 1:12 ftn. - KREET-uhn] * [ Crete] * [ (Caphtor in some Bibles) - Crete - Amos 9:7 (h3731); Acts 27:12 (g2914) - KREET] * [ Cretian - ("Cretans" in NW) - Titus 1:12 KJ (g2912) - KREE-shuhn] * [ Crispus - Cris'pus - Acts 18:8 (g2921) - KRIS-puhs] * [ Croesus* - — - it "Cyrus" - KREE-suhs] * [ crucible] * [ (fining-pot, furnace, heating pot, refining pot in some Bibles) - ("refining pot" in NW) - Proverbs 27:21 By, GW, HNV, WEB (h3564) - KROO-suh-buhl] * [ crucifix* - — - w97 2/1 14 - KROO-suh-fiks'] * [ crucifixion*] * [ (sometimes capitalized) - — - w90 2/15 13 - kroo'suh-FIK-shuhn] * [ crucify - ("impale" in NW) - Luke 23:21 KJ (g4717) - KROO-suh-fi] * [ crux*] * [ (pl. cruxes or cruces) - — - w87 8/15 23 - KRUKS, KRUHKS (pl. KROO-sez)] * [ crux ansata*] * [ (aka ankh) - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - kruks an-SAY-tuh, -SAH-] * [ cultus* - — - g89 6/22 26 - KUHL-tuhs] * [ cumin] * [ (also cummin) - cumin - Matthew 23:23 (g2951) - KUH-muhn or KUHM-uhn (listen), KOOM-uhn or KOO-muhn, KYOO-muhn] * [ cuneiform* - — - Daniel 5:1 ftn. - kyoo-NEE-uh-form('), KYOO-n(ee-)uh-form] * [ Cupid* - — - g95 2/8 27 - KYOO-puhd] * [ Cushan-rishathaim - Cu'shan-rish•a•tha'im - Judges 3:10 (h3573) - KYOO-shuhn-rish-uh-THAY-im, koosh'an-rish'uh-THAY-im] * [ Cushi - Cush'i - Zephaniah 1:1 (h3570) - KUSH-i] * [ Cuth; Cuthah - Cu'thah - 2 Kings 17:24, 30 (h3575) - KUTH, KOOTH; KYOO-thuh, KOOTH-uh] * [ Cyaxares* - — - it "Medes, Media" - si -AK-suh-reez] * [ cymbal - cymbal - 1 Corinthians 13:1 (g2950); pl. Psalm 150:5 (h6767) - SIM-buhl] * [ cypress] * [ (compare Cyprus) - cypress - Isaiah 60:13 (h8391) - SI -pruhs] * [ Cypros* - — - it "Bernice" - SI -pros] * [ Cyprus] * [ (compare Cypress) - Cy'prus - Acts 4:36 (g2953) - SI -pruhs, SI -pres] * [ Cyrene - Cy•re'ne - Matthew 27:32 (g2956) - si -REE-nee] * [ Cyril* - — - w01 4/15 20 - SIHR-uhl] * [ Cyrus - Cyrus, it Cy'rus - Ezra 1:1 (h3566) - SI -ruhs] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce D words in the Bible:
[ daemon* - — - g81 12/22 12 - DEE-muhn] * [ Dagon - Da'gon - Judges 16:23 (h1712) - DAY-gon] * [ daleth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Da'leth - Psalm 119:25 (verse heading) - DAH-leth('), -let', also -luhd (listen)] * [ Dalmanutha - Dal•ma•nu'tha - Mark 8:10 (g1148) - dal'muh-NOO-thuh] * [ Dalmatia - Dal•ma'tia - 2 Timothy 4:10 (g1149) - dal-MAY-shee-uh, dal-MAY-shuh] * [ daman] * [ (see coney) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 JPS (h8227); Leviticus 11:5 ftn. NW - DAM-uhn] * [ Damaris - Dam'a•ris - Acts 17:34 (g1152) - DAM-uh-ris] * [ Damascene; Damascenes - Dam•a•scene'; Dam•a•scenes' - Amos 3:12 (h1833); 2 Corinthians 11:32 (g1153) - dam'uh-SEEN, DAM-uh-seen'] * [ Damascus - Damascus, it Da•mas'cus - Genesis 14:15 (h1834); 2 Corinthians 11:32 (g1154) - duh-MAS-kuhs] * [ Daniel - Daniel (Bible book) - Ezekiel 14:14 (h1840) - DAN-yuhl] * [ Dardenelles* - — - dp 155 - dahr'duhn-ELZ] * [ daric* - — - it "Daric" - DAR-ik] * [ Darius - Da•ri'us - Ezra 4:5 (h1867) - duh-RI -uhs, not DAIR-ee-uhs] * [ darnel] * [ (cockle, darnel weeds, tares, weed seeds in some Bibles) - ("weeds" in NW) - Matthew 13:25 Da, Yg (g2215) - DAR-nuhl, not dar-NEL] * [ Dathan - Da'than - Numbers 16:1 (h1885) - DAY-thuhn] * [ debauchery - debauchery - 1 Peter 4:4 (g810) - dih-BAW-chuh-ree, -chree, -BAH-] * [ Debir - De'bir - Joshua 21:15 (h1688) - DEE-buhr] * [ Deborah - Deb'o•rah - Genesis 35:8 (h1683) - DEB-uh-ruh, also DEB-uhr-uh, DEB-ruh] * [ debris - debris - Amos 6:11 (h1233) - duh-BREE, day-BREE, DAY-bree', esp. Brit. DEB-ree] * [ decalogue*] * [ (when capitalized, aka Ten Commandments) - — - Deuteronomy 4:13 ftn. - DEK-uh-log] * [ Decapolis - De•cap'o•lis - Matthew 4:25 (g1179) - dee-KAP-uh-lis, dih-] * [ deicide* - — - w56 6/1 326 - DEE-uh-si d', DAY-uh-si d'] * [ deify* - — - it "Unknown God" - DEE-uh-fi ', DAY-uh-fi '] * [ deity* - — - it "Obeisance" - DEE-uh-tee, DAY-uh-tee] * [ Delilah - De•li'lah - Judges 16:4 (h1807) - dih-LI -luh, duh-LI -luh] * [ delinquent] * [ (remiss, slack, slow, waste time in some Bibles) - delinquent - Joshua 18:3 (h7503) - dih-LING-kwuhnt, -LIN-] * [ Demas - De'mas - 2 Timothy 4:10 (g1214) - DEE-muhs] * [ Demetrius - De•me'tri•us - Acts 19:24 (g1216) - dih-MEE-tree-uhs, duh-MEE-tree-uhs] * [ demigod* - — - w00 4/15 27 - DEM-ee-gahd'] * [ Demiurge* - — - g76 8/22 24-25 - DEM-ee-uhrj] * [ demon] * [ (also daemon)] * [ (evil spirit[s], satyr, wild goat in some Bibles) - demon - Isaiah 34:14 (h8163); Matthew 9:33 (g1139) - DEE-muhn] * [ demoniac - ("demon-possessed" in NW) - Mark 5:18 LITV (g1139) - dih-MOH-nee-ak' ] * [ demotic* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - dih-MOT-ik, -MAH-tik] * [ denarii] * [ (denaries, dollars, pence, shillings, silver coins in some Bibles) - de•nar'i•i - Matthew 18:28 (g1220) - dih-NAIR-ee-i', dih-NAIR-i] * [ denarius] * [ (denary, penny, shilling, silver coin in some Bibles) - de•nar'i•us - Matthew 20:2 (g1220) - dih-NAIR-ee-uhs] * [ Deo volente* (D.V.) - — - w91 2/1 12 - day'oh(')-voh-LEN-tee, dee'-] * [ Derbe - Der'be - Acts 14:6 (g1191) - DUHR-bee] * [ Desiderius Erasmus* - — - w97 9/15 26 - des-ih-DEER-ee-uhs ir-AZ-muhs, ih-RAZ-muhs] * [ deuterocanonical* - — - g89 3/22 12 - doo'tuh-roh-kuh-NAH-nih-kuhl, also dyoo'-] * [ Deutero-Isaiah* - — - ip-2 8 - dyoo'tuh-roh-i -ZAY-uh] * [ Deuteronomic* - — - w61 2/1 93 - doo'tuh-ruh-NAH-mik, also dyoo'-] * [ Deuteronomy - Deuteronomy (Bible book) - it "Deuteronomy" - doo'tuh-RON-uh-mee, not doo'tuh-ROM-uh-nee] * [ dharma* - — - sh 110 - DUHR-muh, DAHR-] * [ diachronic* - — - ip-2 9 - di 'uh-KRON-ik] * [ diadem - diadem - 2 Chronicles 23:11 (h5145) - DI -uh-dem', -duhm] * [ Diádochi* - — - w59 8/1 474 - di -AD-uh-ki] * [ Diana] * [ (aka Artemis) - ("Artemis" in NW) - Acts 19:24 AS, DRB, KJ (g735) - di -AN-uh] * [ Diaspora* or diaspora* - — - it "Captivity"; w98 8/15 28 - di -AS-puh-ruh] * [ Diatessaron* - — - it "Versions" - di 'uh-TES-uh-ron] * [ Didache* - — - w92 2/1 19 - DID-uh-kee, not -chee] * [ didactic* - — - w96 3/15 30 - di -DAK-tik, duh-] * [ didrachma* - — - it "Didrachma" - di -DRAK-muh] * [ Didymos, Didymous, Didymus - ("The Twin" in NW) - John 11:16 KJ "Didymus" (g1324) - DID-uh-muhs] * [ Dinah - Di'nah - Genesis 30:21 (h1783) - DI -nuh] * [ diocesan* - — - g95 4/8 28 - di -AH-suh-suhn] * [ diocese* - — - w97 12/1 32 - DI -uh-suhs, -sees', -seez'] * [ Diocletian* - — - it "Roman Empire" (page 533) - di 'uh-KLEE-shuhn] * [ Diodorus* - — - it "Chronology" - di 'oh-DAWR-uhs, -DOHR-] * [ Dionysius] * [ (compare Dionysus) - Di•o•nys'i•us - Acts 17:34 (g1354) - di 'uh-NIS-ee-uhs, -NISH-, -NISH-uhs, -NI -see-uhs] * [ Dionysus*] * [ (aka Bacchus)] * [ (compare Dionysius) - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - di 'uh-NI -suhs, -NEE-] * [ Dioscuri] * [ (Castor and Pollux, the Heavenly Twins, [The] Twin Brothers in some Bibles) - ("Sons of Zeus" in NW) - Acts 28:11 Analytical-Literal Trans., BE, Da, Yg (g1359) - di 'uhs-KYU(UH)R-i, di-AHS-kyuh-ri'] * [ Diotrephes - Di•ot're•phes - 3 John 9 (g1361) - di -OT-ruh-feez, dee-OT-ruh-feez] * [ dipsas] * [ (drought, thirsty ground in most Bibles) - ("thirsty ground" in NW) - Deuteronomy 8:15 DRB (h6774) - DIP-sas] * [ dirge - dirge - 2 Samuel 1:17 (h7015) - DUHRJ] * [ disannul - ("invalidate" in NW) - Job 40:8 KJ (h6565); Galatians 3:17 (g208) - dis'uh-NUHL] * [ discomfit - ("rout" in NW) - Deuteronomy AS (h1949) - dis-KUHM(P)-fuht] * [ discomfiture - ("rout" in NW) - Deuteronomy 7:23 AS (h4103) - dis-KUHM(P)-fuh-chur', -chuhr] * [ Dishon (proper name); dishon (antelope) - Di'shon; ("antelope" in NW) - Genesis 36:21 (h1787); Deuteronomy 14:5 Da (1788) - DI -shon] * [ dithyramb* - — - g96 6/8 15 - DITH-ih-ram(b)'] * [ dittography* - — - Isaiah 9:7 ftn. - dih-TOG-ruh-fee] * [ divan - divan - Psalm 41:3 (h6210) - dih-VAN, DI -van'] * [ Dives* - — - it "Lazarus 2" - DI -veez] * [ divination - divination - Numbers 22:7 (h7081) - dih'vuh-NAY-shuhn] * [ Djoser*] * [ (also Zoser) - — - it "Memphis" - ZOH-zuhr (listen); also ZOH-suhr] * [ Docetism* - — - w90 7/15 23 - DOH-suh-tiz'uhm] * [ Dodanim - Do'da•nim - Genesis 10:4 (h1721) - DOH-duh-nim] * [ Doeg - Do'eg - 1 Samuel 21:7 (h1673) - DOH-ig, DOH-ehg] * [ Domitian* - — - it "Caesar" - duh-MISH-uhn, duh-MISH-ee-uhn] * [ Doukhobor* - — - w75 5/1 275 - DOO-kuh-bawr', DOO-koh-bor] * [ Dorcas] * [ (aka Tabitha) - Dor'cas - Acts 9:36 (g1393) - DOR-kuhs] * [ Dothan - Do'than - Genesis 37:17 (h1886) - DOH-thuhn, DOH-than] * [ Douay* - — - it "Jehovah" - DOO-ay; DOO-ay-reemz, not DOO-way', not DOO-ah-way] * [ doxology* - — - Psalm 41:13 ftn.; it "Jah" - dok-SOL-uh-jee] * [ drachma - drachma - Luke 15:8 (g1406) - DRAK-mah, DRAHK-mah] * [ dragoman* - — - — - DRAG-uh-muhn] * [ dromedary - ("young she-camel" in NW) - Jeremiah 2:23 KJ (h1072) - DRAH-muh-der'ee] * [ drought - drought - Jeremiah 17:8 (h1226) - DROUT] * [ Drusilla - Dru•sil'la - Acts 24:24 (g1409) - droo-SIL-uh] * [ dugong [skins]] * [ (badgers' [skins], sea cow [hides], sealskins in some Bibles) - ("sealskins" in NW) - Exodus 25:5 LITV, MKJV (h8476) - DOO-gahng, -gohng] * [ Dumah - Du'mah - Isaiah 21:11 (h1746) - DOO-muh, DOO-mah not DYOO-] * [ dungy (idols) - dungy - Leviticus 26:30 (h1544) - DUNG-ee, not DUN-jee] * [ Dura - Du'ra - Daniel 3:1 (h1753) - DUHR-uh, DYUHR-ah] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce E words in the Bible:
[ Ea*] * [ (also Enki) - — - dp 71 - AY-ah] * [ Ebal - E'bal - Deuteronomy 11:29 (h5858) - EE-buhl, EE-bal] * [ Ebed - E'bed - Judges 9:26 (h5651) - EE-bid, EE-behd] * [ Ebedmelech - E'bed-mel'ech - Jeremiah 38:7 (h5663) - EE-bid-MEL-ik, EE-behd-MEL-uhk not ee-BED-mee-lek'] * [ Ecbatana] * [ (modern Hamadan)] * [ (Achmetha in some Bibles) - Ec•bat'a•na - Ezra 6:2 (h307) - ek-BAT-uh-nuh] * [ Ecce Homo*] * [ (art representation) - — - ip-2 207 - ECH-ay HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ Ecce Homo*] * [ (Pilate's words) - — - John 19:5 ftn. - EK-see HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ ecclesia*; ekklesia* - — - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn.; Ezra 2:64 ftn. - ih-KLEE-zhee-uh] * [ Ecclesiastes - Ecclesiastes (Bible book) - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. - ih-klee'zee-AS-teez] * [ ecclesiastic* - — - w89 9/1 4 - ih-klee'zee-AS-tik] * [ Ecclesiasticus* - — - it "Apocrypha - ih-klee'zee-AS-tih-kuhs] * [ ecumenical* - — - w86 5/15 24 - ek'yoo-MEN-ih-kuhl] * [ Edrei - Ed're•i - Numbers 21:33 (h154) - ED-ree-i] * [ Eglaim - Eg•la'im - Isaiah 15:8 (h97) - eeg-LAY-im, ehg-LAY-im] * [ Eglon - Eg'lon - Judges 3:12 (h5700) - EG-lon] * [ Egypt; Egyptian - Egypt; Egyptian - Genesis 39:1 (h4714; h376 + h4713) - EE-jipt; ih-JIP-shuhn] * [ Ehud - E'hud - Judges 3:15 - EE-huhd (rhymes with "bud")] * [ eisegesis* (compare exegesis) - — - — - i'suh-JEE-suhs, I-suh-jee'suhs] * [ Ekron - Ek'ron - Judges 1:18 (h6138) - EK-ruhn, EK-ron] * [ Elam - E'lam - Genesis 10:22 (h5867) - EE-lam, EE-luhm] * [ Elamite - E'lam-ites - Ezra 4:9 (h5962); Acts 2:9 (g1639) - EE-lah-mi t, EE-luh-mi t] * [ Eleazar] * [ (compare Eliezer) - El•e•a'zar - Exodus 6:23 (h499) - el'ee-AY-zuhr, not ee'lee-] * [ electrum - electrum - Ezekiel 1:27 (h2830) - ih-LEK-truhm] * [ El-elohe-Israel] * [ (Elelohe-Israel; El, the God of Israel; God—the God of Israel in some Bibles) - ("God the God of Israel" in NW) - Genesis 33:20 KJ (h415) - el-el'oh-heh-IS-ray-uhl] * [ Elephantine*] * [ (Egyptian island) - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - eh'luh-fan'TI -nee (listen), -fuhn-, -TEE-] * [ Eleusinian* - — - w97 2/15 27 - el'yu-SIN-ee-uhn] * [ Eleusis* - — - w97 2/15 27 - ih-LOO-sis, -suhs] * [ Eli - E'li - 1 Samuel 1:9 (h5941) - EE-li] * [ Eliezer] * [ (compare Eleazar) - E•li•e'zer - Genesis 15:2 (h461) - el'ee-EE-zuhr] * [ Elihu - E•li'hu - Job 32:2 (h453) - ih-LI -hoo, -hyoo] * [ Elijah - E•li'jah - 1 Kings 17:1 (h452) - ih-LI -juh] * [ Elimelech - E•lim'e•lech - Ruth 1:2 (h458) - ih-LIM-uh-lek, eh-LIM-uh-lek] * [ Eliphaz - El'i•phaz - Job 2:11 (h464) - EL-ih-faz, EL-uh-faz(')] * [ Eliphelet] * [ (Eliphalath, Eliphalet, Eliphaleth in some Bibles) - E•liph'e•let - 2 Samuel 5:16 (h467) - ih-LIF-uh-let] * [ Eliseus - ("Elijah" in NW) - Luke 4:27 DRB (g1666) - el'uh-SEE-uhs] * [ Elisha - E•li'sha - 1 Kings 19:16 (h477) - ih-LI -shuh] * [ Elishama - E•lish'a•ma - Jeremiah 36:12 (h476) - eh-LISH-ah-muh, ih-LISH-uh-muh, ee-] * [ Elisheba - E•li'she•ba - Exodus 6:23 (h472) - ih-LISH-uh-buh, ih-LI -shuh-buh] * [ Elizabeth - Elizabeth, it E•liz'a•beth - Luke 1:5 (g1665) - ih-LIH-zuh-buhth, ee-LIH-zuh-buhth] * [ Elkanah - El•ka'nah - 1 Samuel 1:1 (h511) - el-KAY-nuh, el-KAY-nah] * [ Elkosh; Elkoshite] * [ (from Elkosh in some Bibles) - El'kosh•ite - Nahum 1:1 (h512) - EL-kosh; EL-kosh-i t] * [ Ellasar - El•la'sar - Genesis 14:1 (h495) - uh-LAY-sahr, EL-uh-sahr] * [ Elmadam] * [ (Elmodam in some Bibles) - El•ma'dam - Luke 3:29 (g1678) - el-MAY-dam, el-MAY-duhm (el-MOH-duhm in some Bibles)] * [ El Shaddai; El Shadday - Heb. El Shad•dai‘; ‘El Shad•da‘y - Exodus 6:3 HNV, JPS (h410 + h7706) - el shah-DI] * [ Elul - E'lul - Nehemiah 6:15 (h435) - EE-luhl (most sources eh-LOOL, -LUHL)] * [ Elymais*] * [ (Elam) - — - it "Elam" - el'uh-MAY-uhs] * [ Elymas - El'y•mas - Acts 13:8 (g1681) - EL-uh-muhs] * [ emaciate] * [ (consume, famish, make feeble, make lean, shrink to nothing in some Bibles) - emaciate - Zephaniah 2:11 (h7329) - ih-MAY-shee-ayt'] * [ emerod] * [ (hemorrhoids, tumors in some Bibles) - ("piles" in NW) - 1 Samuel 5:12 KJ (h6076) - EM-uh-rod] * [ Emmanuel] * [ (compare Immanuel) - Lat. Em•ma'nu•el - Isaiah 7:14 ftn. (h6005); Matthew 1:23 KJ (g1694) - ih-MAN-yoo-uhl,] * [ Emmaus - Em•ma'us - Luke 24:13 (g1695) - eh-MAY-uhs, ih-, uh-, ehm-MAY-uhs] * [ Enaim - E•na'im - Genesis 38:14 (h5879) - ih-NAY-im] * [ En-dor - En-dor - 1 Samuel 28:7 (h5874) - EN-dor] * [ Eneas (see Aeneas) - — - — - —] * [ En-eglaim - En-eg'la•im - Ezekiel 47:10 (h5882) - en-EG-lay-im] * [ Engedi - En-ge'di - Ezekiel 47:10 (h5872) - en-GED-i, not en-GEED-ee] * [ Enki*] * [ (also Ea) - — - it "Bel" - ENG-kee] * [ Enlil*] * [ (also Bel) - — - dp 71 - EN-lil, en-LIL] * [ enmity - enmity - Genesis 3:15 (h342) - EN-muh-tee, not EM-nuh-tee] * [ Enoch - E'noch - Genesis 5:18 (h2585); Jude 14 (g1802) - EE-nuhk, EE-nahk] * [ Enosh] * [ (Enos in some Bibles) - E'nosh - Genesis 4:26 (h583) - EE-nosh] * [ En-rogel] * [ (sometimes Enrogel) - En-ro'gel - 2 Samuel 17:17 (h5883) - en-ROH-guhl, en-ROH-gehl] * [ envoy] * [ (ambassador in some Bibles) - envoy - Proverbs 13:17 (h6735); Philippians 2:25 (g652) - EN-voi', AHN-voi'] * [ Epaenetus - E•pae'ne•tus - Romans 16:5 (g1866) - ih-PEE-nuh-tuhs] * [ Epaphras - Ep'a•phras - Philemon 23 (g1889) - EP-uh-fras, EP-uh-fruhs] * [ Epaphroditus - E•paph•ro•di'tus - Philippians 2:25 (g1891) - ih-paf'ruh-DI -tuhs] * [ Epeiph* - — - w98 12/15 29 - EE-fi f] * [ ephah - e'phah - Exodus 16:36 (h374) - EE-fuh, EE-fah not EF-uh] * [ Ephes-dammim - E'phes-dam'mim - 1 Samuel 17:1 (h658) - ee'fiz-DAM-im, ee'fes-DAM-im] * [ Ephesians - E•phe'sians (Bible book) - Acts 19:28 (g2180) - ih-FEE-zhuhnz] * [ Ephesus - Eph'e•sus - Acts 18:19 (g2181) - EF-uh-suhs, EF-uh-ses] * [ ephod - eph'od - Exodus 28:4 (h646) - EF-od in NW (some sources EE-fod)] * [ Ephphatha] * [ ("be opened") - Eph'pha•tha - Mark 7:34 (g2188) - EF-uh-thah, EF-uh-thuh] * [ Ephraemi rescriptus* - — - it "Galatians, Letter to" - ee'fruh-mee rih-SKRIP-tuhs] * [ Ephraim - E'phra•im - Genesis 41:52 (h669) - EE-fray-im, -free-uhm, -fruhm, not EF-ree-im] * [ Ephrathah - Eph'ra•thah - Micah 5:2 (h672) - EF-ruh-thuh, not ef-RAH-thuh] * [ Ephron - E'phron - Genesis 25:9 (h6085) - EE-fron] * [ Epictetus*; Epictetian* - — - it "Stoics" - eh'pik-TEE-tuhs; eh'pik-TEE-shuhn] * [ Epicurean - Ep•i•cu•re'an - Acts 17:18 (g1946) - ep'ih-kyoo-REE-uhn, ep'ih-kyuh-REE-uhn] * [ epigraphic* - - w02 12/15 22 - eh'-puh-GRA-fik] * [ epigraphist* - - g90 5/8 14 - ih-PIH-gruh-fist, eh-] * [ epigraphy* - - w02 12/15 22 - ih-PIH-gruh-fee, eh-] * [ Epimenides* - — - Titus 1:12 ftn. - ep-ih-MEN-ih-deez] * [ Epiphanes* - — - dp 13 - ih-PIF-uh-neez] * [ Epiphany* - — - w60 12/15 742 - ih-PIF-uh-nee] * [ Epirus* - — - w99 7/15 4 - ih-PI -ruhs] * [ episcopacy*; episcopal* - — - w98 11/15 28; sh 269 - ih-PIS-kuh-puh-see; ih-PIS-kuh-puhl] * [ epistle] * [ (letter in many Bibles) - ("letter" in NW) - Romans 16:22 KJ (g1992) - ih-PIS-uhl (silent "t")] * [ equitable - equitable - Daniel 11:6 (h4339) - EH-kwuh-tuh-buhl] * [ Erasmus, Desiderius* - — - w97 9/15 26 - ih-RAZ-muhs, ir-AZ-muhs, des-ih-DEER-ee-uhs] * [ Erastus - E•ras'tus - Romans 16:23 (g2037) - ih-RAS-tuhs, ee-RAS-tuhs] * [ Erech - E'rech - Genesis 10:10 (h751) - EE-rek] * [ Eretria* - — - it "Darius 2" - eh-REE-tree-uh] * [ Eros* - — - g95 2/8 27 - ER-ahs', IR-, AIR-ohs] * [ err - ("wander," "mistaken," and "misled" in NW) - Micah 3:5 KJ (h8582); James 5:19 KJ (g4105) - UHR (listen), also EHR (see Usage Note)] * [ Esar-haddon - E'sar-had'don - 2 Kings 19:37 (h634) - ee'suhr-HAD-uhn, ee'sahr-HAD-uhn] * [ Esau - E'sau - Genesis 25:25 (h6215) - EE-saw] * [ eschatological* - — - w84 12/1 7 - es'kuh-tuh-LOJ-ih-kuhl, ih-skat'l-OJ-ih-kuhl, es(')ka(')tuhl-AH-jih-kuhl] * [ eschatology* - — - jv 38 - es'kuh-TOL-uh-jee] * [ eschew] * [ (avoid, decline from, shun, snub, turn aside from, turn away from in many Bibles) - ("turn away from" in NW) - 1 Peter 3:11 KJ (g1578); w02 10/1 21 - eh-SHOO, ih-; es-CHOO, is-; also eh-SKYOO] * [ Esdras - ("Ezra" in NW) - Ezra 7:1 DRB (h5830) - EZ-druhs] * [ Eshcol - Esh'col - Genesis 14:13 (h812) - ESH-kol, ESH-kawl] * [ Esdraelon* - — - it "Jezreel" - ez'druh-EE-luhn, es'dray-EE-lon, -druh-] * [ Essene* - — - w94 3/15 28 - ES-een, eh-SEEN] * [ Esther] * [ (aka Hadassah) - Esther (Bible book); it Es'ther - Esther 2:7 (h635) - ES-tuhr] * [ Estienne* or Etienne* - — - w95 4/15 10 - ay-TYEN] * [ Ethanim] * [ (aka Tishri) - Eth'a•nim - 1 Kings 8:2 - ETH-uh-nim] * [ Ethbaal - Eth•ba'al - 1 Kings 16:31 (h856) - eth-BAY-uhl] * [ Ethiopia - E•thi•o'pi•a - 2 Kings 19:9 (h3568) - ee'thee-OH-pee-uh] * [ Ethiopian - E•thi•o'pi•an - Jeremiah 38:7 (h3569), Acts 8:27 (g128) - ee'thee-OH-pee-uhn] * [ Etruria* - — - g97 11/8 24 - ih-TRUR-ee-uh] * [ Etruscan* - — - g97 11/8 24 - ih-TRUHS-kuhn] * [ Eubulus - Eu•bu'lus - 2 Timothy 4:21 (g2103) - yoo-BYOO-luhs] * [ Eucharist* - — - w95 9/1 28 - YOO-k(uh-)ruhst, -kuhr-ist] * [ eucharistic* - — - it "Altar" - yoo'kuh-RIS-tik] * [ Eunice - Eu'nice - 2 Timothy 1:5 (g2131) - YOO-nis] * [ eunuch - eunuch - Isaiah 56:3 (h5631); Acts 8:27 (g2135) - YOO-nuhk, -nik (listen)] * [ Euodia - Eu•o'di•a - Philippians 4:2 (g2136) - yoo-OH-dee-uh] * [ Euphrates - Eu•phra'tes - Genesis 2:14 (h6578) - yoo-FRAY-tees, -teez] * [ Eusebius Pamphili*] * [ (of Caesarea) - — - w59 10/1 605 - yoo-see'bee-uhs PAM-fil-ee] * [ Euraquilo - ("Euroaquilo" NW) - Acts 27:14 AS (g2148) - yoo-RAHK-wih-loh] * [ Euroaquilo] * [ (Euraquilo, Euroclydon, Northeaster, powerful wind, tempestuous wind, The Northeaster, violent wind in some Bibles) - Eu•ro•aq'ui•lo - Acts 27:14 (g2148) - yuhr'oh-AK-wih-loh, yoo'roh-AK-wih-loh (listen: http://www.m-w.com/wftw/02apr/041202.htm)] * [ Euroclydon] * [ (aka grégal; gregale) - ("Euroaquilo" in NW) - Acts 27:14 KJ (g2148) - yoo-RAHK-lih-don('), yuh-] * [ Eutychus - Eu'ty•chus - Acts 20:9 (g2169) - YOO-tuh-kuhs, YOO-tih-kuhs] * [ evangelist - ("evangelizer" in NW) - Acts 21:8 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, TEV, Yg (h2099) - ih-VAN-juh-list] * [ evangelizer] * [ (evangelist, missionary, preacher in some Bibles) - evangelizer - Acts 21:8 (g2099) - ih-VAN-juh-li z'-uhr] * [ Evil-merodach - E'vil-mer'o•dach - Jeremiah 52:31 (h192) - ee'vuhl-MER-uh-dahk. ee'vuhl-MER-uh-dak] * [ exalt; exaltation] * [ (compare: exult; exultation) - exalt; exaltation - 1 Peter 5:6 (g5312); James 1:9 (g5311) - ig-ZAWLT; eg'zawl'TAY-shuhn, ek'sawl'-] * [ execrate - execrate - Numbers 22:11 (h6895) - EK-suh-krayt', -sih-] * [ exegesis* (compare eisegesis) - — - it "Lord" - ek'suh-JEE-suhs, EK-suh-jee'suhs] * [ exegete* - — - w95 3/1 30 - EK-sih-jeet', -suh-] * [ exegetical* - — - ip-2 8 - ek'sih-JET-ih-kuhl, -suh-] * [ exhort - exhort - Romans 16:17 (g3870) - ig-ZAWRT (listen)] * [ Exiguus (Dionysius)* - — - it "Chronology (Eras)" - eg-ZIH-gyuh-wuhs, eg-ZIG-yoo-uhs, ek-SIG-] * [ exilic* - — - it "Captivity" - eg-ZIL-ik, ek-SIL-] * [ existentialism* - — - w95 4/15 5 - eg'zis(')-TEN(T)-shuh-lih'zuhm, ek'sis(')-] * [ Exodus, exodus - Exodus (Bible book), exodus - Hebrews 11:22 (g1841) - EK-suh-duhs] * [ exorcise* - — - it "Demon Possession" - EK-sor-si z('), -suhr-] * [ exorcist - ("practiced the casting out of demons" in NW) - Acts 19:13 Yg (g1845) - EK-sor-sist', -suhst] * [ expiation - ("make atonement" in NW) - Deuteronomy 32:43 ASV, JPS - ek'spee-AY-shuhn] * [ expiatory* - — - w92 12/15 4 - EK-spee-uh-tohr'ee, -tawr'ee] * [ expository* - — - w98 7/15 11 par. 8 - ik-SPAH-zuh-tohr'ee, -tawr'-] * [ exquisite - exquisite - Psalm 37:11 (h6026) - ek-SKWIH-zuht, EK-skwi(')-] * [ exult; exultation] * [ (compare: exalt, exaltation) - exult, exultation - Isaiah 62:5 (h7797; h4885) - ig-ZUHLT; ek'suhl(')-TAY-shuhn, eg'zuhl(')-] * [ Ezekiel - Ezekiel (Bible book), it E•ze'ki•el - Ezekiel 1:3 (h3168) - ih-ZEE-kee-uhl, -kyuhl] * [ Ezion-geber - E'zi•on-ge'ber - 1 Kings 9:26 (h6100) - ee'zee-ahn-GEE-buhr, -uhn-, not -JEE-buhr] * [ Ezra - Ez'ra (Bible book) - Ezra 7:1 (h5830) - EZ-ruh] *
Bible Pronunciation--How do I pronounce F words in the Bible?
[ fain - — - Job 27:22 ASV, Da, KJ (h1272); Luke 15:16 ASV, DRB, KJ (g1937) - FAYN] * [ fallacious - fallacious - Jeremiah 7:4 (h8267) - fuh-LAY-shuhs] * [ farthing] * [ (assar, assarion, copper coin, halfpenny, penny in some Bibles) - ("coin of small value" in NW) - Matthew 10:29 DRB, KJ (g787) - FAHR-thing] * [ Faunus* - — - g82 1/22 12 - FAW-nuhs, FAH-nuhs] * [ feign - — - 1 Kings 14:5 KJ (h5234); Luke 20:20 KJ (g5271) - FAYN] * [ Felix - Felix, it Fe'lix - Acts 24:24 (g5344) - FEE-liks] * [ felloe - felloes - 1 Kings 7:33 (h2839) - FEL-oh(')] * [ Festus, Porcius - Porcius Festus, it Fes'tus - Acts 24:27 (g4201 + g5347) - FES-tuhs, POR-shuhs] * [ fillet] * [ (bands, connecting-rods, filets in some Bibles) - ("joints" in NW) - Exodus 38:10 AS, KJ, Yg (h2838) - FIH-luht, also fih-LAY, FIH-lay(')] * [ firkin] * [ (gallons, measures in some Bibles) - ("liquid measures" in NW) - John 2:6 AS, KJ (g3355) - FUHR-kuhn] * [ flagon] * [ (cake in most Bibles) - ("cake" in NW) - 1 Chronicles 16:3 KJ (h809) - FLAG-uhn] * [ Flavius* - — - it "Christian" - FLAY-vee-uhs] * [ flea - flea - 1 Samuel 24:14 (h6550) - FLEE] * [ fledgling] * [ (young in most Bibles) - fledglings - Deuteronomy 32:11 (h1469) - FLEJ-ling] * [ fleshly] * [ (compare fleshy) - fleshly - Galatians 5:16 (g4561) - FLESH-lee] * [ fleshy] * [ (compare fleshly) - fleshy - Revelation 17:16 (g4561) - FLESH-ee] * [ foreordination* - — - it "Foreknowledge, Foreordination" - fawr'awr-dn-AY-shuhn, for'-, fohr'awr-duhn-AY-shuhn] * [ fornication - fornication - Matthew 5:32 (g4202) - fawr'nuh-KAY-shuhn, not fawr'nuh-fuh-KAY-shuhn] * [ forswear] * [ (make false vows, swear falsely, take false oaths in some Bibles) - ("swear without performing" in NW) - Matthew 5:33 AS, DRB, KJ (g1964) - fawr-SWAR, fohr-, -SWEHR] * [ Fortunatus - For•tu•na'tus - 1 Corinthians 16:17 (g5415) - for'chuh-NAY-tuhs] * [ Forum] * [ (market, market place, market-place, marketplace, market square, public square in some Bibles) - ("marketplace" in NW) - Acts 16:19 ftn. (g58 "agora"); Acts 28:15 KJ (g5410) - FOR-uhm] * [ frankincense - frankincense - Exodus 30:34 (h3828); Matthew 2:11 (g3030) - FRANG-kin-sen(t)s', -kuhn-] * [ fraudulent - fraudulent - Proverbs 28:16 (h4642) - FRAW-juh-luhnt] * [ Frey*; Freya* - — - g00 12/8 27 - FRAY; FRAY-uh] * [ friar* - — - g97 5/8 18 - FRI (-uh)R] * [ frieze* - — - ip-2 124 - FREEZ (listen)] * [ Frigga* - — - g00 12/8 27 - FRIH-guh] * [ froward - ("tortuous"; "hard to please" in NW) - Psalm 18:26 AS, KJ (h6141); 1 Peter 2:18 AS (g4646) - FROH-uhrd, -wuhrd] * [ fundamentalist* - — - w97 3/1 3 ftn. - fuhn'duh-MEN-tuhl-ist] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce G words in the Bible:>
[ Gaash - Ga'ash - Joshua 24:30 (h1608) - GAY-ash] * [ Gabbatha] * [ ("The Stone Pavement") - Gab'ba•tha - John 19:13 (g1042) - GAB-uh-thuh, GAHB-uh-thuh] * [ Gabriel - Ga'bri•el - Daniel 8:16 (h1403); Luke 1:19 (g1043) - GAY-bree-uhl, not GAB-ree-el'] * [ Gadara - ("Gadarenes" in NW) - Matthew 8:28 CEV, TEV (g1086) - GAD-uh-ruh] * [ Gadarenes] * [ (Gadara, Gerasenes, Gerasens, Gergesenes in some Bibles) - Gad•a•renes' - Matthew 8:28 (g1086) - gad'uh-REENS in NW), also GAD-uh-reen'] * [ gainsay - ("dispute" in NW) - Luke 21:15 KJ (g471) - gayn'SAY] * [ Gaius - Ga'ius - Acts 19:29 (g1050) - GAY-uhs(') -yuhs] * [ Galatia - Ga•la'ti•a - Galatians 1:2 (g1053) - guh-LAY-shuh, guh-LAY-shee-uh] * [ Galatians - Ga•la'tians (Bible book) - Galatians 3:1 (g1052) - guh-LAY-shuhnz] * [ galbanum - galbanum, it gal'ba•num - Exodus 30:34 (h2464) - GAL-buh-nuhm] * [ Galeed - Gal'e•ed - Genesis 31:47 (h1567) - GAL-ee-ed] * [ Galilean - Gal•i•le'an - Matthew 26:69 (g1057) - gal'uh-LEE-uhn] * [ Galilee - Gal'i•lee - Isaiah 9:1 (h1551) - GAL-uh-lee] * [ Gallio - Gal'li•o - Acts 18:12 (g1058) - GAL-ee-oh] * [ Gallus*] * [ (Cestius) - — - it "Israel (Israel After the Babylonian Exile)" - GAL-uhs] * [ Gamaliel - Ga•ma'li•el - Acts 5:34 (g1059) - guh-MAY-lee-uhl, not gam'uh-LI -uhl] * [ Gammad; Gammadim ("valorous men" in ASV, HNV, NW; "Pygmeans" in DRB) - ("valorous men" in NW) - Ezekiel 27:11 (various translations) (h1575) - GAM-uhd; GAM-uh-dim] * [ Ganymede* - — - it "Art" - GAN-uh-meed'] * [ Gaugamela* - — - it "Alexander" - gaw'guh-MEE-luh] * [ Gaul*] * [ (France) - — - w90 7/15 22 - GAWL] * [ Gautama* - — - sh 130 - GAW-tuh-muh, GOU-tuh-muh] * [ Gaza - Ga'za - Genesis 10:19 (h5804) - GAY-zuh in Bible, not GAZ-uh, not GAH-zuh] * [ Geba - Ge'ba - 2 Chronicles 16:6 (h1387) - GEE-buh, not JEE-] * [ Gebal] * [ (aka Byblos) - Ge'bal - Ezekiel 27:9 (h1380) - GEE-buhl, not JEE-] * [ Geber - Ge'ber - 1 Kings 4:13 (h1127) - GEE-buhr, not JEE-] * [ gecko] * [ (ferret, groaning lizard, shrew in some Bibles) - gecko - Leviticus 11:30 (h604) - GEK-oh] * [ Gedaliah - Ged•a•li'ah - 2 Kings 25:22 (h1436) - ged'uh-LI -uh] * [ Gediz*] * [ (River, ancient Hermus) - — - w03 5/15 15 - guh-DEEZ] * [ Gehazi - Ge•ha'zi - 2 Kings 5:25 (h1522) - gih-HAY-zi , not guh-HAH-zee] * [ Gehenna - Ge•hen'na - Matthew 5:22 (g1067) - gih-HEN-uh] * [ Gehinnom] * [ (Gehenna, hell in most Bibles) - (Gehenna in NW) - Matthew 10:28 HNV (g1067) - gih-HIN-uhm] * [ Gemalli - Ge•mal'i - Numbers 13:12 (h1582) - gih-MAL-i, gih-MAHL-i] * [ Gemara* - — - sh 221 - guh-MAH-ruh, -MAHR-uh, -MAWR-] * [ genealogical - genealogical - Ezra 8:1 (h3187) - jee'nee-a-LAH-jih-kuhl, -nee-uh-] * [ genealogy - genealogy - Ezra 2:62 (h3187) - jee'nee-AL-uh-jee, -OL-, jen'ee-] * [ Genesis - Genesis (Bible book) - Genesis 1:1 ftn. - JEN-uh-sis, not JEN-uh-see] * [ genizah* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - guh-NEET-suh] * [ Gennesaret - Gen•nes'a•ret - Matthew 14:34 (g1082) - gih-NES-uh-ret, gen-ES-a-ret', also jee-NES-, juh-NES-uh-ret] * [ Gentile] * [ (Grecian, Greek[s] in many Bibles) - ("Greek" in NW) - Romans 2:9, 10 KJ (g1672) - JEN-ti l] * [ genuflect*; genuflection* - — - —; w97 12/15 27 - JEN-yuh-flekt'; jen'yuh-FLEK-shuhn] * [ Gerar - Ge'rar - Genesis 20:1 (h1642) - GEE-rahr, not JEE-rahr] * [ Gerasenes] * [ (gadarenes, Gerasa in some Bibles) - Ger'a•senes - Mark 5:1 (g1046) - GER-uh-seens] * [ Gerizim - Ger'i•zim - Deuteronomy 11:29 (h1630) - GER-uh-zim] * [ Gershom] * [ (aka Gershon) - Ger'shom - 1 Chronicles 6:16 (h1648) - GUHR-shahm, GUHR-shuhm] * [ Gershon] * [ (aka Gershom) - Ger'shon - Exodus 6:16 (h1648) - GUHR-shahn, GUHR-shuhn] * [ Gesenius, Wilhelm* - — - w97 3/15 12 - gay-ZAY-nyus, VIL-helm] * [ Gethsemane - Geth•sem'a•ne - Matthew 26:36 (g1068) - geth-SEM-uh-nee] * [ Geuel] * [ (Gevel, Guel in some Bibles) - Geu'el - Numbers 13:15 (h1345) - GYOO-uhl, GYOO-el'] * [ Gezer - Ge'zer - 1 Kings 9:15 (h1507) - GEE-zuhr, not JEE-] * [ Gibeah - Gib'e•ah - Judges 20:29 (h1390) - GIB-ee-uh] * [ Gibeon - Gib'e•on - Joshua 9:3 (h1391) - GIB-ee-uhn] * [ Gideon] * [ (aka Jerubbaal) - Gid'e•on - Judges 7:5 (h1439) - GID-ee-uhn] * [ gier-eagle - ("vulture" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:17 KJ, Yg (h7360) - JEER-ee'guhl, JIHR-] * [ Giezi] * [ (Gehazi in most Bibles) - ("Gehazi" in NW) - 2 Kings 4:12 DRB (h1522) - gi-EE-zi] * [ Gihon - Gi'hon - Genesis 2:13 (h1521) - GI -hon] * [ Gilboa - Gil•bo'a - 1 Samuel 28:4 (h1533) - gil-BOH-uh] * [ Gilead - Gil'e•ad - Genesis 31:21 (h1568) - GIL-ee-uhd] * [ Gilgal - Gil'gal - Joshua 5:9 (h1537) - GIL-gal] * [ Gilgamesh* - — - sh 47-49 - GIL-guh-mesh] * [ gimel] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Gi'mel - Psalm 119:17 (verse heading) - GIM-uhl, GIH-muhl] * [ Gittith - Git'tith - Psalm 8 superscription (h1665) - GIT-ith, GIH-tith] * [ glossolalia* - — - w92 8/15 3 - glos'uh-LAY-lee-uh] * [ Gnaeus*] * [ (also Cnaeus) - — - dp 216 - NI -uhs] * [ gnash - gnash - Acts 7:54 (g1031) - NASH] * [ gnat - gnat - Isaiah 51:6 (h3644 + h3651); Matthew 23:24 (g2971) - NAT (silent "g")] * [ Gnosis* - — - w90 7/15 21 - NOH-sis] * [ Gnostic* - — - w93 9/15 8 - NOS-tik] * [ Gnosticism* - — - w97 9/1 14 - NOS-tuh-siz'uhm] * [ goad - goad - Judges 3:31 (h4451) - GOHD] * [ God - God - Genesis 1:1 (h430) - GOD, GAHD] * [ Goiim] * [ (Gei, Goim, Goyim, nations in some Bibles) - Goi'im - Joshua 12:23 (h1471) - GOI-im] * [ Golan - Go'lan - Joshua 20:8 (h1474) - GOH-luhn, -lahn' (listen)] * [ Golgotha - Gol'go•tha - Matthew 27:33 (g1115) - GOL-guh-thuh, GOHL-guh-thuh] * [ Gomorrah - Go•mor'rah - Genesis 13:10 (h6017) - guh-MOR-uh] * [ Goshen - Go'shen - Genesis 45:10 (h1657) - GOH-shuhn] * [ Goth*; Gothic* - — - w94 5/15 8 - GAHTH; GAH-thik] * [ Goyim] * [ (countries, foreign nations, Gentiles, nations in some Bibles) - — - Genesis 14:1 (h1471) and Acts 14:5 (g1484) HNV; Luke 21:24 ftn. NW (g1484); - GOI-im] * [ greaves] * [ (plates, shin armor, shin guards in some Bibles) - greaves - 1 Samuel 17:6 (h4697) - GREEVZ] * [ Grecian - Grecian - Mark 7:26 (g1674) - GREE-shuhn] * [ grégal*; gregale*] * [ (aka Euroclydon) - — - it "Euroaquilo" - gray-GAHL; gray-GAH-lay] * [ Gregorian* - — - it "Calendar (Julian and Gregorian Calendars)" - grih-GAWR-ee-uhn, -GOHR-] * [ grievous - grievous - Hebrews 12:11 (g3077) - GREE-vuhs, not GREE-vee-(y)uhs] * [ griffin or griffon - ("osprey" in NW) - "griffon" at Leviticus 11:13 DRB (h6538) - GRIF-ihn or GRIF-uhn] * [ guile] * [ (deceit, deceitful [things], craft, false, falsehood, lies, subtilty in some Bibles) - ("craftiness" in Exodus 21:14 NW; "deception" in Psalm 34:13 NW; "deceit" in John 1:47 NW) - Exodus 21:14 KJ (h6195); Psalm 34:13 KJ (h4820); John 1:47 KJ (g1388) - GI (uh)L] *
Bible Pronunciation--How do I pronounce H words in the Bible?
[ Habakkuk - Ha•bak'kuk (Bible book) - Habakkuk 1:1 (h2265) - huh-BAK-uhk, not huh-BAK-uh] * [ habergeon - ("coat of mail" in NW) - Exodus 28:32 KJ (h8473) - HAB-uhr-juhn, huh-BUHR-jee-uhn] * [ Habiru*; Hapiru* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - hah-BEE-roo; hah-PEE-roo] * [ Hacaliah - Hac•a•li'ah - Nehemiah 1:1 (h2446) - hak'uh-LI -uh] * [ Hachaliah - ("Hacaliah" in NW) - Nehemiah 1:1 Da, KJ, Yg (h2446) - hak'uh-LI -uh] * [ Hadad - Ha'dad - 1 Kings 11:14 (h1908) - HAY-dad] * [ Hadadezer - Had•ad•e'zer - 2 Samuel 8:3 (h1909) - had'ad-EE-zuhr] * [ Hadadrimmon - Ha•dad•rim'mon - Zechariah 12:11 (h1910) - hay'dad-RIM-uhn] * [ Hadassah] * [ (aka Esther) - Ha•das'sah - Esther 2:7 (h1919) - huh-DAS-uh] * [ Hades] * [ (Hell, death, realm of the dead, She'ol, world of the dead in some Bibles) - Ha'des - Revelation 1:18 (g86) - HAY-deez(')] * [ Hadrach - Ha'drach - Zechariah 9:1 (h2317) - HAY-drak] * [ Hadrian* - — - it "Jerusalem" - HAY-dree-uhn] * [ Hagar - Ha'gar - Genesis 16:1 (h1904) - HAY-gahr] * [ Haggadah* - — - w98 5/15 29 - huh-GAH-duh, not HAG-uh-dah] * [ Haggai - Hag'gai (Bible book) - Haggai 1:1 (h2292) - HAG-i] * [ Hagiographa* - — - it "Hebrew Scriptures" - hag'ee-OG-ruh-fuh] * [ Hagrite - Hag'rite - 1 Chronicles 27:31 - HAG-ri t] * [ hajj*] * [ (also hadj) - — - g94 3/8 24 - HAHJ, HAJ] * [ hajji*] * [ (also hadji) - — - g94 3/8 24 - HAJ-ee] * [ Halacha* or Halakah* - — - g91 6/8 29 - hah'lah-KAH] * [ Halicarnassus* - — - g97 11/8 25 - hal'uh-kahr-NAS-uhs] * [ Hallelujah] * [ (also Alleluia) - ("Praise Jah, YOU people!" in NW) - Revelation 19:1 AS (g239) - hal'uh-LOO-yuh, not hal'ay-LOO-jah] * [ Halys*] * [ (River, modern Kizil Irmak) - — - sh 82 - HAY-luhs] * [ Hamadan*] * [ (ancient Ecbatana) - — - it "Ecbatana" - ham'uh-DAN (listen), -DAHN, HAM-uh-dan'] * [ Hamath] * [ (modern Hama) - Ha'math - Isaiah 36:19 (h2574) - HAY-math, HAY-muth] * [ Hammurabi* - — - it "Babylon" - ham'uh-RAH-bee, ham'oo-, hah(')-moo-RAH-bee] * [ Hamor - Ha'mor - Genesis 33:19 (h2544); Acts 7:16 (g1697) - HAY-mahr, HAY-mor] * [ Hanani - Ha•na'ni - 1 Kings 16:1 (h2607) - huh-NAY-ni] * [ Hanamel] * [ (Hanameel in some Bibles) - Han'a•mel - Jeremiah 32:7 (h2601) - HAN-uh-mehl (huh-NAM-ee-uhl, hay-, HAN-uh-meel in some Bibles)] * [ Hananiah - Han•a•ni'ah - Daniel 1:6 (h2608) - han'uh-NI -uh] * [ Hanes - Ha'nes - Isaiah 30:4 (h2609) - HAY-neez, HAY-nes] * [ Hannah - Han'nah - 1 Samuel 1:2 (h2584) - HAN-uh] * [ Hanukkah] * [ (also spelled Chanukah, Chanukkah) - ("festival of dedication" in NW) - John 10:22 ALT, ISV - HAH-nuh-kuh, Ashk. Heb. KHAH-nuh-kuh, Seph. Heb. khah-noo-KAH] * [ Hapi* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses (The Ten Plagues)" - HAH-pee, KHAH-pee] * [ Haran - Ha'ran - Genesis 11:26 (h2039) - HAY-ran, -ruhn] * [ Hare Krishna* - — - g75 11/8 10 - HAHR-ee, har'ee, KRISH-nuh] * [ Harhaiah - Har•hai'ah - Nehemiah 3:8 (h2736) - hahr-HI -uh, hahr-HAY-yuh] * [ Har-Magedon] * [ (aka Armageddon) - Har-Ma•ged'on - Revelation 16:16 (g717) - hahr'-muh-GED-uhn] * [ Hasidic* - — - w98 7/1 30 - hah-SID-ik] * [ Hasidim* - — - w98 11/15 22 - HAS-uh-dim] * [ Hasidism* - — - sh 226 - HA-suh-dih'zuhm, HAH-, KHAH-] * [ Hasmonaean* - — - it "Herod" - haz'muh-NEE-uhn, not haz-MOH-nee-uhn] * [ Havilah - Hav'i•lah - Genesis 2:11 (h2341) - HAV-uh-lah', -luh] * [ Hazael - Haz'a•el - 1 Kings 19:15 (h2371) - HAZ-zay-uhl, HAZ-ay-el, HAZ-uh-el] * [ he] * [ (Hebrew letter) - He’ - Psalm 119:33 (verse heading) - HAY] * [ heathen] * [ (Gentiles, nations in most Bibles) - ("nations" in NW) - Psalm 2:1 KJ (h1471); Acts 4:25 KJ (g1484) - HEE-th uhn, not HEE-th uhrn] * [ Heber - He'ber - Judges 4:11 (h2268) - HEE-buhr] * [ Hebrew; Hebrews - Hebrew; Hebrews (Bible book) - Genesis 14:13 (h5680); Genesis 40:15 (h5680) - HEE-broo; HEE-brooz] * [ Hebron] * [ (aka Kiriath-arba) - He'bron - Genesis 13:18 (h2275) - HEE-bruhn, HEE-brahn] * [ Hegira*] * [ (also Hejira) - — - it "Chronology" - hih-JI -ruh, HEJ-uhr-uh] * [ Helem - He'lem - Zechariah 6:14 (h2494) - HEE-lim] * [ Heliopolis] * [ ("City of the Sun") - ("On" in NW) - Genesis 41:45 CEV, DRB, TEV (h204) - hee'lee-OP-uh-lis] * [ Helios* - — - g98 12/8 4 - HEE-lee-uhs, HEE-lee-ohs(')] * [ Hellenic* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - heh-LEH-nik, huh-] * [ Hellenize* - — - it "Foreigner" - HEL-uh-ni z'] * [ Hellenism* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - HEL-uh-niz'uhm] * [ Hellenist* - — - w92 6/15 28 - HEL-uh-nist] * [ Hellenistic* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - hel'uh-NIS-tik] * [ Hellenization* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - hel'uh-ni -ZAY-shuhn] * [ Heman - He'man - 1 Chronicles 25:1 (h1968) - HEE-muhn] * [ Hena - He'na - 2 Kings 18:34 (h2012) - HEE-nuh] * [ hendiadys* - — - Genesis 3:16 ftn. - hen-DI -uh-duhs] * [ henotheism* - — - — - HEN-uh-thee(')-ih'zuhm] * [ Hephaestus* - — - w98 7/15 26 - hih-FES-tuhs, -FEES-] * [ Hephzibah - Heph'zi•bah - 2 Kings 21:1 (h2657) - HEF-zih-buh] * [ Heptateuch* - — - — - HEP-tuh-tyook, -took] * [ Heracles*] * [ (compare Hercules) - — - it "Alexander" - HER-uh-kleez'] * [ Hercules*] * [ (compare Heracles) - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - HUHR-kyuh-leez'] * [ heretic; heretical] * [ (divisive, factious, man of heresy, quarrelsome person, sectarian [man], troublemakers in some Bibles) - ([a man that] "promotes a sect" in NW) - "heretic" in Titus 3:10 KJ and "heretical" in Da (g141) - HER-uh-tik'; huh-RET-ih-kuhl] * [ hermeneutic*] * [ ("interpretive; explanatory") - — - — - huhr'muh-NOO-tik, -NYOO-] * [ Hermes] * [ (Mercurius, Mercury in some Bibles) - Her'mes - Acts 14:12 (g2060) - HUHR-meez] * [ Hermogenes - Her•mog'e•nes - 2 Timothy 1:15 (g2061) - huhr-MOJ-uh-neez] * [ Hermon - Her'mon - Deuteronomy 3:8 (h2768) - HUHR-muhn] * [ Herod - Herod - Matthew 2:1 (g2264) - HER-uhd] * [ Herodian* - — - it "Herod" - hih-ROH-dee-uhn] * [ Herodias - He•ro'di•as - Matthew 14:3 (g2266) - hih-ROH-dee-uhs, heh-ROH-dee-uhs] * [ Herodium* - — - w78 11/1 6 - hih-ROH-dee-uhm] * [ Herodotus* - — - it "Chronology" - hih-RAH-duh-tuhs, huh-ROD-uh-tuhs, not -ROH-duh-] * [ Heshbon - Hesh'bon - Numbers 21:26 (h2809) - HESH-bon] * [ Heshvan*] * [ (aka Bul, Marheshvan) - — - it "Bul" - HESH-vuhn, -vahn, KHESH-] * [ Hesiod* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - HEE-see-uhd, HES-ee-uhd] * [ heth, see chehth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - — - — - —] * [ Hexapla* - — - it "Versions" - HEK-suh-pluh] * [ Hexateuch* - — - w59 7/15 437 - HEK-suh-t(y)ook(')] * [ Hezekiah - Hez•e•ki'ah - 2 Kings 18:1 (h2396) - hez'ih-KI -uh. hez'uh-KI -uh] * [ Hiddekel] * [ (aka Tigris) - Hid'de•kel - Daniel 10:4 (h2313) - HID-uh-kel, HID-ih-kel] * [ Hierapolis - Hi•e•rap'o•lis - Colossians 4:13 (g2404) - hi 'uh-RAP-uh-lis, hi 'ih-RAP-uh-luhs] * [ hierarchy* - — - w98 5/15 29 - HI -uh-rahr'kee, HI -rahr-] * [ hieratic* - — - it "Writing" - hi 'uh-RAT-ik, hi -RAT-ik] * [ hieroglyph* - — - g91 1/22 7 - HI -ruh-glif ] * [ hieroglyphic* - — - it "Writing" - hi 'ruh-GLIF-ik] * [ Hieronymus* - — - it "Versions (Latin 'Vulgate')" - hi (')-uh-RAH-nuh-muhs, hi -RON-uh-muhs] * [ Higgaion - Hig•ga'ion - Psalm 9:16 (h1902) - hih-GAY-yon, hih-GAY-yuhn] * [ Hilkiah - Hil•ki'ah - Jeremiah 1:1 (h2518) - hil-KI -uh] * [ Hillel - Hil'lel - Judges 12:15 (h1985) - HIL-el] * [ Hinnom - Hin'nom - Joshua 15:8 (h2011) - HIN-uhm] * [ hippodrome* - — - it "Jerusalem (Under Herod the Great)" - HIP-uh-drohm'] * [ Hippolytus* - - w97 3/1 10 - hih-POL-luh-tuhs] * [ historicity* - — - it "Archaeology (Palestine and Syria)" - his'tuh-RIS-ih-tee (listen)] * [ Hittite - Hit'tite - Genesis 23:10 (h2850) - HIT-ti t, HIT-i t] * [ Hivite - Hi'vite - Genesis 10:17 (h2340) - HI -vi t] * [ hoary - ("gray" in NW) - Leviticus 19:32 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (h7872) - HOHR-ee, HAWR-ee] * [ Hobab - Ho'bab - Numbers 10:29 (h2246) - HOH-bab] * [ holocaust - ("burnt sacrifice" and "whole burnt offerings" in NW) - Job 42:8 DRB (h5930); Hebrews 10:6 DRB (g3646) - HOH-luh-kawst', HAH-, also -kahst' or HAW-luh-kawst] * [ homer - ho'mer - Leviticus 27:16 (h2563) - HOH-muhr] * [ homily*; homiletic* - — - w98 5/15 30; g74 7/8 11 - HAH-muh-lee; hah'muh-LET-ik] * [ homologoumena*] * [ (distinguished from the antilegomena) - — - — - hoh'moh-loh-GOU-meh-nah, hoh'moh-luh-GOO-muh-nuh, -GYOO-] * [ hoopoe] * [ (hoopoes, houp, lapwing in some Bibles) - hoopoe, it hoo'poe - Leviticus 11:19 (h1744) - HOO-poo', HOO-poh'] * [ Hophni - Hoph'ni - 1 Samuel 1:3 (h2652) - HOF-ni] * [ Hophra] * [ (aka Apries) - Hoph'ra - Jeremiah 44:30 (h6548) - HOF-ruh] * [ Horeb] * [ (aka Sinai) - Ho'reb - Exodus 3:1 (h2722) - HOH-reb] * [ Horesh] * [ (forest, wood in some Bibles) - Ho'resh - 1 Samuel 23:15 (h2793) - HOH-rehsh, HOR-esh] * [ Hor-haggidgad - Hor-hag•gid'gad - Numbers 33:32 (h2735) - hor'huh-GID-gad, hor'hag-GID-gad] * [ Hori - Ho'ri - Numbers 13:5 (h2753) - HOH-ri] * [ Horonaim - Hor•o•na'im - Isaiah 15:5 (h2773) - hor'uh-NAY-im] * [ Horonite - Hor'o•nite - Nehemiah 2:10 (2772) - HOR-uh-ni t] * [ Horus* - — - ip-2 52 - HOHR-uhs, HOR-, HAWR-] * [ Hosanna, also Hosannah - ("Save, we pray you!" in NW) - John 12:13 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g5614) - hoh-ZAN-uh, -ZAHN-] * [ Hosea - Ho•se'a (Bible book) - Hosea 1:1 (h1954); w62 12/15 767 - hoh-SEE-uh in NW, hoh-ZEE-uh, not hoh-ZAY-uh, HOH-zay] * [ Hoshea - Ho•she'a - 2 Kings 17:1 (h1954) - hoh-SHEE-uh] * [ hough] * [ (hamstring, hock in some Bibles) - ("hamstring" in NW) - Joshua 11:6 Da, KJ, Yg (h6131) - HOK, HOKH] * [ Huguenot* - — - w98 8/15 26 - HYOO-guh-naht'] * [ Huldah - Hul'dah - 2 Kings 22:14 (h2468) - HUHL-duh, HUL-] * [ humble - humble - Proverbs 29:23 (h8217) - HUHM-buhl, HUM-, also chiefly Southern US UHM-] * [ humility - humility - Proverbs 18:12 (h6038) - hyoo-MIL-uh-tee, -ih-, often yoo-] * [ Hur - Hur - Exodus 17:10 (h2354) - HUHR] * [ Huram - ("Hiram" in 2 Chronicles 2:3 in NW) - 1 Chronicles 8:5 (h2361); 2 Chronicles 2:3 AS, Da, KJ, JPS (h2361) - HYOOR-uhm, HYOO-ruhm] * [ hurly-burly] * [ (iniquity, overturn, overturned, ruin, ruins in some Bibles) - ("ruin" in NW) - Ezekiel 21:27 By (h5754) - huhr'lee-BUHR-lee] * [ Hurrian* - — - w85 3/1 31 - HOOR-ee-uhn] * [ Hushai - Hu'shai - 2 Samuel 15:32 (h2365) - HYOO-shi, HOOSH-i] * [ hyacinth] * [ (jacinth, turquoise in some Bibles) - hyacinth, it hy'a•cinth - Revelation 21:20 (g5192) - HI -uh-sinth (listen)] * [ Hyades] * [ (Pleiades, Kimah in most Bibles) - — - Job 9:9 in DRB - HI -uh-deez'] * [ Hydaspes*] * [ (River) - — - — - hi -DAS-peez] * [ Hyksos* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian ('Hyksos Period')" - HIK-sohs (listen), -sos] * [ Hymen* - — - it "Hymenaeus" - HI -muhn] * [ Hymenaeus - Hy•me•nae'us - 1 Timothy 1:20 (g5211) - hi 'muh-NEE-uhs, not hi -MIN-ee-uhs] * [ hymn] * [ (song of praise, the Hallel in a few Bibles) - ("praises" in NW) - Matthew 26:30 KJ (g5214) - HIM] * [ Hypnos* - — - sh 43 - HIP-nuhs, HIP-nohs'] * [ hypocrisy - hypocrisy - Matthew 23:28 (g5272) - hih-PAH-kruh-see, hi -] * [ hypocrite - hypocrite - Luke 6:42 (g5273) - HIP-uh-krit'] * [ hyrax] * [ (see coney) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 JB (h8227) - HI -raks] * [ Hyrcania* - — - w96 1/15 27 - huhr-KAY-nee-uh] * [ Hyrcanus* - — - w02 1/1 11 - hihr-KAY-nuhs] * [ hyssop - hyssop - Exodus 12:22 (h231) - HIS-uhp] * [ Hystaspes*] * [ (also Hystaspis) - — - it "Darius" - his-TAS-peez] * [ Hystaspis*] * [ (Darius I; also Hystaspes) - — - Esther 1:1 ftn. - his-TAS-pis] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce I words in the Bible:
[ Ibleam - Ib'le•am - Joshua 17:11 (h2991) - IB-lee-uhm] * [ Iblis* - — - w94 2/1 3 - IB-lis] * [ Ibzan - Ib'zan - Judges 12:8 (h78) - IB-zan] * [ Ichabod - Ich'a•bod - 1 Samuel 4:21 (h350) - IK-uh-bod] * [ I Ching* - — - sh 83 - YEE-JING, EE-JING] * [ icon* - — - w02 7/1 4 - I -kon, I -kahn'] * [ Iconium - I•co'ni•um - Acts 14:1 (g2430) - i -KOH-nee-uhm] * [ iconoclasm* - — - g80 3/8 19 - i -KON-uh-klaz'uhm] * [ iconoclast*; iconoclastic* - — - w92 2/15 4 - i -KAH-nuh-klast'; i -kah'nuh-KLAS-tik] * [ ichor* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" (Greek Deities) - I -kawr', -kuhr] * [ Iddo - Id'do - Ezra 5:1 (h5714) - ID-oh] * [ ideology*] * [ (also idealogy) - — - w97 8/15 32 - i'dee-AH-luh-jee, ih'-; i'dee-AH-luh-jee, -AL-uh-jee, ih'dee-AH-luh-jee, -AL-uh-jee] * [ ideological* - — - w93 2/1 5 - ih'dee-uh-LAH-jih-kuhl, ih'-] * [ idolater - idolater - Ephesians 5:5 (g1496) - i -DAHL-uh-tuhr, -DOL-] * [ idolatrous - ("foreign-god" [priests] in NW) - 2 Kings 23:5 KJ (h3649) - i-DAHL-uh-truhs] * [ Idumea] * [ (also Idumaea) - Id•u•me'a - Mark 3:8 (g2401) - id'yoo-MEE-uh, id'oo-MEE-uh] * [ Idumean*, Idumaean* - — - w02 1/1 11 - id'yoo-MEE-uhn] * [ Ignatius* - — - it "Canon" - ig-NAY-sh(ee-)uhs] * [ ignominy] * [ (shame in some Bibles) - ("dishonor" in NW) - Proverbs 18:3 AS, DRB, KJ (h7036) - IG-nuh-min'ee, ig-NAH-muh-nee] * [ Ije-abarim] * [ (also Ije Abarim; compare Iye-abarim) - — - Numbers 21:11 KJ, MKJV (h5863) - i 'juh-AB-uh-rim] * [ Ikhnaton*] * [ (also Akhenaton) - — - — - ik-NAH-tuhn] * [ Illyricum - Il•lyr'i•cum - Romans 15:19 (g2457) - ih-LIHR-ih-kuhm, -LEER] * [ imam* - — - g00 3/8 11 - ih-MAHM, ee-MAHM, ih-MAM] * [ Immanuel] * [ (compare Emmanuel) - Im•man'u•el - Isaiah 7:14 (h6005) - ih-MAN-yoo-uhl, ih-MAN-yoo-el] * [ impious] * [ (evildoers, godless, hypocrite, profane, ungodly in some Bibles) - ("apostate" and "ungodly men" in NW) - Job 8:13 JPS (h2611); Romans 5:6 Analytical-Literal Trans., Yg (g765) - IM-pee-uhs, im(')-PI -uhs] * [ impotent - impotent - Job 26:5 (h7496) - IM-puh-tuhnt, -poh-, not im-POH-tuhnt] * [ impugn* - — - jv 645 - im-PYOON] * [ incense - incense - Psalm 141:2 (h7004); Luke 1:9 (g2370) - IN-sen(t)s] * [ India - In'di•a - Esther 1:1 (h1012) - IN-dee-uh] * [ inimical*] * [ (compare inimitable) - — - it "Enemy" - ih-NIH-mih-kuhl] * [ inimitable*] * [ (compare inimical) - — - w88 11/1 15 - ih(')-NIH-muh-tuh-buhl] * [ iniquity - iniquity - Daniel 4:27 (h5758) - ih-NIH-kwuh-tee] * [ inquisition - ("search" in NW) - Deuteronomy 19:18 AS, DRB, KJ (h1875) - in'kwuh-ZIH-shuhn, ing'kwuh-] * [ inshallah* - — - — - in'shah-LAH] * [ internecine* - - w03 1/1 8 - in'tuhr-NEH-seen', in'tuhr-NEE-suhn, -NEE-si n', in'tuhr-nuh-SEEN, in-TUHR-nuh-seen'] * [ interpolate*; interpolation* - — - w64 3/15 184 - in-TUHR-puh-layt'; in-tuhr'puh-LAY-shuhn] * [ Ionian* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - i -OH-nee-uhn] * [ Ionic* - — - it "Architecture" - i -AH-nik] * [ iota] * [ (jot in some Bibles; compare tittle) - ("smallest letter" in NW) - Matthew 5:18 Da, KJ, Yg (g2503) - i -OH-tuh] * [ Iran* - — - it "Persia, Persian" - ih-RAN, -RAHN, ee-RAHN, i -RAN] * [ Iranian* - — - ip-2 73 - ih-RAY-nee-uhn, ih-RAH-, i -RAY-] * [ Iraq* - — - it "Babylon" - ih-RAK, -RAHK, ee-RAHK] * [ Irenaeus* - — - it "Canon" - i 'ruh-NEE-uhs] * [ irreprehensible] * [ (above reproach, blameless, good reputation, irreproachable, of good name, without fault, without reproach in some Bibles) - irreprehensible - 1 Timothy 3:2 (g423) - ih-rep'rih-HEN(T)-suh-buhl] * [ Isaac - Isaac, it I'saac - Genesis 17:19 (h3327) - I -zik, I -zak] * [ Isaiah - Isaiah (Bible book), I•sa'iah - Isaiah 1:1 (h3470) - i -ZAY-uh, -yuh, chiefly Brit. -ZI -] * [ Iscariot - Is•car'i•ot - Matthew 10:4 (g2469) - is-KAR-ee-uht, is-KAIR-] * [ Ishtar* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - ISH-tahr] * [ Isis* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - I -sis] * [ Ish-bosheth - Ish-bo'sheth - 2 Samuel 2:8 (h378) - ish-BOH-shith, ish-BOH-sheth] * [ Ishmael - Ish'ma•el - Genesis 16:11 (h3458) - ISH-may-uhl, ISH-may-el] * [ Islam*; Islamic* - — - g01 12/22 29 - is-LAHM, iz-, -LAM, IS-lahm', -lam', IZ-lahm', -lam'; is-LAH-mik, iz-, -LAM-ik] * [ Israel - Israel, it Is'ra•el - Genesis 32:28 (h3478); Matthew 2:6 (g2474) - IZ-ree-uhl (listen), -ray-, IZ-ruhl, IZ-ray-el not iz'ree-EL] * [ Issachar - Is'sa•char - Genesis 30:18 (h3485) - IS-uh-kahr'] * [ Italian - Italian - Acts 10:1 (g2483) - ih-TAL-yuhn, uh-, not i -TAL-yuhn] * [ Ithamar - Ith'a•mar - Exodus 6:23 (h385) - ITH-uh-mahr] * [ Ithiel - Ith'i•el - Proverbs 30:1 (h384) - ITH-ee-uhl, ITH-ee-el] * [ Ituraea - It•u•rae'a - Luke 3:1 (g2484) - it'yoo-REE-uh, ih-too-REE-uh] * [ Ivvah] * [ (Ivah in some Bibles) - Iv'vah - 2 Kings 18:34 - IV-uh (I -vuh in some Bibles)] * [ Iyar* or Iyyar*] * [ (aka Ziv) - — - it "Ziv" - EE-yahr('), ee-YAHR (listen)] * [ Iye-abarim] * [ (Ijeabarim, Ije-abarim, Ije Abarim, Ijim-Abarim, Iyeabarim, Iye Abarim, Jeabarim, ruins of Abarim in some Bibles) - I'ye-ab'a•rim - Numbers 21:11 (h5863) - i 'yuh-AB-uh-rim] * [ Izmir*] * [ (aka Smyrna) - — - it "Smyrna" - iz-MIHR (listen), IZ-meer] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce J words in the Bible:
[ Jabal - Ja'bal - Genesis 4:20 (h2989) - JAY-buhl, JAY-bal] * [ Jabbok - Jab'bok - Genesis 32:22 (h2999) - JAB-uhk] * [ Jabesh - Ja'besh - 1 Samuel 31:12 (h3003) - JAY-bish, JAY-besh] * [ Jabesh-gilead - Ja'bish-gil'e•ad - 2 Samuel 2:4 (h3003 + H1568) - jay'besh-GIL-ee-uhd, jay'bish-] * [ Jabin - Ja'bin - Judges 4:17 (h2985) - JAY-bin] * [ jacinth - ("hyacinth-blue" or "hyacinth" in NW) - Revelation 9:17; 21:20 KJ (g5191) - JAY-sinth, JAY-suhn(t)th, JA-] * [ Jacob - Jacob, it Ja'cob - Genesis 25:26 (h3290) - JAY-kuhb] * [ Jael - Ja'el - Judges 4:17 (h3278) - JAY-uhl] * [ Jah] * [ (LORD, Lord, Jehovah in some Bibles)] * [ (compare Yah) - Jah - Exodus 15:2 (h3050) - JAH, Heb. YAW or YAH (listen)] * [ Jahaziel - Ja•ha•zi'el - 2 Chronicles 20:14 (h3166) - jay'hay-ZI -uhl, juh'huh-ZI -uhl] * [ Jahveh*] * [ (compare Jahweh, Yahveh, Yahweh) - — - w57 4/15 230 - YAH-veh, -vay (listen), not JAH-] * [ Jahweh*] * [ (compare Jahveh, Yahveh, Yahweh) - — - w80 2/1 6 - YAH-weh, -way (listen), not JAH-] * [ Jain* - — - sh 104 - JI N] * [ Jainism* - — - sh 104 - JI -niz(')-uhm] * [ Jair - Ja'ir - Judges 10:3 (h2971) - JAY-uhr] * [ Jairus - Ja'i•rus - Mark 5:22 (g2383) - JAY-ih-ruhs, JAY-uh-ruhs] * [ Jambres - Jam'bres - 2 Timothy 3:8 (g2387) - JAM-breez, -briz] * [ James - James (Bible book) - James 1:1 (g2385) - JAYMZ] * [ Jannes - Jan'nes - 2 Timothy 3:8 (g2389) - JAN-eez, -iz] * [ Janus* - — - rs 180 - JAY-nuhs, not JAN-uhs] * [ Japheth - Ja'pheth - Genesis 5:32 (h3315) - JAY-fith, JAY-feth, not JAY-pith] * [ Jared - Ja'red - Genesis 5:15 (h3382) - JAY-red] * [ Jason - Ja'son - Acts 17:5 (g2394) - JAY-suhn] * [ Javan - Ja'van - Genesis 10:2 (h3120) - JAY-vuhn, JAY-van] * [ javelin] * [ (shield, spear, sword in some Bibles) - javelin - Joshua 8:18 (h3591) - JAV-lin, -luhn, JAV-uh-lin, -luhn] * [ Jebus - Je'bus - Judges 19:10 (h2982) - JEE-buhs] * [ Jebusite - Jeb'u•site - Genesis 10:16 (h2983) - JEB-yoo-si t('), -yuh-, -zi t] * [ Jeconiah - Jec•o•ni'ah - Esther 2:6 (h3204) - jek'uh-NI -uh] * [ Jedaiah - Je•da'iah - Zechariah 6:14 (h3048) - jih-DAY-yuh, juh-DAY-uh] * [ Jedidah - Je•di'dah - 2 Kings 22:1 (h3040) - juh-DI-duh, jih-] * [ Jedidiah] * [ (aka Solomon) - Jed•i•di'ah - 2 Samuel 12:25 (h3041) - jed'uh-DI -uh] * [ Jeduthun - Je•du'thun - 2 Chronicles 5:12 (h3038) - juh-DYOO-thuhn, jih-] * [ Jegar-sahadutha - Je'gar-sa•ha•du'tha - Genesis 31:47 (h3026) - jee'guhr-say-huh-DOO-thuh, JEE-gahr-say'huh-DYOO-thuh, -DYOO-thuh] * [ Jehoahaz - Je•ho'a•haz - 2 Kings 10:35 (h3059) - juh-HOH-uh-haz, jih-, jee-] * [ Jehoash] * [ (Joas, Joash in some Bibles) - Je•ho'ash - 2 Kings 11:2 (h3101) - juh-HOH-ash, jih-, jee-] * [ Jehoiachin - Je•hoi'a•chin - 2 Kings 24:6 (h3078) - juh-HOI-uh-kin, jih-, jee-, not -HOH-, not -chin] * [ Jehoiada - Je•hoi'a•da - 2 Chronicles 22:11 (h3077) - juh-HOI-uh-duh, jih-] * [ Jehoiakim - Je•hoi'a•kim - 2 Kings 23:34 (h3079) - juh-HOI-uh-kim, jih-] * [ Jehonadab] * [ (Jonadab in many Bibles) - Je•hon'a•dab - Jeremiah 35:8 (h3082) - jih-HON-uh-dab, not jih-HOH-nuh-dab] * [ Jehonathan] * [ (Jonathan in many Bibles) - Je•hon'a•than - Jeremiah 37:15 (h3083) - jih-HON-uh-thuhn] * [ Jehoram - Je•ho'ram - 1 Kings 22:50 (h3088) - juh-HOR-uhm, jih- jee-] * [ Jehoshabeath] * [ (aka Jehosheba) - Je•ho•shab'e•ath - 2 Chronicles 22:11 (h3090) - jee'hoh-SHAB-ee-ath] * [ Jehoshaphat - Je•hosh'a•phat - 1 Kings 15:24 (h3092) - juh-HOSH-uh-fat, jih- not -HOH-shuh-] * [ Jehosheba] * [ (aka Jehoshabeath) - Je•hosh'e•ba - 2 Kings 11:2 (h3089) - juh-HOSH-uh-buh, jih-, -ee-buh, -ih-buh] * [ Jehoshua] * [ (aka Joshua) - Je•hosh'u•a - Numbers 13:16 (h3091) - jih-HOSH-yoo-uh] * [ Jehovah - Jehovah, it Je•ho'vah - Genesis 2:4 (h3068) - jih-HOH-vuh (listen), juh-, not jee-HOH-ver] * [ Jehovah-jireh - Je•ho'vah-ji'reh - Genesis 22:14 (h3070) - juh-HOH-vuh-JI -ruh, juh-HOH-vuh-JI -ree] * [ Jehovah-nissi - Je•ho'vah-nis'si - Exodus 17:15 (h3071) - juh-HOH-vuh-NIS-i , jih-, not -NIS-ee] * [ Jehovah-shalom - Je•ho'vah-sha'lom - Judges 6:24 (h3073) - juh-HOH-vuh-SHAY-lom, jih-, not -shah-LOHM] * [ Jehozadak] * [ (aka Jozadak) - Je•hoz'a•dak - Ezra 3:2 (h3136) - juh-HOZ-uh-dak,jih-] * [ Jehu - Je'hu - 1 Kings 16:1 (h3058) - JEE-hyoo, often JEE-hoo, not JAY-hyoo, -hoo] * [ Jehudi - Je•hu'di - Jeremiah 36:21 (h3065) - juh-HOO-di , jih-HYOO-, jee-] * [ Jemimah] * [ (also Jemima) - Je•mi'mah - Job 42:14 (h3224) - juh-MI -muh, jih-, jee-] * [ Jephthah - Jeph'thah - Judges 11:1 (h3316) - JEF-thuh, not JEP-thuh] * [ Jephunneh - Je•phun'neh - Numbers 13:6 (h3312) - juh-FUHN-uh, jih- not -FOON-] * [ jerboa] * [ (field-mouse, mice, mouse, rat in some Bibles) - jerboa - Leviticus 11:29 (h5909) - juhr-BOH-uh] * [ Jeremiah - Jeremiah (Bible book), it Jer•e•mi'ah - Jeremiah 1:1 (h3414) - jer'uh-MI -uh] * [ Jericho - Jer'i•cho - Joshua 2:1 (h3405) - JER-uh-koh] * [ Jeroboam - Jer•o•bo'am - 1 Kings 11:40 (h3379) - jer'uh-BOH-uhm] * [ Jerome* - — - it "Versions" - juh-ROHM] * [ Jerubbaal] * [ (aka Gideon) - Jer•ub•ba'al - Judges 6:32 (h3378) - jih'ruhb-BAY-uhl, jee-ruh-, jer'uh-BAY-uhl, -BAYL, jer-uhb-BAYL] * [ Jerusalem - Jerusalem, it Je•ru'sa•lem - Joshua 10:1 (h3389) - juh-ROO-suh-luhm, jih-, -zuh-] * [ Jerusha - Je•ru'sha - 2 Kings 15:33 (h3388) - jih-ROO-shah] * [ Jeshimon - Je•shi'mon - Numbers 23:28 (h3452) - juh-SHI -mon, jih-] * [ Jeshurun - Jesh'u•run - Deuteronomy 32:15 (h3484) - JESH-yoo-ruhn, JESH-uh-ruhn] * [ Jesse - Jes'se - Ruth 4:17 (h3448) - JES-ee] * [ Jesus - Jesus, it Je'sus - Matthew 1:1 (g2424) - JEE-zuhs, -zuhz] * [ Jesus ben-Sirach* - — - it "Apocrypha" - jee'zuhs ben-SI -ruhk] * [ Jether - Je'ther - Judges 8:20 (h3500) - JEE-thuhr] * [ Jethro - Jeth'ro - Exodus 3:1 (h3503) - JETH-roh] * [ Jew - Jew - Esther 2:5 (h3064) - JOO] * [ Jewess - Jewess - Acts 24:24 (g2453) - JOO-es, -is, -uhs (sometimes offensive)] * [ Jewish - Jewish - Nehemiah 5:1 (h3064) - JOO-ish] * [ Jewry] * [ (Judah or Judea in most Bibles) - ("Judah" in Daniel 5:13 NW; "Judea" in Luke 23:5 NW) - Daniel 5:13 KJ (h3061); Luke 23:5 KJ (g2449) - JOO-ree] * [ Jezebel - Jez'e•bel - 1 Kings 16:31 (h348) - JEH-zuh-bel', JEZ-uh-bel(')] * [ Jezreel - Jez're•el - Hosea 1:4 (h3157) - JEZ-ree-uhl, -el', -rih-el] * [ jinn*] * [ (also djinn or djin) - — - it "Goat-shaped Demon" - JIN] * [ jinni*] * [ (also djinni) - — - w52 5/1 278 - JEEN-ee, JIN-ee, juh-NEE] * [ Joab - Jo'ab - 2 Samuel 3:29 (h3097) - JOH-ab] * [ Joah - Jo'ah - Isaiah 36:3 (h3098) - JOH-uh] * [ Joahaz - Jo'a•haz - 2 Chronicles 34:8 (h3099) - JOH-uh-haz, JOH-a-haz] * [ Joakim - ("Jehoiakim" in NW) - Daniel 1:1 DRB (h3079) - JOH-uh-kim] * [ Joanna - Jo•an'na - Luke 8:3 (g2489) - joh-AN-uh] * [ Joash - Jo'ash - Hosea 1:1 (h3101) - JOH-ash] * [ Job - Job (Bible book) - Job 1:1 (h347) - JOHB, not JAHB] * [ Jobab - Jo'bab - Genesis 10:29 (h3103) - JOH-bab] * [ Jochebed - Joch'e•bed - Exodus 6:20 (h3115) - JOK-uh-bed('), -ee-bed] * [ Joel - Joel (Bible book), it Jo'el - Joel 1:1 (h3100) - JOH-uhl] * [ Johanan - Jo•ha'nan - Jeremiah 43:2 (h3110) - joh-HAY-nuhn] * [ Johannine* - — - w93 10/15 28 - joh-HAN-i n', -in] * [ John - John (Bible books) - Matthew 4:21 (g2491) - JON] * [ Joiada - Joi'a•da - Nehemiah 13:28 (h3111) - JOI-uh-duh, JOI-a-duh not JOH-] * [ Jonadab] * [ (compare Jehonadab) - Jon'a•dab - Jeremiah 35:6 (h3122) - JON-uh-dab] * [ Jonah - Jo'nah (Bible book) - Jonah 1:1 (h3124) - JOH-nuh] * [ Jonas - ("Jonah" in NW) - Jonah 1:1 DRB (h3124) - JOH-nuhs] * [ Jonathan - Jon'a•than - 2 Samuel 1:4 (h3083) - JON-uh-thuhn] * [ Jonath-elem-rechokim] * [ (A Silent Dove in the Distance, Concerning the silent dove, On the Dumb Dove far off, Silent Dove in Distant Lands in some Bibles) - ("Silent Dove among those far away" in NW) - Psalm 56 superscription KJ (h3128) - joh'nuth-ee'luhm-rih-KOH-kim] * [ Joppa - Jop'pa - Ezra 3:7 (h3305); Acts 9:36 (g2445) - JOP-uh, JOP-ah] * [ Jordan - Jordan, it Jor'dan - Genesis 13:10 (h3383); Matthew 3:5 (g2446) - JOR-duhn, JAWR-dn, JORD-uhn, not JER-duhn] * [ Joseph - Joseph, it Jo'seph - Genesis 30:24 (h3130); Matthew 1:16 (g2501) - JOH-sif, JOH-sef, -suhf, -zuhf] * [ Josephus* - — - it "Chronology" - joh-SEE-fuhs] * [ Joshua] * [ (aka Jehoshua) - Joshua (Bible book), it Josh'u•a - Joshua 1:1 (h3091) - JOSH-yoo-uh, -oo-, JAH-sh(uh-)wuh] * [ Josiah - Jo•si'ah - 1 Kings 13:2 (h2977) - joh-SI -uh] * [ Josue - ("Joshua" in NW) - Joshua 1:1 DRB (h3091) - JOS-yoo-ee, jos-OO-ee] * [ Jotham - Jo'tham - 2 Kings 15:32 (h3147) - JOH-thuhm] * [ Jovian* - — - g92 9/8 6 - JOH-vee-uhn] * [ Jozadak] * [ (aka Jehozadak) - Jo'za•dak - Nehemiah 12:26 (h3136) - JOH-zuh-dak] * [ Jubal - Ju'bal - Genesis 4:21 (h3106) - JOO-buhl, JOO-bal] * [ Jubilee - Jubilee - Leviticus 25:10 (h3104) - JOO-buh-lee('), joo-buh-LEE] * [ Judaic* - — - w95 3/1 23 - joo-DAY-ik] * [ Judaism - Ju'da•ism - Galatians 1:13 (g2454) - JOO-duh-iz'uhm, JOO-dee-, JOO-day(')-] * [ Judaize* - — - w93 2/15 28 - JOO-duh-i z('), JOO-dee-, JOO-day(')-] * [ Judas - Judas, it Ju'das - Matthew 13:55 (g2455) - JOO-duhs] * [ Jude - Jude (Bible book) - Jude 1 (g2455) - JOOD] * [ Judea] * [ (also Judaea) - Ju•de'a - Matthew 2:1 (g2449) - joo-DEE-uh] * [ Judean] * [ (also Judaean) - Ju•de'an - John 3:22 (g2449) - joo-DEE-uhn] * [ judge - judge - Genesis 16:5 (h8199) - JUJ, JUHJ] * [ Judges, judges - Judges (Bible book), judges - Judges 2:16 (h8199) - JUHJ-iz] * [ judgment - judgment - Leviticus 19:15 (h4941); Matthew 7:2 (g2917) - JUHJ-ment, often -muhnt] * [ judicial - judicial - Exodus 21:1 (h4941) - joo-DISH-uhl,- DIH-shuhl] * [ Judith - Ju'dith - Genesis 26:34 (h3067) - JOO-dith] * [ Julia - Julia, it Ju'li•a - Romans 16:15 (g2456) - JOO-lee-uh, often JUHL-yuh] * [ Julian* - — - it "Calendar (Julian and Gregorian Calendars)" - JOOL-yuhn] * [ Julius - Julius, it Ju'li•us - Acts 27:1 (g2457) - JOO-lee-uhs, often JOOL-yuhs] * [ Junias] * [ (Junia in some Bibles) - Ju'ni•as - Romans 16:7 (g2458) - JOO-nee-uhs] * [ Jupiter] * [ (Zeus in some Bibles) - ("Zeus" in NW) - Acts 14:12 KJ (g2203) - JOO-puh-tuhr] * [ jurisdictional - jurisdictional - Esther 1:1 (h4082) - juhr'uhs-DIK-shnuhl, -shuh-nuhl] * [ justification - justification - Romans 5:18 (g1347) - juhs'tuh-fuh-KAY-shuhn, -fih-] * [ Justinian* - — - g94 5/15 8 - juh-STIH-nee-uhn] * [ Justin Martyr* - — - w92 3/15 28 - JUS-tin MAHR-tuhr] * [ Justus - Justus - Acts 1:23 (g2459) - JUHS-tuhs] * [ Juvenal* - — - w96 12/15 6 - JOO-vuh-nuhl, JOO-vuh-nl] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce K words in the Bible:
[ Kabbalah*] * [ (also cabbala, kabala, kabbala) - — - w95 3/1 22 - kuh-BAH-luh, KAB-uh-luh (listen)] * [ Kadesh] * [ (compare Kedesh) - Ka'desh - Genesis 20:1 (h6946) - KAY-desh, -dish] * [ Kadesh-barnea - Ka'desh-bar'ne•a - Numbers 32:8 (h6947) - kay'desh-BAHR-nee-uh] * [ Kaiwan] * [ (Chiun, Kiyyun, shrine in some Bibles) - Kai'wan - Amos 5:26 (h3594) - KI -wuhn] * [ Kama* - — - — - KAH-muh] * [ kaph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Kaph - Psalm 119:80 (verse heading) - KAF] * [ Karaism* - — - — - KAR-uh-ih'zuhm] * [ Karaite* - — - w95 7/15 28 - KAR-uh-i t] * [ Karma* - — - sh 111 - KAHR-muh] * [ Kedar - Ke'dar - Song of Solomon 1:5 (h6938) - KEE-dahr, -der, -duhr] * [ Kedesh] * [ (compare Kadesh) - Ke'desh - Joshua 20:7 (h6943) - KEE-desh, -dish] * [ Kedesh-naphtali - Ke'desh-naph'ta•li - Judges 4:6 (h6943 + h5320) - kee'desh-NAF-tuh-li , kee'dish-] * [ Keilah - Kei'lah - 1 Samuel 23:1 (h7084) - kee-I -luh, kay-I -luh] * [ Kenan] * [ (Cainan in some Bibles) - Ke'nan - Genesis 5:9 (h7018) - KEE-nuhn] * [ Kenite - Ken'ite - Judges 1:16 (h7017) - KEN-i t] * [ Keren-happuch - Ker'en-hap'puch - Job 42:14 (h7163) - ker'uhn-HAP-uhk] * [ Kerioth - Ke'ri•oth - Amos 2:2 (h7152) - KEE-ruh-oth, -ree-oth] * [ Kesil] * [ (Orion in some Bibles) - Ke'sil - Job 9:9 (h3685) - KEE-sil] * [ kethib*] * [ ("written"; compare qere) - — - Jeremiah 31:38 ftn. - kuh-THEEV] * [ Keturah - Ke•tu'rah - Genesis 25:1 (h6989) - kih-TOO-rah, -TYOOR-uh] * [ Ketuvim*] * [ (also Kethuvim') - — - sh 220 - Ashk. Heb. and Eng. kuh-TOO-vim; kuh-THOO-vim, Seph. Heb. kuh-too-VEEM] * [ Keziah] * [ (Casia, Cassia, Kezia in some Bibles) - Ke•zi'ah - Job 42:14 (h7103) - kih-ZI -uh] * [ Khalkís*] * [ (see Chalcis) - — - — - kahl-KEES, khahl-] * [ Khirbet* - — - it "Ai" - KIHR-bet] * [ Khorsabad* - — - it "Assyria" - khawr-sah-BAHD] * [ Kibroth-hattaavah - Kib'roth-hat•ta'a•vah - Numbers 11:34 (h6914) - kib'roth-huh-TAY-uh-vah, -vuh, -ha-TAY-ay-vuh] * [ Kidron] * [ (Cedron, Kedron in some Bibles) - Kid'ron - John 18:1 (g2748) - KID-ruhn, KID-rahn] * [ kiln] * [ (chimney, fire, furnace, stove in some Bibles) - kiln - Exodus 9:8 (h3533) - KILN or KIL (listen)] * [ Kimah] * [ (Hyades, Pleiades in some Bibles) - Ki'mah - Job 9:9 (h3598) - KI -muh] * [ Kings, king - Kings (Bible books), king - 1 Kings 1:1 and ftn. (king: h4428) - KINGZ, KING] * [ Kiriath] * [ (Cariath, Kirjath in some Bibles) - Kir'i•ath - Joshua 18:28 (h7157) - KIHR-ee-ath] * [ Kiriath-arba] * [ (aka Hebron)] * [ (city of Arbee, Hebron, Kirjath-Arba in some Bibles) - Kir'i•ath-ar'ba - Genesis 23:2 (h7153) - kihr'ee-ath-AHR-buh, kihr'ee-ahth-AHR-bah] * [ Kiriath-jearim - Kir'i•ath-je'a•rim - 2 Chronicles 1:4 (h7157) - kihr'ee-ath-JEE-uh-rim] * [ Kishon - Ki'shon - Judges 4:7 (h7028) - KI -shon, KI -shahn] * [ Kittim] * [ (Chittim in some Bibles) - Kit'tim - Daniel 11:30 (h3794) - KIT-im, KIH-tim] * [ Kizil Irmak*] * [ (ancient Halys River) - — - it "Galatia" - kuh-zil' ir-MAHK] * [ knop - ("knobs" in NW) - Exodus 25:31 AS, KJ, Yg (h3730) - NOP, NAHP] * [ Knossos* - — - it "Crete, Cretans" - NAH-suhs] * [ Kohath - Ko'hath - Genesis 46:11 (h6955) - KOH-hath] * [ Koheleth] * [ (Ecclesiastes, Kohelet, Philosopher, Preacher, spokesman in some Bibles) - ("congregator" in NW) - Ecclesiastes 1:1 By, JPS (h6953) - koh-HEL-ith] * [ Koine* - — - it "Greek" - koi-NAY, also KOI-nay] * [ Korah - Ko'rah - Exodus 6:24 (h7141) - KOH-rah, -ruh] * [ Koran*] * [ (also Qur'an) - — - w91 4/1 17 - kuh-RAN, -RAHN, KOHR-an', KAWR-an'] * [ kosher* - — - g94 2/8 29 - KOH-shuhr] * [ kosmos*] * [ (also cosmos) - (Gr. ko'smos) - it "World" - KAHZ-muhs, -mohs', -mahs', KOZ-muhs, -mohs] * [ Kyrie Eleison* - — - w72 1/15 63 - KIR-ee-ay' uh-LAY-(uh-)sahn', -(uh-)san] * [ kyrios* - (Gr. ky'ri•os) - Romans 10:9 ftn. (g2962) - KOO-ree-os ] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce L words in the Bible:
[ Laban - La'ban - Genesis 24:29 (h3837) - LAY-buhn, LAY-ban] * [ labdanum] * [ (variant ladanum)] * [ (gum, resin, spicery, spices, tragacanth in some Bibles) - labdanum, it lab'da•num - Genesis 37:25 (h5219) - LAB-duh-nuhm (listen), variant LAD-nuhm, LA-duhn-uhm, LAD-n-uhm (listen)] * [ Lachish - La'chish - 2 Chronicles 25:27 (h3923) - LAY-kish] * [ Laconia* - — - — - luh-KOH-nee-uh, -KOH-nyuh] * [ lacuna*] * [ (pl. lacunae) - — - g87 7/22 10 - luh-KYOO-nuh; pl. luh-KYOO-nee('), -KOO-ni '] * [ Laish] * [ (aka Leshem and Dan) - La'ish - Judges 18:27 (h3919) - LAY-ish] * [ lamedh, also lamed] * [ (Hebrew letter) - La'medh - Psalm 119:89 (verse heading) - LAH-mid] * [ Lamentations (Book of); lamentation - Lamentations (Bible book); lamentation - Jeremiah 9:18 (h5092) - lam'en-TAY-shuhnz; lam'en-TAY-shuhn] * [ lammergeier* - — - g96 2/22 25; it "Vulture" - LAM-uhr-gi '(-uh)r] * [ Laodicea; Laodiceans - La•o•di•ce'a; La•o•di•ce'ans - Colossians 2:1 (g2993); 4:16 (g2993) - lay-od'ih-SEE-uh, lay-oh-duh-SEE-uh, lay(')-ah'duh-, lay'uh-duh-; lay-oh-duh-SEE-uhnz] * [ Lapis lazuli - ("sapphire" in NW) - Lamentations 4:7 By, LITV, MKJV (h5601) - lap'uhs-LA-zuh-lee, -LA-zhuh-] * [ Lares* - — - — - LAIR-eez('), LER-] * [ lares [and] penates* - — - w65 8/1 475 - LAIR-eez('), LER-; puh-NAY-teez, -NAH-] * [ lasciviousness] * [ (flagrant sexual immorality, licentiousness, lustfulness, promiscuity in some Bibles) - ("loose conduct" in NW) - Galatians 5:19 AS, KJ, Yg (g766) - luh-SIV-ee-uhs-nuhs] * [ laver] * [ (basin, bowl, washing bowl in some Bibles) - ("basin" in NW) - Exodus 30:18 AS, By, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (h3595) - LAY-vuhr] * [ Lazarus - Laz'a•rus - John 11:1 (g2976) - LAZ-uh-ruhs] * [ Leah - Le'ah - Genesis 29:16 (h3812) - LEE-uh] * [ leaven - leaven - Matthew 16:11 (g2219) - LEV-uhn] * [ Lebanon - Leb'a•non - Psalm 72:16 (h3844) - LEB-uh-nuhn] * [ Lebbaeus or Lebbeus] * [ (name omitted from many Bibles) - — - Matthew 10:3 KJ (g3002) - lih-BEE-uhs] * [ Legion; legion - Legion; legions - Mark 5:9 (g3003); Matthew 26:53 (g3003) - LEE-juhn, LEE-juhnz] * [ Lemuel - Lem'u•el - Proverbs 31:1 (h3927) - LEM-yoo-uhl] * [ leprosy - leprosy - 2 Chronicles 26:19 (h6883) - LEP-ruh-see (listen), not LEP-er-see] * [ leprous - leprous - Luke 17:12 (g3015) - LEP-ruhs (listen), not LEP-uh-ruhs] * [ Leshem] * [ (aka Dan, Laish)] * [ (a city; compare leshem) - Le'shem - Joshua 19:47 (h3959) - LEE-shem] * [ leshem] * [ (a stone; compare Leshem)] * [ (jacinth, ligure, ligurius, opal, turquoise in some Bibles) - lesh'em - Exodus 28:19 (h3958) - LESH-uhm] * [ Levant* - — - g91 1/22 17 - luh-VANT (listen), lih-, not -VAHNT] * [ Levantine* - — - it "Aramaic" - LEV-uhn-ti n, -teen', luh-VAN-tin, lih-VAN-ti n] * [ Leviathan] * [ (great sea[-]animal, sea dragon in some Bibles) - Le•vi'a•than - Job 41:1 (h3882) - luh-VI -uh-thuhn, lih-] * [ levirate - ("brother-in-law marriage" in NW) - Deuteronomy 25:7 LITV, MKJV (h2992) - LEV-uh-rit, -uh-rayt', LEE-vuhr-it, -vuh-rayt'] * [ Levite - Levite - Exodus 4:14 (h3881) - LEE-vi t, LEE-vi tz] * [ Levitical - Levitical - Ezekiel 43:19 (h3881) - lih-VIT-ih-kuhl] * [ Leviticus - Leviticus (Bible book) - it "Leviticus" - lih-VIT-ih-kuhs] * [ lexicon* - — - w99 2/1 31 - LEK-suh-kahn', -kuhn, -sih-kon] * [ lexicographer* - — - it "Language" - lek'suh-KAH-gruh-fuhr] * [ lex talionis* - — - g77 6/8 27 - leks' tal-ee-OH-nis] * [ libation] * [ (agreement, alliances, covering, league[s], treaties in some Bibles) - libation - Isaiah 30:1 (h4541) - li -BAY-shuhn] * [ Libertine] * [ (Freedmen, Freed Slaves in some Bibles) - ("Freedmen" in NW) - "Libertines" in Acts 6:9 AS, DRB, KJ (g3032) - LIB-uhr-teen', -tihn] * [ Libya - Lib'y•a - Acts 2:10 (g3033) - LIB-ee-uh (listen), not LIB-yuh] * [ lightning - lightning - Matthew 24:27 (g796) - LI T-ning (listen), not LI -tuh-ning'] * [ lign-aloes - ("aloe plants" in NW) - Numbers 24:6 AS, KJ (h174) - lin-AL-ohz'] * [ ligure] * [ (jacinth, ligurius, opal, turquoise in some Bibles) - ("lesh'em stone" in NW) - Exodus 28:19 KJ (h3958) - LIH-gyur, LIH-gyuhr] * [ lilith] * [ (lamia, night creature, night-demon Lilith, night monster, night owl, screech owls in some Bibles) - ("nightjar" in NW) - Isaiah 34:14 Da (h3917) - LIH-luhth, LIL-ith] * [ lingam* - — - sh 99 - LING-guhm] * [ Linus - Li'nus - 2 Timothy 4:21 (g3044) - LI -nuhs] * [ liturgical* - — - w99 12/1 31 - lih-TUHR-jih-kuhl] * [ liturgy* - — - w99 7/1 28 - LIH-tuhr-jee] * [ Lo-ammi - Lo-am'mi - Hosea 1:9 (h3818) - loh-AM-i] * [ loathsome] * [ (abominable in some Bibles) - loathsome - Ezekiel 8:10 (h8263) - LOHTH-suhm, LOHTH-] * [ locust - locust - Exodus 10:19 (h697) - LOH-kust (listen)] * [ Lo-debar - Lo-de'bar - 2 Samuel 9:5 (h3810) - loh-DEE-bar, -buhr] * [ Logos*] * [ (a title; "Word" in most Bibles)] * [ (also logos, Greek "word") - — - John 1:1 ftn. (g3056) - LOH-gos, -gahs', LOH-gohs'] * [ Loki* - — - w52 12/15 741 - LOH-kee] * [ Longimanus* - — - dp 53 - lon-jim-AY-nuhs, lawng-juh-MAH-nuhs] * [ loquacious] * [ (full of talk, great talk, loose-tongued, [man] of lips in some Bibles) - ("boaster" in NW) - Job 11:2 JPS (h8193) - loh-KWAY-shuhs] * [ Lo-ruhamah] * [ (compare Ruhamah) - Lo-ru•ha'mah - Hosea 1:6 (h3819) - loh'roo-HAY-muh] * [ Lucifer] * [ (bright morning star, day-star, morning star, shining one, shining star in some Bibles) - ("shining one" in NW) - Isaiah 14:12 KJ (h1966) - LOO-sih-fuhr, -suh- ] * [ Lucius - Lucius, it Lu'cius - Acts 13:1 (g3066) - LOO-shee-uhs, LOO-shuhs] * [ Lud - Lud - Isaiah 66:19 (h3865) - LUHD] * [ Ludim] * [ (Lud, Lydians in some Bibles) - Lu'dim - Jeremiah 46:9 (h3866) - LOO-dim] * [ Luke - Luke (Bible book) - Colossians 4:14 (g3065) - LOOK (rhymes with "duke," "juke")] * [ lunisolar* - — - it "Calendar" - luh'nih-SOH-luhr, -lahr'] * [ Lupercalia* - — - g95 2/8 27 - loo'puhr-KAY-lee-uh, -KAYL-yuh] * [ luxuriant - luxuriant - Deuteronomy 12:2 (h7488) - luhg(')-ZHUR-ee-uhnt, luhk(')-SHUR-] * [ Luz] * [ (aka Bethel) - — - Genesis 28:19 (h3870) - LUHZ] * [ Lycaonia - Lyc•a•o'ni•a - Acts 14:6 (g3071) - lik'uh-OH-nee-uh, lik'ay-OH-nee-uh, -OHN-yuh] * [ Lycaonian - Lyc•a•o'ni•an - Acts 14:11 (g3072) - lik'uh-OH-nee-uhn, lik'ay-OH-nee-uhn] * [ Lydda - Lyd'da - Acts 9:38 (g3069) - LIH-duh, LID-uh] * [ Lydia - Lyd'i•a - Acts 16:14 (g3070) - LID-ee-uh] * [ Lysanias - Ly•sa'ni•as - Luke 3:1 (g3078) - li -SAY-nee-uhs, lih-] * [ Lysias (Claudius) - Lys'i•as - Acts 23:26 (g3079) - LIS-ee-uhs] * [ Lysimachus* - — - it "Alexander" - li -SIM-uh-kuhs] * [ Lystra - Lys'tra - Acts 14:6 (g3082) - LIS-truh] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce M words in the Bible:
[ Maacah - Ma'a•cah - 2 Samuel 3:3 (h4601) - MAY-uh-kuh, MAY-uh-kah] * [ Maaseiah - Ma•a•sei'ah - Nehemiah 8:4 (h4641) - mah-uh-SI-uh, may'uh-SEE-yah] * [ Maat* - — - sh 53 - muh-AHT, MAY-uht] * [ Maccabee* - — - w98 11/15 23 - MAK-uh-bee] * [ Maccabeus* - — - g90 12/8 12; 1 Maccabees 2:4 - mak'uh-BEE-uhs] * [ Macedon* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - MAS-uh-don] * [ Macedonia; Macedonian - Mac•e•do'ni•a; Mac•e•do'ni•an - Acts 16:9 (g3109; g3010) - mas'uh-DOH-nee-uh; mas'uh-DOH-nee-uhn] * [ Machabees*] * [ (compare Maccabee) - — - w61 10/1 582 - MAK-uh-beez] * [ Machabeus*] * [ (compare Maccabeus) - — - w61 10/1 582 - mak'uh-BEE-uhs] * [ Machaerus* - — - w70 1/1 32 - muh-KIHR-uhs, ma-KEE-ruhs] * [ Machbannai] * [ (Machbanai in some Bibles) - Mach'ban•nai - 1 Chronicles 12:13 (h4344) - MAK-buh-ni, MAK-ban-i] * [ Machi - Ma'chi - Numbers 13:15 (h4352) - MAY-ki] * [ machinations] * [ (artifices, deceits, deceptive tactics, stratagems, strategies, tricks, wiles in some Bibles) - machinations - Ephesians 6:11 (g3180) - mak'uh-NAY-shuhnz] * [ Machpelah - Mach•pe'lah - Genesis 23:17 (h4375) - mak-PEE-luh, mak-PEE-lah] * [ Madai - Ma'da•i - Genesis 10:2 (h4074) - MAY-da-i, MAY-day-i] * [ Magadan] * [ (Magdala in some Bibles) - Mag'a•dan - Matthew 15:39 (g3093) - MAG-uh-dan, MAG-a-duhn] * [ Magdalene] * [ (of Magdala in some Bibles) - Mag'da•lene - Matthew 28:1 (g3094) - MAG-duh-leen] * [ Magi] * [ (wise men in most Bibles) - ("astrologers" in NW) - Matthew 2:1 Da, We, Catholic Confraternity (g3097) - MAY-ji, not MAG-i] * [ Magog - Ma'gog - Ezekiel 38:2 (h4031); Revelation 20:4 (g3098) - MAY-gog] * [ Mahabharata* - — - sh 103 - muh-hah'BAHR-uh-tuh] * [ Mahalaleel] * [ (Maleleel in some Bibles; compare Mahalalel) - Ma•ha'la•le•el - Luke 3:37 (g3121) - muh-HAY-luh-lee'uhl, ma-HAY-la-lee'el] * [ Mahalalel] * [ (compare Mahalaleel) - Ma•hal'a•lel - Genesis 5:12 (h4111) - muh-HAL-uh-luhl, ma-HAL-uh-lehl] * [ Mahalath - Ma'ha•lath - Genesis 28:9 (h4258) - MAY-huh-lath, MAY-ha-lath] * [ Mahalath Leannoth - ("Ma'ha•lath for making responses" in NW) - Psalm 88 superscription or Psalm 88:1 Da, KJ, JPS (h4357 + h6031) - may'huh-lath-lee-AN-oth] * [ Mahanaim - Ma•ha•na'im - Genesis 32:2 (h4266) - may'huh-NAY-im, may'ha-NAY-im] * [ Mahseiah] * [ (Maaseiah, Maasias in some Bibles) - Mah•sei'ah - Jeremiah 32:12 (h4271) - mah-SEE-yah, muh-SI -uh (may'uh-SEE-yuh in some Bibles)] * [ Maher-shalal-hash-baz - Ma'her-shal'al-hash-baz. - Isaiah 8:1 (h4122) - MAY-huhr-SHAL-al-hash-baz, MAY-huhr-SHAL-al-hash'baz, MAY-uhr-SHAL-uhl-] * [ Mahli] * [ (Mahali, Moholi, Mooli in some Bibles) - Mah'li - Exodus 6:19 (h4249) - MAH-li] * [ Mahlon - Mah'lon - Ruth 1:2 (h4248) - MAH-lon, MAH-luhn] * [ Maimonides*] * [ (Maimon, Moses ben) - — - w95 3/1 20 - mi -MON-ih-deez', -MAH-nuh- (MI -muhn)] * [ Malachi - Mal'a•chi (Bible book) - Malachi 1:1 (h4401) - MAL-uh-ki (')] * [ Malcam] * [ (Malcham, Melchom, Milcom, Molech in some Bibles) - Mal'cam - Zephaniah 1:5 (h4445) - MAL-kam, MAL-kuhm] * [ malediction] * [ (curse, reviling in some Bibles) - malediction - Deuteronomy 11:26 (h7045) - mal'ih-DIK-shuhn, ma'luh-] * [ malefactor] * [ (criminal, evildoer, wrongdoer in some Bibles) - ("wrongdoer" in NW) - John 18:30 DRB, KJ (g2555) - MAL-uh-fak'tuhr] * [ malign - ("puffs at" and "reviling" in NW) - Psalm 12:5 HNV, WEB (h6315); Acts 23:4 HNV, WEB (g3058) - mah-LI N] * [ Malta] * [ (Melita in some Bibles) - Malta, it Mal'ta - Acts 28:1 (g3194) - MAWL-tuh] * [ Mammon] * [ (gold, mammon, money, riches, wealth, worldly wealth in some Bibles) - ("Riches" in NW) - Matthew 6:24 KJ, Yg (g3126) - MAM-uhn] * [ Mamre - Mam're - Genesis 13:18 (h4471) - MAM-ree] * [ Manaen - Man'a•en - Acts 13:1 (g3127) - MAN-ee-uhn] * [ Manasseh - Ma•nas'seh - Genesis 41:51 (h4519) - ma-NAS-uh, muh-NAS-uh also -ee] * [ mandala* - — - g82 1/8 13 - MUHN-duh-luh] * [ Manes*; Mani* - — - g86 4/22 20 - MAY-neez; MAH-nee] * [ Manichaean* - — - g86 4/22 20 - man'uh-KEE-uhn] * [ manna - manna, it man'na - Exodus 16:31 (h4478) - MAN-uh] * [ Manoah - Ma•no'ah - Judges 13:2 (h4495) - muh-NOH-uh. ma-NOH-uh] * [ mantra* - — - g84 2/22 8 - MAN-truh, MUHN-, MAHN-] * [ Manu* - — - sh 120 - MAN-oo(')] * [ manumission* - — - Isiah 61:1 ftn. - man'yuh-MISH-uhn] * [ Mara - Ma'ra - Ruth 1:20 (h4755) - MAY-ruh (most sources MAIR-uh, MAHR-)] * [ Marah - Ma'rah - Exodus 15:23 (h4785) - MAY-rah, MAY-ruh] * [ Maranatha] * [ (see Anathema Maranatha) - — - — - —] * [ Marheshvan*, Marchesvan*, Marcheshvan*] * [ (aka Bul, Heshvan) - — - it "Bul" - Eng. mar-KHESH-vuhn, -HESH-, -van, Seph. Heb. mahr-khesh-VAHN, Ashk. Heb. mahr-KHESH-vahn] * [ Marcion*; Marcionite* - — - w83 9/15 12 - MAHR-shuhn; MAHR-shuh-ni t, -see-uh-, -shee-uh-] * [ Marduk] * [ (aka Bel, Merodach) - ("Merodach" in NW) - Jeremiah 50:2 By, CEV, NE, TEV (h4781) - MAHR-dyook, -dook] * [ Mari* - — - it "Amorite" - MAH-ree] * [ Mark - Mark (Bible book) - Acts 12:12 (g3138) - MAHRK] * [ Martha - Martha, it Mar'tha - Luke 10:38 (g3136) - MAHR-thuh] * [ martyr] * [ (witness in most Bibles) - ("witness" in NW) - Revelation 2:13 KJ (g3144) - MAHR-tuhr] * [ Mary - Mary, it Ma'ry - Matthew 1:18 (g3137) - MAIR-ee, MAR-ee, MER-ee, MAY-ree] * [ Masada* - — - it "Jerusalem Destroyed by the Romans" p. 751 - muh-SAH-duh, Heb. muh-tsah-DAH] * [ maskil - Maskil, it Mas'kil - Psalm 32 superscription (h4905) - MAS-kil, MAHS-keel] * [ Masorah*] * [ (also Masora) - — - it "Scribe" - muh-SAW-uh, -SOR-, -SOH-] * [ Masorete* - — - it "Scribe" - MAS-uh-reet] * [ Masoretic* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - mas'uh-RET-ik] * [ Mattaniah - Mat•ta•ni'ah - 2 Kings 24:17 (h4983) - mat'uh-NI -uh] * [ Mattathias - Mat•ta•thi'as - Luke 3:25, 26 (g3161) - ma'tuh-THI -uhs, mat'uh-] * [ Matthat - Mat'that - Luke 3:24 (g3158) - MAT-that, MATH-at] * [ Matthew - Matthew (Bible book), it Mat'thew - Matthew 9:9 (g3156) - MA-thyoo('), also -thoo(')] * [ Matthias - Mat•thi'as - Acts 1:23 (g3159) - muh-THI -uhs] * [ Maundy*] * [ (Maundy Thursday) - — - w76 2/1 72 - MAWN-dee, MAHN-] * [ Mazzaroth] * [ (constellations, Big Dipper in some Bibles) - Maz'za•roth - Job 38:32 (h4216) - MAZ-uh-roth, MAZ-uh-ruth] * [ Mede] * [ (Median in KJ) - Mede - Daniel 5:31, or 6:1 in some Bibles (h4077) - MEED] * [ Media - Me'di•a - Ezra 6:2 (h4076) - MEE-dee-uh] * [ Median - ("Mede" in NW) - Daniel 5:31 KJ (h4077) - MEE-dee-uhn] * [ Mediterranean* - — - it "Great Sea" - med'ih-tuh-RAY-nee-uhn] * [ Megiddo - Me•gid'do - Judges 5:19 (h4023) - mih-GID-oh] * [ Megillah*; Megilloth* - — - it "Synagogue"; it "Hebrew Scriptures" - mih-GIL-uh; mih-GIL-oth] * [ Mehetabel] * [ (Mehetabeel, Metabeel in some Bibles) - Me•het'a•bel - Nehemiah 6:10 (h4105) - muh-HET-uh-bel, mih-, mee-] * [ Melchior* - — - w88 12/15 28 - MEL-kee-or('), MEL-kyawr] * [ Melchizedek - Mel•chiz'e•dek - Genesis 14:18 (h4442) - mel-KIZ-uh-dek] * [ Melech] * [ (king in some Bibles) - Mel'ech - Isaiah 57:9 (h4428) - MEL-ik] * [ mem] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Mem - Psalm 119:97 (verse heading) - MEM (listen), also MAYM] * [ Memphis] * [ (aka Noph; Moph in a few Bibles) - Mem'phis - Hosea 9:6 (h4644) - MEM-fis] * [ Menahem - Men'a•hem - 2 Kings 15:14 (h4505) - MEN-uh-hem] * [ Menander* - — - it "Ahab" - muh-NAN-duhr] * [ mendicant*] * [ (often capitalized) - — - w92 12/1 27 - MEN-dih-kuhnt] * [ Menelaus* - — - w98 11/15 22 - men'uh-LAY-uhs] * [ Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin] * [ (Parsin as Divided, divisions, HALF MINAS, peres, phares, Upharsin in some Bibles) - ME'NE, ME'NE, TE'KEL and PAR'SIN - Daniel 5:25 (h4484 + h8625 + h6537) - MEE-nee, TEE-kuhl, TEE-kel, PAHR-sin (yoo-FAHR-sin in some Bibles)] * [ Menorah - ("lampstand" in NW) - Exodus 25:31 HNV (h4501); Hebrews 9:2 HNV (g3087) - muh-NOR-uh (listen), -NOHR-] * [ menstrual [impurity]] * [ (impurity, monthly period, period, separation in some Bibles) - menstrual - Leviticus 15:19 (h5079) - MEN(T)-stroo-uhl, -struhl] * [ menstruation] * [ (custom [manner, way] of women, monthly periods in some Bibles) - menstruation - Genesis 18:11 - men(t)'stroo-(W)AY-shuhn, men-STRAY-shuhn] * [ Mephibosheth - Me•phib'o•sheth - 2 Samuel 4:4 (h4648) - mih-FIB-oh-sheth, muh-FIB-uh-sheth'] * [ Merab - Me'rab - 1 Samuel 14:49 (h4764) - MEE-rab] * [ Merari - Me•rar'i - Genesis 46:11 (h4847) - mih-RAHR-i i muh-RAIR-i not -ee] * [ Merathaim - Mer•a•tha'im - Jeremiah 50:21 (h4850) - mer'uh-THAY-im] * [ Mered - Me'red - 1 Chronicles 4:18 (h4778) - MEE-rid, MEE-red] * [ Meribah - Mer'i•bah - Exodus 17:7 (h4809) - MER-ih-bah] * [ Merneptah* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - MUHR-nep-tah'] * [ Merodach] * [ (aka Marduk) - Mer'o•dach - Jeremiah 50:2 (h4781) - MER-oh-dak, -uh-dahk'] * [ Merodach-baladan - Mer'o•dach-bal'a•dan - Isaiah 39:1 (h4757) - MER-oh-dak-BAL-uh-dan] * [ Mesha - Me'sha - 2 Kings 3:4 (h4338) - MEE-shuh, not MESH-uh] * [ Meshach - Me'shach - Daniel 1:7 (h4335) - MEE-shak] * [ Meshech - Me'shech - Ezekiel 27:13 (h4902) - MEE-shek] * [ Mesopotamia] * [ (Aram-naharaim in some Bibles) - Mes•o•po•ta'mi•a - Genesis 24:10 (h763) - mes'uh-puh-TAY-mee-uh, mes'oh-puh-TAY-mee-uh] * [ Messiah - Mes•si'ah - Daniel 9:25 (h4899) - muh-SI -uh] * [ Messianic* - — - it "Kingdom of God" - mes'ee-AN-ik] * [ messianism* - — - sh 218 - MEH-see-uh-nih'zuhm, muh-SI -uh-] * [ metaphor*] * [ (compare simile) - — - w84 6/1 18 - MET-uh-for', -fuhr] * [ metaphysical* - — - it "Diseases and Treatment" - met'uh-FIZ-ih-kuhl] * [ meteyard] * [ (length, measure[s] of length in some Bibles) - ("measuring" in NW) - Leviticus 19:35 KJ (h4060) - mee-TYAHRD, MEET-yahrd] * [ Metheg-ammah - Meth'eg-am'mah - 2 Samuel 8:1 (h4965) - meth'ig-AM-muh, mee'thig-AM-uh] * [ Methuselah - Me•thu'se•lah - Genesis 5:21 (h4968) - mih-THOO-suh-luh, muh-THOO-zuh-luh, -THOOZ-luh] * [ Metonic* - — - it "Calendar (Hebrew Calendar)" - mih-TON-ik] * [ metonymy* - — - it "Baal" - muh-TAH-nuh-mee] * [ mezuzah* - it me•zu'zah - it "Mezuzah" - muh-ZOOZ-uh, meh-ZUZ-ah] * [ Micah - Mi'cah (Bible book) - Micah 1:1 (h4318) - MI -cuh] * [ Micaiah - Mi•cai'ah - 1 Kings 22:8 (h4321) - mi 'KI -uh, mih-KI -uh] * [ Michael - Mi'cha•el - Daniel 10:13 (h4317) - MI -kay-uhl, commonly MI -kuhl] * [ Michal - Mi'chal - 1 Samuel 14:49 (h4324) - MI -kuhl] * [ Micheas - ("Micah" in NW) - Micah 1:1 DRB (h4318) - mi -KEE-uhs, MIK-ee-uhs] * [ Michmash - Mich'mash - 1 Samuel 13:2 (h4363) - MIK-mash] * [ Michri - Mich'ri - 1 Chronicles 9:8 (h4381) - MIK-ri] * [ Midian; Midianite - Mid'i•an; Mid'i•an•ite - Numbers 25:15 (h4080; h4084) - MID-ee-uhn; MID-ee-uh-ni t'] * [ Midianitish - ("Midianite" in NW) - Numbers 25:6 AS, KJ (h4084) - MID-ee-uh-ni t-ish] * [ midrash*] * [ (pl. midrashim) - — - w99 3/15 27 - MID-rash, -rahsh, Seph. Heb. mee-DRAHSH, Ashk. Heb. mih-DRAHSH] * [ midrashim*] * [ (sing. midrash) - — - w99 3/15 27 - Seph. Heb. me-drah-SHEEM, Ashk. Heb. mih-DRO-shim] * [ Migdol] * [ (tower in some Bibles) - Mig'dol - Ezekiel 29:10 (h4024) - MIG-dol] * [ miktam] * [ (also michtam)] * [ (michtam, Secret Treasure, writing in some Bibles) - mik'tam - Psalm 16 superscription (h4387) - MIK-tam] * [ Milcah - Mil'cah - Genesis 11:29 (h4435) - MIL-kuh, MIL-kah] * [ milch - ("giving suck" in NW) - Genesis 32:15 AS, DRB, KJ (h3243) - MILCH, MILK, MILKS] * [ Milcom - Mil'com - 1 Kings 11:5 (h4445) - MIL-kuhm, MIL-kom] * [ Miletus - Mi•le'tus - Acts 20:15 (g3399) - mi -LEE-tuhs] * [ millenarianism* - — - w99 12/1 6 - mil'uh-NAIR-ee-uhn-iz'uhm] * [ Millennial*] * [ (Reign of Christ) - — - it "Kingdom of God" - muh-LEN-ee-uhl] * [ millennialism* - — - w99 12/1 6 - muh-LEN-ee-uhl-iz'-uhm] * [ millennium*] * [ (also Millennium) - — - w99 12/1 7 - muh-LEN-ee-uhm] * [ mina] * [ (coin, money, pound in some Bibles) - mi'na - Luke 19:16 (g3414) - MI -nuh] * [ Minerva* - — - g97 11/8 27 - muh-NUHR-vuh] * [ Minuscule* ("cursive" manuscript) - — - si 310 - MIN-uh-skyool, mih-NUHS-kyool] * [ Miriam - Mir'i•am - Exodus 15:20 (h4813) - MIR-ee-uhm] * [ mischievous - — - Psalm 21:11 KJ (h4209); Psalm 38:12 AS, Da, KJ (h1942); Ecclesiastes 10:13 AS, DRB, KJ (h7451)) - MIS-chuh-vuhs, MISH-; (nonstandard spelling and pronunciation: mischievious : mis-CHEE-vee-uhs, mish-)] * [ Mishnah*] * [ (also Mishna) - — - sh 221 - MISH-nuh] * [ Mishael - Mish'a•el - Daniel 1:6 (h4332) - MISH-ay-uhl, MISH-ay-el] * [ Mithra*] * [ (also Mithras) - — - g88 12/8 18 - MITH-ruh; MITH-ras] * [ Mithraic* - — - w94 12/15 5 - mith-RAY-ik] * [ Mithraism* - — - w79 12/15 3 - MITH-ruh-iz'uhm] * [ mitre] * [ (diadem, turban in some Bibles) - ("turban" in NW) - Ezekiel 21:26 AS, Da, Yg (h4701) - MI -tuhr] * [ Mitylene - Mit•y•le'ne - Acts 20:14 (g3412) - mit'uh-LEE-nee, mit'uh-LEE-nuh] * [ Mizpah] * [ (Mizpeh in some Bibles) - Miz'pah - Judges 11:11 (h4709) - MIZ-puh, MIZ-pah] * [ Mizar] * [ (little [hill] in DRB) - ("little" [mountain] in NW) - Psalm 42:6 AS, KJ, Yg (h4706) - MI -zahr] * [ Mizpeh] * [ (see also Mizpah) - Miz'peh - 1 Samuel 22:3 (h4708) - MIZ-puh] * [ Mizraim - Miz'ra•im - Genesis 10:6 (h4714) - MIZ-ree-uhm, MIZ-ray-im, Heb. mits-RI -im] * [ Mnason - Mna'son - Acts 21:16 (g3416) - NAY-suhn, muh-NAY-suhn] * [ Mohammad*] * [ (compare Muhammad) - — - g86 2/8 30 - moh-HAM-uhd] * [ Molech] * [ (also Moloch) - Mo'lech - Leviticus 18:21 (h4432) - MOH-lek (listen)] * [ Moloch] * [ (also Molech) - Mo'loch - Acts 7:43 (g3434) - MOH-lok (listen)] * [ monolith* - — - w94 8/1 8 - MON-uh-lith] * [ monolithic* - — - it "Zoan" - mon'uh-LITH-ik] * [ monotheism* - — - w99 6/15 26 - MAH-nuh-thee'ih'zuhm] * [ monotheistic* - — - w98 12/1 12 - mah'nuh-thee-IS-tik] * [ Montanism* - — - w83 9/15 12 - MON'tuh-niz'uhm] * [ Montanus* - — - w83 9/15 12 - MON-tuh-nuhs] * [ Mordecai - Mor'de•cai - Esther 2:5 (h4782) - MOR-duh-ki , not mor'duh-KI -uh] * [ Moreh - Mo'reh - Genesis 12:6 (h 4176) - MOH-reh, MOH-ray, also MOH-ree] * [ Moresheth] * [ (Morashtite, Morasthite in some Bibles) - Mo'resh•eth - Micah 1:1 (h4183) - MOH-rehsh-eth, MOH-reh-sheth] * [ Moresheth-gath] * [ (Moreshethgath, Moresheth Gath in some Bibles - Mo'resh•eth-gath - Micah 1:14 (h4182) - mor'uh-sheth-GATH, MOR-esh-eth-gath'] * [ Moriah - Mo•ri'ah - Genesis 22:2 (h4179) - moh-RI -uh, muh-RI -uh] * [ moribund* - — - ip-1 368 - MAWR-uh-buhnd('), MAHR-] * [ Morpheus* - — - g76 6/22 14 - MAWR-fee-uhs, -fyoos', -foos'] * [ Mosaic* - — - w80 8/15 26 - moh-ZAY-ik] * [ Moses - Moses, it Mo'ses - Exodus 2:10 (h4872); Jude 9 (g3475) - MOH-zis, MOH-zes] * [ Mosque* - — - sh 295 - MAHSK] * [ moufflon or mouflon - ("chamois" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:5 LITV (h2169) - moo-FLOHN] * [ Muhammad*] * [ (compare Mohammad) - — - g89 12/22 19 - moo-HAHM-muhd, moh-HAM-uhd, -HAH-] * [ mullah* - — - — - MUH-luh, MUL-uh] * [ Muratorian* - — - w97 8/15 10 - myoor'uh-TOR-ee-uhn ] * [ murrain - ("pestilence" in NW) - Exodus 9:3 AS, DRB, KJ (h1698) - MUHR-uhn, MUHR-in, MUH-ruhn, not MYOOR-in] * [ Mushi - Mu'shi - Exodus 6:19 (h4187) - MOO-shi] * [ Muslim* - — - g01 12/22 29 - MUHZ-luhm, MUS-, MUZ-] * [ Muth-labben - Muth-lab'ben - Psalm 9 superscription (h4192) - myooth-LAB-uhn, muhth-LAY-ben] * [ Mycenaean* - — - it "Kittim" - mi'suh-NEE-uhn] * [ myriads - myriads - Deuteronomy 33:2 (h7233); Revelation 5:11 (g3461) - MIHR-ee-uhdz] * [ myrrh - myrrh - Exodus 30:23 (h4753); Matthew 2:11 (g4666) - MUHR] * [ Mysia - Mys'i•a - Acts 16:7 (g3465) - MISH-ee-uh, MIS-ee-uh, MIH-sh(ee-)uh] * [ Mysian* - — - it "Pergamum" - MISH-ee-uhn, MIS-, MIH-sh(ee-)uhn] * [ mysticism* - — - w99 4/1 26 - MIS-tuh-sih'zuhm] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce N words in the Bible:
[ Naamah - Na'a•mah - Genesis 4:22 (h5279) - NAY-uh-muh, NAY-uh-mah] * [ Naaman - Na'a•man - 2 Kings 5:1 (h5283) - NAY-uh-muhn, not NAY-muhn] * [ Naamathite - Na'a•ma•thite - Job 2:11 (h5284) - NAY-uh-muh-thit] * [ Nabal - Na'bal - 1 Samuel 25:3 (h5037) - NAY-buhl, NAY-bawl] * [ Nabataea* - — - w62 11/1 661 - nab'uh-TEE-uh] * [ Nabatean* - — - w62 9/15 575 - nab'uh-TEE-uhn] * [ Nablus* - — - it "Shechem" - NAB-luhs] * [ Nabonidus* - —; it Nab•o•ni'dus - Daniel 5:1 ftn. - nab'uh-NI -duhs, not na-BON-ih-duhs] * [ Nabopolassar* - — - it "Chaldea" - nab'uh-puh-LAS-uhr, nab-oh-poh-LAS-er] * [ Naboth - Na'both - 1 Kings 21:1 (h5022) - NAY-both] * [ Nadab - Na'dab - Exodus 6:23 (h5070) - NAY-dab] * [ Naggai] * [ (Nagge in some Bibles) - Nag'ga•i - Luke 3:25 (g3477) - NAG-uh-i, NAG-i (NAG-ee in some Bibles)] * [ Nahash - Na'hash - 1 Samuel 11:1 (h5176) - NAY-hash] * [ Nahbi - Nah'bi - Numbers 13:14 (h5147) - NAH-bi] * [ Nahshon - Nah'shon - Ruth 4:20 (h5177) - NAH-shon, not NAY-shon] * [ Nahum - Na'hum (Bible book) - Nahum 1:1 (h5151) - NAY-huhm, NAY-uhm] * [ Nain - Na'in - Luke 7:11 (g3484) - NAY-in, NAYN] * [ Naioth - Nai'oth - 1 Samuel 19:18 (h5121) - NI -oth, NAY-yoth] * [ Naomi - Na'o•mi - Ruth 1:2 (h5281) - NAY-oh-mee, -mi, commonly nay-OH-mee] * [ Naphtali - Naph'ta•li - Genesis 30:8 (h5321) - NAF-tuh-li] * [ Narcissus - Nar•cis'sus - Romans 16:11 (g3488) - nahr-SIS-uhs] * [ nascent* - — - g92 3/22 6 - NAS-uhnt, NAY-suhnt] * [ Nashim* - — - w97 11/15 26 - NAY-shim] * [ Nathan - Nathan, it Na'than - 2 Chronicles 9:29 (h5416) - NAY-thuhn] * [ Nathanael - Na•than'a•el - John 1:45 (g3482) - nuh-THAN-ay-uhl, nuh-THAN-yuhl] * [ naught, also nought - — - In KJ "naught" is used for many Hebrew and Greek words: (h205; h369; h434; h656; h657; h659; h1697; h2600; h3808; h5034; h6331; h6544; h6565; h7451; h8045; h8414) and (g557; g1432; g1847; g1848; g2049; g2673; g3762) - NAWT, NAHT] * [ Nazarene - Naz•a•rene' - Matthew 2:23 (g3480) - na'zuh-REEN] * [ Nazareth - Naz'a•reth - Matthew 2:23 (g3478) - NAZ-uh-ruhth, not NAZ-uh-rus] * [ Nazirite] * [ (also Nazarite) - Naz'i•rite - Numbers 6:2 (h5139) - NAZ-uh-ri t] * [ Neapolis - Ne•ap'o•lis - Acts 16:11 (g3496) - nee-AP-puh-lis] * [ Nebaioth - Ne•ba'ioth - Isaiah 60:7 (h5032) - nee-BAY-yoth, nih-, nih-BAY-oth] * [ Nebo] * [ (compare Nego) - Ne'bo - Deuteronomy 32:49 (h5015) - NEE-boh] * [ Nebuchadnezzar] * [ (compare Nebuchadrezzar) - Neb•u•chad•nez'zar - 2 Kings 24:1 (h5019) - neb'uh-kuhd-NEZ-uhr, ne'byuh-kuh-NE-zuhr, neb'yoo-kuhd-NEZ-uhr] * [ Nebuchadrezzar] * [ (compare Nebuchadnezzar) - Neb•u•chad•rez'zar - Jeremiah 21:2 (h5019) - neb'uh-kuh-DREZ-uhr, ne'byuh-kuh-DRE-zuhr, -buh-, neb'yoo-kuhd-REZ-uhr] * [ Nebuzaradan - Neb•u'zar•ad'an - Jeremiah 39:10 (h5018) - neb-yoo'zuh-RAD-uhn, neb-yoo'zuhr-AD-uhn] * [ Necho - Ne'cho - 2 Chronicles 35:20 (h5224) - NEE-koh] * [ necromancer] * [ (channeling with the dead, consult the dead, consult the spirits of the dead, one inquiring of the dead, that seeketh the truth from the dead in some Bibles) - ("anyone who inquires of the dead" in NW) - Deuteronomy 18:11 AS, KJ (h1875 + h413 + h4191) - NEK-ruh-man(t)'suhr] * [ necromancy* - — - it "Divination" - NEK-ruh-man(t)'see] * [ Negeb] * [ (Negev, South, Southern Desert in some Bibles) - Neg'eb - Genesis 12:9 (h5045) - NEG-eb, NAY-geb, not NEE-geb] * [ Negev] * [ (also Negeb) - ("Negeb" in NW) - Psalm 126:4 GW, HNV, WEB (h5045) - NEG-ev, not NEE-gev] * [ Nego*] * [ (compare Nebo) - — - dp 36 - NEE-goh] * [ Nehemiah - Ne•he•mi'ah (Bible book) - Nehemiah 1:1 (h5166) - nee'huh-MI -uh, nee'hih-, nee'uh-MI -uh] * [ Nehemias - ("Nehemiah" in NW) - Nehemiah 1:1 DRB (h5166) - nee'huh-MI -uhs] * [ Nehiloth - Ne'hi•loth - Psalm 5 superscription (h5155) - NEE-huh-loth, NEE-uh-luhth] * [ Nehushta - Ne•hush'ta - 2 Kings 24:8 (h5179) - nee-HUSH-tuh, nih-HOOSH-,nuh-HUSH-tuh] * [ Nehushtan] * [ (a piece of brass, Nechushtan, Nohestan in some Bibles) - ("copper serpent-idol" in NW) - 2 Kings 18:4 AS, KJ (h5180) - nee-HUSH-tan, nih-HOOSH-tuhn, Heb. nekh-oosh-TAWN (listen)] * [ nephesh* - (Heb. ne'phesh) - Genesis 1:30 ftn., it "Soul" - NEF-ish (listen)] * [ Nephilim] * [ (giants in some Bibles) - Neph'i•lim - Genesis 6:4 (h5303) - NEF-uh-lim, NEF-ih-lim] * [ Neptune*] * [ (compare Poseidon) - — - sh 43 - NEP-tuhn, NEP-tyuhn] * [ Nereus - Ne'reus - Romans 16:15 (g3517) - NEE-ruhs, NIR-ee-uhs, NEE-rih-yoos] * [ Nergal - Ner'gal - 2 Kings 17:30 (h5370) - NUHR-gal, -gahl, -guhl, NUHR-gawl] * [ Nergal-sharezer - Ner'gal-shar•e'zer - Jeremiah 39:3 (h5371) - nuhr'gal-shuhr-EE-zar, nuhr'guhl-, nuhr'gawl-shar-EE-zuhr] * [ Neriah] * [ (Neri, Nerijah, Neriyah in some Bibles) - Ne•ri'ah - Jeremiah 32:12 (h5374) - nuh-RI -uh, nih-, nee-] * [ Neriglissar* - — - it "Nergal-sharezer" - nuhr'ig-LIS-uhr] * [ Nero* - — - it "Caesar" - NEE-roh', NIHR-oh] * [ Nethanel] * [ (Nethaneel in some Bibles) - Ne•than'el - Numbers 7:18 (h5417) - nih-THAN-uhl (nih-THAN-ee-uhl in some Bibles)] * [ Nethinim - Neth'i•nim - 1 Chronicles 9:2 (h5411) - NETH-ih-nim] * [ Nevi'im* - — - sh 220 - nih-vih-EEM, Seph. Heb. nuh-vee-EEM, Ashk. Heb. nuh-VEE-im] * [ Nibhaz - Nib'haz - 2 Kings 17:31 (h5026) - NIB-haz] * [ Nicaea* - — - g01 6/8 12 - ni -SEE-uh] * [ Nicaean* - — - g73 1/8 18 - ni -SEE-uhn] * [ Nicanor - Ni•ca'nor - Acts 6:5 (g3527) - ni -KAY-nuhr] * [ Nicodemus - Nic•o•de'mus - John 3:1 (g3530) - nik'uh-DEE-muhs] * [ Nicolaitan - ("Nicolaus" in NW) - Revelation 2:6 AS, By, TEV, Yg (h3531) - nik'uh-LAY-uh-tuhn] * [ Nicolaitane - ("Nicolaus" in NW - Revelation 2:6 Da, KJ (h3531) - nik'uh-LAY-uh-tayn] * [ Nicolaus] * [ (Nicolaitanes, Nicolaitans in some Bibles) - Nic•o•la'us - Revelation 2:6 (g3531) - nik'uh-LAY-uhs] * [ Nicopolis - Ni•cop'o•lis - Titus 3:12 (g3533) - nih-KOP-uh-lis] * [ Niger - Ni'ger - Acts 13:1 (g3526) - NI -guhr, NI -juhr] * [ Nile - Nile - Exodus 2:3 (h2975) - NI L] * [ nimbus* - — - rs 354 - NIM-buhs] * [ Nimrod - Nim'rod - Genesis 10:8 (h5248) - NIM-rod] * [ Nimrud* - — - it "Calah" - NIM-rood] * [ Nimshi - Nim'shi - 2 Kings 9:2 (h5250) - NIM-shi] * [ Nineveh - Nin'e•veh - Genesis 10:11 (h5210) - NIN-uh-vuh] * [ Ninevites - Nin'e•vites - Luke 11:30 (g3536) - NIN-uh-vi tz] * [ Nippur* - — - it "Babylon" - nih-POOR] * [ Nisan - Ni'san - Nehemiah 2:1 (h5212) - NI -san in NW, also NIS-uhn (listen), NEE-sahn, nee-SAHN, -SAWN (listen)] * [ Nisroch - Nis'roch - 2 Kings 19:37 (h5268) - NIS-rok, nis-ROHK (listen)] * [ niter or nitre] * [ (soda in some Bibles) - ("alkali" in NW) - Proverbs 25:20 Da, DRB, KJ (5427) - NI -tuhr] * [ No] * [ (city, aka Thebes) - No - Jeremiah 46:25 (h4996) - NOH] * [ No-amon - No-a'mon - Nahum 3:8 (h528 + h4996) - noh-AY-muhn, also -AH-muhn, -AM-uhn] * [ Noah - Noah, it No'ah - Genesis 5:29 (h5146) - NOH-uh] * [ Noe] * [ (variant of Noah) - ("Noah" in NW and most Bibles) - Genesis 5:29 DRB (h5146); Matthew 24:37 DRB (g3575) - NOH-ee] * [ Noemi - ("Naomi" in NW) - Ruth 1:2 DRB (h5281) - NOH-uh-mi] * [ noisome - — - Ezekiel 14:15 KJ (h7451); Revelation 16:2 AS, KJ (g2556) - NOI-suhm] * [ Noph - Noph - Isaiah 19:13 (h5297) - NOF, NOHF (listen)] * [ Nubia] * [ (Cush, Ethiopia in most Bibles) - ("Ethiopia" in NW) - Esther 1:1 (h3568) - NOO-bee-uh, NYOO-bee-uh] * [ nuclear*] * [ (compare nucleus) - — - g99 8/22 4 - NOO-klee-uhr, NYOO-, by metathesis -kyuh-luhr] * [ nucleus*] * [ (compare nuclear) - — - w99 8/15 5 - NOO-klee-uhs, NYOO-] * [ Numbers - Numbers (Bible book) - Numbers 1:1 ftn. - NUHM-buhrz] * [ nun] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Nun - Psalm 119:105 (verse heading) - NUHN, NUN (listen)] * [ nuncio* - — - w80 7/1 25 - NUHN(T)-see-oh', NOON(T)-] * [ Nut* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - NUT] * [ Nuzi* - — - it "Archaeology (Mari and Nuzi)" - NOO-zee] * [ Nympha] * [ (Nymphas in some Bibles) - Nym'pha - Colossians 4:15 (g3564) - NIM-fuh (NIM-fuhs in some Bibles)] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce O words in the Bible:
[ Obadiah - O•ba•di'ah (Bible book) - Obadiah 1:1 (h5662) - oh'buh-DI -uh] * [ Obed - O'bed - Ruth 4:17 (h5744) - OH-bid, OH-bed] * [ Obed-edom - O'bed-e'dom - 2 Samuel 6:11 (h5654) - oh'bid-EE-duhm, oh'bed-EE-duhm] * [ obeisance ] * [ (bow[ed] down, homage, worship, worshipping in some Bibles) - obeisance - Acts 10:25 (g4352) - oh-BEE-suhn(t)s, uh-, -BAY-] * [ obelisk* - — - dp 72 - OB-uh-lisk, AH-buh-lisk', also OH-] * [ oblation] * [ (meal offering, offering[s], present in some Bibles) - ("gift offering" in NW) - Daniel 9:27 KJ (h4503) - uh-BLAY-shuhn] * [ obstacle] * [ (stumbling block in some Bibles) - obstacle - Isaiah 57:14 (h4383) - AHB-stih(')-kuhl not ahb'STAK-uhl] * [ occult* - — - it "Divination" - uh-KUHLT, ah-] * [ Octateuch* - — - w60 5/15 294 - OK-tuh-took', -tyook] * [ Oded - O'ded - 2 Chronicles 15:1 (h5752) - OH-did, OH-ded] * [ Odin* - — - g00 12/8 27 - OH-duhn, O-din] * [ offertory* - — - g80 11/8 5 - AW-fuh(r)-tohr'-ee, AH-, -tawr'-] * [ Oholah] * [ (Aholah in some Bibles) - O•ho'lah - Ezekiel 23:4 (h170) - oh-HOH-luh, oh-HOH-lah] * [ Oholibah] * [ (Aholibah in some Bibles) - O•hol'i•bah - Ezekiel 23:4 (h172) - oh-HOL-uh-buh, oh-HOL-uh-bah] * [ Oholibamah - O•hol•i•ba'mah - Genesis 36:2 (h173) - oh-hol'uh-BAY-muh] * [ Olivet - ("Olives" and "Mount of Olives" in NW) - 2 Samuel 15:30 DRB, KJ (h2132); Acts 1:12 DRB, KJ (g1638) - OL-ih-vet, AH-luh-vet', ah'luh-VET] * [ Olympia* - — - it "Games" - uh-LIM-pee-uh, oh-] * [ olympian* - — - it "Games" - uh-LIM-pee-uhn, oh-] * [ Olympas - O•lym'pas - Romans 16:15 (g3652) - oh-LIM-puhs] * [ Olympus* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - uh-LIM-puhs, oh-] * [ Omega - O•me'ga - Revelation 1:8 (g5598) - oh-MEE-guh in NW, also oh-MAY-guh, -ME-, Gr. OH-meg-ah (listen)] * [ omer - omer, it o'mer - Exodus 16:16 (h6016) - OH-muhr, Seph. Heb. aw-MER, Ashk. Heb. OH-mer] * [ omnificent* - — - — - om-NIF-uh-suhnt] * [ omnipotence - ("power" in NW) - Matthew 26:64 We (g1411) - om-NIP-uh-tuhns, ahm-NIH-puh-tuhn(t)s] * [ omnipotent - ("Almighty" in NW and many other Bibles) - Revelation 19:6 KJ (g3841) - om-NIP-uh-tuhnt, ahm-NIH-puh-tuhnt] * [ omnipresence* - — - — - ahm'nih-PREHZ-uhn(t)s] * [ omnipresent* - — - w93 10/1 13 - om'nuh-PREH-zuhnt, ahm'nih-PREHZ-uhnt] * [ omniscience* - — - w86 5/15 4 - om-NISH-uhns, ahm-NIH-shuhn(t)s] * [ omniscient* - — - g00 8/22 11 - om-NISH-uhnt, ahm-NIH-shuhnt] * [ Omri - Om'ri - 1 Kings 16:16 (h6018) - OM-ri , not OM-ree] * [ Onan - O'nan - Genesis 38:4 (h209) - OH-nuhn, OH-nan] * [ Onesimus - O•nes'i•mus - Colossians 4:9 (g3682) - oh-NES-uh-muhs] * [ Onesiphorus - On•e•siph'o•rus - 2 Timothy 1:16 (g3683) - on'uh-SIF-uh-ruhs] * [ Onias* - — - w98 11/15 22 - oh-NI -uhs] * [ onomastica* - — - — - on'uh-MAS-tuh-kuh] * [ Onomasticon*] * [ (by Eusebius) - — - it "Eglaim" - on'uh-MAS-tuh-kon] * [ onomatopoeia* - — - Genesis 17:19 ftn. - ah'nuh-mah'tuh-PEE-uh] * [ ontology* - — - w63 1/15 56 - ahn-TAH-luh-jee] * [ onycha - onycha, it on'y•cha - Exodus 30:34 (h7827) - ON-ih-kuh] * [ onyx - onyx - Genesis 2:12 (h7718) - AH-niks, ON-iks] * [ Ophel] * [ (fortresses, forts, hill, mounds in some Bibles) - O'phel - Isaiah 32:14 (h6076) - OH-fel] * [ Ophir - O'phir - 1 Kings 10:11 (h211) - OH-fuhr, OH-fihr] * [ Ophrah] * [ (Ephra in DRB, Vulgate) - Oph'rah - Judges 6:24 (h6084) - OF-ruh, AWF-rah] * [ oracle] * [ (holiness, holy place, holy temple, inner room, inner sanctum, Most Holy Place, Temple in some Bibles) - ("innermost room" in NW) - Psalms 28:2 AS, KJ (h1687) - OR-uh-kuhl, AHR-] * [ oracular* - — - it "Christian" - or-AK-yuh-luhr, uh-] * [ Origen* - — - it "Canon" - OR-uh-juhn, AHR-] * [ Orion] * [ (Kesil in some Bibles) - ("Kesil" in NW) - Job 9:9 AS, DRB, KJ (h3685) - oh-RI -uhn] * [ Ornan] * [ (aka Araunah) - Or'nan - 1 Chronicles 21:18 (h771) - OR-nan, OR-nuhn] * [ Orontes* - — - it "Lebanon" - or-ON-teez] * [ Orpah - Or'pah - Ruth 1:4 (h6204) - OR-puh, not OHP-ruh] * [ orthodox*; orthodoxy* - — - w93 7/1 10 - OR-thuh-doks, -dahks'; -dok'see] * [ oryx] * [ (antelope, wild goat, wild ox in some Bibles) - ("wild sheep" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:5 Da (h8377) - OHR-iks, AWR-, AHR-] * [ Osee - ("Hosea" in NW) - Hosea 1:1 DRB (h1954) - OH-see] * [ Osiris* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - oh-SI -ruhs] * [ ossifrage] * [ (black vulture, gier-eagle, griffon, vulture in some Bibles) - ("osprey" in NW) - Leviticus 11:13 KJ, Yg (h6538) - OS-uh-frij, AH-suh-frij, AH-suh-frayj'] * [ ossuary* - — - w97 6/15 13 - OSH-oo-er'ee, OS-yoo-ER-ee, AH-shuh-wer'ee, -syuh-, -suh-] * [ ostracism] * [ (trouble in some Bibles) - ostracism - Genesis 34:30 (h5916) - OS-truh-siz'uhm, AHS-] * [ ostracon*] * [ (pl. ostraca) - — - it "Letters" - AHS-truh-kahn', pl. AHS-truh-kuh] * [ ostrich] * [ (owl[s] in some Bibles) - ostrich - Job 30:29 (h3284) - AHS-trich, AWS-, also -trij] * [ Othniel - Oth'ni•el - Judges 3:9 (h6274) - OTH-nee-uhl, OTH-nee-el] * [ Oxyrhynchus* - — - w92 2/15 26-28 - ok'sih-RING-kuhs, ahk'-] * [ Ozem - O'zem - 1 Chronicles 2:15 (h684) - OH-zuhm, OH-zihm] * [ Ozni - Oz'ni - Numbers 26:16 (h244) - OZ-ni] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce P words in the Bible:
[ Paarai - Pa'a•rai - 2 Samuel 23:35 (h6474) - PAY-uh-ri] * [ Paddan-aram - Pad'dan-a'ram - Genesis 25:20 (h6307) - pad'uhn-AY-ram, pad'an-AY-ram] * [ Pahlavi* (Persian) - — - it "Tartak" - PAL-uh-vee('), PAH-luh-vee(')] * [ palanquin - ("litter" in NW) - Song of Solomon 3:9 AS, By, Da (h668) - pal'uhn-KEEN, PAL-uhn-keen', pal'an-KEEN, puh-LANG-kwuhn] * [ Palestine] * [ (Philistines in most Bibles) - ("Philistines" in NW) - Jeremiah 47:1 DRB (h6430) - PAL-uh-sti n(')] * [ palimpsest* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - PAL-im(p)-sest', puh-LIM(P)-sest'] * [ palmerworm, also palmer-worm - ("caterpillar" in NW) - Joel 1:4 DRB, KJ (h1502) - PAH-muhr-wuhrm', PAHL-, PAW-, PAWL-] * [ Palmyra - — - it "Tadmor" - pal-MI -ruh (listen)] * [ Palti - Pal'ti - Numbers 13:9 (h6406) - PAL-ti, PAWL-ti] * [ Paltiel] * [ (Phaltiel in some Bibles) - Pal'ti•el - 2 Samuel 3:15 (h6409) - PAWL-tee-el, PAL-tee-uhl, -ti -] * [ Pamphylia - Pam•phyl'i•a - Acts 2:10 (g3828) - pam-FIL-ee-uh] * [ pantheism* - — - w81 2/15 5 - PAN(T)-thee-ih'-zuhm] * [ Pantheon*; pantheon* - — - g01 7/8 15; ip-2 54 - PAN(T)-thee-ahn'] * [ Paphos - Pa'phos - Acts 13:6 (g3974) - PAY-fos, not PAF-uhs] * [ Papias* - — - it "Canon" - PAY-pee-uhs] * [ papyrology* - — - w98 12/15 29 - pa'puh-RAH-luh-jee, pap'uh-ROL-uh-jee] * [ papyrus] * [ (pl. papyri) - papyrus, it pa•py'rus - Exodus 2:3 (h1573) - puh-PI -ruhs; pl. puh-PI -ree, -ri] * [ Papyrus Bodmer* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Papyrus manuscripts)" - puh-PI -ruhs BOD-muhr] * [ parable] * [ (allegory, figurative language, story, saying simile, illustration in some Bibles) - ("illustration" in NW) - Matthew 13:18 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, We (and others) (g3850) - PAR-uh-buhl] * [ Paraclete] * [ (Advocate, Comforter, Counselor, Friend, Helper, helper in some Bibles) - ("helper" in NW) - John 14:16 DRB (g3875) - PAIR-uh-kleet, PAR-uh-kleet'] * [ paradisaic* - — - ip-1 378 - par'uh-di ' SAY-ik, -ZAY-] * [ paradise; Paradise - paradise; Paradise - Song of Solomon 4:13 (h6508); Luke 23:43 (g3857) - PAIR-uh-di s] * [ parakletos*] * [ (See Paraclete) - ("pa•ra'kle•tos" in NW John 14:26 ftn. for "helper") - John 14:26 ftn. (h3875) - pair-AHK-lay-tos (listen)] * [ Paran - Pa'ran - Numbers 10:12 (h6290) - PAY-ruhn, PAY-ran] * [ Parmenas - Par'me•nas - Acts 6:5 (g3937) - PAHR-muh-nuhs, PAHR-mee-nuhs] * [ Parousia* - pa•rou•si'a - it "Presence" (g3952) - pahr-oo-SEE-uh (listen), also puh-ROO-z(h)ee-uh, Gr. par-oo-SEE-ah (listen)] * [ Parthia; Parthian - —; Par'thi•ans - Acts 2:9 CEV, TEV (g3934); Acts 2:9 (g3934) - PAHR-thee-uh; PAHR-thee-uhn(z)] * [ Pasach - Pa'sach - 1 Chronicles 7:33 (h6457) - PAY-sak] * [ Pasargadae* - — - dp 151 - puh-SAHR-guh-dee'] * [ Pasch; Pascha* - — - Ezekiel 45:21 DRB (h6453) and Hebrews 11:28 DRB (g3957); w94 3/15 5 - PASK; PAHS-kuh] * [ paschal* - — - w90 2/15 12 - PAS-kuhl] * [ Pashhur - Pash'hur - Jeremiah 20:1 (h6583) - PASH-huhr] * [ Pashur] * [ (aka Pashhur) - ("Pashhur" in NW) - Jeremiah 20:1 KJ (h6583) - PASH-uhr] * [ Patara - Pat'a•ra - Acts 21:1 (g3959) - PAT-uh-ruh] * [ Pathros - Path'ros - Isaiah 11:11 (h6624) - PATH-ros, not PATH-ruhs] * [ Patmos - Pat'mos - Revelation 1:9 (g3963) - PAT-muhs] * [ patriarch - ("family head" in NW) - Hebrews 7:4 AS, DRB, KJ (and others) (g3966) - PAY-tree-ahrk'] * [ patriarchal* - — - w95 9/15 20 - pay'tree-AHR-kuhl] * [ patristic* - — - Daniel 9:2 ftn. - puh-TRIS-tik] * [ patronymic* - — - it "Nathanael" - pa'truh-NIM-ik] * [ Pauline* - — - it "Canon" - PAW-li n] * [ pe] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Pe’ - Psalm 119:129 (verse heading) - PAY] * [ pedagogue* - — - Galatians 3:24 ftn. (g3807); w02 6/1 15 - PED-uh-gog', -gawg'] * [ Pelatiah - Pel•a•ti'ah - Ezekiel 11:1, 13 (h6410) - pel'uh-TI -uh] * [ Peleg - Pe'leg - Genesis 10:25 - PEE-lig, PEE-leg] * [ Pella* - — - it "Alexander" - PEL-uh] * [ Peloponnese* - — - g84 12/22 26 - PEH-luh-puh-neez', -nees', peh'luh-puh-NEEZ] * [ Peloponnesus* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - peh'luh-puh-NEE-suhs] * [ Peloponnisos* - — - w97 3/1 21 - peh'luh-PAW-nee-saws'] * [ Penates* - — - pm 286 - puh-NAY-teez, -NAH-] * [ Peninnah - Pe•nin'nah - 1 Samuel 1:2 (h6444) - pih-NIN-uh, pee-, peh-NIN-ah] * [ Pentateuch* - it Pen'ta•teuch - it "Pentateuch" - PEN-tuh-t(y)ook', PEN-tah-took'] * [ Pentecost - Pentecost - Acts 2:1 (g4005) - PEN-tih-kost] * [ penury - ("want" in NW) - Proverbs 14:23 KJ (h4270); Luke 21:4 KJ (g5303) - PEN-yuh-ree] * [ Peor - Pe'or - Numbers 23:28 (h6465) - PEE-or, PEE-awr] * [ peradventure] * [ (if, if by chance, perhaps, though, what if in some Bibles) - ("maybe," "perhaps," or "suppose" in NW) - Genesis 18:24 KJ (h194); Romans 5:7 KJ (g5029) - puhr'uhd-VEN-chuhr, per'-, PUHR-uhd-ven'chuhr, PER-] * [ Perazim] * [ (Mount, aka Baal-Perazim) - Pe•ra'zim - Isaiah 28:21 (h6556) - puh-RAY-zim, pih-] * [ perdition] * [ (destruction in some Bibles) - ("destruction" in NW) - John 17:12 AS, DRB, KJ (g684) - puhr-DIH-shuhn] * [ Perea* - — - ip-1 100 - puh-REE-uh] * [ Peres] * [ (see Mene, Mene, Tekel and Parsin) - PE'RES - Daniel 5:28 (h6537) - PEE-res] * [ Perez] * [ (Phares, Pharez, Pherez in some Bibles) - Pe'rez - Genesis 38:29 (h6557) - PEE-riz, PEE-rehz, not PER-ez] * [ Perez-uzzah - Pe'rez-uz'zah - 2 Samuel 6:8 (h6560) - pee'rez-UH-zuh, pee'riz-] * [ perfunctory* - — - ip-2 121 - puhr-FUHN(K)-t(uh-)ree, not puhr-FUHN(K)-tuh-tor'ee] * [ Pergamum (Pergamos in some Bibles) - Per'ga•mum - Revelation 1:11 (g4010) - PUHR-guh-muhm] * [ perineal - perineal - Genesis 38:29 (h6556) - per'uh-NEE-uhl] * [ Peripatetic* - — - w92 3/15 28; it "Athens (Cultural and Religious Center)" - per'uh-puh-TET-ik] * [ pernicious [ways] - ([acts of] "loose conduct" in NW) - 2 Peter 2:2 KJ (g684) - puhr-NI -shuhs] * [ Persepolis* - — - dp 54 - puhr-SEP-uh-lis] * [ Persia; Persian - Persia; Persian - Ezra 1:1 (h6539); Nehemiah 12:22 (h6542) - PUHR-zhuh; PUHR-zhuhn] * [ Pesach] * [ ("Passover") - ("passover" in NW) - Exodus 12:11 HNV (h6453) - PAY-sakh' (listen), Seph. Heb. PEH-sakh; Ashk. Heb. PAY-sahkh] * [ Peshitta* - Peshitta - it "Versions" - puh-SHEE-tuh, not puh-SHIT-tuh] * [ pestle - pestle - Proverbs 26:22 (h5940) - PEH-suhl, PES-tuhl] * [ Peter - Peter (Bible books), it Pe'ter - Mark 3:16 (g4074) - PEE-tuhr] * [ Petra] * [ (Sela, Selah, the rock in some Bibles) - ("Sela" in NW) - Isaiah 16:1 DRB (h5554) - PEE-truh (listen), also PET-ruh] * [ Petrine* - — - g71 2/8 27 - PEE-trin'] * [ phalanx* - — - it "Alexander" - FAY-lang(k)s] * [ Phalec - ("Peleg" in NW) - Luke 3:35 KJ (g5317) - FAY-lik] * [ Phallic* - — - ip-2 266 - FAL-ik, not FAY-lik] * [ Phallus* - — - sh 99 - PHAL-uhs, not FAY-luhs] * [ Pharaoh - Phar'aoh - Genesis 12:15 (h6547) - FAIR-oh, FAR-oh (listen), ] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce Q words in the Bible:
[ qere*] * [ ("read"; compare kethib) - — - Jeremiah 31:38 ftn. - kuh-RAY] * [ Qoheleth*] * [ (Koheleth, Philosopher, Preacher, spokesman in some Bibles) - Heb. Qo•he'leth ("congregator" in NW) - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. (h6953) - koh-HEL-ith] * [ qohph, also qoph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Qohph - Psalm 119:145 (verse heading) - KOHF, KAWF (listen)] * [ quadruped] * [ (animal, animals, beast in most Bibles) - ("beast" in NW) - Deutoronomy 14:6 By (h929) - KWAH-druh-ped'] * [ Quartus - Quar'tus - Romans 16:23 (g2890) - KWOR-tuhs] * [ quaternion - ("four soldiers" in NW) - Acts 12:4 KJ (g5069) - kwah-TUHR-nee-uhn, kwuh-] * [ quench - quench - Psalm 104:11 (h7665); Ephesians 6:16 (g4570) - KWENCH, not KWENZ] * [ Quetzalcoatl* - — - g99 5/8 18 - kwet'suhl-kuh-WAH-tuhl, ket'-, -suhl-KWAH-] * [ Quintus* - — - g99 11/8 21 - KWIN-tuhs] * [ Quirinius] * [ (Cyrenius in some Bibles) - Qui•rin'i•us - Luke 2:2 (g2958) - kwih-RIN-ee-uhs, kwuhr-RIN-ee-uhs] * [ Qumran* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - KOOM-rahn] * [ Qur'an*] * [ (also Quran, Koran) - — - sh 290 - kuh-RAN, ku-RAHN] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce R words in the Bible:
[ Ra* - — - it "Gods and Godesses" - RAH, RAY] * [ Raamah - Ra'a•mah - Ezekiel 27:22 (h7484) - RAY-uh-mah] * [ Raamses] * [ (compare Rameses, Ramses) - Ra•am'ses - Exodus 1:11 (h7486) - ray-AM-seez, rah-AM-seez] * [ Rabbah - Rab'bah - Amos 1:14 (h7237) - RAB-uh] * [ Rabbath - ("Rabbah" in NW) - Deuteronomy 3:11 DRB, KJ, Yg (h7237) - RAB-uhth] * [ Rabbi] * [ (Teacher in some Bibles) - Rabbi - Matthew 23:7 (g4461) - RAB-i] * [ rabbinic* - — - sh 215 - ruh-BIN-ik] * [ Rabboni - Rab•bo'ni - John 20:16 (g4462) - ra-BOH-ni , ra-BOH-nee] * [ Rabmag - Rab'mag - Jeremiah 39:13 (h7248) - RAB-mag] * [ Rabsaris - Rab'sa•ris - Jeremiah 39:3 (h7249) - RAB-suh-ris] * [ Rabshakeh - Rab'sha•keh - 2 Kings 18:17 (h7262) - RAB-shuh-kuh] * [ Rachel - Rachel, it Ra'chel - Genesis 29:6 (h7354) - RAY-chuhl] * [ Ragau - ("Reu" in NW) - Luke 3:35 Da, DRB (g4466) - RAY-gaw] * [ Rahab - Ra'hab - Joshua 2:1 (h7343) - RAY-hab] * [ raiment] * [ (apparel, clothes, clothing in some Bibles) - raiment - Isaiah 59:17 (h8516); Acts 10:30 (g2066) - RAY-muhnt] * [ Ramah - Ra'mah - Judges 4:5 (h7414) - RAY-muh, RAY-mah, not RAH-muh] * [ Ramathaim-zophim - Ra•math•a'im-zo'phim - 1 Samuel 1:1 (h7436) - ray'muhth-ay'im-ZOH-fim] * [ Rameses] * [ (compare Raamses, Ramses) - Ram'e•ses - Genesis 47:11 (h7486) - RAM-uh-seez] * [ Ramses*] * [ (compare Raamses, Rameses) - — - it "Raamses" - RAM-seez] * [ rapacious] * [ (cruel, evil, fierce, mischievous, ravenous, violent in some Bibles) - rapacious - Isaiah 35:9 (h6530) - ruh-PAY-shuhs] * [ rapacity] * [ (destruction, ravaging, ruin, spoil in some Bibles) - rapacity - Habakkuk 2:17 (h7701) - ruh-PAS-uh-tee, -ih-tee] * [ Ras Shamra*] * [ (Ugarit) - — - it "Archaeology" - rahs SHAHM-ruh] * [ Rastafarian*, Rastafarianism* - — - g85 2/22 14 - ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uhn, rahs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uhn; ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm, ruhs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm] * [ ravenous] * [ (cruel, ravening, savage, vicious in some Bibles) - ravenous - Matthew 7:15 (g727) - RAV-uh-nuhs, RAV-nuhs] * [ Rebekah - Re•bek'ah - Genesis 22:23 (h7259) - rih-BEK-uh] * [ Rechab; Rechabite - Re'chab; Re'cha•bites - Jeremiah 35:2, 6 (h7394; h7397) - REE-kab; REE-kuh-bi t(s)] * [ recension* - — - w69 11/15 691 - rih-SEN-shuhn] * [ reconcile - reconcile - Ephesians 2:16 (g604) - REK-uhn-si l'] * [ reconciliation - reconciliation - 2 Corinthians 5:18 (g2643) - rek'uhn-sil'ee-AY-shuhn] * [ Regem-melech - Re'gem-mel'ech - Zechariah 7:2 (h7278) - ree'guhm-MEL-ik, ree'gehm-MEL-ik] * [ Rehoboam - Re•ho•bo'am - 1 Kings 11:43 (h7346) - ree'huh-BOH-uhm, reh'huh-BOH-uhm] * [ Rehoboth - Re•ho'both - Genesis 26:22 (h7344) - rih-HOH-both, reh-HOH-bahth] * [ Rehoboth-Ir - Re•ho'both-Ir - Genesis 10:11 (h7344 + h5892) - rih-HOH-buth-ir, -both-, reh-HOH-bahth-ihr, ray-HOH-bahth-ihr'] * [ rehsh, also resh] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Rehsh - Psalm 119:153 (verse heading) - RAYSH] * [ Remaliah - Rem•a•li'ah - Isaiah 7:1 (h7425) - rem'uh-LI -uh] * [ remembrancer] * [ (memorial, reminder in some Bibles) - remembrancer - Leviticus 24:7 (h234) - rih-MEM-bruhn(t)-suhr] * [ remnant - — - Isaiah 10:21 (h7605); Romans 9:27 (g2640); Revelation 12:17 Da, KJ (g3062) - REM-nuhnt, not REM-uh-nuh(n)t] * [ Renaissance*; renaissance* - — - w95 3/1 23; ip-1 187 - ren'uh-SAHN(T)S, -ZAHN(T)S (also several other variations)] * [ Rephaim - Reph'a•im - Isaiah 17:5 (h7497) - REF-ay-im] * [ Rephidim - Reph'i•dim - Exodus 17:1 (h7508) - REF-ih-dim] * [ reprobate - ("anyone contemptible" and "disapproved" in NW) - Psalm 15:4 AS (h3988); 1 Timothy 3:8 AS, KJ (g96) - REP-ruh-bayt'] * [ repudiate - repudiate - Titus 2:12 (g720) - rih-PYOO-dee-ayt'] * [ Reu] * [ (Ragau in some Bibles) - Re'u - Genesis 11:18 (h7466) - REE-yoo, REE-oo] * [ Reuben; Reubenite - Reu'ben; Reu'ben•ites - Numbers 26:5, 7 (h7205; h7206) - ROO-bin; ROO-bin-i t(s)(')] * [ Reuel - Reu'el - Exodus 2:18 (h7467) - ROO-uhl, ROO-el] * [ Reumah - Reu'mah - Genesis 22:24 (h7208) - ROO-muh, ROO-mah] * [ Revelation - Revelation (Bible book) - Revelation 1:1 (g602) - rev'uh-LAY-shuhn, not pl.] * [ Rezin - Re'zin - 2 Kings 15:37 (h7526) - REE-zin] * [ Rhegium - Rhe'gi•um - Acts 28:13 (g4484) - REE-gee-ihm (hard "g"), REE-jee-uhm] * [ Rheims* - — - g79 10/8 13 - REEMZ] * [ Rhoda - Rhoda, it Rho'da - Acts 12:13 (g4498) - ROH-duh, ROH-dah] * [ Rhodes - Rhodes - Acts 21:1 (g4499) - ROHDZ] * [ Riblah - Rib'lah - 2 Kings 25:6 (h7247) - RIB-luh] * [ ridicule - ridicule - Luke 14:29 (g1702) - RIH-duh-kyoo(uh)l'] * [ righteous - righteous - Malachi 3:18 (h6662) - RI -chuhs] * [ Rizpah - Riz'pah - 2 Samuel 3:7 (h7532) - RIZ-pah, -puh] * [ Rodanim] * [ (Dodanim, Rhodes in some Bibles) - Ro'da•nim - 1 Chronicles 1:7 (h1721) - ROH-duh-nim] * [ Rogel (see En-rogel) - — - it "En-rogel" - ROH-gehl] * [ Roman; Romans - Roman; Romans (Bible book) - Acts 22:25 (g4514) - ROH-muhn; ROH-muhnz] * [ Rome - Rome - Romans 1:7 (g4516) - ROHM] * [ Rosetta (Stone)* - — - it "Archaeology" - roh-ZET-uh] * [ Rosh - Rosh - Genesis 46:21 (h7220) - ROSH, RAWSH] * [ Rosh Hashanah* - — - it "Calendar" - rahsh'(h)uh-SHAH-nuh, rosh'-, rohsh'-] * [ ruach*] * [ (breath, spirit, wind in some Bibles) - (Heb. ru'ach) - Genesis 1:2 "active force" ftn. (h7307) - ROO-akh (listen)] * [ Rufus - Ru'fus - Mark 15:21 (g4504) - ROO-fuhs] * [ Ruhamah] * [ (compare Lo-ruhamah) - ("O woman shown mercy!" in NW) - Hosea 2:1 KJ (h7355); w76 3/1 157 - roo-HAY-muh] * [ ruinous] * [ (destroying, destructive, ruined in some Bibles) - ruinous - Jeremiah 51:25 (h4889) - ROO-uh-nuhs, not ROO-nee-uhs] * [ ruinously - ruinously - Deuteronomy 4:18 (h7843) - ROO-uh-nuhs-lee, not ROO-nee-uhs-lee] * [ Rumah - Ru'mah - 2 Kings 23:36 (h7316) - ROO-mah, -muh] * [ Ruth - Ruth (Bible book) - Ruth 1:4 (h7327) - ROOTH] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce S words in the Bible:
[ Sabaoth] * [ (Almighty, Armies / armies, Hosts / hosts, sabaoth in many Bibles) - ("armies" in NW) - James 5:4 AS, DRB, KJ, Yg (g4519) - sa-BAY-oth, also SAB-ay-oth] * [ sabbath - sabbath - Exodus 16:23 (h7676) - SAB-uhth] * [ Sabeans - Sa•be'ans - Job 1:15 (h7614) - suh-BEE-uhnz, sa-BEE-uhnz] * [ sacerdotal* - — - w94 2/1 11 - sas'uhr-DOH-tuhl, sak'uhr-] * [ sacrilege] * [ (plunder their temples, rob temples, robbing temples in some Bibles) - ("rob temples" in NW) - Romans 2:22 KJ (g2416); w02 6/15 19; - SAK-ruh-lij] * [ sacristan* - — - w96 10/15 27 - SAK-ruh-stuhn] * [ sacristy* - — - g79 4/22 29 - SAK-rih-stee] * [ Sadducees - Sadducees, it Sad'du•cees - Matthew 16:6 (g4523) - SAD-joo-seez, SAD-dyoo-seez] * [ saffron - saffron - Song of Solomon 4:14 (h3750) - SAF-ruhn] * [ Sakkuth - Sak'kuth - Amos 5:26 (h5522) - SAK-uhth] * [ Salamis - Sal'a•mis - Acts 13:5 (g4529) - SAL-uh-mis] * [ saliva] * [ (spit, spittle in some Bibles) - saliva - 1 Samuel 21:13 - suh-LI -vuh, not suh-LAH-vuh] * [ Salmon - Sal'mon - Ruth 4:20 (h8009) - SAL-muhn] * [ Salome - Sa•lo'me - Mark 15:40 (g4539) - suh-LOH-mee] * [ Samaria - Sa•mar'i•a - Ezra 4:10 (h8115) - suh-MAIR-ee-uh] * [ Samaritan - Sa•mar'i•tan - Luke 10:33 (g4541) - suh-MAIR-uh-tuhn] * [ samekh, also samech] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Sa'mekh - Psalm 119:12 (verse heading) - SAH-mek(') (listen), -muhkh, -mekh] * [ Samos - Sa'mos - Acts 20:15 (g4544) - SAY-mos('), mahs('), -mohs] * [ Samothrace] * [ (Samothracia in some Bibles) - Sam'o•thrace - Acts 16:11 (g4543) - SAM-uh-thrays('), SAM-oh-thrays'] * [ Samson - Samson, it Sam'son - Judges 14:1 (h8123) - SAM-suhn] * [ Samuel - Samuel (Bible books), it Sam'u•el - 1 Samuel 1:20 (h8050) - SAM-yoo-uhl] * [ Sanballat - San•bal'lat - Nehemiah 2:10 (h2772) - san-BAL-at] * [ sanctification] * [ (clean life, holiness, holy life/lives, separation in some Bibles) - sanctification - Hebrews 12:14 (g38) - sang(k)'tuh-fuh-KAY-shuhn] * [ sanctuary - sanctuary - Daniel 11:31 (h4720) - SANG(K)-chuh-wer'ee, SANGK-choo-er'ee] * [ Sanhedrin - San'he•drin - Matthew 26:59 (g4892) - SAN-heh-drihn, SAN-ih-drihn, SA-nuh-druhn some sources san-HED-rin, sahn-, san-HEE-druhn, Gr. soon-ED-ree-on (listen)] * [ Sanskrit*] * [ (also Sanscrit) - — - g82 11/22 22 - SAN-skrit('), SAN(T)-skruht] * [ Sapphira - Sap•phi'ra - Acts 5:1 (g4551) - suh-FI -ruh] * [ sapphire - sapphire - Job 28:16 (h5601); Revelation 21:19 (g4552) - SAF-i r'] * [ Saqqara*] * [ (also Sakkara) - — - it "Architecture (Early Post-Flood Construction)" - su-KAHR-uh (listen)] * [ Sarah - Sarah, it Sar'ah - Genesis 17:15 (h8283) - SER-uh, SAR-uh, SER-ah, (also SAY-ruh)] * [ Sarai - Sar'ai - Genesis 11:29 (h8297) - SAIR-i, SER-i, (also SAR-ay-i)] * [ sarcophagus*] * [ (pl. sarcophagi) - ("bier" in NW) - Deuteronomy 3:11 ftn. (h6210) - sahr-KAH-fuh-guhs, -KOF-uh- pl. sahr-KAH-fuh-gi, -ji] * [ Sardis - Sar'dis - Revelation 1:11 (g4554) - SAHR-dis] * [ sardonyx - sar'do•nyx - Revelation 21:20 (g4557) - sahr-DAHN-iks, SAHR-duhn-iks] * [ Sarepta - ("Zarephath" in NW) - Luke 4:26 Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g4558) - suh-REP-tuh] * [ Sargon - Sar'gon - Isaiah 20:1 (h5623) - SAHR-gon] * [ satiate (verb) - ("saturate" in NW) - Jeremiah 31:14 AS, Da, KJ (h7301) - SAY-shee-ayt] * [ satrap] * [ (captains, lieutenants, lords in some Bibles) - satraps - Ezra 8:36 (h323) - SAY-trap('), SA-trap', SA-truhp] * [ satrapy* - — - it "Persia, Persians" - SAY-truh-pee, SA-truh-pee, -tra'-] * [ satyr - ("goat-shaped demon" in NW) - Isaiah 34:14 KJ (h8163) - SAY-tuhr, chiefly British SA-tuhr] * [ Saul - Saul - 1 Samuel 9:2 (h7586); Acts 13:9 (g4569) - SAWL] * [ scall] * [ (scurf in some KJ versions; itch, scab, scabs, scaldhead in some Bibles) - ("abnormal falling off of hair" in NW) - Leviticus 14:54 KJ (h5424) - SKAWL] * [ scepter] * [ (rod, sceptre in some Bibles) - scepter - Genesis 49:10; Psalm 2:9 (h7626) - SEP-tuhr, not SCEP-] * [ Sceva - Sce'va - Acts 19:14 (g4630) - SEE-vuh] * [ schism] * [ (disharmony, disunion, divided, division in some Bibles) - ("division" in NW) - 1 Corinthians 12:25 KJ (g4978) - SIZ-uhm, SKIZ-uhm, also SHIZ-uhm] * [ scourge - scourge - Psalms 106:29 (h4046); Acts 22:25 (g3147) - SKUHRJ, SKOHRJ, SKAWRJ, SKURJ] * [ scurf] * [ (scall in some KJ versions; itch, scab, scabs, scaldhead, scall in some Bibles) - ("abnormal falling off of hair" in NW) - Leviticus 14:54 KJ (h5424) - SKUHRF] * [ scurvy - ("scabby" or "scabbiness" in NW) - Leviticus 21:20; 22:22 KJ (h1618)) - SKUHR-vee] * [ scythe - scythes - Judges 4:3 (h1270) - SI TH (listen), sometimes SI, not SITH, not SKI TH] * [ Scythian - Scyth'i•an - Colossians 3:11 (g4658) - SITH-ee-uhn, SITH-ee-uhn] * [ Scythopolis* - — - it "Decapolis" - sith-OP-uh-lis] * [ seah - seah, it se'ah - Genesis 18:6 (h5429) - SEE-uh] * [ Seba - Se'ba - Psalm 72:10 - SEE-buh] * [ Seir - Se'ir - Genesis 32:3 (h8165) - SEE-uhr] * [ Sela or Selah] * [ (Petra in some Bibles) - Se'la - Isaiah 16:2 (h5552) - SEE-luh] * [ Selah] * [ ("pause") - Se'lah - Psalm 3:2 (verse ending) (h5542) - SEE-luh, -lah'] * [ Sela-hammahlekoth] * [ (Selahammahlekoth, Separation Hill, Slippery Rock, The Rock of Division[s] in some Bibles) - ("Crag of the Divisions" in NW) - 1 Samuel 23:28 AS, KJ (h5555) - see'luh-huh-MAH-luh-koth] * [ Seleucia - Se•leu'cia - Acts 13:4 (g4581) - suh-LOO-sh(ee-)uh, suh-LOO-shee-uh] * [ Seleucid* - — - dp 162 - suh-LOO-suhd, sih-LOO-sid] * [ Seleucus Nicator* - — - dp 162 - suh-loo'kuhs NI -kay'tuhr] * [ Seljuk* - — - g78 2/8 26 - SEL-jook, sel-JOOK] * [ selvage or selvedge - — - Exodus 26:4 AS, KJ (h7098) - SEL-vij] * [ Semei - ("Semein" in NW) - Luke 3:26 Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g4584) - SEM-ee-i] * [ Semein - Sem'e•in - Luke 3:26 (g4584) - SEM-ee-uhn, SEM-ee-in] * [ Semiramis* - — - w81 1/15 30 - sih-MIR-uh-mis] * [ Semite* - — - it "Hebrew, II" - SEM-i t] * [ Semitic* - — - it "Language" - sih-MIT-ik, sih-MET-ik] * [ Semitism* - — - it "Greek (Koine used by inspired Christian writers)" - SEM-ih-tiz'uhm, Brit. SEE-mih-] * [ Seneca* - — - w95 10/1 32 - SEN-ih-kuh] * [ Sennacherib - Sen•nach'er•ib - 2 King 18:13 (h5576) - suh-NAK-uh-rib, -ruhb] * [ Sepharad - Se•phar'ad - Obadiah 20 (h5614) - suh-FAR-ad, suh-FAHR-ad (some sources SEF-uh-rad, suh-FAY-rad)] * [ Sephardi* - — - — - suh-FAHR-dee] * [ Sephardic* - — - sh 216 - suh-FAHR-dik, not shuh-] * [ Sephardim* - — - it "Ashkenaz" - suh-FAHR-duhm] * [ Sepharvaim - Seph•ar•va'im - Isaiah 36:19 (h5617) - sef'uhr-VAY-im, sef-ahr-VAY-im] * [ Sepharvites - Se'phar•vites - 2 Kings 17:31 (h5617) - SEE-fahr-vi ts, SEF-uhr-vi ts] * [ Sepphoris* - — - it "Nazareth" - SEF-uh-ris] * [ Septuagint* - — - it "Versions" - SEP-too-uh-jint', -tyoo-, SEP-choo-jint'] * [ sepulcher or sepulchre] * [ (burying[-]place, grave, monument, resting place, tomb in some Bibles) - ("burial place" in Genesis 23:6 NW; "tomb" in Acts 2:29 NW) - Genesis 23:6 KJ (h6913); Acts 2:29 KJ (g3418) - SEP-uhl-kuhr] * [ Seraiah - Se•rai'ah - Jeremiah 51:61 (h8304) - see-RI -uh, seh-RI -uh, suh-RI -uh] * [ seraph] * [ (pl. seraphim) - seraphs - Isaiah 6:2 (h8314); it "Seraphs" - SER-uf, -af; pl. SER-uh-fim, -a-] * [ Serapis* - — - it "Dream" - sih-RAH-pis, suh-RAY-puhs] * [ Sergius Paulus - Sergius Paulus, it Pau'lus - Acts 13:7 (g4588 + g3972) - SUHR-juhs, SUHR-jih-uhs PAW-luhs] * [ sergeant - ("constables" in NW) - Acts 16:35 AS, DRB, KJ (g4465) - SAHR-juhnt] * [ Serug - Se'rug - Genesis 11:20 (h8286) - SEE-ruhg] * [ Seveneh] * [ (Syene in most Bibles) - ("Syene" in NW) - Ezekiel 30:6 AS, WEB (h5482) - suh-VEN-uh] * [ Shaddai, El - (Heb. Shad•dai'; "God Almighty" in NW) - Genesis 35:11 By, JPS (h410 + h7706) - el shah-DI , also SHAD-i] * [ Shadrach - Sha'drach - Daniel 1:7 (h7714) - SHAD-rak, SHAY-drak, not SHAD-rak in NW] * [ Shakti* - — - sh 121 - SHAHK-tee] * [ Shallum - Shal'lum— - 2 Kings 15:10 (h7967) - SHAL-uhm] * [ Shalmaneser - Shal•man•e'ser - 2 Kings 17:3 (h8022) - shal'muh-NEE-zuhr, shal'muhn-EE-zuhr] * [ shalom] * [ (also shalohm') - ("peace" in NW) - Genesis 15:15 HNV (h7965); Matthew 10:13 HNV (g1515) - shah-LOHM (listen)] * [ Shalom aleichem* - — - w84 8/15 19 - shaw'luhm uh-LAY-khuhm (listen), -kuhm, shah-LOHM ah-lay-KHEM, Seph. Heb. shah-LAWM ah-le-KHEM; Ashk. Heb. SHAW-luhm ah-LAY-khem, ah-lay-KHEM, shah-LOHM] * [ shaman* - — - w94 12/15 20 - SHAH-muhn, SHAY-muhn, also shuh-MAHN] * [ Shamgar - Sham'gar - Judges 3:31 (h8044) - SHAM-gahr] * [ shanah'] * [ (Hebrew "year") - (sha•nah') - it "Year" (h8141) - shah-NAH (listen)] * [ Shaphan - Sha'phan - 2 Kings 22:3 (h8227) - SHAY-fuhn] * [ Shaphir] * [ (Saphir in some Bibles) - Sha'phir - Micah 1:11 (h8208) - SHAY-fuhr, SHAY-fihr] * [ Sharezer - Shar•e'zer - 2 Kings 19:37 (h8272) - shuh-REE-zuhr, shar-EE-zuhr] * [ Sharia* or Shariah* - — - g79 7/8 7 - shah-REE-uh] * [ Sharon - Shar'on - Isaiah 33:9 (h8289); Acts 9:35 (g4565) - SHAIR-uhn, SHER-uhn] * [ Shaveh-kiriathaim - Sha'veh-kir•i•a•tha'im - Genesis 14:5 (h7741) - SHAY-vuh-kihr-ee-uh-THAY-im] * [ Shealtiel - She•al'tiel - Ezra 5:2 (h7598); Matthew 1:12 (g4528) - shee-AL-tee-uhl, shee-AL-tee-el] * [ Shear-jashub - She'ar-ja'shub - Isaiah 7:3 (h7610) - SHEE-uhr-JAY-shuhb, SHEE-ahr-] * [ Shebat] * [ (Sabat, Sabath, Sebat in some Bibles) - She'bat - Zechariah 1:7 (h7627) - SHEE-bat] * [ Shebna - Sheb'na - Isaiah 22:15 (h7644) - SHEB-nuh] * [ Shechem - She'chem - Genesis 33:18 (h7927) - SHEE-kuhm, SHEE-kem'] * [ sheik] * [ (chiefly Brit. sheikh) - sheik - Genesis 36:15 (h4441) - SHEEK, chiefly Brit. SHAYK] * [ shekel - shekel, it shek'el - Exodus 30:13 (h8255) - SHEK-uhl, not SHEE-kuhl] * [ Shekinah*] * [ (also Shechinah, Shekhinah) - — - w81 5/1 19 - shuh-KI -nuh, -KEE-] * [ Shelah] * [ (Sala, Salah in some Bibles) - She'lah - Genesis 10:24 (h7974) - She'lah] * [ Shema] * [ (person) - She'ma - 1 Chronicles 5:8 (h8087) - SHEE-muh, SHEE-mah] * [ Shema*] * [ (Jewish liturgical prayer) - — - (See h8085); it "Synagogue" - shuh-MAH (listen), SHMAH] * [ Sheminith - Shem'i•nith - 1 Chronicles 15:21 (h8067) - SHEM-uh-nith] * [ Sheol] * [ (grave, hell, place/world of the dead in some Bibles) - She'ol - Ecclesiastes 9:10 (h7585) - SHEE-ohl (listen), SHEE-awl] * [ Shephelah] * [ (low country, lowland[s], plain, vale in some Bibles) - She•phe'lah - Deuteronomy 1:7 (h8219) - shih-FEE-luh, shuh-FEE-luh] * [ shepherd - shepherd - Exodus 3:1 (h7462) - SHEP-uhrd] * [ Sheshach - She'shach - Jeremiah 25:26 (h8347) - SHEE-shak] * [ Sheshai - She'shai - Judges 1:10 (h8344) - SHEE-shi] * [ Sheshbazzar - Shesh•baz'zar - Ezra 5:16 (h8340) - shesh(')-BAZ-uhr, shesh-BAZ-ahr] * [ Sheshonk (I)*] * [ (Shishak) - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - SHE-shongk] * [ Shethar-bozenai] * [ (Shetharboznai, Shethar-Bozenai, Shethar-boznai, Shethar Bozenai, Stharbuzanai in some Bibles) - She'thar-boz'e•nai - Ezra 5:3 (h8370) - shee'thahr-BOZ-uh-ni] * [ shew] * [ (variant of show) - ("show" in NW) - Genesis 12:1 Da, DRB, KJ (some versions), Yg (h7200) - SHOH, not SHOO] * [ shewbread] * [ (bread of the presence, bread to be set in rows, setting forth of loaves, showbread, show(-)bread in some Bibles) - ("layer bread"; "display of the loaves" in NW) - Nehemiah 10:33 KJ (h3899 + h4635); Hebrews 9:2 (g4286 + g740) - SHOH-bred', not SHOO-bred] * [ Shibboleth] * [ (compare Sibboleth) - Shib'bo•leth - Judges 12:6 (h7641) - SHIB-uh-lith, -leth', -luhth, SHIB-oh-leth] * [ Shiggaion - ("dirge" in NW) - Psalm 7 superscription Da, KJ (h7692) - shuh-GAY-on] * [ Shiloah - Shi•lo'ah - Isaiah 8:6 (7975) - shi -LOH-ah, -LOH-uh] * [ Shiloh - Shi'loh - Genesis 49:10 (h7886) - SHI -loh] * [ Shimei - Shim'e•i - 2 Samuel 16:5 (h8096) - SHIM-ee-i] * [ Shimshai - Shim'shai - Ezra 4:8 (h8124) - SHIM-shi] * [ shin] * [ (Hebrew letter, see also sin) - Shin - Psalm 119:161 (verse heading) - SHIN, SHEEN] * [ Shinar - Shi'nar - Genesis 10:10 (h8152) - SHI -nahr] * [ Shiphrah - Shiph'rah - Exodus 1:15 (h8236) - SHIF-rah, -ruh] * [ Shishak] * [ (Sheshonk) - Shi'shak - 1 Kings 14:25 (h7895) - SHI -shak, not SHIH-shak] * [ shittah (acacia tree)] * [ (plural shittim) - ("acacia" in NW) - Isaiah 41:19 KJ (h7848) - SHIH-tuh, SHIT-uh] * [ Shittim (location); shittim (acacia trees) - Shit'tim (location); "acacia" (tree) in NW - (location) Joshua 3:1 (7851); (tree) Deuteronomy 10:3 KJ (h7848) - SHIH-tim] * [ Shiva*] * [ (See Siva) - — - — - (See Siva)] * [ Shofar or Shophar - ("horn" in NW) - Judges 6:34 HNV (h7782) - SHOH-fahr, Heb. sho-FAR (h7782) (listen or listen)] * [ Shoham (person) - Sho'ham - 1 Chronicles 24:27 (h7719) - SHOH-ham] * [ shoham (stone)] * [ (onyx in most Bibles) - (onyx in NW) - Exodus 28:9 HNV, Yg (h7718) - SHOH-ham] * [ Shoshannim] * [ (Concerning the Lilies, Lilies, On the Lilies in some Bibles) - ("The Lilies" in NW) - Psalm 69 superscription Da, KJ (h7799) - shoh-SHAN-im] * [ Shoshannim Eduth] * [ (also spelled Shoshannim-Eduth, -eduth, Shoshannimeduth) - ("The Lilies. A Reminder" in NW) - Psalm 80 superscription or 80:1 Da, KJ (h7802) - shoh-shan'im-EE-duhth] * [ Shuhite - Shu'hite - Job 2:11 (h7747) - SHOO-hi t] * [ Shulammite - Shu'lam•mite - The Song of Solomon 6:13 (h7759) - SHOO-luh-mi t, SHOO-lah-mi t] * [ Shunem - Shu'nem - 2 Kings 4:8 (h7766) - SHOO-nuhm] * [ Shur - Shur - Genesis 16:7 (h7793) - SHOOR, SHUHR] * [ Shushan - Shu'shan - Esther 1:2 (h7800) - SHOO-shan] * [ Shushan-eduth] * [ (Lily of the Covenant / Promise, Concerning / On the Lily of Testimony in some Bibles) - ("The Lily of Reminder" in NW - Psalm 60 superscription KJ (h7802) - shoo'shan-EE-duhth] * [ Sibboleth] * [ (compare Shibboleth) - Sib'bo•leth - Judges 12:6 (h5451) - SIB-uh-lith, -leth', SIB-oh-leth] * [ Sibylline* - — - g80 7/22 17 - SIB-uh-leen] * [ Sicarii or sicarii] * [ (armed terrorists, Assassins, cut-throats, murderers, terrorists, thugs in some Bibles) - ("dagger men" in NW) - Acts 21:38 Sd (g4607) - sih-KAHR-ee-i] * [ Siddhartha Gautama* - — - g00 7/8 15 - sih-DAHR-tuh GAU-tuh-muh] * [ siege] * [ (attack, besiege, blockade in some Bibles) - siege - Ezekiel 4:2 (h4692) - SEEJ, also SEEZH] * [ Sikh* - — - g87 12/22 19 - SEEK] * [ Sikhism* - — - sh 120 - SEE-kih'zuhm] * [ Siloam - Si•lo'am - Luke 13:4 (g4611) - si -LOH-uhm, suh-LOH-uhm] * [ Silvanus - Sil•va'nus - 1 Thessalonians 1:1 (g2331) - sil-VAY-nuhs] * [ Simeon - Sim'e•on - Genesis 29:33 (h8095) - SIM-ee-uhn] * [ similar] * [ (likeness, looked like, similitude in some Bibles) - similar - Daniel 10:16 (h1823) - SIM-uh-luhr, SIM-luhr, not SIM-yoo-luhr] * [ simile] * [ (compare metaphor) - ("proverbial saying" in NW) - Psalm 44:14 Yg (h4912) - SIM-uh-lee] * [ similitude - ("likeness" in NW) - Daniel 10:16 KJ (h1823); James 3:9 KJ (g3669) (other places h8403, h8544, g3665, g3667 in KJ) - suh-MIL-uh-tood, -tyood] * [ Simon - Simon, it Si'mon - Matthew 4:18 (g4613) - SI -muhn] * [ sin] * [ (Hebrew letter, see also shin) - Sin - Psalm 119:161 (verse heading) - SIN, SEEN] * [ Sinai] * [ (aka Horeb) - Si'nai - Exodus 19:1 (h5514) - SI -ni (also -nee-i ')] * [ Sinaitic* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - si 'nee-IT-ik, not -AT-ik] * [ Sinaiticus* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - si 'nee-IT-uh-kuhs, not -AT-uh-kuhs] * [ sinew - sinew - Isaiah 48:4 (h1517) - SIN-yoo('), also SIH-noo(')] * [ Sirach* - — - it "Apocrapha" - SI -ruhk, -rak, also suh-RAHK] * [ Sisera - Sis'e•ra - Judges 4:2 (h5516) - SIS-uh-ruh] * [ sistrum] * [ (castanets, cornets, rattles, sistra in some Bibles) - sistrums - 2 Samuel 6:5 (h4517) - SIS-truhm, -troom, pl. SIS-trums] * [ Siva*] * [ (also Shiva) - — - sh 97 - SIH-vuh, SHIH-vuh, SEE-vuh, SHEE-vuh] * [ skepticism* - — - w95 4/15 5 - SKEP-tuh-sih'zuhm] * [ sledge - sledge - Isaiah 41:15 (h4173) - SLEJ] * [ Smerdis* - — - w86 1/15 7 - SMUHR-dis, SMAIR-dis] * [ Smyrna] * [ (aka Izmir) - Smyr'na - Revelation 1:11 (g4667) - SMUHR-nuh, SMUHR-nah] * [ Socinian* - — - g88 11/22 20 - suh-SIN-ee-uhn, soh-] * [ Sodi - So'di - Numbers 13:10 (h5476) - SOH-di] * [ Sodom - Sod'om - Genesis 13:10 (h5467) - SOD-uhm] * [ sojourn - ("to reside" and "alien residents" in NW) - Genesis 12:10 AS, DRB, KJ, Yg (h1481); Acts 7:6 AS, KJ (g3941) - SOH-juhrn, soh-JUHRN] * [ Sol* - — - w90 1/15 7 - SAHL] * [ soldering - soldering - Isaiah 41:7 (h1694) - SAH-d(uh-)ring, SAW-; Brit. also SAHL-, SOHL-] * [ solecism* - — - w63 8/1 462 - SAH-luh-sih'zuhm, SOH-] * [ Solomon - Sol'o•mon - The Song of Solomon 1:1 (h8010) - SOL-uh-muhn] * [ Sopater - Sop'a•ter - Acts 20:4 (g4986) - SOP-uh-tuhr] * [ Sopherim* - — - it "Scribe" - SOF-uh-rim] * [ Sophist* - — - it "Judas 2" - SAH-fist] * [ sophistic* - — - — - sah-FIS-tik] * [ sophistry* - — - g91 9/8 9 - SAH-fuh-stree] * [ sorcerer; sorcery] * [ (witch; witchcraft in some Bibles) - sorcerer; sorcery - Deuteronomy 18:10 (h3784); 2 Chronicles 33:6 (h3784) - SAWR-suh-ruhr, SAWRS-ruhr; SAWR-suh-ree, SAWRS-ree] * [ Sosipater - So•sip'a•ter - Romans 16:21 (g4989) - soh'SIP-uh-tuhr] * [ Sosthenes - Sos'the•nes - Acts 18:17 (g4988) - SOS-thuh-neez] * [ sottish] * [ (foolish, stupid in some Bibles) - ("unwise" in NW) - Jeremiah 4:22 AS, Da, KJ - SAH-tish] * [ sovereignty - ("kingdom" in NW) - Daniel 2:44 AS, Da, HNV, WEB (h4437) - SAH-vuh-ruhn-tee, SAH-vruhn-tee, -vuhrn-tee, SUH-, SOV-rin-tee, SUV-] * [ Sparta* - — - g99 8/8 25 - SPAHR-tuh] * [ specious* - — - w01 11/1 4 - SPEE-shuhs] * [ sphere; spherical* - ("boundary" in NW) - "sphere" 2 Corinthians 10:13 ALT, EMTV, We (g2583) - SFIHR; SFIHR-ih-kuhl, SFER-] * [ sphinx*] * [ (pl. sphinxes or sphinges) - — - it "Memphis" - SFING(K)S (listen), pl. SFIN-jees (listen)] * [ spikenard] * [ (also nard) - spikenard - Song of Solomon 4:13 (h5373) - SPI K-nahrd(') (listen), -nuhrd] * [ spurious* - — - w97 6/15 6 - SPYUR-ee-uhs] * [ Stachys - Sta'chys - Romans 16:9 (g4720) - STAY-kis, STAY-kuhs] * [ stacte - stacte - Exodus 30:34 (h5198) - STAK-tee] * [ stela*] * [ (pl. stelae) - — - g90 5/8 15, 17 - STEE-luh; pl. STEE-lee, STEE(UH)L] * [ stele*] * [ (pl. stelai or steles) - — - it "Canaan (picture, page 403)" - STEE-lee, STEEL (listen); pl. STE-li or STE-leez, STEELZ] * [ Stephanas - Steph'a•nas - 1 Corinthians 1:16 (g4734) - STEF-uh-nuhs] * [ Stephanus*] * [ (aka Estienne) - — - w95 4/15 10 - STEF-uh-nuhs] * [ Stephen - Stephen, it Ste'phen - Acts 6:5 (g4736) - STE-vuhn] * [ Stoic - Sto'ic - Acts 17:18 (g4770) - STOH-ik] * [ Stoicism* - — - w96 9/1 17 - STOH-ih-siz'uhm] * [ stomacher] * [ (beautiful robe, expensive clothes, rich robe, robe in some Bibles) - ("rich garment" in NW) - Jeremiah 3:23 KJ, Yg (h6614) - STUH-mih-kuhr, -chuhr] * [ storax - storax - Genesis 30:37 (h3839) - STOR-aks, STOHR-] * [ Strabo* - — - it "Chronology" - STRAY-boh(')] * [ strophe* - — - ip-1 134 - STROH-fee(')] * [ suborn] * [ (privately put forward, secretly bribed, secretly induced, secretly instigated in some Bibles) - ("secretly induced" in NW) - Acts 6:11 "suborned" in AS, Da, DRB (g5260) - suh-BORN] * [ subterfuge - subterfuge - Judges 9:31 (h8649) - SUHB-tuhr-fyooj'] * [ Succoth - Suc'coth - Genesis 33:17 (h5523) - SUK-oth, SUHK-uhth, SUHK-ahth'] * [ Sudan] * [ (Ethiopia in most Bibles) - ("Ethiopia" in NW) - Ezekiel 29:10 GW (h3568) - SOO-dan, soo-DAN, -DAHN] * [ Suetonius* - — - g95 6/22 8 - swih-TOH-nee-uhs, swee-] * [ Sumer* - — - it "Babylon" - SOO-muhr] * [ Sumeria* - — - sh 207 - soo-MEER-ee-uh, -MER-, -MIR-] * [ Sumerian* - — - it "Ur" - soo-MEER-ee-uhn, -MER-, -MIR-] * [ sumptuous] * [ (gaudy, goodly, splendid, splendor in some Bibles) - ("gorgeous" in NW) - Revelation 18:14 AS, HNV, WEB (g2986) - SUHM(P)(T)-shuh-wuhs, -shuhs] * [ superciliousness - superciliousness - Psalm 10:4 (h1363 + h639), ftn. lit. "according to the height of his nose" - SOO-puhr-SIH-lee-uhs-nes, -SIL-yuhs-nes] * [ superfluity - ("superfluous" in NW) - James 1:21 KJ (h4050 - soo'puhr-FLOO-uh-tee] * [ superfluous - superfluous - James 1:21 (h4050) - su-PUHR-floo-uhs, not su-PUHR-fil-uhs] * [ surfeit] * [ (satiated, tired, weary in some Bibles) - ("sufficiency" in NW) - Proverbs 25:17 JPS (h7646) - SUHR-fuht] * [ Susa - Su'sa - Ezra 4:9 (h7801) - SOO-suh] * [ Susanna - Su•san'na - Luke 8:3 (g4677) - soo-ZAN-uh] * [ suzerain* - — - it "Kingdom" - SOO-zuh-ruhn] * [ suzerainty* - — - dp 149 - SOO-zuh-ruhn-tee] * [ sword - sword - Genesis 3:24 (h2719) - SORD, SOHRD, sounds like "soared"] * [ sycamine] * [ (mulberry, sycamore in some Bibles) - ("black mulberry" in NW) - Luke 17:6 AS, KJ, LITV (g4807) - SIK-uh-meen, -mi n', -muhn] * [ sycamore] * [ (also sycomore) - sycamore - 1 Kings 10:27 (h8256) - SIH-kuh-mohr', -mawr'] * [ Sychar - Sy'char - John 4:5 (g4965) - SI -kahr] * [ Syene] * [ (Aswan, Seveneh in some Bibles) - Sy•e'ne - Ezekiel 29:10 (h5482) - si -EE-nee] * [ Symeon] * [ (Simon, Simeon in some Bibles) - Sym'e•on - Acts 15:14 (g4826) - SIM-ee-uhn] * [ Symmachus* - — - it "Versions" - SIM-uh-kuhs] * [ synagogue - synagogue - Matthew 12:9 (g4864) - SIN-uh-gog] * [ synchronism* - — - it "Kings, Books of" - SIN(G)-kruh-nih'zuhm] * [ syncretic* - — - w78 1/15 27 - sin(g)-KREH-tik] * [ syncretism* - — - w99 3/15 25 - SIN(G)-krih-tiz'uhm, SIN-kruh-] * [ syncretistic* - — - it "Memorial Tomb" - sin'kruh-TIS-tik] * [ synecdoche* - — - Deuteronomy 16:5 ftn. - sin-EK-duh-kee (listen)] * [ synod* - — - w97 10/1 12 - SIN-uhd, SIN-ahd'] * [ synodal* - — - w97 10/1 12 - SIN-uh-duhl, SI-nah'-, suh-NAH-duhl] * [ synoptic* - — - it "Christian Greek Scriptures" - sin-OP-tik, suh-NAHP-tik] * [ Syntyche - Syn'ty•che - Philippians 4:2 (g4941) - SIN-tih-kee] * [ Syracuse - Syracuse, it Syr'a•cuse - Acts 28:12 (g4946) - SIHR-uh-kyooz, -kyoos] * [ Syria - Syria - Judges 10:6 (h758) - SIHR-ee-uh] * [ Syriac] * [ (Aramaean, Aramaic, Syrian in some Bibles) - ("Aramaic" in NW) - Daniel 2:4 DRB, KJ - SIHR-ee-ak'] * [ Syrophoenician] * [ (Syrophenician, Syro-phoenician in some Bibles) - Sy•ro•phoe•ni'cian - Mark 7:26 (g4949) - si 'roh-fih-NISH-uhn, si 'roh-fih-NEE-shuhn, not sihr-oh-] * [ Syrtis] * [ (quicksands, sandbank[s], sand bars in some Bibles) - Syr'tis - Acts 27:17 (g4950) - SUHR-tuhs, SIHR-tuhs] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce T words in the Bible:
[ Tabeel] * [ Tabeal (in some Bibles) - Tab'e•el - Ezra 4:7 (h2870) - TAB-ee-uhl, TAB-ee-el] * [ Taberah - Tab'e•rah - Numbers 11:3 (h8404) - TAB-uh-ruh, TAB-uh-rah] * [ tabernacle] * [ (as verb, dwell, live in some Bibles; as noun, tent in some Bibles) - tabernacle - Exodus 25:8, 9 (verb h7931; noun h4908) - TAB-uhr-nak'uhl] * [ Tabitha] * [ (aka Dorcas) - Tab'i•tha - Acts 9:36 (g5000) - TAB-ih-thuh] * [ Tabor - Ta'bor - Judges 4:6 (h8396) - TAY-buhr, TAY-bor'] * [ tabret] * [ (tambourine, timbrel in some Bibles) - ("tambourine" in NW) - Isaiah 5:12 AS, KJ, Yg (h8596) - TAB-rit] * [ Tacitus* - — - it "Caesar" - TAS-uh-tuhs] * [ Taharqa*] * [ (see Tirhakah) - — - it "Tirhakah" - tuh-HAHR-kuh] * [ Tahpanes or Tahpanhes] * [ (see also Tehaphnehes) - Tah'pan•hes; Tah'pan•es - Jeremiah 2:16; 43:8 (h8471) - TAH-puh-neez; TAH-puhn-heez] * [ talion* - — - it "Crime and Punishment" - TAL-ee-uhn] * [ talitha cumi - Tal'i•tha cu'mi - Mark 5:41 (g5008 + g2891) - tal'uh-thuh K(Y)OO-mi , tal'ih-thuh-KOO-mee] * [ Talmai - Tal'mai - Joshua 15:14 (h8526) - TAL-mi] * [ Talmud* - — - sh 221 - TAL-mud] * [ Tamar - Ta'mar - Genesis 38:6 (h8559) - TAY-mahr] * [ tamarisk] * [ (field, grove, holy tree in some Bibles) - tamarisk - Genesis 21:33 (h815) - TAM-uh-risk] * [ Tammuz - Tam'muz - Ezekiel 8:14 (h8542) - TAM-uhz, TAH-muz', TAM-mooz] * [ Tanakh*] * [ (sometimes Tanach) - — - sh 220 - TAH-nahk, tah-NAHK, tah-NAHKH] * [ tantamount* - — - w99 6/1 20 - TAN-tuh-mount (listen), not -mahnt] * [ Tao* - — - sh 163 - DOU, TOU] * [ Taoism* - — - sh 163 - DOU-ih'zuhm] * [ Tao Te Ching* - — - sh 166 - dou deh JING] * [ Tappuah - Tap'pu•ah - Joshua 16:8 (h8599) - TAP-yoo-uh, TAP-oo-uh] * [ Targum* - — - it "Versions" - TAHR-guhm] * [ Tarshish] * [ (Tharshish, Tharsis in some Bibles) - Tar'shish - 1 Kings 10:22 (h8659) - TAHR-shish] * [ Tarsus - Tarsus, it Tar'sus - Acts 9:11 (g5018 - TAHR-suhs] * [ Tartan - Tar'tan - 2 Kings 18:17 (h8661) - TAHR-tan] * [ Tartarus] * [ (hell in some Bibles) - Tar'ta•rus - 2 Peter 2:4 (g5020) - TAHR-tuh-ruhs] * [ Tatian* - — - it "Versions" - TAY-shuhn] * [ Taurus* - — - dp 226 - TAWR-uhs] * [ taw] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Taw - Psalm 119:169 (verse heading) - TAHF, TAWF, TAHV, TAWV] * [ Taxila* - — - dp 159 - TAK-suh-luh, TAK-sil-uh] * [ Tebeth - Te'beth - Esther 2:16 (h2887) - TEE-beth] * [ Te Deum* - — - w64 2/15 106 - tay'DAY-uhm, tee'DEE-uhm] * [ Tehaphnehes] * [ (also Tahpanes) - Te•haph'ne•hes - Ezekiel 30:18 (h8471) - tee-HAF-nih-heez, tuh-HAF-nuh-heez, tee-HAF-nee-eez] * [ tehth, also teth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Tehth - Psalm 119:65 (verse heading) - TAYT, TAYTH, TET (listen), TETH] * [ teil (tree)] * [ (terebinth, turpentine tree in some Bibles) - ("big tree" in NW) - Isaiah 6:13 KJ (h424) - TEEL] * [ Tekoa, also Tekoah - Te•ko'a - Amos 1:1 (h8620) - tuh-KOH-uh, tee-] * [ Temanite - Te'man•ite - Job 2:11 (h8489) - TEE-muh-ni t, TEM-uh-ni t] * [ Terah - Te'rah - Genesis 11:24 (h8646); Luke 3:34 (g2291) - TEER-uh (some sources TER-uh, TEE-rah')] * [ teraphim] * [ (household gods/idols, images in some Bibles) - teraphim - Genesis 31:19 (h8655) - TER-uh-fim] * [ terebinth - ("big tree" in NW) - Isaiah 6:13 AS, Da, LITV (h424) - TER-uh-binth] * [ Tertius - Ter'tius - Romans 16:22 (g5060) - TUHR-shuhs, also TUHR-shee-uhs] * [ Tertullian* - — - it "Canon" - tuhr'TUHL-ee-uhn] * [ Tertullus - Ter•tul'lus - Acts 24:1 (g5061) - tuhr-TUHL-uhs] * [ Tetragrammaton* - — - Genesis 2:4 ftn. - tet'ruh-GRAM-uh-ton (listen)] * [ tetrarch] * [ (king, regional ruler, ruler, ruler of the quadrant, Tetrarch, Tetrarche in some Bibles) - ("district ruler" in NW) - Matthew 14:1 KJ (g5076) - TET-rahrk] * [ Teutonic* - — - it "Ashkenaz" - too-TAH-nik (listen)] * [ Textus Receptus* - — - w95 4/15 11 - tek'stuhs-rih-SEP-tuhs, teks'tuhs-] * [ Thaddaeus] * [ (also Thaddeus) - Thad•dae'us - Matthew 10:3 (g2280) - tha-DEE-uhs] * [ Thapsus* - — - w64 3/15 184 - THAP-suhs] * [ Thebes] * [ (aka No) - — - it "No, No-amon" - THEEBZ] * [ Thebez - The'bez - Judges 9:54 (h8405) - THEE-behz, THEE-biz] * [ thee - ("you" in NW) - Luke 23:43 KJ (g4671) - THEE] * [ Themistocles* - — - it "Persia, Persians"; dp 197 - thuh-MIS-tuh-kleez(')] * [ theocracy* - — - it "Israel 2" - thee-OK-ruh-see] * [ theocratic* - — - it "Ecclesiastes" - thee'uh-KRAT-ik] * [ theodicy* - — - g87 10/8 4 - thee-OD-uh-see] * [ Theodotion* - — - it "Versions" - thee'uh-DOH-shuhn] * [ Theodotus* - — - it "Greece, Greeks (Hellenists)" - thee-AH-duh-tuhs] * [ theogony* - — - sh 42 - thee-AH-guh-nee] * [ theological* - — - w97 5/1 4 - thee'uh-LOJ-ih-kuhl] * [ theology* - — - it "Greece, Greeks" - thee-OL-uh-jee] * [ theophanic*; theophany* - — - — - thee'uh-FA-nik; thee-AH-fuh-nee] * [ Theophilus - The•oph'i•lus - Luke 1:3 (g2321) - thee-OF-uh-luhs] * [ Theophrastus* - — - g97 4/8 5 - thee'uh-FRAS-tuhs] * [ Thermopylae* - — - dp 213 - thur'MAH-puh-lee', thuhr-MOP-uh-lee'] * [ Thessalonians - Thes•sa•lo'ni•ans (Bible books) - Acts 20:4 (g2331) - thes'uh-LOH-nee-uhnz] * [ Thessalonica - Thes•sa•lo•ni'ca - Acts 17:1 (g2332) - thes'uh-luh-NI -kuh, thes'uh-loh-NI -kah] * [ Theudas - Theu'das - Acts 5:36 (g2333) - THOO-duhs, THYOO-duhs] * [ thine] * [ (yours in some Bibles) - — - John 17:6 AS, KJ (g4674) - THI N] * [ thitherward - ("in that direction" in NW) - Jeremiah 50:5 AS, Da, KJ (h2008) - THIH-thuhr-wuhrd, THIH-] * [ Thomas - Thomas, it Thom'as - Matthew 10:3 (g2381) - TOM-uhs] * [ Thrace* - — - dp 162 - thrays] * [ Thracian* - — - dp 155 - THRAY-shuhn] * [ Thucydides* - — - it "Persia, Persians" - th(y)oo-SIH-duh-deez'] * [ Thummim] * [ (Urim and Thummim) - Thum'mim - Exodus 28:30 (h8550) - THUM-im, THUH-muhm (listen), THUH-mihm'] * [ Thutmose* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - THUT-mohz, THYOOT-mohs, thoot-MOH-suh (listen)] * [ Thyatira] * [ (modern Akhisar) - Thy•a•ti'ra - Revelation 1:11 (g2363) - thi 'uh-TI -rah, -ruh] * [ thyine (wood) - ("scented" [wood] in NW) - AS, DRB, KJ, Yg (g2367) - THI -in] * [ Tiamat* - — - it "Creation" - tee-AH-maht, TYAH-maht, TEE-ah-maht' (listen)] * [ Tiberias] * [ (compare Tiberius) - Ti•be'ri•as - John 6:1 (g5085) - ti -BIHR-ee-uhs] * [ Tiberius] * [ (compare Tiberias) - Ti•be'ri•us - Luke 3:1 (g5086) - ti -BIHR-ee-uhs] * [ Tibni - Tib'ni - 1 Kings 16:21 (h8402) - TIB-ni, not TIB-nee] * [ Tidal - Ti'dal - Genesis 14:1 (h8413) - TI -dawl, TI -duhl] * [ Tiglath-pileser] * [ (compare Tilgath-pilneser) - Tig'lath-pil•e'ser - 2 King 15:29 (h8407) - tig'lath-puh-LEE-zuhr, -pih-LEE-zuhr] * [ Tigris] * [ (aka Hiddekel) - ("Hiddekel" in NW) - Genesis 2:14 BE, DRB, GW, LITV, MKJV (h2313) - TI -gris] * [ Tilgath-pilneser (compare Tiglath-pileser) - Til'gath-pil•ne'ser - 1 Chronicles 5:6 (h8407) - til'gath-pil-NEE-zuhr] * [ Timaeus - Mark 10:46 - Ti•mae'us - tuh-MEE-uhs, ti -MEE-uhs] * [ timbrel] * [ (instruments of brass, tambour, tambourine, timbrell in some Bibles) - ("tambourine" in NW) - Psalm 150:4 AS, DRB, KJ (h8596) - TIM-bruhl] * [ Timon - Ti'mon - Acts 6:5 (g5096) - TI -muhn] * [ Timothy - Timothy (Bible books), it Tim'o•thy - 1 Timothy 1:2 (g5095) - TIM-uh-thee, -oh-] * [ Tiphsah - Tiph'sah - 1 Kings 4:24 (h8607) - TIF-suh] * [ Tirhakah] * [ (see Taharqa) - Tir•ha'kah - 2 Kings 19:9 (h8640) - tuhr-HAY-kuh, -kah, teer-HAY-kah, Heb. teer-HAW-kaw (listen)] * [ Tirshatha] * [ (Athersatha, governor in some Bibles) - Tir•sha'tha - Nehemiah 8:9 (h8660) - tihr-SHAY-thah, tuhr-SHAY-thuh] * [ Tischendorf, Lobegott Friedrich Konstantin von* - — - w97 10/15 11 - TISH-uhn-dorf, -dawrf, LOH-buh-got FREE-drikh KON-stahn-teen fuhn] * [ Tishri*] * [ (aka Ethanim) - — - it "Calendar" - TISH-ree, -ray (listen)] * [ Titius Justus] * [ (Titius omitted in some Bibles) - Titius Justus - Acts 18:7 (Justus: g2459) - tish'ee-uhs JUHS-tuhs, tish'uhs JUHS-tuhs] * [ Titan* - — - g98 10/22 18 - TI T-uhn, not TI -tan'] * [ tittle] * [ (part / stroke of a letter in some Bibles; compare iota) - ("particle of a letter" in NW) - Matthew 5:18 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g2762) - TIT-uhl] * [ Titus - Titus (Bible book), it Ti'tus - Titus 1:4 (g5103) - TI -tuhs] * [ Tobijah - To•bi'jah - Zechariah 6:14 (h2900) - toh-BI -juh] * [ Tobit* - — - it "Apocrypha"; w94 4/1 29 - TOH-bit] * [ Tocqueville, Alexis de* - — - dp 270 - al-lek-sees duh tawk-VEEL, tohk-VEEL, TOHK-vil (listen)] * [ tomb - tomb - Mark 6:29 (g3419) - TOOM (silent "b")] * [ topaz - topaz - Job 28:19 (h6357) - TOH-paz] * [ Topheth - To'pheth - 2 Kings 23:10 (h8612) - TOH-fith, TOH-feth] * [ Trajan* - — - it "Rome" - TRAY-juhn] * [ Trachonitis - Trach•o•ni'tis - Luke 3:1 (g5139) - trak'uh-NI -tis, trak'oh-NI -tis] * [ Transfiguration* - — - it "Transfiguration" - trans'FIG-yuh-RAY-shuhn] * [ translation] * [ (interpretation in some Bibles) - translation - Hebrews 7:2 (g2059) - tran(t)s-LAY-shun, tranz-, not tran-suh-LAY-shun] * [ transliterate*; transliteration* - — - g99 12/8 14; w01 5/15 11 - tran(t)s-LIH-tuh-rayt', tranz-; tran(t)s(')-lih'tuh-RAY-shuhn, tranz(')-] * [ transubstantiation* - — - it "Lord's Evening Meal" - tran(t)'suhb-stan(t)'shee-AY-shun (listen)] * [ treatise] * [ (account, book, narrative, report in some Bibles) - ("account" in NW) - Acts 1:1 AS, DRB KJ (g3056) - TREE-tuhs, -tuhz] * [ trenchant] * [ (convincing, forcible, powerful, telling in some Bibles) - ("O not painful!" in NW) - Job 6:25 JPS (h4834) - TREN-chuhnt] * [ Trito-Isaiah* - — - ip-2 28 - tree'toh-i -ZAY-uh, -yuh, chiefly Brit. -ZI -] * [ Troas - Tro'as - Acts 16:8 (g5174) - TROH-as, TROH-az] * [ Trophimus - Troph'i•mus - Acts 21:29 (g5161) - TROF-uh-muhs] * [ trow ("think" or "believe") - — - Luke 17:9 KJ (some versions) (g1380) - TROH] * [ Trimurti* - — - sh 115 - trih-MUR-tee] * [ trough - trough - Genesis 24:20 (h8268) - TRAWF, TRAWTH] * [ Tryphaena - Try•phae'na - Romans 16:12 (g5170) - tri -FEE-nuh] * [ Tryphosa - Try•pho'sa - Romans 16:12 (g5173) - tri -FOH-suh] * [ tsade, tsadheh; also sadhe] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Tsa•dheh' - Psalm 119:137 (verse heading) - TSAH-duh (listen), -dee; SAH-duh (listen), -dee] * [ tsohar] * [ (light, roof, window in some Bibles) - tso'har - Genesis 6:16 (h6672) - TSOH-hahr (listen)] * [ Tubal-cain - Tu'bal-cain - Genesis 4:22 (h8423) - TOO-buhl-kayn', TOO-bal-kayn'] * [ tunic - ("sleeveless coat" in NW) - Exodus 39:20 DRB (39:22 in other Bibles) (h4598) - TOO-nik, TYOO-nik] * [ tunicle* - — - — - TOO-nih-kuhl, TYOO-] * [ turquoise - turquoise, it tur'quoise - Exodus 28:18 (h5306) - TUR-kwoiz', -koiz', TUHR-kawiz, -kwawiz] * [ Tutankhamen* - — - w88 2/1 26 - toot'ahng-KAH-muhn (listen), too'tang'KAH-muhn] * [ tutelary* - - g89 2/8 23 - TOO-tuhl-er'ee, TYOO-] * [ Tyndale*] * [ (sometimes Tindale) - — - it "Bible" - TIN-dl, -duhl] * [ Tychicus - Tych'i•cus - Ephesians 6:21 (g5190) - TIK-uh-kus, TIK-ih-kuhs] * [ Tyr* - — - g00 12/8 27 - TIHR] * [ Tyrannus - Ty•ran'nus - Acts 19:9 (g5181) - ti -RAN-uhs, tuh-RAN-uhs] * [ Tyre - Tyre - Isaiah 23:1 (h6865) - TI R (rhymes with "dire," "fire")] * [ Tyropoeon* - — - it "David, City of" - ti -ROH-pee-uhn] * [ Tyrus - ("Tyre" in NW) - Jeremiah 25:22 (h6865) - TI -ruhs] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce U words in the Bible:
[ Ucal - U'cal - Proverbs 30:1 (h401) - YOO-kuhl] * [ Ugarit*] * [ (Ras Shamra);] * [ Ugaritic* - —; — - it "Archaeology" - OO-guh-rit, oo-GAHR-it, yoo-, oo'guh-REET (listen); oo'guh-RIT-ik, yoo'-] * [ Ulai - U'lai - Daniel 8:2 (h195) - YOO-li] * [ ulama* or ul-ama* - — - — - oo'luh-MAH] * [ Ulfilas*] * [ (aka Wulfila) - — - w94 5/15 8 - OOL-fuh-lahs', UHL-, -luhs, -las'] * [ uncial* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - UN-shuhl] * [ unction] * [ (anointing in many Bibles) - ("anointing" in NW) - 1 John 2:20 KJ (g5545) - UHNK-shuhn] * [ Upanishad* - — - sh 102 - oo-PAN-ih-shad (listen), -shahd, yoo-PAH-nuh-shad'] * [ Upharsin] * [ (Divided, divisions, Half Minas, peres, Phares in some Bibles) - ("Par'sin" in NW) - Daniel 5:25 KJ (h6537) - yoo-FAHR-sin] * [ Uphaz - U'phaz - Daniel 10:5 (h210) - YOO-faz] * [ Ur - Ur - Genesis 11:31 (h218) - UHR, UR, ER] * [ Uranus* - — - sh 42 - YOOR-uh-nuhs, yoo-RAY-nuhs] * [ Uri - U'ri - Exodus 31:2 (h221) - YOO-ri, YOOR-i] * [ Uriah - U•ri'ah - 2 Samuel 11:3 (h223) - yoo-RI -uh] * [ Urijah - U•ri'jah - 2 Kings 16:10 (h223) - yoo-RI -juh] * [ Urim] * [ (and Thummim) - U'rim - Exodus 28:30 (h224) - YOOR-im (listen), YOO-ruhm] * [ usurer - usurer - Exodus 22:25 (h5383) - YOO-zhuhr-uhr, YOOZH-ruhr] * [ usurp] * [ (have dominion over, to have authority over in some Bibles) - ("to exercise authority over" in NW) - 1 Timothy 2:12 KJ (g831) - yoo-SUHRP, -ZUHRP] * [ usury] * [ (excessive profit, great profits, unjust gain, usurious increase in some Bibles) - usury - Nehemiah 5:7 (h4855); Proverbs 28:8 (h8636) - YOO-zhuh-ree, YOOZH-ree] * [ Uz - Uz - Job 1:1 (h5780) - UHZ] * [ Uzzah - Uz'zah - 2 Samuel 6:7 (h5798) - UHZ-uh, not YOO-zuh] * [ Uzziah - Uz•zi'ah - 2 Chronicles 26:1 (h5818) - uhz-ZI -uh, uh-ZI -uh not yoo-ZI -uh] * [ Uzziel - Uz'zi•el - Nehemiah 3:8 (h5816) - UHZ-ee-el, UHZ-ee-uhl, uh-ZI - el] *
Bible Pronunciation--How do I pronounce V words in the Bible?
[ Valentinian* - — - bf 181 - val'uhn-TIN-ee-uhn] * [ valorous - valorous - Ezekiel 27:11 (h) - VAL-uh-ruhs, not vuh-LOHR-ee-uhs] * [ Vashti - Vash'ti - Esther 2:1 (h2060) - VASH-ti] * [ Vaticanus (Codex)* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - vat'ih-KAN-uhs] * [ vav] * [ (see waw)] * [ (Hebrew letter) - — - — - VAHV, VAWV] * [ Veadar* - — - it "Calendar" - VAY-ah-dahr, VEE-uh-dahr, -ah-] * [ vehemently - vehemently - Judges 8:1 (h2394); Luke 23:10 (g2159) - VEE-uh-muhnt-lee] * [ vellum* - — - it "Vellum" - VEH-luhm ] * [ venal* ] * [ (compare venial) - — - — - VEE-nuhl] * [ venality* - — - w95 9/1 27 - vih-NAL-uh-tee] * [ vengeance] * [ (punishment, revenge in some Bibles) - vengeance - Leviticus 19:18 (h5358); Hebrews 10:30 (g1557) - VEN-juhn(t)s ] * [ venial*] * [ (compare venal) - — - g74 6/8 27 - VEE-nee-uhl, VEE-nyuhl] * [ verity - ("truth" in NW) - Psalm 111:7 KJ (h571); 1 Timothy 2:7 KJ (g225) - VER-uh-tee] * [ vermilion - vermilion - Jeremiah 22:14 (h8350) - vuhr-MIL-yuhn] * [ Vespasian* - — - it "Caesar" - ves-PAY-zhee-uhn, -PAY-zhuhn] * [ Vesta* - — - g89 3/8 26 - VES-tuh] * [ vestibule] * [ (court, doorway, entrance, forecourt, outer court, porch in some Bibles) - vestibule - Mark 14:68 (g4259) - VES-tuh-byool, not VES-tyoo-buhl] * [ Via Appia* - — - it "Appius, Marketplace of" - VI -uh AP-ee-uh, VEE-uh; wee'ah AH-pee-uh] * [ Via Dolorosa* - — - g92 9/22 29 - vi 'uh doh-luh-ROH-suh, vee'uh, doh-loh-ROH-zah, dol'uh-ROH-suh] * [ Via Egnatia* - — - it "Macedonia, Macedonian" - vee'uh eg-NAH-tee-uh] * [ victual ] * [ (food, meat, provision, victuals in some Bibles) - ("provisions" in NW) - Exodus 12:39 KJ (h6720) - VIH-tuhl, VIT-l] * [ Vigilius* - — - w64 3/15 184 - vih-JIL-ee-uhs] * [ villainy] * [ (craft, cunning, evil ways, mischief, trickery in some Bibles) - villainy - Acts 13:10 (g4468) - VIH-luh-nee] * [ Virgil* - — - w94 4/1 55 - VUHR-juhl] * [ visage - — - Isaiah 52:14 KJ (h4758); Lamentations 4:8 KJ (h8389); Daniel 3:19 KJ (h600) - VIZ-ij] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce W words in the Bible:
[ wadi*; Wadi] * [ (brook, river, stream, torrent in some Bibles) - ("torrent valley" in NW) - Genesis 32:23 ftn. (h5158); Numbers 34:5 JPS (h5158) - WAH-dee] * [ waw, also vav] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Waw - Psalm 119:40 (verse heading) - WOU, VAHV, VAWV, Mod. Heb. VAHV, VAWV (listen)] * [ whelp - ("cub" in NW) - Nahum 2:11 AS, Da, KJ, Yg (h1482) - HWELP, WELP] * [ whore] * [ (harlot, evil woman, prostitute in some Bibles) - ("harlot" in NW) - Deuteronomy 23:18 KJ (h2181); Revelation 17:1 KJ, Yg (g4204) - HOHR, HAWR, HUR, often HOOR] * [ whoremonger - ("fornicator" in NW) - Ephesians 5:5 KJ (g4205) - HOHR-muhng'guhr, HAWR-, HUR-, -mahng'-, -mong'-, often HOOR-] * [ wilily] * [ (slyly, with deceit, with subtilty in some Bibles) - ("with shrewdness" in NW) - Joshua 9:4 AS, KJ (h6195) - WI -luh-lee] * [ womb - womb - Genesis 30:22 (h7358) - WOOM [silent "b"]] * [ worldly - worldly - Titus 2:12 (g2886) - WUHR(-uh)LD-lee, also WUHRL-lee] * [ wot {verb "know"} - ("know"; "make known" in NW) - Acts 7:40 KJ (g1492); Philippians 1:22 KJ (g1107) - WAHT] * [ wrestling - wrestling - Ephesians 6:12 (g3823) - RES-ling, not RAS-(uh-)ling] * [ writhe] * [ (paineth, shakes, shaketh, shaking, tremble in some Bibles) - writhe - Psalm 29:8 (h2342) - RI TH] * [ wroth - — - Genesis 4:5 KJ (h2734); Psalm 78:59 KJ (h5674); Jeremiah 37:15 KJ (h7107); Revelation 12:17 KJ (g3710) - RAWTH, ROTH, esp. Brit. ROHTH] * [ wrought - wrought - Ezekiel 27:19 (h6219) - RAWT] * [ Wulfila*] * [ (aka Ulfilas) - — - w94 5/15 8 - WOOL-fuh-luh] * [ Wycliffe* (sometimes Wyclif) - — - it "Apocrypha" - WIK-lif] *
Bible Pronunciation--How do I pronounce X words in the Bible?
[ Xanthicus* - — - Exodus 12:40 ftn. - ZAN-thih-kuhs] * [ Xanthus* - — - it "Patara" - ZAN(T)-thuhs] * [ Xavier* - — - w93 4/1 3 - ZAYV-yuhr, ZAY-vee-uhr, ZAV-ee-, ig-ZAY-vee-uhr] * [ xenophobia* - — - w97 4/15 10 - zeh'nuh-FOH-bee-uh, zee'-] * [ Xenophon* - — - it "Chronology" - ZEN-uh-fuhn, -fon'] * [ Xerxes] * [ (Ahasuerus, Artaxerxes in some Bibles) - ("Ahasuerus" in NW) - Esther 1:1 By, CEV, TEV (h325) - ZERK-seez] * [ Xhosa* - — - w87 6/15 3 - KOH-sah, -suh, -zuh, KHOH-suh, HOH-] * [ xylon*] * [ (Gr. "tree") - — - 1 Peter 2:24 ftn. (g3586)] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce Y words in the Bible:
[ Yah] * [ (compare Jah) - Yah - Exodus 15:2 NW (footnote for Jah), WEB (h3050) - YAH] * [ Yahveh*] * [ (compare Yahweh, Jahveh, Jahweh) - — - w94 6/1 28 - YAH-veh, -vay (listen)] * [ Yahweh] * [ (compare Yahveh, Jahveh, Jahweh) - — - Exodus 3:15 JB, WEB (h3068) - YAH-weh, -way (listen)] * [ Yahwist* - — - it "Covenant" p. 520 - YAH-wist] * [ Yam Kinneret* - — - it "Tiberias" - YAHM KIH-nuh-ret'] * [ Yam Suph* - Yam Suph - Deuteronomy 1:1 ftn. for "Suph" (h5489) - yahm SOOF] * [ yarmulke* - — - sh 231 - YAH(R)-muh(l)-kuh (listen)] * [ Yom Kippur* - — - sh 230 - yawm, yom('), yohm, KIP-uhr, Seph. Heb. yawm' kee-POOR, Ashk. Heb. yohm KIH-puhr] * [ yea - ("yes" in NW) - Matthew 5:37 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (g3483) - YAY] * [ Yehoshua - ("Joshua" in NW) - Exodus 17:9 HNV (h3091); sh 223 - yuh-HOSH-yoo-uh] * [ Yirmeyahu - Yir•meya'hu - Jeremiah 1:1 HNV, ftn. in NW (h3414) - yihr'muh-YAH-hoo] * [ yohdh, also yodh] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Yohdh - Psalm 119:73 section heading - YOHD (listen), not YAHD] * [ yonder - yonder - Ezekiel 36:35 (h1977); Psalm 104:25 AS, Da (h2088) - YAHN-duhr] *
Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce Z words in the Bible:
[ Zaanan - Za'a•nan - Micah 1:11 (h6630) - ZAY-uh-nan'] * [ Zaanannim - Za•a•nan'nim - Joshua 19:33 (h6815) - zay-uh-NA-nim, zah'uh-NAN-nuhm] * [ Zabdi - Zab'di - Joshua 7:1 (h2067) - ZAB-di, not ZAB-dee] * [ Zacchaeus - Zac•chae'us - Luke 19:2 (g2195) - za-KEE-uhs, not -KAY-] * [ Zachariah - ("Zechariah" in NW) - 2 Kings 14:29 Kj (h2148) - zak'uh-RI -uh] * [ Zadok - Za'dok - 2 Samuel 15:24 (h6659) - ZAY-dok] * [ Zagros*] * [ (Mountains) - — - it "Persia, Persians" - ZAG-ruhs, ZA-grohs] * [ Zalmunna - Zal•mun'na - Judges 8:5 - zal-MUHN-uh] * [ Zaphenath-paneah] * [ (aka Joseph)] * [ (Zaphnath-paaneah in some Bibles) - Zaph'e•nath-pa•ne'ah - Genesis 41:45 (h6847) - zaf'uh-nath-puh-NEE-uh] * [ Zara - ("Zerah" in NW) - Matthew 1:3 Da, DRB, KJ (g2196) - ZAIR-uh] * [ Zarathustra*] * [ (aka Zoroaster) - — - — - zar'uh-THOO-struh (listen)] * [ Zarephath - Zar'e•phath - 1 Kings 17:9 (h6886) - ZAIR-uh-fath, ZER-uh-fath] * [ Zarethan] * [ (Zaretan in some Bibles) - Zar'e•than - Joshua 3:16 (h6891) - ZAIR-uh-than, ZER-uh-than] * [ zayin] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Za'yin - Psalm 119:49 (verse heading) - ZAH-yin, -yuhn, ZI (-UH)N] * [ zealous - zealous - Joel 2:18 (h7065); Titus 2:14 (g2207) - ZEL-uhs (listen), not ZEL-ee-uhs, not ZEL-yuhs] * [ Zebah - Ze'bah - Judges 8:5 - ZEE-bah, ZEE-buh] * [ Zebedee - Zeb'e•dee - Matthew 4:21 (g2199) - ZEB-uh-dee, ZEB-ih-dee] * [ Zeboim - Ze•bo'im - 1 Samuel 13:18 (h6650) - zuh-BOH-im] * [ Zebulun - Zeb'u•lun - Genesis 30:20 (h2074) - ZEB-yuh-luhn, ZEB-yoo-luhn] * [ Zechariah - Zech•a•ri'ah (persons' names and Bible book) - Zechariah 1:1 (h2148); Luke 1:5 (g2197) - zek'uh-RI -uh, zek'uh-RI -ah] * [ Zedekiah - Zed•e•ki'ah - 2 Kings 24:17 (h6667) - zed'uh-KI -uh, zed'uh-KI -ah] * [ Zeeb - Ze'eb - Judges 8:3 - ZEE-uhb] * [ Zelophehad - Ze•lo'phe•had - Numbers 26:33 (h6765) - zuh-LOH-fuh-had, not -LAH-] * [ Zenas - Ze'nas - Titus 3:13 (g2211) - ZEE-nuhs] * [ Zenobia* - — - dp 252 - zuh-NOH-bee-uh, zih-] * [ Zephaniah - Zeph•a•ni'ah (persons' names and Bible book) - Zephaniah 1:1 (6846) - zef'uh-NI -uh, zef'uh-NI -ah] * [ Zerah] * [ (Zara in some Bibles) - Ze'rah - 2 Chronicles 14:9 (h2226); Matthew 1:3 (g2196) - ZEE-rah, ZIHR-uh] * [ Zereth-shahar - Ze'reth-sha'har - Joshua 13:19 (h6890) - zee'rith-SHAY-hahr] * [ Zerubbabel - Ze•rub'ba•bel - Zechariah 4:6 (h2216) - zee-RUB-uh-buhl, zuh-RUHB-uh-buhl] * [ Zeruiah - Ze•ru'iah - 2 Samuel 2:18 (h6870) - zuh-ROO-yuh, zuh-ROO-i -ah] * [ zeugma* - — - Exodus 20:18 ftn. - ZOOG-muh] * [ Zeus] * [ (Jupiter in some Bibles) - Zeus - Acts 14:12 (g2203) - ZOOS] * [ Ziba - Zi'ba - 2 Samuel 9:2 (h6717) - ZI -buh] * [ Zibia - Zib'i•a - 1 Chronicles 8:9 (h6644) - ZIB-ee-uh] * [ Zichri - Zich'ri - 2 Chronicles 17:16 (h2147) - ZIK-ri, not ZIK-ree] * [ ziggurat* - — - it "Archaeology" - ZIG-oo-rat] * [ Ziklag - Zik'lag - 1 Samuel 27:6 (h6860) - ZIK-lag] * [ Zilpah - Zil'pah - Genesis 30:9 (h2153) - ZIL-puh, ZIL-pah] * [ Zimri - Zim'ri - Numbers 25:14 (h2174) - ZIM-ri, not ZIM-ree] * [ Zion - Zion, it Zi'on - Psalm 2:6 (h6726) - ZI -uhn] * [ Ziph - Ziph - 1 Samuel 23:15 (h2128) - ZIF] * [ Zipporah - Zip•po'rah - Exodus 2:21 (h6855) - zih-POR-uh, zih-POH-rah] * [ zither] * [ (harp, lute, lyres in some Bibles) - zither - Daniel 3:5 (h7030) - ZITH-uhr (listen), ZITH-] * [ Ziv] * [ (aka Iyar)] * [ (Zif in some Bibles) - Ziv - 1 Kings 6:1 (h2099) - ZIV] * [ Zoan - Zo'an - Numbers 13:22 (h6814) - ZOH-uhn, ZOH-an] * [ Zoar - Zo'ar - Genesis 19:22 (h6820) - ZOH-ahr, not ZOHR] * [ Zophar - Zo'phar - Job 2:11 (h6691) - ZOH-fahr] * [ Zoroaster*] * [ (aka Zarathustra) - — - dp 151 - zoh'roh-AS-tuhr, ZAWR-oh-as'tuhr, ZOHR-, zawr'oh-AS-tuhr, zohr'- (listen)] * [ Zorobabel - ("Zerubbabel" in NW) - Matthew 1:12 Da, DRB, KJ (g2216) - zoh-ROB-uh-buhl] * [ Zuzim - Zu'zim - Genesis 14:5 (h2104) - ZOO-zim]
Biblical Names Alpha List Showing How Many Of Each Name In The Bible
Aaron 1, Abaddon 1, Abagtha 1, Abda 2, Abdeel 1, Abdi 3, Abdiel 1, Abdon 4, Abednego 1, Abel 1, Abialbon 1, Abiasaph 1, Abiathar 1, Abida 1, Abidan 1, Abiel 2, Abiezer 2, Abigail 2, Abihail 5, Abihu 1, Abihud 1, Abijah 8, Abimael 1, Abimelech 5, Abinadab 3, Abinoam 1, Abiram 2, Abishag 1, Abishai 1, Abishua 2, Abishur 1, Abital 1, Abitub 1, Abiud 1, Abner 1, Abraham 1, Absalom 2, Achaicus 1, Achan 1, Achbor 2, Achim 1, Achish 2, Achsah 1, Adah 2, Adaiah 8, Adalia 1, Adam 1, Adbeel 1, Addar 1, Addi 1, Adiel 3, Adin 3, Adina 1, Adino 1, Adlai 1, Admatha 1, Adna 2, Adnah 2, Adonibezek 1, Adonijah 3, Adonikam 1, Adoniram 1, Adonizedek 1, Adrammelech 2, Adriel 1, Aeneas 1, Agabus 1, Agag 2, Agee 1, Agrippa 1, Agur 1, Ahab 2, Aharhel 1, Ahasbai 1, Ahasuerus 2, Ahaz 2, Ahaziah 2, Ahban 1, Aher 1, Ahi 2, Ahiah 2, Ahiam 1, Ahian 1, Ahiezer 2, Ahihud 1, Ahijah 7, Ahikam 1, Ahilud 1, Ahimaaz 2, Ahiman 2, Ahimelech 3, Ahimoth 1, Ahinadab 1, Ahinoam 2, Ahio 3, Ahira 1, Ahisamach 1, Ahishahar 1, Ahishar 1, Ahithophel 1, Ahitub 3, Ahlai 2, Aholiab 1, Ahumai 1, Ahuzzam 1, Ahuzzath 1, Ahzai 1, Aiah 2, Akan 1, Akkub 4, Alemeth 3, Alexander 4, Alexandria 1 Allon 1, Almodad 1, Alphaeus 2, Alvah 1, Alvan 1, Amal 1, Amalek 1, Amariah 9, Amasa 2, Amasai 4, Amashai 1, Amasiah 1, Amaziah 4, Amittai 1, Ammiel 4, Ammihud 5, Amminadab 4, Amminadib 1, Ammishaddai 1, Ammizabad 1, Amnon 2, Amok 1, Amon 4, Amos 1, Amoz 1, Ampliatus 1, Amram 2, Amraphel 1, Amzi 2, Anah 3, Anaiah 2, Anak 1, Anammelech 1, Anan 1, Anani 1, Ananiah 1, Ananias 3, Anath 1, Anathoth 2, Andrew 1, Andronicus 1, Aner 1, Aniam 1, Anna 1, Annas 1, Antipas 1, Antothiah 1, Anub 1, Apelles 1, Aphiah 1, Aphses 1, Apollos 1, Apollyon 1, Apphia 1, Aquila 1, Arad 1, Arah 3, Aram 3, Aran 1, Araunah 1, Arba 1, Archelaus 1, Archippus 1, Arcturus 1, Ard 2, Ardon 1, Areli 1, Aretas 1, Argob 1, Aridai 1, Aridatha 1, Arieh 1, Ariel 2, Arioch 2, Arisai 1, Aristarchus 1, Aristobulus 1, Armoni 1, Arnan 1, Arodi 1, Arphaxad 1, Artaxerxes 1, Artemas 1, Artemis 1, Arza 1, Asa 2, Asahel 4, Asaiah 5, Asaph 5, Asarel 1, Asarelah 1, Asenath 1, Ashbel 1, Asher 1, Ashhur 1, Ashima 1, Ashkenaz 1, Ashpenaz 1, Ashtoreth 1, Ashvath 1, Asiel 1, Asnah 1, Asnapper 1, Aspatha 1, Asriel 1, Asshur 1, Assir 3, Asyncritus 1, Atarah 1, Ater 3, Athaiah 1, Athaliah 3, Athlai 1, Attai 3, Augustus 1, Azaliah 1, Azaniah 1, Azarel 5, Azariah 23, Azaz 1, Azazel 1, Azaziah 3, Azbuk 1, Azel 1, Azgad 3, Aziel 1, Aziza 1, Azmaveth 4, Azor 1, Azriel 3, Azrikam 4, Azubah 2, Azzan 1, Azzur 3, Baal 3, Baalberith 1, Baalhanan 2, Baali 1, Baalis 1, Baalpeor 1, Baalzebub 1, Baana 2, Baanah 4, Baara 1, Baaseiah 1, Baasha 1, Bakbakkar 1, Bakbuk 1, Bakbukiah 1, Balaam 1, Baladan 1, Balak 1, Bani 8, Barabbas 1, Barak 1, Barakel 1, Bariah 1, Barjesus 1, Barjona 1, Barkos 1, Barnabas 1, Barsabas 2, Bartholomew 1, Bartimaeus 1, Baruch 2, Barzillai 3, Basemath 1, Basmath 1, Bathsheba 1, Bathshua 1, Bazluth 1, Bealiah 1, Bebai 3, Becher 2, Bechorath 1, Bedad 1, Bedan 2, Bedeiah 1, Beeliada 1, Beelzebub 1, Beera 1, Beerah 1, Beeri 2, Bela 3, Belial 1, Belshazzar 1, Belteshazzar 1, Benabinadab 1, Benaiah 12, Benammi 1, Bendekar 1, Bengeber 1, Benhadad 3, Benhanan 1, Benhayil 1, Benhesed 1, Benhur 1, Beninu 1, Benjamin 4, Beno 1, Benob 1, Benoni 1, Benzoheth 1, Beor 2, Bera 1, Beraiah 1, Berakah 1, Berechiah 5, Bered 1, Beri 1, Beriah 4, Bernice 1, Besai 1, Besodeiah 1, Beth 1, Bethany 2, Bethel 3, Bethlehem 2, Bethsaida 2, Bethuel 1, Beulah 1, Bezai 2, Bezalel 2, Bezer 1, Bichri 1, Bidkar 1, Bigtha 1, Bigthan 1, Bigvai 2, Bildad 1, Bilgah 2, Bilgai 1, Bilhah 1, Bilhan 2, Bilshan 1, Bimhal 1, Binea 1, Binnui 4, Birsha 1, Birzaith 1, Bishlam 1, Bithiah 1, Biztha 1, Blastus 1, Boanerges 1, Boaz 1, Bocheru 1, Bukki 2, Bukkiah 1, Bunah 1, Bunni 3, Buz 2, Buzi 1, Caesar 2 titlesCaiaphas 1, Cain 1, Cainan 1, Calcol 2, Caleb 3, Canaan 1, Candace 1, Carcas 1, Carmel 2, Carmi 3, Carpus 1, Carshena 1, Castor 1, Cephas 1, Cheran 1, Chilion 1, Chloe 1, Christ 1 titleChuza 1, Cileab 1, Claudia 1, Claudius 2, Clement 1, Cleopas 1, Clopas 1, Colhozeh 1, Conaniah 2, Coniah 1, Cornelius 1, Cosam 1, Coz 1, Cozbi 1, Crescens 1, Crispus 1, Cush 2, Cushanrishathaim 1, Cushi 2, Cyrus 1, Dagon 1, Dalphon 1, Damaris 1, Dan 1, Daniel 3, Darda 1, Darius 3, Darkon 1, Dathan 1, David 1, Debir 1, Deborah 2, Dedan 2, Delaiah 5, Delilah 1, Demas 1, Demetrius 2, Devil 1 titleDiana 1, Diblaim 1, Dibri 1, Didymus 1, Diklah 1, Dinah 1, Dionysius 1, Diotrephes 1, Dishan 1, Dishon 2, Dodai 1, Dodavahu 1, Dodo 2, Doeg 1, Dorcas 1, Drusilla 1, Dumah 1, Ebal 1, Ebed 2, Ebedmelech 1, Ebenezer 1, Eber 4, Ebiasaph 1, Eden 2), 2, Eder 2, Edom 1, Eglah 1, Eglon 1, Ehi 1, Ehud 2, Eker 1, El 1, Eladah 1, Elah 6, Elam 9, Elasah 4, Eldaah 1, Eldad 1, Elead 1, Eleazar 7, Elhanan 2, Eli 1, Eliab 6, Eliada 3, Eliahba 1, Eliakim 5, Eliam 2, Eliasaph 2, Eliashib 7, Eliathah 1, Elidad 1, Eliehoenai 2, Eliel 9, Elienai 1, Eliezer 11, Elihoreph 1, Elihu 5, Elijah 4, Elika 1, Elimelech 1, Elioenai 6, Eliphaz 2, Eliphelehu 1, Eliphelet 6, Elisha 1, Elishah 1, Elishama 6, Elishaphat 1, Elisheba 1, Elishua 1, Eliud 1, Elizabeth 1, Elizaphan 2, Elizur 1, Elkanah 8, Elmadam 1, Elnaam 1, Elnathan 5, Elon 3, Elpaal 1, Eluzai 1, Elymas 1, Elzabad 2, Enan 1, Enoch 4, Enosh 1, Epaenetus 1, Epaphras 1, Epaphroditus 1, Ephah 3, Ephai 1, Epher 3, Ephlal 1, Ephod 1, Ephraim 2, Ephrath 1, Ephron 1, Er 3, Eran 1, Erastus 2, Eri 1, Esarhaddon 1, Esau 1, Eshbaal 1, Eshban 1, Eshcol 2, Eshek 1, Eshtemoa 1, Eshton 1, Esli 1, Esther 1, Etam 1, Ethan 4, Ethbaal 1, Ethnan 1, Ethni 1, Eubulus 1, Eunice 1, Euodia 1, Eutychus 1, Eve 1, Evi 1, Evilmerodach 1, Ezbai 1, Ezbon 2, Ezekiel 1, Ezer 6, Ezra 3, Ezri 1, Felix 1, Festus 1, Fortunatus 1, Gaal 1, Gabbai 1, Gabriel 1, Gad 2, Gaddi 1, Gaddiel 1, Gadi 1, Gaham 1, Gahar 1, Gaius 4, Galal 2, Gallio 1, Gamaliel 2, Gamul 1, Gareb 1, Gatam 1, Gazez 1, Gazzam 1, Geber 1, Gedaliah 5, Gedor 1, Gehazi 1, Gemalli 1, Gemariah 2, Genubath 1, Gera 5, Gershom 3, Gershon 1, Geshan 1, Geshem 1, Gether 1, Gethsemane 1, Geuel 1, Gibbar 1, Gibea 1, Giddalti 1, Giddel 2, Gideon 1, Gideoni 1, Gilalai 1, Gilead 3, Ginath 1, Ginnethon 1, Gishpa 1, Gog 2, Goliath 1, Gomer 2, Guni 2, Haahashtari 1, Habakkuk 1, Habazziniah 1, Hacaliah 1, Hadad 4, Hadadezer 1, Hadassah 1, Hades 1, Hadlai 1, Hadoram 3, Hagab 1, Hagabah 1, Hagar 1, Haggai 1, Haggedolim 1, Haggi 1, Haggiah 1, Haggith 1, Hagri 1, Hakkatan 1, Hakkoz 2, Hakupha 1, Hallohesh 1, Ham 1, Haman 1, Hammedatha 1, Hammelech 1, Hammoleketh 1, Hammuel 1, Hamor 1, Hamul 1, Hamutal 1, Hanamel 1, Hanan 7, Hanani 6, Hananiah 14, Hannah 1, Hanniel 2, Hanun 3, Happizzez 1, Haran 3, Harbona 1, Hareph 1, Harhaiah 1, Harhas 1, Harhur 1, Harim 6, Hariph 2, Harnepher 1, Haroeh 1, Harsha 1, Harum 1, Harumaph 1, Haruz 1, Hasadiah 1, Hashabiah 12, Hashabnah 1, Hashabniah 2, Hashbaddanah 1, Hashem 1, Hashenaah 1, Hashmonah 1, Hashubah 1, Hashum 2, Hasrah 1, Hassenuah 1, Hasshub 4, Hassophereth 1, Hasupha 1, Hathach 1, Hathath 1, Hatipha 1, Hatita 1, Hattil 1, Hattush 5, Havilah 2, Hazael 1, Hazaiah 1, Hazarmoth 1, Hazelelponi 1, Haziel 1, Hazo 1, Heber 5, Hebron 2, Hegai 1, Helah 1, Heldai 2, Heled 1, Helek 1, Helem 1, Helez 2, Heli 1, Helkai 1, Helon 1, Hemam 1, Heman 2, Hemath 1, Hemdan 1, Hen 1, Henadad 1, Hepher 3, Hephzibah 2, Heresh 1, Hermas 1, Hermes 2, Hermogenes 1, Herod 4, Herodias 1, Herodion 1, Heth 1, Hezekiah 4, Hezion 1, Hezir 2, Hezro 1, Hezron 2, Hiddai 1, Hiel 1, Hilkiah 8, Hillel 1, Hirah 1, Hiram 2, Hizki 1, Hobab 1, Hobaiah 1, Hod 1, Hodaviah 4, Hodesh 1, Hodiah 3, Hoglah 1, Hoham 1, Hophni 1, Hophra 1, Horam 1, Hori 2, Hosah 1, Hosea 1, Hoshaiah 2, Hoshama 1, Hoshea 4, Hotham 2, Hothir 1, Hubbah 1, Hul 1, Huldah 1, Hupham 1, Huppah 1, Huppim 1, Hur 6, Hurai 1, Huram 1, Huri 1, Hushah 1, Hushai 1, Husham 1, Hushim 1, Hymenaeus 1, Ibhar 1, Ibneiah 1, Ibri 1, Ibsam 1, Ibzan 1, Ichabod 1, Idbash 1, Iddo 6, Igal 3, Igdaliah 1, Ikkesh 1, Ilai 1, Imla 1, Immanuel 1, Immer 5, Imna 1, Imnah 2, Imrah 1, Imri 2, Iphedeiah 1, Ir 1, Ira 3, Irad 1, Iram 1, Iri 1, Irijah 1, Irnahash 1, Iru 1, Isaac 1, Isaiah 5, Iscah 1, Iscariot 1, Ishbah 1, Ishbak 1, Ishbosheth 2, Ishhod 1, Ishi 4, Ishijah 1, Ishma 1, Ishmael 6, Ishmaiah 2, Ishmerai 1, Ishpah 1, Ishpan 1, Ishvah 1, Ishvi 2, Ismachiah 1, Israel 1, Issachar 1, Isshiah 4, Ithamar 1, Ithiel 2, Ithmah 1, Ithran 2, Ithream 1, Ittai 2, Izhar 1, Izrahiah 1, Izri 1, Izziah 1, Jaakan 1, Jaakobah 1, Jaala 1, Jaalam 1, Jaanai 1, Jaareshiah 1, Jaasau 1, Jaasiel 1, Jaazaniah 4, Jaaziah 1, Jaaziel 1, Jabal 1, Jabesh 1, Jabez 1, Jabin 2, Jachan 1, Jachin 3, Jacob 1, Jada 1, Jaddai 1, Jaddua 2, Jadon 1, Jael 1, Jahath 5, Jahaziel 5, Jahdai 1, Jahdiel 1, Jahdo 1, Jahleel 1, Jahmai 1, Jahzeel 1, Jahzeiah 1, Jahzerah 1, Jair 4, Jairus 1, Jakeh 1, Jakim 2, Jalon 1, Jambres 1, James 4, Jamin 3, Jamlech 1, Jannai 1, Jannes 1, Japheth 1, Japhia 2, Jarah 1, Jareb 1, Jared 1, Jarha 1, Jarib 3, Jaroah 1, Jashar 1, Jashen 1, Jashobeam 2, Jashub 2, Jashubilehem 1, Jason 1, Jathniel 1, Javan 1, Jaziz 1, Jeaterai 1, Jeberechiah 1, Jecoliah 1, Jedaiah 5, Jediael 4, Jedidah 1, Jedidiah 1, Jeduthun 1, Jeezer 1, Jehallelel 2, Jehath 1, Jehdeiah 2, Jehezkel 1, Jehiah 1, Jehiel 10, Jehieli 1, Jehizkiah 1, Jehoaddah 1, Jehoaddin 1, Jehoahaz 3, Jehoash 1, Jehohanan 6, Jehoiachin 1, Jehoiada 5, Jehoiakim 1, Jehoiarib 2, Jehonathan 2, Jehoram 2, Jehoshaphat 4, Jehosheba 1, Jehozabad 3, Jehozadak 1, Jehu 5, Jehubbah 1, Jehucal 1, Jehudi 1, Jehudijah 1, Jeiel 10, Jekameam 1, Jekamiah 2, Jekuthiel 1, Jemimah 1, Jemuel 1, Jephthah 1, Jephunneh 2, Jerah 1, Jerahmeel 3, Jered 1, Jeremai 1, Jeremiah 7, Jeremoth 5, Jeriah 1, Jeribai 1, Jericho 1, Jeriel 1, Jerimoth 7, Jerioth 1, Jeroboam 2, Jeroham 7, Jerubbaal 1, Jerubbesheth 1, Jerusalem 1, Jerusha 1, Jeshaiah 6, Jeshebeab 1, Jesher 1, Jeshishai 1, Jeshohaiah 1, Jeshua 10, Jesimel 1, Jesse 1, Jesus 2, Jether 5, Jetheth 1, Jethro 1, Jetur 1, Jeuel 3, Jeush 5, Jeuz 1, Jezaniah 1, Jezebel 1, Jezer 1, Jeziel 1, Jezliah 1, Jezoar 1, Jezrahiah 2, Jezreel 1, Jibsam 1, Jidlaph 1, Joab 3, Joah 4, Joahaz 1, Joanna 1, Joash 7, Job 1, Jobab 5, Jochebed 1, Joda 1, Joed 1, Joel 14, Joelah 1, Joezer 1, Jogli 1, Joha 2, Johanan 12, John 5, Joiada 2, Joiakim 1, Joiarib 4, Jokim 1, Jokshan 1, Joktan 1, Jonadab 2, Jonah 1, Jonam 1, Jonathan 14, Jorah 1, Jorai 1, Joram 3, Jordan 1, Jorim 1, Jorkoam 1, Josech 1, Joseph 14, Joshah 1, Joshaphat 2, Joshaviah 1, Joshbekashah 1, Joshibiah 1, Joshua 4, Josiah 2, Josiphiah 1, Jotham 3, Jozabad 10, Jozachar 1, Jubal 1, Judah 6, Judas 6, Jude 1, Judith 1, Julia 1, Julius 1, Junia 1, Jushabhesed 1, Justus 3, Kadmiel 2, Kallai 1, Kareah 1, Kedar 1, Kedemah 1, Kedorlaomer 1, Keilah 1, Kelaiah 1, Kelal 1, Kelub 2, Keluhi 1, Kemosh 1, Kemuel 3, Kenaanah 2, Kenan 1, Kenani 1, Kenaniah 2, Kenaz 4, Kerenhappuch 1, Keros 1, Kerub 1, Kesed 1, Keturah 1, Keziah 1, Kimham 1, Kish 5, Kishi 1, Kislon 1, Kohath 1, Kolaiah 2, Korah 4, Kore 2, Laadah 1, Laadan 2, Laban 1, Lael 1, Lahad 1, Lahmi 1, Laish 1, Lamech 2, Lappidoth 1, Lazarus 2, Leah 1, Lebanah 1, Lebbaeus 1, Lehi 1, Lemuel 1, Levi 4, Libni 2, Likhi 1, Linus 1, Loammi 1, Lois 1, Loruhamah 1, Lot 1, Lotan 1, Lucifer 1, Lucius 2, Lud 1, Luke 1, Lydia 1, Lysanias 1, Lysias 1, Maachah 9, Maadai 1, Maadiah 1, Maai 1, Maasai 1, Maaseiah 18, Maath 1, Maaz 1, Maaziah 2, Machbanai 1, Machbenah 1, Machi 1, Machir 2, Madai 1, Madmannah 1, Magbish 1, Magdala 1, Magdalene 1, Magdiel 1, Magog 1, Magormissabib 1, Magpiash 1, Mahalalel 2, Mahalath 2, Maharai 1, Mahasham 1, Mahath 2, Mahazioth 1, Mahershalalhashbaz 1, Mahlah 2, Mahli 2, Mahlon 1, Mahol 1, Maknadebai 1, Malachi 1, Malcham 1, Malchiah 13, Malchiel 1, Malchiram 1, Malchishua 1, Malchus 1, Mallothi 1, Malluch 6, Mamre 1, Manaen 1, Manahath 1, Manasseh 5, Manoah 1, Maoch 1, Maon 1, Mara 1, Marduk 1, Mareshah 1, Mark 1, Marsena 1, Martha 1, Mary 6, Mash 1, Massa 1, Matred 1, Matri 1, Mattan 2, Mattaniah 10, Mattatha 1, Mattathias 2, Mattattah 1, Mattenai 3, Matthan 1, Matthat 2, Matthew 1, Matthias 1, Mattithiah 5, Mebunnai 1, Medad 1, Medan 1, Mehetabel 2, Mehida 1, Mehir 1, Mehujael 1, Mehuman 1, Melatiah 1, Melchi 2, Melchizedek 1, Melea 1, Melech 1, Memucan 1, Menahem 1, Meni 1, Menna 1, Meonenim 1, Meonothai 1, Mephibosheth 2, Merab 1, Meraiah 1, Meraioth 3, Merari 1, Mered 1, Meremoth 4, Meres 1, Meribbaal 1, Merodachbaladan 1, Mesha 3, Meshach 1, Meshech 1, Meshelemiah 1, Meshezabel 3, Meshillemith 1, Meshillemoth 2, Meshobab 1, Meshullam 21, Meshullemeth 1, Messiah 1 titleMethuselah 1, Methushael 1, Mezahab 1, Mibhar 1, Mibsam 2, Mibzar 1, Mica 1, Micah 7, Micaiah 5, Michael 10, Michal 1, Micri 1, Midian 1, Mijamin 4, Mikloth 2, Mikneiah 1, Milalai 1, Milcah 2, Milcom 1, Miniamin 3, Miriam 2, Mirmah 1, Mishael 3, Misham 1, Mishma 2, Mishmannah 1, Mispar 1, Mithredath 2, Mizraim 1, Mizzah 1, Mnason 1, Moab 1, Molech 1, Molid 1, Mordecai 1, Moriah 1, Moses 1, Moza 2, Muppim 1, Mushi 1, Myra 1, Naam 1, Naamah 2, Naaman 4, Naarah 1, Naarai 1, Nabal 1, Naboth 1, Nachon 1, Nadab 4, Naggai 1, Naham 1, Nahamani 1, Naharai 1, Nahash 3, Nahath 3, Nahbi 1, Nahor 2, Nahshon 1, Nahum 2, Naomi 1, Naphish 1, Naphtali 1, Narcissus 1, Nathan 6, Nathanael 1, Nathanmelech 1, Nazarene 1 titleNazareth 1, Neariah 2, Nebai 1, Nebaioth 1, Nebat 1, Nebo 2, Nebuchadnezzar 1, Nebusarsekim 1, Nebushazban 1, Nebuzaradan 1, Necho 1, Nedabiah 1, Nehemiah 3, Nehushta 1, Nekoda 1, Nemuel 2, Nepheg 2, Ner 2, Nereus 1, Nergal 1, Nergalsarezer 2, Neri 1, Neriah 1, Nethanel 10, Nethaniah 4, Neziah 1, Nezib 1, Nibhaz 1, Nicanor 1, Nicodemus 1, Nicolas 1, Niger 1, Nimrod 1, Nimshi 1, Nisroch 1, Noadiah 2, Noah 2, Nobah 1, Nod 1, Nogah 1, Nohah 1, Nun 1, Nympha 1, Obadiah 13, Obal 1, Obed 5, Obededom 3, Obil 1, Ochran 1, Oded 2, Og 1, Ohad 1, Ohel 1, Oholah 1, Oholibah 1, Oholibamah 2, Olympas 1, Omar 1, Omri 4, On 1, Onam 1, Onan 1, Onesimus 1, Onesiphorus 1, Ophir 1, Ophrah 1, Oreb 1, Oren 1, Orion 1, Orpah 1, Othni 1, Othniel 1, Ozem 2, Ozni 1, Paarai 1, Padon 1, Pagiel 1, Pahathmoab 1, Palel 1, Pallu 1, Palti 2, Paltiel 1, Parmashta 1, Parmenas 1, Parnach 1, Parosh 1, Parshandatha 1, Paruah 1, Pasach 1, Paseah 3, Pashhur 3, Patrobas 1, Paul 1, Paulus 1, Pedahel 1, Pedahzur 1, Pedaiah 7, Pekah 1, Pekahiah 1, Pelaiah 2, Pelaliah 1, Pelatiah 4, Peleg 1, Pelet 2, Peleth 2, Peninnah 1, Penuel 2, Peresh 1, Perez 1, Persis 1, Peruda 1, Peter 1, Pethahiah 4, Pethuel 1, Peulthai 1, Phanuel 1, Pharaoh 8 titlesPhicol 1, Philemon 1, Philetus 1, Philip 3, Philologus 1, Phinehas 3, Phlegon 1, Phoebe 1, Phygelus 1, Pilate 1, Pildash 1, Pilha 1, Piltai 1, Pinon 1, Piram 1, Pispah 1, Pithon 1, Pocherethhazzebaim 1, Pollux 1, Pontius 1, Poratha 1, Porcius 1, Potiphar 1, Potiphera 1, Priscilla 1, Prochorus 1, Pua 1, Puah 2, Publius 1, Pudens 1, Pul 1, Purah 1, Put 1, Putiel 1, Pyrrhus 1, Quartus 1, Quirinus 1, Raamah 1, Raamiah 1, Rabmag 1, Rabsaris 1, Rabshakeh 1, Rachel 1, Raddai 1, Rahab 2, Raham 1, Rakem 1, Ram 3, Ramiah 1, Rapha 1, Raphah 1, Raphu 1, Reaiah 3, Reba 1, Rebecca 1, Rechab 3, Reelaiah 1, Regem 1, Regemmelech 1, Rehabiah 1, Rehob 2, Rehoboam 1, Rehum 5, Rei 1, Rekem 2, Remaliah 1, Rephael 1, Rephah 1, Rephaiah 4, Rephan 1, Resheph 1, Reu 1, Reuben 1, Reuel 4, Reumah 1, Rezia 1, Rezin 2, Rezon 1, Rhesa 1, Rhoda 1, Ribai 1, Rimmon 2, Rinnah 1, Riphath 1, Rizpah 1, Rodanim 1, Rohgah 1, Romamtiezer 1, Rosh 1, Rufus 2, Ruhamah 1, Ruth 1, Sabtah 1, Sabtecha 1, Sacar 2, Sachiah 1, Sallai 1, Sallu 2, Salmon 1, Salome 2, Salu 1, Samgarnebo 1, Samlah 1, Samson 1, Samuel 2, Sanballat 1, Saph 1, Sapphira 1, Sarah 1, Saraph 1, Sargon 1, Satan 1, Saul 5, Sceva 1, Seba 1, Secundus 1, Segub 2, Seir 1, Seled 1, Semachiah 1, Semein 1, Senaah 1, Sennacherib 1, Seorim 1, Serah 1, Seraiah 10, Sered 1, Sergius 1, Serug 1, Seth 1, Sethur 1, Shaaph 2, Shaashgaz 1, Shabbethai 1, Shaddai 1, Shadrach 1, Shage 1, Shaharaim 1, Shallum 14, Shallun 1, Shalmai 1, Shalman 1, Shalmaneser 1, Shama 1, Shamed 1, Shamgar 1, Shamir 1, Shamma 1, Shammah 4, Shammua 4, Shamsherai 1, Shapham 1, Shaphan 4, Shaphat 5, Sharai 1, Sharar 1, Sharezer 2, Sharon 1, Shashai 1, Shashak 1, Shavsha 1, Sheal 1, Shealtiel 1, Sheariah 1, Shearjashub 1, Sheba 6), 1, Shebaniah 5, Sheber 1, Shebna 2, Shecaniah 9, Shechem 3, Shedeur 1, Shehariah 1, Shelah 3, Shelemiah 8, Sheleph 1, Shelesh 1, Shelomi 1, Shelomith 4, Shelomoth 4, Shelumiel 1, Shem 1, Shema 4, Shemaah 1, Shemaiah 27, Shemariah 4, Shemeber 1, Shemer 2, Shemida 1, Shemiramoth 2, Shemuel 1, Shenazzar 1, Shephatiah 10, Shepho 1, Shephuphan 1, Sherah 1, Sherebiah 4, Sheresh 1, Sheshai 1, Sheshan 1, Sheshbazzar 1, Sheth 1, Shethar 1, Shetharbozenai 1, Sheva 2, Shilhi 1, Shillem 1, Shiloh 1, Shilshah 1, Shimea 3, Shimeah 1, Shimeath 1, Shimei 20, Shimeon 1, Shimon 1, Shimrath 1, Shimri 4, Shimrith 1, Shimron 1, Shimshai 1, Shinab 1, Shiphi 1, Shiphrah 1, Shiphtan 1, Shisha 1, Shishak 1, Shitrai 1, Shiza 1, Shobab 2, Shobach 1, Shobai 1, Shobal 3, Shobek 1, Shobi 1, Shoham 1, Shomer 2, Shophach 1, Shua 2, Shuah 2, Shual 1, Shubael 3, Shuham 1, Shuni 1, Shupham 1, Shuppim 1, Shuthelah 2, Sia 1, Sibbechai 1, Sidon 1, Sihon 1, Silas 1, Simeon 4, Simon 9, Sisamai 1, Sisera 2, Sithri 1, So 1, Soco 1, Sodi 1, Solomon 1, Sopater 1, Sophereth 1, Sosthenes 1, Sotai 1, Stachys 1, Stephanas 1, Stephen 1, Suah 1, Succothbenoth 1, Susanna 1, Susi 1, Syntyche 1, Tabbaoth 1, Tabeel 2, Tabitha 1, Tabrimon 1, Tahan 2, Tahash 1, Tahath 3, Tahpenes 1, Talitha 1 titleTalmai 2, Talmon 1, Tamar 3, Tammuz 1, Tanhumeth 1, Taphath 1, Tappuah 1, Tarea 1, Tarshish 3, Tartak 1, Tattenai 1, Tebah 1, Tebaliah 1, Tehinnah 1, Tekoa 1, Telah 1, Telem 1, Tema 1, Temah 1, Teman 2, Temeni 1, Terah 1, Teresh 1, Tertius 1, Tertullus 1, Thaddaeus 1, Theophilus 1, Theudas 1, Thomas 1, Tiberius 1, Tibni 1, Tidal 1, Tiglathpileser 1, Tikvah 2, Tilon 1, Timaeus 1, Timna 4, Timon 1, Timothy 1, Tiras 1, Tirhakah 1, Tirhanah 1, Tiria 1, Tirzah 1, Titius 1, Titus 1, Toah 1, Tobadonijah 1, Tobiah 2, Tobijah 2, Togarmah 1, Tohu 1, Toi 1, Tola 2, Trophimus 1, Tryphena 1, Tryphosa 1, Tubal 1, Tubalcain 1, Tychicus 1, Tyrannus 1, Ucal 1, Uel 1, Ulam 2, Ulla 1, Unni 2, Ur 1, Urban 1, Uri 3, Uriah 5, Uriel 3, Uthai 2, Uz 3, Uzai 1, Uzal 1, Uzza 4, Uzzah 1, Uzzi 7, Uzziah 5, Uzziel 5, Vaizatha 1, Vaniah 1, Vashni 1, Vashti 1, Vophsi 1, Yahweh 1, Zaavan 1, Zabad 7, Zabbai 2, Zabbud 1, Zabdi 4, Zabdiel 2, Zabud 1, Zaccai 1, Zacchaeus 1, Zaccur 8, Zadok 10, Zaham 1, Zalaph 1, Zalmon 1, Zalmunna 1, Zanoah 1, Zaphenathpaneah 1, Zattu 1, Zaza 1, Zebadiah 9, Zebah 1, Zebedee 1, Zebidah 1, Zebina 1, Zebul 1, Zebulun 1, Zechariah 31, Zedekiah 6, Zeeb 1, Zelek 1, Zelophehad 1, Zemira 1, Zenas 1, Zephaniah 4, Zepho 1, Zerah 7, Zerahiah 2, Zeresh 1, Zereth 1, Zeri 1, Zeror 1, Zeruah 1, Zerubbabel 1, Zeruiah 1, Zetham 1, Zethan 1, Zethar 1, Zeus 1, Zia 1, Ziba 1, Zibeon 2, Zibia 1, Zibiah 1, Zichri 11, Ziha 2, Zillah 1, Zillethai 2, Zilpah 1, Zimmah 3, Zimran 1, Zimri 5, Zion 1, Ziph 2, Ziphah 1, Ziphion 1, Zippor 1, Zipporah 1, Ziza 3, Zobebah 1, Zohar 2, Zoheth 1, Zophah 1, Zophai 1, Zophar 1, Zuar 1, Zuph 1, Zur 2, Zuriel 1, Zurishaddai 1
Some Commonly Misspelled Words On This Page: prononciation, prenunciation, how to prononce, prenounce, pronunce, speek, biible, bibel, writetn, wrtiten, wirtten, rwitten, correction, colectiom, correcchon, crrection, colrecchon, corrction, corecchon, corretion, correcchun, correcion, colrecchun, correctin, corecchun, correctiom, corectiom, colrectiom, colrecsion, colection, colecsion, colrecton, corection, colecton, correcton, colrecshun, corecton, colecshun, correcshun, colrecshon, corecshun, colecshon, correcshon, correcsion, corecshon, corecsion, colrection, colectons, correctons, colrecshuns, corectons, colecshuns, correcshuns, colrecshons, corecshuns, colecshons, correcshons, correcsions, corecshons, corecsions, colrections, colrecsions, colections, colecsions, colrectons, corections, corrections, colectioms, crrections, correcchons, corrctions, colrecchons, corretions, corecchons, correcions, correcchuns, correctins, colrecchuns, correctios, corecchuns, how to say correctioms, corectioms, colrectioms, cor3ct1ons, cor3ct1oms, corect1ons, correctiosn, correctinos, correctoins, correcitons, corretcions, corrcetions, corerctions, crorections, ocrrections, correction, colectiom, correcchon, crrection, colrecchon, corrction, corecchon, corretion, correcchun, correcion, colrecchun, correctin, corecchun, correctiom, corectiom, how to say colrectiom, colrecsion, colection, colecsion, colrecton, corection, colecton, correcton, colrecshun, corecton, colecshun, correcshun, colrecshon, corecshun, colecshon, correcshon, correcsion, corecshon, corecsion, colrection, colectons, correctons, colrecshuns, corectons, colecshuns, correcshuns, colrecshons, corecshuns, colecshons, correcshons, correcsions, corecshons, corecsions, colrections, colrecsions, colections, colecsions, colrectons, corections, corrections, colectioms, crrections, correcchons, corrctions, colrecchons, corretions, corecchons, correcions, correcchuns, correctins, colrecchuns, correctios, corecchuns, correctioms, corectioms, colrectioms, cor3ct1ons, cor3ct1oms, corect1ons, correctiosn, correctinos, correctoins, correcitons, corretcions, corrcetions, corerctions, crorections, ocrrections, words, wolds, worreds, worsd, wodrs, wrods, owrds. names, mames, namse, naems, nmaes, anmes, terminoogy, terminology, termiegnologie, termiegnorogy, termeignologie, termeignorogy, torminologi, terminolgy, telmiegnologie, telmiegnorogy, telmeignologie, telmeignorogy, torminorogy, terminoloy, termiegnorogie, termiegnorogi, termeignorogie, termeignorogi, torminorogi, terminologie, trminology, tormiegnologie, tormiegnology, tormeignologie, tormeignology, torminologie, turminologie, teminology, turmiegnologie, tormiegnologi, turmeignologie, tormeignologi, torminorogie, telminologie, terinology, tormiegnorogy, termiegnology, tormeignorogy, termeignology, terminorogie, termnology, turmiegnology, telmiegnology, turmeignology, telmeignology, how to say turminorogie, termiology, turmiegnologi, termiegnologi, turmeignologi, termeignologi, telminorogie, terminlogy, turmiegnorogy, telmiegnologi, turmeignorogy, telmeignologi, torminology, turminorogi, telminorogy, terminologi, telminorogi, turminology, turminologi, telminology, telminologi, terminorogy, terminorogi, turminorogy, tern1mo1ogy, tern1mology, ternimology, termimology, terminoloyg, terminolgoy, terminoolgy, terminloogy, termionlogy, termniology, terimnology, temrinology, treminology, etrminology, terminolog, erminology, old, oaled, ord, o1d, odl, lod, new, pneu, gnu, nu, knew, mew, nwe, enw, testament, tstament, tetament, tesament, testment, testaent, testamnt, testamet, testamant, testanemt, testamemt, testametn, testamnet, testaemnt, testmaent, tesatment, tetsament, tsetament, etstament, testamen, estament. peekiegng, peakeignt, piqueint, how to say pakeyng, piakiegng, pakeignt, piaking, pekeyng, piqueiegng, pekeignt, piakint, peekeyng, peakiegnt, peekeignt, peakeigng, piakeyng, pakiegnt, piakeignt, pakeigng, peakeynt, pekiegnt, piqueeignt, pekeigng, pakeynt, peekiegnt, peakiegng, paking, peking, peeking, peakint, pakint, pekint, peekint, speak1ng, tramslationtrans1at1om, translat1om, translatiom, tramslatiom, tramslatino, tramslatoin, tramslaiton, tramsltaion, tramsaltion, tramlsation, trasmlation, trmaslation, tarmslation, rtamslation, tramslatio, tramslatin, tramslaton, tramslaion, tramsltion, tramsation, how to say tramlation, traslation, trmslation, tamslation, ramslation, tramslation,saying, seighing, seighint, sayint, say1ng, sayimg, sayign, saynig, saiyng, syaing, asying, sayin, sayig, sayng, saing, sying, aying, understanding, understandig, unerstanding, undrstandint, undrstanding, undrstandyng, undestanding, undrstandynt, undertanding, undersanding, understnding, understading, understaning, understandng, uderstanding, understandint, understandyng, understandynt, undelstanding, undelstandint, undelstandyng, undelstandynt, understand1ng, umderstanding, understandign, understandnig, understanidng, understadning, understnading, undersatnding, undertsanding, undesrtanding, undrestanding, unedrstanding, udnerstanding, nuderstanding, understandin, nderstanding, phonetics, phonetic, fonetics, fonitics, phonedics, ponetics, fonedics, phnetics, phoetics, phontics, phoneics, phonetcs, phonetis, phonitics, fonetik, phonitic, fonitic, ponetic, phonitik, phnetic, fonitik, phoetic, phonedic, phontic, phonedik, phoneic, fonedic, phonetc, fonedik, phonetik, fonetic, fonet1cs, phonet1cs, phometics, phonetisc, phonetcis, how to say phoneitcs, phonteics, phoentics, phnoetics, pohnetics, hponetics, honetics, n1spromouc1ng, nispromoucing, mispromoucing, mispronoucign, mispronoucnig, mispronouicng, mispronocuing, mispronuocing, misproonucing, misprnooucing, mispornoucing, misrponoucing, mipsronoucing, msipronoucing, imspronoucing, mispronoucin, mispronoucig, mispronoucng, mispronouing, mispronocing, mispronucing, misprooucing, misprnoucing, misponoucing, misronoucing, mipronoucing, mspronoucing, ispronoucing, mispronoucing, n1spromouce, nispromouce, mispromouce, mispronouec, mispronocue, mispronuoce, misproonuce, misprnoouce, mispornouce, misrponouce, mipsronouce, msipronouce, imspronouce, mispronouc, mispronoue, mispronoce, mispronuce, misproouce, misprnouce, misponouce, misronouce, mipronouce, mspronouce, ispronouce, mispronouce, bibical, bilical, bblical, biblcal, biblicl, biblical, biblial, bibrical, bybrical, biblicar, byblicar, bibricar, bybricar, byblical, b1b11ca1, b1bl1cal, biblicla, bibliacl, biblcial, bibilcal, bilbical, bbilical, ibblical, biblica, iblical, koran, korin, kolin, koren, kolen, kolan, koram, korna, koarn, kroan, okran, "jewish, jew1sh, jewihs, jewsih, jeiwsh, jweish, ejwish, jewis, jewih, jewsh, jeish, jwish, ewish, 1a1yreader, lalyreader, lalyreadre, lalyreaedr, lalyredaer, lalyraeder, lalyerader, lalryeader, laylreader, llayreader, allyreader, lalyreade, lalyreadr, lalyreaer, lalyreder, lalyrader, lalyeader, lalreader, layreader, llyreader, alyreader, pastor, paster, pastur, pastol, astor, astur, aster, astol, pasto, pastro, pasotr, patsor, psator, apstor, pastr, pasor, pator, pstor, priust, pliust, prest, plest, pleis, prius, plius, preis, plies, pries, prize, preist, priest, pleist, pliest, pr1est, priets, priset, pirest, rpiest, priet, prist, piest, riest, rabbi, rabi, rabby, raby, labbi, labi, labby, laby, rab1, rabib, rbabi, arbbi, written, wrtten, writtn, writeign, writtin, wlitteign, writtan, wliteign, writin, writtiegn, writan, writiegn, wlittin, wlittiegn, wlittan, wlitiegn, wlitin, wlitan, writteign, writen, wlitten, wliten, witten, wittan, witin, witan, witteign, witeign, wittiegn, witiegn, wittin, witen, wr1t3n, wr1t3m, wr1ten, writtne. Bible beble, bibul, bybul, babul, bebul, bable, babel, bebel, bibre, bybre, bibel, bybel, biber, byber, bible, byble, b1b1e, b1ble, bilbe, bbile, ibble Bible pronunciation,Bible pronunciation, pernunciatiom, pronuniation, prnunciashun, prouncaishun, prunciashon, pernuncaitiom, pronuncation, prnuncaishun, prounciashon, pruncaishon, pornunciatiom, pronuncition, prnunciashon, prouncaishon, prunciasion, pornuncaitiom, pronunciaion, prnuncaishon, prounciasion, pruncaision, prunciation, prunciatiom, pronunciatin, prnunciasion, prouncaision, prounciation, pruncaition, pruncaitiom, pronunciatiom, prnuncaision, prnunciation, prouncaition, prunciaton, prounciatiom, pronuncaitiom, ponunciation, prnuncaition, prounciaton, pruncaiton, prouncaitiom, plonunciatiom, pronnciation, prnunciaton, prouncaiton, prunciashun, prnunciatiom, plonuncaitiom, pronuciation, prnuncaiton, prounciashun, pruncaishun, prnuncaitiom, pernunciaton, plonuncaition, pernuncaision, pornunciashun, pernuncaiton, plonunciaton, pronuncaition, pornunciasion, pornuncaishun, pernunciashun, plonuncaiton, pronunciaton, pornuncaision, pornunciashon, pernuncaishun, plonunciashun, pronuncaiton, pornuncaishon, pernunciashon, plonuncaishun, pronunciashun, pronunciasion, pernuncaishon, plonunciashon, pronuncaishun, pronuncaision, pornunciation, plonuncaishon, pronunciashon, plonunciasion, pornuncaition, pernunciation, pronuncaishon, plonuncaision, pornunciaton, pernuncaition, plonunciation, pernunciasion, pornuncaiton, pronunc1at1on, promunciation, pronunciatino, pronunciatoin, pronunciaiton, pronuncitaion, pronunication, pronucniation seaking, speaing, speaking, speakng, speakig, spiqueing, spiqueint, spakeignt, speekeynt, spiakint, spiqueiegng, spekeignt, spiakeynt, speakeyng, speakiegnt, speekeignt, speakeigng, spakeyng, spakiegnt, spiakeignt, spakeigng, spekeyng, spekiegnt, spiqueeignt, spekeigng, speekeyng, speekiegnt, speakiegng, speekeigng, spiakeyng, spiakiegnt, spakiegng, spiakeigng, speakeynt, spiqueiegnt, spekiegng, spiqueeigng, spakeynt, speekiegng, speakeignt, spekeynt, spiaking, spiakiegng, spekint, speekint, spaking, speking, speeking, speakint, spakint, peakng, peaking, peakig, peaing, peekeigng, pekeynt, piakiegnt, pakiegng, piakeigng, peekeynt, piqueiegnt, pekiegng, piqueeigng, piqueing, piakeynt, peakeyng. Bible beble, bibul, bybul, babul, bebul, bable, babel, bebel, bibre, bybre, bibel, bybel, biber, byber, bible, byble, b1b1e, b1ble, bilbe, bbile, ibble Bible pronunciation,Bible pronunciation, pernunciatiom, pronuniation, prnunciashun, prouncaishun, prunciashon, pernuncaitiom, pronuncation, prnuncaishun, prounciashon, pruncaishon, pornunciatiom, pronuncition, prnunciashon, prouncaishon, prunciasion, pornuncaitiom, pronunciaion, prnuncaishon, prounciasion, pruncaision, prunciation, prunciatiom, pronunciatin, prnunciasion, prouncaision, prounciation, pruncaition, pruncaitiom, pronunciatiom, prnuncaision, prnunciation, prouncaition, prunciaton, prounciatiom, pronuncaitiom, ponunciation, prnuncaition, prounciaton, pruncaiton, prouncaitiom, plonunciatiom, pronnciation, prnunciaton, prouncaiton, prunciashun, prnunciatiom, plonuncaitiom, pronuciation, prnuncaiton, prounciashun, pruncaishun, prnuncaitiom, pernunciaton, plonuncaition, pernuncaision, pornunciashun, pernuncaiton, plonunciaton, pronuncaition, pornunciasion, pornuncaishun, pernunciashun, plonuncaiton, pronunciaton, pornuncaision, pornunciashon, pernuncaishun, plonunciashun, pronuncaiton, pornuncaishon, pernunciashon, plonuncaishun, pronunciashun, pronunciasion, pernuncaishon, plonunciashon, pronuncaishun, pronuncaision, pornunciation, plonuncaishon, pronunciashon, plonunciasion, pornuncaition, pernunciation, pronuncaishon, plonuncaision, pornunciaton, pernuncaition, plonunciation, pernunciasion, pornuncaiton, pronunc1at1on, promunciation, pronunciatino, pronunciatoin, pronunciaiton, pronuncitaion, pronunication, pronucniation seaking, speaing, speaking, speakng, speakig, spiqueing, spiqueint, spakeignt, speekeynt, spiakint, spiqueiegng, spekeignt, spiakeynt, speakeyng, speakiegnt, speekeignt, speakeigng, spakeyng, spakiegnt, spiakeignt, spakeigng, spekeyng, spekiegnt, spiqueeignt, spekeigng, speekeyng, speekiegnt, speakiegng, speekeigng, spiakeyng, spiakiegnt, spakiegng, spiakeigng, speakeynt, spiqueiegnt, spekiegng, spiqueeigng, spakeynt, speekiegng, speakeignt, spekeynt, spiaking, spiakiegng, spekint, speekint, spaking, speking, speeking, speakint, spakint, peakng, peaking, peakig, peaing, peekeigng, pekeynt, piakiegnt, pakiegng, piakeigng, peekeynt, piqueiegnt, pekiegng, piqueeigng, piqueing, piakeynt, peakeyng.
One of the simple discoveries in the research is the importance of a believer investing time in the Bible. I know this to be true personally, and the research strongly shows that growing believers continually encounter the grace of God through His Word.